Published in Patient Educ Couns on November 07, 2007
Social disparities in internet patient portal use in diabetes: evidence that the digital divide extends beyond access. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2011) 3.07
The literacy divide: health literacy and the use of an internet-based patient portal in an integrated health system-results from the diabetes study of northern California (DISTANCE). J Health Commun (2010) 2.97
Validation of self-reported health literacy questions among diverse English and Spanish-speaking populations. J Gen Intern Med (2010) 2.16
Effects of self-management support on structure, process, and outcomes among vulnerable patients with diabetes: a three-arm practical clinical trial. Diabetes Care (2009) 2.02
Hypoglycemia is more common among type 2 diabetes patients with limited health literacy: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). J Gen Intern Med (2010) 1.61
Diabetic patients' medication underuse, illness outcomes, and beliefs about antihyperglycemic and antihypertensive treatments. Diabetes Care (2008) 1.57
Depression and diabetes among low-income Hispanics: design elements of a socioculturally adapted collaborative care model randomized controlled trial. Int J Psychiatry Med (2009) 1.27
Goal setting in diabetes self-management: taking the baby steps to success. Patient Educ Couns (2009) 1.23
Quasi-experimental trial of diabetes Self-Management Automated and Real-Time Telephonic Support (SMARTSteps) in a Medicaid managed care plan: study protocol. BMC Health Serv Res (2012) 1.21
The impact of social support on outcomes in adult patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. Curr Diab Rep (2012) 1.20
Bridging the digital divide in diabetes: family support and implications for health literacy. Diabetes Technol Ther (2011) 1.14
Health literacy and communication quality in health care organizations. J Health Commun (2010) 1.08
A review of health literacy and diabetes: opportunities for technology. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2009) 1.01
Patient-provider communication and trust in relation to use of an online patient portal among diabetes patients: The Diabetes and Aging Study. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2013) 1.00
Health literacy and the disenfranchised: the importance of collaboration between limited English proficiency and health literacy researchers. J Health Commun (2012) 0.99
Spanish-speaking patients' engagement in interactive voice response (IVR) support calls for chronic disease self-management: data from three countries. J Telemed Telecare (2013) 0.95
Closing the gap: eliminating health care disparities among Latinos with diabetes using health information technology tools and patient navigators. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2012) 0.92
Health literacy and control in the medical encounter: a mixed-methods analysis. J Natl Med Assoc (2009) 0.90
Chronic disease self-management and health literacy in four ethnic groups. J Health Commun (2012) 0.89
Health communication, self-care, and treatment satisfaction among low-income diabetes patients in a public health setting. Patient Educ Couns (2014) 0.88
Social determinants of type 2 diabetes and health in the United States. World J Diabetes (2014) 0.85
Health literacy, physician trust, and diabetes-related self-care activities in Hispanics with limited resources. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2013) 0.84
Update on health literacy and diabetes. Diabetes Educ (2014) 0.82
Diabetes health information technology innovation to improve quality of life for health plan members in urban safety net. J Ambul Care Manage (2014) 0.81
Primary care patient and provider preferences for diabetes care managers. Patient Prefer Adherence (2010) 0.81
Impact of health literacy, accessibility and coordination of care on patient's satisfaction with primary care in Germany. BMC Fam Pract (2015) 0.81
A diabetes self-management program designed for urban American Indians. Prev Chronic Dis (2009) 0.80
Primary care provider perceptions of the effectiveness of two self-management support programs for vulnerable patients with diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2012) 0.80
The impact of health literacy, patient-centered communication and shared decision-making on patients' satisfaction with care received in German primary care practices. BMC Health Serv Res (2016) 0.80
Using Teach-Back to Understand Participant Behavioral Self-Monitoring Skills Across Health Literacy Level and Behavioral Condition. J Nutr Educ Behav (2015) 0.77
Health Literacy, Education Levels, and Patient Portal Usage During Hospitalizations. AMIA Annu Symp Proc (2015) 0.77
Tailored support for type 2 diabetes patients with an acute coronary event after discharge from hospital - design and development of a randomised controlled trial. Diabetol Metab Syndr (2014) 0.76
Numbers don't lie, but do they tell the whole story? Diabetes Care (2009) 0.75
The impact of health literacy on rural adults' satisfaction with a multi-component intervention to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake. Health Educ Res (2016) 0.75
Factors influencing attendance at structured self-management education programs for diabetes. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res (2012) 0.75
Designing a Text Messaging Intervention to Improve Physical Activity Behavior Among Low-Income Latino Patients With Diabetes: A Discrete-Choice Experiment, Los Angeles, 2014-2015. Prev Chronic Dis (2016) 0.75
