Published in Rev Panam Salud Publica on October 01, 2007
Estimating average inpatient and outpatient costs and childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea treatment costs in an urban health centre in Zambia. Cost Eff Resour Alloc (2009) 1.06
Administration of a probiotic associated with nasal vaccination with inactivated Lactococcus lactis-PppA induces effective protection against pneumoccocal infection in young mice. Clin Exp Immunol (2009) 0.87
Cost of management of severe pneumonia in young children: systematic analysis. J Glob Health (2016) 0.84
Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19A in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 1990-2010. BMC Infect Dis (2012) 0.80
Modeling and forecasting of the under-five mortality rate in Kermanshah province in Iran: a time series analysis. Epidemiol Health (2015) 0.79