Published in Int J Public Health on January 01, 2007
Alcohol-attributable cancer deaths and years of potential life lost in the United States. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.46
Defining risk drinking. Alcohol Res Health (2011) 1.37
Barriers to participation in a patient satisfaction survey: who are we missing? PLoS One (2011) 1.15
Predictive value of readiness, importance, and confidence in ability to change drinking and smoking. BMC Public Health (2012) 0.91
Alcohol-attributable and alcohol-preventable mortality in Denmark: an analysis of which intake levels contribute most to alcohol's harmful and beneficial effects. Eur J Epidemiol (2013) 0.87
The cost-effectiveness of increasing alcohol taxes: a modelling study. BMC Med (2008) 0.83
A DNA methylation biomarker of alcohol consumption. Mol Psychiatry (2016) 0.76
Internet-Based Brief Intervention to Prevent Unhealthy Alcohol Use among Young Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Global burden of disease and injury and economic cost attributable to alcohol use and alcohol-use disorders. Lancet (2009) 16.12
The relation between different dimensions of alcohol consumption and burden of disease: an overview. Addiction (2010) 5.14
Selected pregnancy and delivery outcomes after exposure to antidepressant medication: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry (2013) 3.71
Alcohol as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Care (2009) 3.03
Hours and days of sale and density of alcohol outlets: impacts on alcohol consumption and damage: a systematic review. Alcohol Alcohol (2009) 2.71
Ikaros DNA-binding proteins as integral components of B cell developmental-stage-specific regulatory circuits. Immunity (2007) 2.65
Alcohol consumption and the risk of morbidity and mortality for different stroke types--a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health (2010) 2.42
The association between alcohol use, alcohol use disorders and tuberculosis (TB). A systematic review. BMC Public Health (2009) 2.39
Alcohol as a risk factor for liver cirrhosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev (2010) 2.37
Stem cell clinics online: the direct-to-consumer portrayal of stem cell medicine. Cell Stem Cell (2008) 2.35
Global burden of disease from alcohol, illicit drugs and tobacco. Drug Alcohol Rev (2006) 2.33
Changes in illicit opioid use across Canada. CMAJ (2006) 2.20
Alcohol-attributable mortality and potential years of life lost in Canada 2001: implications for prevention and policy. Addiction (2006) 2.01
Alcohol consumption and non-communicable diseases: epidemiology and policy implications. Addiction (2011) 1.93
Comparing alcohol consumption in central and eastern Europe to other European countries. Alcohol Alcohol (2007) 1.89
Volume of alcohol consumption, patterns of drinking and burden of disease in the European region 2002. Addiction (2006) 1.79
Antidepressant exposure during pregnancy and congenital malformations: is there an association? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the best evidence. J Clin Psychiatry (2013) 1.65
Alcohol and hypertension: gender differences in dose-response relationships determined through systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction (2009) 1.60
Comparative quantification of alcohol exposure as risk factor for global burden of disease. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2007) 1.58
Genome-wide identification of Ikaros targets elucidates its contribution to mouse B-cell lineage specification and pre-B-cell differentiation. Blood (2013) 1.51
Crack across Canada: Comparing crack users and crack non-users in a Canadian multi-city cohort of illicit opioid users. Addiction (2006) 1.45
The final split: the regulation of anther dehiscence. J Exp Bot (2011) 1.38
Method for moderation: measuring lifetime risk of alcohol-attributable mortality as a basis for drinking guidelines. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2008) 1.35
The costs of alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco in Canada, 2002. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2007) 1.30
A systematic review of the epidemiology of unrecorded alcohol consumption and the chemical composition of unrecorded alcohol. Addiction (2014) 1.25
Avoidable burden of disease: conceptual and methodological issues in substance abuse epidemiology. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2006) 1.21
What is best evidence in epidemiology? A reply to Stockwell (2012): the journal publishes both invited and unsolicited letters. Addiction (2013) 1.20
Mortality and potential years of life lost attributable to alcohol consumption in Canada in 2005. BMC Public Health (2012) 1.15
Social cost of heavy drinking and alcohol dependence in high-income countries. Int J Public Health (2009) 1.14
Burden of disease associated with alcohol use disorders in the United States. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2014) 1.09
Comparing heroin users and prescription opioid users in a Canadian multi-site population of illicit opioid users. Drug Alcohol Rev (2008) 1.05
Determination of lifetime injury mortality risk in Canada in 2002 by drinking amount per occasion and number of occasions. Am J Epidemiol (2008) 1.01
Alcohol drinking cessation and its effect on esophageal and head and neck cancers: a pooled analysis. Int J Cancer (2007) 1.01
Nominal group technique: a brainstorming tool for identifying areas to improve pain management in hospitalized patients. J Hosp Med (2011) 1.01
Alcohol-attributable burden of disease and injury in Canada, 2004. Int J Public Health (2011) 1.00
How many people in Canada use prescription opioids non-medically in general and street drug using populations? Can J Public Health (2009) 0.99
Estimating chronic disease deaths and hospitalizations due to alcohol use in Canada in 2002: implications for policy and prevention strategies. Prev Chronic Dis (2006) 0.98
Smoking-attributable mortality and expected years of life lost in Canada 2002: conclusions for prevention and policy. Chronic Dis Can (2007) 0.97