Technology-Intensified Diabetes Education Study (TIDES) in African Americans with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials (2014) 0.75
Health Literacy and Weight Change in a Digital Health Intervention for Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Primary Care Practice. J Health Commun (2016) 0.75
Perceptions of Provider Communication Among Vulnerable Patients With Diabetes: Influences of Medical Mistrust and Health Literacy. J Health Commun (2016) 0.75
Family Engagement in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Visits. Health Commun (2016) 0.75
Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey. JAMA (1998) 35.46
The test of functional health literacy in adults: a new instrument for measuring patients' literacy skills. J Gen Intern Med (1995) 15.10
Development of a brief test to measure functional health literacy. Patient Educ Couns (1999) 13.67
Effectiveness of self-management training in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Care (2001) 10.79
Brief questions to identify patients with inadequate health literacy. Fam Med (2004) 9.66
Self-management education: history, definition, outcomes, and mechanisms. Ann Behav Med (2003) 9.57
Chronic disease self-management program: 2-year health status and health care utilization outcomes. Med Care (2001) 8.95
The global burden of chronic diseases: overcoming impediments to prevention and control. JAMA (2004) 8.25
Meta-analysis: chronic disease self-management programs for older adults. Ann Intern Med (2005) 7.73
The prevalence of limited health literacy. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 7.46
Nurse case management to improve glycemic control in diabetic patients in a health maintenance organization. A randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med (1998) 7.26
Communication patterns of primary care physicians. JAMA (1997) 6.88
Patient race/ethnicity and quality of patient-physician communication during medical visits. Am J Public Health (2004) 5.79
Are Latinos less satisfied with communication by health care providers? J Gen Intern Med (1999) 5.26
A meta-analysis of interventions to improve care for chronic illnesses. Am J Manag Care (2005) 5.10
Telephone coverage and health survey estimates: evaluating the need for concern about wireless substitution. Am J Public Health (2006) 5.03
Access to health information and support: a public highway or a private road? JAMA (1998) 4.86
The relative importance of physician communication, participatory decision making, and patient understanding in diabetes self-management. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 4.79
The diabetes network internet-based physical activity intervention: a randomized pilot study. Diabetes Care (2001) 4.19
Patient-physician relationships and racial disparities in the quality of health care. Am J Public Health (2003) 4.04
Electronic technology: a spark to revitalize primary care? JAMA (2003) 4.03
Functional health literacy and the quality of physician-patient communication among diabetes patients. Patient Educ Couns (2004) 3.60
Physician language ability and cultural competence. An exploratory study of communication with Spanish-speaking patients. J Gen Intern Med (2004) 3.46
Interpersonal processes of care in diverse populations. Milbank Q (1999) 3.40
The impact of health information on the internet on the physician-patient relationship: patient perceptions. Arch Intern Med (2003) 3.35
Is self-efficacy associated with diabetes self-management across race/ethnicity and health literacy? Diabetes Care (2006) 3.22
Impact of automated calls with nurse follow-up on diabetes treatment outcomes in a Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care (2001) 3.09
A systematic review of telemedicine interventions to support blood glucose self-monitoring in diabetes. Diabet Med (2005) 3.08
Columbia University's Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) Project: rationale and design. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2001) 3.06
A randomized trial comparing telemedicine case management with usual care in older, ethnically diverse, medically underserved patients with diabetes mellitus. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2005) 3.01
Effect of awareness of language law on language access in the health care setting. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 2.82
The Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study: a multicenter study of diabetes in managed care. Diabetes Care (2002) 2.72
Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults and changes in prevalence of current and some day smoking--United States, 1996-2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (2003) 2.60
Patient self-management: a key to effectiveness and efficiency in care of chronic disease. Public Health Rep (2004) 2.55
Diabetes management in a health maintenance organization. Efficacy of care management using cluster visits. Diabetes Care (1999) 2.52
Group visits improve metabolic control in type 2 diabetes: a 2-year follow-up. Diabetes Care (2001) 2.45
A nurse-coordinated intervention for primary care patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: impact on glycemic control and health-related quality of life. J Gen Intern Med (1995) 2.44
The effect of automated calls with telephone nurse follow-up on patient-centered outcomes of diabetes care: a randomized, controlled trial. Med Care (2000) 2.42
Delving below the surface. Understanding how race and ethnicity influence relationships in health care. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 2.42
