Eus J W Van Someren

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Bright light treatment in elderly patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2011 2.45
2 Effect of bright light and melatonin on cognitive and noncognitive function in elderly residents of group care facilities: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2008 2.07
3 Fragmentation and stability of circadian activity rhythms predict mortality: the Rotterdam study. Am J Epidemiol 2014 2.05
4 Sleep benefits subsequent hippocampal functioning. Nat Neurosci 2009 2.05
5 Reduction of scale invariance of activity fluctuations with aging and Alzheimer's disease: Involvement of the circadian pacemaker. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 1.59
6 Reduced orbitofrontal and parietal gray matter in chronic insomnia: a voxel-based morphometric study. Biol Psychiatry 2010 1.58
7 Age-associated difference in circadian sleep-wake and rest-activity rhythms. Physiol Behav 2002 1.53
8 Evaluation of wireless determination of skin temperature using iButtons. Physiol Behav 2006 1.44
9 Skin deep: enhanced sleep depth by cutaneous temperature manipulation. Brain 2008 1.34
10 Effect of melatonin on sleep, behavior, and cognition in ADHD and chronic sleep-onset insomnia. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2007 1.29
11 Prefrontal hypoactivation and recovery in insomnia. Sleep 2008 1.28
12 Sleep loss affects vigilance: effects of chronic insomnia and sleep therapy. J Sleep Res 2008 1.27
13 The role of environmental light in sleep and health: effects of ocular aging and cataract surgery. Sleep Med Rev 2010 1.22
14 Melatonin and bright-light treatment for rest-activity disruption in institutionalized patients with Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007 1.22
15 Sleep, cognition, and behavioral problems in school-age children: a century of research meta-analyzed. Psychol Bull 2012 1.21
16 Strong association of the rest-activity rhythm with well-being in demented elderly women. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007 1.21
17 Beauty sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep deprived people. BMJ 2010 1.15
18 Effect of morning bright light treatment for rest-activity disruption in institutionalized patients with severe Alzheimer's disease. Int Psychogeriatr 2005 1.14
19 Orbitofrontal gray matter relates to early morning awakening: a neural correlate of insomnia complaints? Front Neurol 2012 1.09
20 Colocalization of corticotropin-releasing hormone and oestrogen receptor-alpha in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in mood disorders. Brain 2005 1.08
21 The relationship between insomnia and body temperatures. Sleep Med Rev 2008 1.07
22 Non-pharmacological interventions in cognitively impaired and demented patients--a comparison with cholinesterase inhibitors. Rev Neurosci 2003 1.07
23 Cutaneous warming promotes sleep onset. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2005 1.06
24 Delayed circadian rhythm in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and chronic sleep-onset insomnia. Biol Psychiatry 2010 1.05
25 Altered skin-temperature regulation in narcolepsy relates to sleep propensity. Sleep 2006 1.05
26 The Amsterdam Resting-State Questionnaire reveals multiple phenotypes of resting-state cognition. Front Hum Neurosci 2013 1.03
27 Diminished capability to recognize the optimal temperature for sleep initiation may contribute to poor sleep in elderly people. Sleep 2008 1.01
28 Skin temperature and sleep-onset latency: changes with age and insomnia. Physiol Behav 2006 0.99
29 Hyperactive night and day? Actigraphy studies in adult ADHD: a baseline comparison and the effect of methylphenidate. Sleep 2007 0.99
30 The caudate: a key node in the neuronal network imbalance of insomnia? Brain 2013 0.98
31 Comparison between informant-observed and actigraphic assessments of sleep-wake rhythm disturbances in demented residents of homes for the elderly. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2006 0.98
32 Learning by observation requires an early sleep window. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 0.96
33 Individual differences in white matter diffusion affect sleep oscillations. J Neurosci 2013 0.95
34 Sleep, vigilance, and thermosensitivity. Pflugers Arch 2011 0.95
35 Impairment of endogenous melatonin rhythm is related to the degree of chronic kidney disease (CREAM study). Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009 0.95
36 Time-on-task impairment of psychomotor vigilance is affected by mild skin warming and changes with aging and insomnia. Sleep 2007 0.94
37 Stability and fragmentation of the activity rhythm across the sleep-wake cycle: the importance of age, lifestyle, and mental health. Chronobiol Int 2013 0.94
38 Prevention of depression and sleep disturbances in elderly with memory-problems by activation of the biological clock with light--a randomized clinical trial. Trials 2010 0.94
