Published in Hippocampus on January 01, 2007
Medial temporal lobe activity predicts successful relational memory binding. J Neurosci (2008) 2.69
Recollection and familiarity: examining controversial assumptions and new directions. Hippocampus (2010) 1.86
Implicit perceptual anticipation triggered by statistical learning. J Neurosci (2010) 1.50
Evidence for area CA1 as a match/mismatch detector: a high-resolution fMRI study of the human hippocampus. Hippocampus (2011) 1.46
Distances between real-world locations are represented in the human hippocampus. J Neurosci (2011) 1.29
The hippocampus supports multiple cognitive processes through relational binding and comparison. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 1.26
Environmental novelty is associated with a selective increase in Fos expression in the output elements of the hippocampal formation and the perirhinal cortex. Learn Mem (2008) 1.17
Associative retrieval processes in the human medial temporal lobe: hippocampal retrieval success and CA1 mismatch detection. Learn Mem (2011) 1.15
Multi-voxel pattern analysis in human hippocampal subfields. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 1.12
Same or different? A neural circuit mechanism of similarity-based pattern match decision making. J Neurosci (2011) 1.09
Double dissociation between hippocampal and parahippocampal responses to object-background context and scene novelty. J Neurosci (2011) 1.08
Distinct memory signatures in the hippocampus: intentional States distinguish match and mismatch enhancement signals. J Neurosci (2009) 1.08
Greater working memory load results in greater medial temporal activity at retrieval. Cereb Cortex (2009) 1.04
Musical training induces functional plasticity in human hippocampus. J Neurosci (2010) 1.03
Memory's penumbra: episodic memory decisions induce lingering mnemonic biases. Science (2012) 0.98
A biologically plausible embodied model of action discovery. Front Neurorobot (2013) 0.97
Novelty or surprise? Front Psychol (2013) 0.93
Anterior hippocampus: the anatomy of perception, imagination and episodic memory. Nat Rev Neurosci (2016) 0.92
Functional division of hippocampal area CA1 via modulatory gating of entorhinal cortical inputs. Hippocampus (2011) 0.88
Stimulus similarity and encoding time influence incidental recognition memory in adult monkeys with selective hippocampal lesions. Learn Mem (2011) 0.86
Different structural correlates for verbal memory impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy with and without mesial temporal lobe sclerosis. Hum Brain Mapp (2011) 0.85
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex drives hippocampal theta oscillations induced by mismatch computations. Neuroimage (2015) 0.82
Human hippocampal increases in low-frequency power during associative prediction violations. Neuropsychologia (2013) 0.81
A Prefrontal-Hippocampal Comparator for Goal-Directed Behavior: The Intentional Self and Episodic Memory. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.80
Recognition of novel objects and their location in rats with selective cholinergic lesion of the medial septum. Neurosci Lett (2011) 0.79
Development of goal-directed action selection guided by intrinsic motivations: an experiment with children. Exp Brain Res (2014) 0.79
Dopamine-glutamate interplay in the ventral striatum modulates spatial learning in a receptor subtype-dependent manner. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 0.78
Dissociation between dorsal and ventral posterior parietal cortical responses to incidental changes in natural scenes. PLoS One (2013) 0.78
Prediction strength modulates responses in human area CA1 to sequence violations. J Neurophysiol (2015) 0.76
The neural correlates of correctly rejecting lures during memory retrieval: the role of item relatedness. Exp Brain Res (2015) 0.76
Long-term Potentiation at Temporoammonic Path-CA1 Synapses in Freely Moving Rats. Front Neural Circuits (2016) 0.75
Phase dependency of long-term potentiation induction during the intermittent bursts of carbachol-induced β oscillation in rat hippocampal slices. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) (2012) 0.75
Activity-dependent plasticity of mouse hippocampal assemblies in vitro. Front Neural Circuits (2015) 0.75
Intrinsic motivations and open-ended development in animals, humans, and robots: an overview. Front Psychol (2014) 0.75
Intrinsic motivations drive learning of eye movements: an experiment with human adults. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Neural Activity Patterns Underlying Spatial Coding in the Hippocampus. Curr Top Behav Neurosci (2016) 0.75
The human hippocampus and spatial and episodic memory. Neuron (2002) 6.09
Patients with hippocampal amnesia cannot imagine new experiences. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 5.15
Deconstructing episodic memory with construction. Trends Cogn Sci (2007) 3.95