Does literacy mediate the relationship between education and health outcomes? A study of a low-income population with diabetes. Public Health Rep (2006) 2.30
Ecological approaches to self-management: the case of diabetes. Am J Public Health (2005) 2.23
Association of health literacy with self-management behavior in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care (2004) 2.01
How patients adapt diabetes self-care recommendations in everyday life. J Fam Pract (1998) 1.98
Reaching those most in need: a review of diabetes self-management interventions in disadvantaged populations. Diabetes Metab Res Rev (2002) 1.89
Interactive behavior change technology. A partial solution to the competing demands of primary care. Am J Prev Med (2004) 1.84
How well do patients' assessments of their diabetes self-management correlate with actual glycemic control and receipt of recommended diabetes services? Diabetes Care (2003) 1.81
Interactive voice response systems in the diagnosis and management of chronic disease. Am J Manag Care (2000) 1.75
Contrasting patient and practitioner perspectives in type 2 diabetes management. West J Nurs Res (1998) 1.74
Seeing in 3-D: examining the reach of diabetes self-management support strategies in a public health care system. Health Educ Behav (2007) 1.56
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Task Force to Review and Revise the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs. Diabetes Care (2000) 1.51
Randomized effectiveness trial of a computer-assisted intervention to improve diabetes care. Diabetes Care (2005) 1.48
Organizational factors affecting the adoption of diabetes care management processes in physician organizations. Diabetes Care (2004) 1.46
Outcomes of border health Spanish/English chronic disease self-management programs. Diabetes Educ (2005) 1.37
An observational study of veterans with diabetes receiving weekly or daily home telehealth monitoring. J Telemed Telecare (2005) 1.36
Appropriate antibiotic use: variation in knowledge and awareness by Hispanic ethnicity and language. Prev Med (2005) 1.23
Use of automated telephone disease management calls in an ethnically diverse sample of low-income patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care (1999) 1.21
Current perspectives on patient education in the US. Patient Educ Couns (2001) 1.21
Evaluating group visits in an uninsured or inadequately insured patient population with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educ (2003) 1.14
Quality of life assessment for low literacy Latinos: a new multimedia program for self-administration. J Oncol Manag (2003) 1.14
Improving quality in Medicaid: the use of care management processes for chronic illness and preventive care. Med Care (2006) 1.12
Patient education via automated calls: a study of English and Spanish speakers with diabetes. Am J Prev Med (1999) 1.10
Still no magic bullets: pursuing more rigorous research in quality improvement. Am J Med (2004) 1.07
Health information technology and quality improvement for community health centers. Health Aff (Millwood) (2006) 1.06
Group visits for Hmong adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a pre-post analysis. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2005) 0.97
Differential resource utilization benefits with Internet-based care coordination in elderly veterans with chronic diseases associated with high resource utilization. Telemed J E Health (2006) 0.86
Current and future directions in Medi-Cal chronic disease care management: a view from the top. Am J Manag Care (2007) 0.86
Acceptability of a bilingual interactive computerized educational module in a poor, medically underserved patient population. J Health Commun (2007) 0.79
Trends and characteristics of US emergency department visits, 1997-2007. JAMA (2010) 7.08
Diabetes care quality in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System and commercial managed care: the TRIAD study. Ann Intern Med (2004) 6.77
Trends in opioid prescribing by race/ethnicity for patients seeking care in US emergency departments. JAMA (2008) 5.30
Diabetes control with reciprocal peer support versus nurse care management: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med (2010) 5.18
Public expectations and attitudes for annual physical examinations and testing. Ann Intern Med (2002) 4.41
Predictors of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in adult primary care. JAMA (2003) 4.26
Changing use of antibiotics in community-based outpatient practice, 1991-1999. Ann Intern Med (2003) 4.08
The health effects of restricting prescription medication use because of cost. Med Care (2004) 3.65
Limited literacy and mortality in the elderly: the health, aging, and body composition study. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 3.51
National trends in ambulatory visits and antibiotic prescribing for skin and soft-tissue infections. Arch Intern Med (2008) 3.46
Physician language ability and cultural competence. An exploratory study of communication with Spanish-speaking patients. J Gen Intern Med (2004) 3.46
The Single Item Literacy Screener: evaluation of a brief instrument to identify limited reading ability. BMC Fam Pract (2006) 3.23
Is self-efficacy associated with diabetes self-management across race/ethnicity and health literacy? Diabetes Care (2006) 3.22
Recommendations for intrauterine contraception: a randomized trial of the effects of patients' race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2010) 3.18
