Published in Cah Sociol Demogr Med on February 06, 2008
The effects of nursing turnover on continuity of care in isolated First Nation communities. Can J Nurs Res (2005) 0.95
Addressing the realities [correction of realties] of health care in northern aboriginal communities through participatory action research. J Interprof Care (2004) 0.82
Caller characteristics, call contents, and types of assistance provided by caller sex and age group in a Canadian Inuit crisis line in Nunavut, 1991-2001. Suicide Life Threat Behav (2012) 0.78
Realizing potential: improving interdisciplinary professional/paraprofessional health care teams in Canada's northern aboriginal communities through education. J Interprof Care (2002) 0.78
Finding temporary relief: strategy for nursing recruitment in northern aboriginal communities. Can J Nurs Res (2004) 0.77
How clients choices influence cancer care in northern Aboriginal communities. Int J Circumpolar Health (2004) 0.76