School matters: drinking dimensions and their effects on alcohol-related problems among Ontario secondary school students. Alcohol Alcohol (2005) 0.95
The prevalence of mental health and pain symptoms in general population samples reporting nonmedical use of prescription opioids: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Pain (2012) 0.95
CTNNBL1 is a novel nuclear localization sequence-binding protein that recognizes RNA-splicing factors CDC5L and Prp31. J Biol Chem (2011) 0.94
Global burden of injuries attributable to alcohol consumption in 2004: a novel way of calculating the burden of injuries attributable to alcohol consumption. Popul Health Metr (2012) 0.93
Alcohol-attributable morbidity and resulting health care costs in Canada in 2002: recommendations for policy and prevention. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2007) 0.91
The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist NGB 2904 increases spontaneous and amphetamine-stimulated locomotion. Pharmacol Biochem Behav (2007) 0.90
Modelling lifetime QALYs and health care costs from different drinking patterns over time: a Markov model. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2010) 0.90
IL4 blockade of inducible regulatory T cell differentiation: the role of Th2 cells, Gata3 and PU.1. Immunol Lett (2008) 0.90
Feasibility and impact of brief interventions for frequent cannabis users in Canada. J Subst Abuse Treat (2012) 0.89
Different guidelines for different countries? On the scientific basis of low-risk drinking guidelines and their implications. Drug Alcohol Rev (2011) 0.87
Predictors of methadone maintenance treatment utilization in a multisite cohort of illicit opioid users (OPICAN). J Subst Abuse Treat (2007) 0.87
Substance-attributable morbidity and mortality changes to Canada's epidemiological profile: measurable differences over a ten-year period. Can J Public Health (2007) 0.86
Cannabis and traffic collision risk: findings from a case-crossover study of injured drivers presenting to emergency departments. Int J Public Health (2013) 0.86
Alcohol, the heart and the cardiovascular system: what do we know and where should we go? Drug Alcohol Rev (2011) 0.86
Typologies of cannabis users and associated characteristics relevant for public health: a latent class analysis of data from a nationally representative Canadian adult survey. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2010) 0.86
Smoking-attributable morbidity: acute care hospital diagnoses and days of treatment in Canada, 2002. BMC Public Health (2007) 0.86
Risperidone pretreatment prevents elevated locomotor activity following neonatal hippocampal lesions. Neuropsychopharmacology (2006) 0.86
Public opinion towards supervised injection facilities and heroin-assisted treatment in Ontario, Canada. Int J Drug Policy (2007) 0.86
Illegal drug-attributable morbidity in Canada 2002. Drug Alcohol Rev (2007) 0.85
The dependence of Ig class-switching on the nuclear export sequence of AID likely reflects interaction with factors additional to Crm1 exportin. Eur J Immunol (2010) 0.84
Characterization of the fungal gibberellin desaturase as a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase and its utilization for enhancing plant growth. Plant Physiol (2012) 0.83
Prevalence and associated factors of hepatitis C infection (HCV) in a multi-site Canadian population of illicit opioid and other drug users (OPICAN). Can J Public Health (2007) 0.83
Gender differences in socioeconomic inequality of alcohol-attributable mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev (2014) 0.83
Avoidable portion of tobacco-attributable acute care hospital days and its cost due to implementation of different intervention strategies in Canada. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2009) 0.81
Prevalence of pain among nonmedical prescription opioid users in substance use treatment populations: systematic review and meta-analyses. Pain Physician (2013) 0.81
Avoidable cost of alcohol abuse in Canada. Eur Addict Res (2010) 0.79
Electroless gold island thin films: photoluminescence and thermal transformation to nanoparticle ensembles. Langmuir (2008) 0.79
A literature review of cost-benefit analyses for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2011) 0.79
Alcohol consumption, stroke and public health--an overlooked relation? Addiction (2006) 0.78
Cost of privatisation versus government alcohol retailing systems: Canadian example. Drug Alcohol Rev (2012) 0.78
Strategies for evaluating the economic value of drugs in alcohol dependence treatment. Drug Alcohol Depend (2011) 0.77
Molecular and Functional Imaging of Bone Metastases in Breast and Prostate Cancers: An Overview. Clin Nucl Med (2016) 0.76
Mapping English GP prescribing data: a tool for monitoring health-service inequalities. BMJ Open (2013) 0.75
The disease burden of alcohol consumption. CMAJ (2007) 0.75
J-shape or linear relationship between alcohol consumption and depression: does it matter? Addiction (2005) 0.75
The future viability of algae-derived biodiesel under economic and technical uncertainties. Bioresour Technol (2013) 0.75
On the evidence of a cardioprotective effect of alcohol consumption. Addiction (2013) 0.75
Operative Fixation of Rib Fractures Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes. Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013) (2017) 0.75
Use of a Bundle Checklist Combined With Physician Confirmation Reduces Risk of Nosocomial Complications and Death in Trauma Patients Compared to Documented Checklist Use Alone. Ann Surg (2015) 0.75
Association of STOP-Bang Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Sleep Apnea and Postoperative Complications: A Systematic Review and Bayesian Meta-analysis of Prospective and Retrospective Cohort Studies. Anesth Analg (2017) 0.75
Postoperative Outcomes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Comparative Studies. Anesth Analg (2017) 0.75
Canada's health system: transitions in leadership. Healthc Q (2005) 0.75