The relationship between knowledge of recent HbA1c values and diabetes care understanding and self-management. Diabetes Care (2005) 3.11
Social disparities in internet patient portal use in diabetes: evidence that the digital divide extends beyond access. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2011) 3.07
The literacy divide: health literacy and the use of an internet-based patient portal in an integrated health system-results from the diabetes study of northern California (DISTANCE). J Health Commun (2010) 2.97
Beyond comorbidity counts: how do comorbidity type and severity influence diabetes patients' treatment priorities and self-management? J Gen Intern Med (2007) 2.94
Interventions to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescribing: a systematic review and quantitative analysis. Med Care (2008) 2.86
Health insurance status, cost-related medication underuse, and outcomes among diabetes patients in three systems of care. Med Care (2004) 2.83
Fluoroquinolone prescribing in the United States: 1995 to 2002. Am J Med (2005) 2.83
Randomized trial of a daily electronic home monitoring system in patients with advanced heart failure: the Weight Monitoring in Heart Failure (WHARF) trial. Am Heart J (2003) 2.61
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2008) 2.60
Cohort Profile: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)--objectives and design of a survey follow-up study of social health disparities in a managed care population. Int J Epidemiol (2008) 2.59
Behavior-change action plans in primary care: a feasibility study of clinicians. J Am Board Fam Med (2006) 2.51
Spanish diabetes self-management with and without automated telephone reinforcement: two randomized trials. Diabetes Care (2007) 2.50
The effect of chronic pain on diabetes patients' self-management. Diabetes Care (2005) 2.48
Use of a modified informed consent process among vulnerable patients: a descriptive study. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 2.46
How health care systems can begin to address the challenge of limited literacy. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 2.46
Communication and medication refill adherence: the Diabetes Study of Northern California. JAMA Intern Med (2013) 2.44
An online community improves adherence in an internet-mediated walking program. Part 1: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res (2010) 2.43
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2009) 2.36
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2012) 2.36
Physician notification of their diabetes patients' limited health literacy. A randomized, controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 2.31
Obesity-associated hypoventilation in hospitalized patients: prevalence, effects, and outcome. Am J Med (2004) 2.29
Shared decision making and the experience of partnership in primary care. Ann Fam Med (2006) 2.25
A randomized trial of computer kiosk-expedited management of cystitis in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med (2011) 2.22
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2007) 2.21
Elevated rates of diabetes in Pacific Islanders and Asian subgroups: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). Diabetes Care (2012) 2.20
Validation of self-reported health literacy questions among diverse English and Spanish-speaking populations. J Gen Intern Med (2010) 2.16
Public beliefs on antibiotics and respiratory tract infections: an internet-based questionnaire study. Br J Gen Pract (2007) 2.12
Dimensions of patient-provider communication and diabetes self-care in an ethnically diverse population. J Gen Intern Med (2003) 2.06
Hospitalizations and deaths among adults with cardiovascular disease who underuse medications because of cost: a longitudinal analysis. Med Care (2010) 2.05
Risk perception for diabetes among women with histories of gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care (2007) 2.02
Health literacy and anticoagulation-related outcomes among patients taking warfarin. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 1.96
National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2010) 1.96
Hunger and socioeconomic disparities in chronic disease. N Engl J Med (2010) 1.92
Babel babble: physicians' use of unclarified medical jargon with patients. Am J Health Behav (2007) 1.92
Interactive behavior change technology. A partial solution to the competing demands of primary care. Am J Prev Med (2004) 1.84
Prescription of teratogenic medications in United States ambulatory practices. Am J Med (2005) 1.79
Blood pressure and stroke risk among diabetic patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013) 1.79
Factors associated with longer ED lengths of stay. Am J Emerg Med (2007) 1.78
Identification of limited English proficient patients in clinical care. J Gen Intern Med (2008) 1.75
Interactive behavior change technology to support diabetes self-management: where do we stand? Diabetes Care (2007) 1.73
Does this coughing adolescent or adult patient have pertussis? JAMA (2010) 1.73
Interventions to improve patient comprehension in informed consent for medical and surgical procedures: a systematic review. Med Decis Making (2010) 1.72
Misunderstanding prescription labels: the genie is out of the bottle. Ann Intern Med (2006) 1.71
National standards for diabetes self-management education and support. Diabetes Care (2013) 1.70
National standards for diabetes self-management education and support. Diabetes Care (2014) 1.70