What does the retrosplenial cortex do? Nat Rev Neurosci (2009) 3.60
The well-worn route and the path less traveled: distinct neural bases of route following and wayfinding in humans. Neuron (2003) 3.22
Using imagination to understand the neural basis of episodic memory. J Neurosci (2007) 2.96
Tracking the emergence of conceptual knowledge during human decision making. Neuron (2009) 2.81
An unexpected sequence of events: mismatch detection in the human hippocampus. PLoS Biol (2006) 2.63
Decoding individual episodic memory traces in the human hippocampus. Curr Biol (2010) 2.40
Thoughts, behaviour, and brain dynamics during navigation in the real world. Neuroimage (2006) 2.12
The construction system of the brain. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2009) 1.93
Decoding neuronal ensembles in the human hippocampus. Curr Biol (2009) 1.87
Detecting representations of recent and remote autobiographical memories in vmPFC and hippocampus. J Neurosci (2012) 1.69
Match mismatch processes underlie human hippocampal responses to associative novelty. J Neurosci (2007) 1.63
Acquiring "the Knowledge" of London's layout drives structural brain changes. Curr Biol (2011) 1.60
A new role for the parahippocampal cortex in representing space. J Neurosci (2011) 1.59
The human hippocampus: cognitive maps or relational memory? J Neurosci (2005) 1.51
Neural substrates of driving behaviour. Neuroimage (2007) 1.50
Cortical midline involvement in autobiographical memory. Neuroimage (2008) 1.45
Novelty signals: a window into hippocampal information processing. Trends Cogn Sci (2009) 1.43
Attenuated boundary extension produces a paradoxical memory advantage in amnesic patients. Curr Biol (2012) 1.37
The dynamics of hippocampal activation during encoding of overlapping sequences. Neuron (2006) 1.31
Retrosplenial cortex codes for permanent landmarks. PLoS One (2012) 1.29
A navigational guidance system in the human brain. Hippocampus (2007) 1.29
Decoding human brain activity during real-world experiences. Trends Cogn Sci (2007) 1.23
Spontaneous mentalizing during an interactive real world task: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia (2006) 1.23
Differential engagement of brain regions within a 'core' network during scene construction. Neuropsychologia (2010) 1.18
Decoding representations of scenes in the medial temporal lobes. Hippocampus (2011) 1.16
Multi-voxel pattern analysis in human hippocampal subfields. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 1.12
Role of the hippocampus in imagination and future thinking. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.09
The dynamic nature of cognition during wayfinding. J Environ Psychol (2008) 1.08
Decoding information in the human hippocampus: a user's guide. Neuropsychologia (2012) 1.03
The effect of hippocampal damage in children on recalling the past and imagining new experiences. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.02
Decoding overlapping memories in the medial temporal lobes using high-resolution fMRI. Learn Mem (2011) 1.01
Scene construction in amnesia: an FMRI study. J Neurosci (2012) 1.01
Navigational expertise may compromise anterograde associative memory. Neuropsychologia (2009) 1.00
Patient HC with developmental amnesia can construct future scenarios. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.00
Talent in the taxi: a model system for exploring expertise. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2009) 1.00
Impaired spatial and non-spatial configural learning in patients with hippocampal pathology. Neuropsychologia (2007) 0.98
Neurodevelopmental aspects of spatial navigation: a virtual reality fMRI study. Neuroimage (2002) 0.96
The hippocampus extrapolates beyond the view in scenes: an fMRI study of boundary extension. Cortex (2012) 0.94
Assessing hippocampal functional reserve in temporal lobe epilepsy: a multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data. Epilepsy Res (2013) 0.91
Representations of recent and remote autobiographical memories in hippocampal subfields. Hippocampus (2013) 0.89
Exploring the parahippocampal cortex response to high and low spatial frequency spaces. Neuroreport (2012) 0.89
Assessing the mechanism of response in the retrosplenial cortex of good and poor navigators. Cortex (2013) 0.87
Counterfactual thinking in patients with amnesia. Hippocampus (2014) 0.80
The effect of navigational expertise on wayfinding in new environments. J Environ Psychol (2010) 0.78
Non-spatial expertise and hippocampal gray matter volume in humans. Hippocampus (2008) 0.77
A 'landmark' study on the neural basis of navigation. Nat Neurosci (2004) 0.75
Exploring the role of space-defining objects in constructing and maintaining imagined scenes. Brain Cogn (2013) 0.75
Exploring anterograde associative memory in London taxi drivers. Neuroreport (2012) 0.75