Brian Custer

Author PubWeight™ 53.97‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Ten-year incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi-seropositive former blood donors. Circulation 2013 3.84
2 Tregs control the development of symptomatic West Nile virus infection in humans and mice. J Clin Invest 2009 2.18
3 Defining "adequate" pathogen reduction performance for transfused blood components. Transfusion 2010 2.06
4 Elevations in IL-10, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma from the earliest point of HIV Type 1 infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2006 1.83
5 West Nile virus infections projected from blood donor screening data, United States, 2003. Emerg Infect Dis 2006 1.76
6 Faint and prefaint reactions in whole-blood donors: an analysis of predonation measurements and their predictive value. Transfusion 2008 1.70
7 Demographic profile of blood donors at three major Brazilian blood centers: results from the International REDS-II study, 2007 to 2008. Transfusion 2009 1.68
8 Delayed adverse reactions to blood donation. Transfusion 2009 1.67
9 Acquisition of GB virus type C and lower mortality in patients with advanced HIV disease. Clin Infect Dis 2012 1.59
10 Duration of red blood cell storage and survival of transfused patients (CME). Transfusion 2010 1.53
11 Temporal distribution of blood donations in three Brazilian blood centers and its repercussion on the blood supply. Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter 2013 1.49
12 Demographic correlates of low hemoglobin deferral among prospective whole blood donors. Transfusion 2010 1.44
13 Human immunodeficiency virus prevalence, incidence, and residual risk of transmission by transfusions at Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study-II blood centers in Brazil. Transfusion 2011 1.42
14 Neuroinvasive disease and West Nile virus infection, North Dakota, USA, 1999-2008. Emerg Infect Dis 2012 1.35
15 Loss of T cell responses following long-term cryopreservation. J Immunol Methods 2007 1.23
16 Enhanced classification of Chagas serologic results and epidemiologic characteristics of seropositive donors at three large blood centers in Brazil. Transfusion 2010 1.22
17 Vasovagal reactions in whole blood donors at three REDS-II blood centers in Brazil. Transfusion 2011 1.22
18 Increased all-cause, liver, and cardiac mortality among hepatitis C virus-seropositive blood donors. Am J Epidemiol 2008 1.16
19 Human immunodeficiency virus test-seeking blood donors in a large blood bank in São Paulo, Brazil. Transfusion 2010 1.06
20 Number of recent sexual partners among blood donors in Brazil: associations with donor demographics, donation characteristics, and infectious disease markers. Transfusion 2011 1.03
21 Persistence of West Nile virus-specific antibodies in viremic blood donors. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2007 1.00
22 Interventions to reduce the vasovagal reaction rate in young whole blood donors. Transfusion 2011 0.99
23 Risk for malaria in United States donors deferred for travel to malaria-endemic areas. Transfusion 2009 0.98
24 Association between HLA class I and class II alleles and the outcome of West Nile virus infection: an exploratory study. PLoS One 2011 0.98
25 Analysis of donor deferral at three blood centers in Brazil. Transfusion 2012 0.96
26 Interdonation intervals and patterns of return among blood donors in Brazil. Transfusion 2011 0.95
27 Methodological Guidelines for Reducing the Complexity of Data Warehouse Development for Transactional Blood Bank Systems. Decis Support Syst 2013 0.88
28 Blood transfusion utilization and recipient survival at Hospital das Clinicas in São Paulo, Brazil. Transfusion 2012 0.88
29 Male microchimerism in peripheral blood leukocytes from women with multiple sclerosis. Chimerism 2011 0.86
30 Undisclosed human immunodeficiency virus risk factors identified through a computer-based questionnaire program among blood donors in Brazil. Transfusion 2013 0.83
31 Cost-effectiveness of screening the US blood supply for Trypanosoma cruzi. Transfusion 2010 0.83
32 Deconstructing the risk for malaria in United States donors deferred for travel to Mexico. Transfusion 2011 0.83
33 Historical clinical and economic consequences of anemia management in patients with end-stage renal disease on dialysis using erythropoietin stimulating agents versus routine blood transfusions: a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis. J Med Econ 2011 0.82
34 Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus RNA and antibody in first-time, lapsed, and repeat blood donations across five international regions and relative efficacy of alternative screening scenarios. Transfusion 2013 0.82
35 Two-year experience with aerobic culturing of apheresis and whole blood-derived platelets. Transfusion 2006 0.82
36 Motivation and social capital among prospective blood donors in three large blood centers in Brazil. Transfusion 2012 0.82
37 Water administration and the risk of syncope and presyncope during blood donation: a randomized clinical trial. Transfusion 2012 0.81
38 Costs, consequences, and cost-effectiveness of strategies for Babesia microti donor screening of the US blood supply. Transfusion 2014 0.80
39 Risk assessment and cost-effectiveness/utility analysis. Biologicals 2009 0.80
40 Modeling red cell procurement with both double-red-cell and whole-blood collection and the impact of European travel deferral on units available for transfusion. Transfusion 2007 0.79
41 If the permanent deferral were lifted would men who have sex with men want to donate blood, and if so, who would be eligible? Transfusion 2013 0.79
42 The impact of policies to restrict the use of plasma containing products and apheresis platelets from female donors to mitigate transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) in Brazil. Transfus Apher Sci 2012 0.78
43 Risk perception and its role in attitudes toward blood transfusion: a qualitative systematic review. Transfus Med Rev 2013 0.78
44 Response to letters regarding article, "Ten-year incidence of Chagas cardiomyopathy among asymptomatic, Trypanosoma cruzi-seropositive former blood donors". Circulation 2013 0.77
45 Modeling the risk of an emerging pathogen entering the Canadian blood supply. Transfusion 2010 0.76
46 Correlation of West Nile Virus Incidence in Donated Blood with West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease Rates, United States, 2010-2012. Emerg Infect Dis 2017 0.75
47 Strategies for testing blood donors for West Nile virus. Transfusion 2006 0.75
48 Safety and donor acceptance of an abbreviated donor history questionnaire. Transfusion 2006 0.75
49 The cost of blood: did you pay too much or did you get a good deal? Transfusion 2010 0.75
50 Bacterial detection in apheresis platelets: blood systems experience with a two-bottle and one-bottle culture system. Transfusion 2008 0.75