Using focus groups to inform the Neuro-QOL measurement tool: exploring patient-centered, health-related quality of life concepts across neurological conditions. J Neurosci Nurs (2007) 1.70
Integrating physical activity into mental health services for persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatr Serv (2005) 1.69
Service implications of providing intensive monitoring during high-risk periods for suicide among VA patients with depression. Psychiatr Serv (2009) 1.68
Performance characteristics of clinical diagnosis, a clinical decision rule, and a rapid influenza test in the detection of influenza infection in a community sample of adults. Ann Emerg Med (2005) 1.67
A randomized trial comparing structured and lifestyle goals in an internet-mediated walking program for people with type 2 diabetes. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2007) 1.65
Social context of work injury among undocumented day laborers in San Francisco. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.65
Language barriers, physician-patient language concordance, and glycemic control among insured Latinos with diabetes: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). J Gen Intern Med (2010) 1.65
Using action plans to help primary care patients adopt healthy behaviors: a descriptive study. J Am Board Fam Med (2006) 1.64
Relationship between literacy, knowledge, self-care behaviors, and heart failure-related quality of life among patients with heart failure. J Gen Intern Med (2011) 1.64
Efficacy of peer support interventions for depression: a meta-analysis. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2010) 1.63
An advance directive redesigned to meet the literacy level of most adults: a randomized trial. Patient Educ Couns (2007) 1.63
Unraveling the relationship between literacy, language proficiency, and patient-physician communication. Patient Educ Couns (2009) 1.61
Hypoglycemia is more common among type 2 diabetes patients with limited health literacy: the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). J Gen Intern Med (2010) 1.61
National Standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care (2011) 1.60
"I help you, and you help me": facilitated telephone peer support among patients with diabetes. Diabetes Educ (2005) 1.59
National standards for diabetes self-management education and support. Diabetes Care (2012) 1.59
Diabetic patients' medication underuse, illness outcomes, and beliefs about antihyperglycemic and antihypertensive treatments. Diabetes Care (2008) 1.57
Measuring health literacy: a pilot study of a new skills-based instrument. J Health Commun (2010) 1.56
A clinical framework for improving the advance care planning process: start with patients' self-identified barriers. J Am Geriatr Soc (2009) 1.54
Depression increases diabetes symptoms by complicating patients' self-care adherence. Diabetes Educ (2004) 1.54
Validation of prognostic models among patients with advanced heart failure. J Card Fail (2006) 1.53
Engagement in multiple steps of the advance care planning process: a descriptive study of diverse older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2008) 1.52
Facilitating behavior change with low-literacy patient education materials. Am J Health Behav (2007) 1.52
Randomized controlled effectiveness trial of reciprocal peer support in heart failure. Circ Heart Fail (2013) 1.51
Quasi-experimental designs in practice-based research settings: design and implementation considerations. J Am Board Fam Med (2011) 1.51
Family influences on self-management among functionally independent adults with diabetes or heart failure: do family members hinder as much as they help? Chronic Illn (2010) 1.50
Health care discrimination, processes of care, and diabetes patients' health status. Patient Educ Couns (2005) 1.50
Correlates of quality of life in older adults with diabetes: the diabetes & aging study. Diabetes Care (2011) 1.49
A single-item self-report medication adherence question predicts hospitalisation and death in patients with heart failure. J Clin Nurs (2013) 1.48
Higher-risk periods for suicide among VA patients receiving depression treatment: prioritizing suicide prevention efforts. J Affect Disord (2008) 1.48
Chronic disease management for patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterology (2010) 1.47
Food insecurity is associated with hypoglycemia and poor diabetes self-management in a low-income sample with diabetes. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2010) 1.46
Recent trends in cost-related medication nonadherence among stroke survivors in the United States. Ann Neurol (2013) 1.46
Use of the refill function through an online patient portal is associated with improved adherence to statins in an integrated health system. Med Care (2014) 1.44
Burden of cirrhosis on older Americans and their families: analysis of the health and retirement study. Hepatology (2012) 1.44
Clinical problem-solving. Nothing to cough at--a 73-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of nonproductive cough that worsened at night. N Engl J Med (2007) 1.43
The profitability of Medicare admissions based on source of admission. Acad Emerg Med (2008) 1.43
Impact of patient financial incentives on participation and outcomes in a statin pill-splitting program. Am J Manag Care (2007) 1.42
Transforming the endocrine consult: asynchronous provider consultations. Endocr Pract (2015) 1.41
The impact of family behaviors and communication patterns on chronic illness outcomes: a systematic review. J Behav Med (2011) 1.40