39 REM sleep behavior disorder in the marmoset MPTP model of early Parkinson disease. Sleep 2011 0.93
40 Effects of artificial dawn on sleep inertia, skin temperature, and the awakening cortisol response. J Sleep Res 2010 0.92
41 Correlated fluctuations of daytime skin temperature and vigilance. J Biol Rhythms 2011 0.92
42 Idiopathic chronic sleep onset insomnia in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. Chronobiol Int 2005 0.90
43 Diurnal rhythms of free estradiol and cortisol during the normal menstrual cycle in women with major depression. Horm Behav 2004 0.90
44 Cues of fatigue: effects of sleep deprivation on facial appearance. Sleep 2013 0.90
45 Manipulation of core body and skin temperature improves vigilance and maintenance of wakefulness in narcolepsy. Sleep 2008 0.88
46 Do sleep complaints contribute to age-related cognitive decline? Prog Brain Res 2010 0.87
47 A new automated method for rat sleep deprivation with minimal confounding effects on corticosterone and locomotor activity. J Neurosci Methods 2011 0.87
48 Thermoregulation and aging. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2006 0.86
49 Chronic stress undermines the compensatory sleep efficiency increase in response to sleep restriction in adolescents. J Sleep Res 2013 0.86
50 Reduction of nocturnal slow-wave activity affects daytime vigilance lapses and memory encoding but not reaction time or implicit learning. Prog Brain Res 2011 0.84
51 Body temperature, activity and melatonin profiles in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and delayed sleep: a case-control study. J Sleep Res 2013 0.84
52 Disrupted directed connectivity along the cingulate cortex determines vigilance after sleep deprivation. Neuroimage 2013 0.83
53 Cold hands, warm feet: sleep deprivation disrupts thermoregulation and its association with vigilance. Sleep 2012 0.83
54 Sleep estimates using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Sleep 2013 0.83
55 Diurnal fluctuation in histidine decarboxylase expression, the rate limiting enzyme for histamine production, and its disorder in neurodegenerative diseases. Sleep 2012 0.82
56 Does sleep restore the topology of functional brain networks? Hum Brain Mapp 2011 0.82
57 Discrepancy between subjective and objective sleep disturbances in early- and moderate-stage Alzheimer disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2012 0.82
58 Lowering dialysate temperature improves sleep and alters nocturnal skin temperature in patients on chronic hemodialysis. J Sleep Res 2007 0.81
59 Clinical update: melatonin and sleep disorders. Clin Med 2008 0.81
60 Melatonin treatment efficacy: for whom and for what? Sleep Med 2007 0.80
61 Beneficial effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on sleep in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord 2009 0.80
62 Coupling of infraslow fluctuations in autonomic and central vigilance markers: skin temperature, EEG β power and ERP P300 latency. Int J Psychophysiol 2013 0.80
63 Changes in diurnal rhythms of free cortisol secretion during different phases of menstrual cycle. Sheng Li Xue Bao 2003 0.79
64 Modulation of γ and spindle-range power by slow oscillations in scalp sleep EEG of children. Int J Psychophysiol 2013 0.79
65 Human basal cortisol levels are increased in hospital compared to home setting. Neurosci Lett 2002 0.78
66 Spatial reversal learning is robust to total sleep deprivation. Behav Brain Res 2012 0.78
67 Arginine vasopressin immunoreactivity is decreased in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus of subjects with suprasellar tumors. Brain Pathol 2013 0.78
68 Memory traces of long-range coordinated oscillations in the sleeping human brain. Hum Brain Mapp 2014 0.77
69 Insomnia on dialysis nights: the beneficial effects of cool dialysate. J Nephrol 2008 0.77
70 Peripheral electrical nerve stimulation and rest-activity rhythm in Alzheimer's disease. J Sleep Res 2006 0.77
71 Attenuated effect of increased daylength on activity rhythm in the old mouse lemur, a non-human primate. Exp Gerontol 2007 0.76
72 Increased skin temperature in Alzheimer's disease is associated with sleepiness. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 2012 0.76
73 Thermoregulation as a sleep signaling system. Sleep Med Rev 2004 0.76
74 Adult neurogenesis and the unfolded protein response; new cellular and molecular avenues in sleep research. Sleep Med Rev 2009 0.75
75 Medical history of optic chiasm compression in patients with pituitary insufficiency affects skin temperature and its relation to sleep. Chronobiol Int 2012 0.75
76 Automatic sleep detection using activity and facial electrodes. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2008 0.75
77 Instrumental learning: an animal model for sleep dependent memory enhancement. J Neurosci Methods 2013 0.75