Published in Psychiatr Serv on July 01, 2007
Best practice in maternity and mental health services? A service user's perspective. Schizophr Bull (2012) 0.81
Intervention to prevent child custody loss in mothers with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res Treatment (2011) 0.78
The attitudes of mental health professionals towards patients' desire for children. BMC Med Ethics (2014) 0.75
The drug abuse screening test. Addict Behav (1982) 9.55
The Michigan alcoholism screening test: the quest for a new diagnostic instrument. Am J Psychiatry (1971) 9.16
Children of depressed parents: an integrative review. Psychol Bull (1990) 6.51
Use of leverage to improve adherence to psychiatric treatment in the community. Psychiatr Serv (2005) 2.62
Insight in schizophrenia. Its relationship to acute psychopathology. J Nerv Ment Dis (1989) 2.13
Anchoring the BPRS: an aid to improved reliability. Psychopharmacol Bull (1988) 1.88
Parents with serious and persistent mental illness: issues in assessment and services. Soc Work (2003) 1.65
Family planning needs of female chronic psychiatric outpatients. Am J Psychiatry (1989) 1.47
Mothers with mental illness: I. The competing demands of parenting and living with mental illness. Psychiatr Serv (1998) 1.43
Grandparents, parents, and grandchildren at high risk for depression: a three-generation study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (1999) 1.30
Sexuality, pregnancy, and childrearing among women with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Psychiatr Serv (1996) 1.25
Parenting among mothers with a serious mental illness. Am J Orthopsychiatry (2000) 1.18
Depressed mothers coming to primary care: maternal reports of problems with their children. J Affect Disord (2004) 1.12
A decade of research and services for homeless mentally ill persons. Where do we stand? Am Psychol (1991) 1.04
Mothers with mental illness: II. Family relationships and the context of parenting. Psychiatr Serv (1998) 0.96
Evaluating the parental fitness of psychiatrically diagnosed individuals: advocating a functional-contextual analysis of parenting. J Fam Psychol (2003) 0.94
A survey of contact with offspring and assistance with child care among parents with psychotic disorders. Psychiatr Serv (1999) 0.88
Maternal custody status and living arrangements of children of women with severe mental illness. Health Soc Work (2004) 0.87
A prospective study of memory for child sexual abuse: new findings relevant to the repressed-memory controversy. Psychol Sci (2003) 4.65
Use of leverage to improve adherence to psychiatric treatment in the community. Psychiatr Serv (2005) 2.62
Police-induced confessions: risk factors and recommendations. Law Hum Behav (2009) 2.41
Childhood sexual assault victims: long-term outcomes after testifying in criminal court. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev (2005) 1.58
Hearsay versus children's testimony: Effects of truthful and deceptive statements on jurors' decisions. Law Hum Behav (2006) 1.08
Traumatic impact predicts long-term memory for documented child sexual abuse. Psychol Sci (2005) 0.97
The relationship between mandated community treatment and perceived barriers to care in persons with severe mental illness. Int J Law Psychiatry (2006) 0.86
From referral to disposition: case processing in seven mental health courts. Behav Sci Law (2005) 0.85
Police-induced confessions, risk factors, and recommendations: looking ahead. Law Hum Behav (2010) 0.83
What can subjective forgetting tell us about memory for childhood trauma? Mem Cognit (2006) 0.82
The stress response in anorexia nervosa. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev (2003) 0.77
Pathways to dissociation: intrafamilial versus extrafamilial trauma in juvenile delinquents. J Nerv Ment Dis (2003) 0.76
Individual differences in emotional memory: adult attachment and long-term memory for child sexual abuse. Pers Soc Psychol Bull (2005) 0.76