Published in Community Dent Oral Epidemiol on June 01, 2008
The impact of disasters on populations with health and health care disparities. Disaster Med Public Health Prep (2010) 1.60
Social gradients in oral health in older adults: findings from the English longitudinal survey of aging. Am J Public Health (2011) 1.23
Income-related inequalities in preventive and curative dental care use among working-age Japanese adults in urban areas: a cross-sectional study. BMC Oral Health (2014) 0.84
Inequality in oral health related to early and later life social conditions: a study of elderly in Norway and Sweden. BMC Oral Health (2015) 0.77
Heavy consumption of dental services; a longitudinal cohort study among Finnish adults. BMC Oral Health (2013) 0.75
Influence of oral health behavior and sociodemographic factors on remaining teeth in Korean adults: 2010-2012 Korea national health and nutrition examination survey. Medicine (Baltimore) (2016) 0.75
Relationships between occupational and behavioral parameters and oral health status. Ind Health (2017) 0.75
Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. Implement Sci (2006) 1.34
Attentional and physiological characteristics of patients with dental anxiety. J Anxiety Disord (2003) 1.19
Applicability of an abbreviated version of the Child-OIDP inventory among primary schoolchildren in Tanzania. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2007) 1.16
Parental risk attitudes and caries-related behaviours among immigrant and western native children in Oslo. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol (2006) 1.12
Dental pain, oral impacts and perceived need for dental treatment in Tanzanian school students: a cross-sectional study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2009) 1.07
Clinical and socio-behavioral correlates of tooth loss: a study of older adults in Tanzania. BMC Oral Health (2006) 1.02
Dental caries prevalence and risk factors among 12-year old schoolchildren from Baghdad, Iraq: a post-war survey. Int Dent J (2007) 1.01
Factors associated with traumatic dental injuries among 12-year-old schoolchildren in South India. Dent Traumatol (2009) 0.99
Socio-demographic factors related to periodontal status and tooth loss of pregnant women in Mbale district, Uganda. BMC Oral Health (2009) 0.96
One- vs. five-session treatment of dental phobia: a randomized controlled study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry (2007) 0.95
Evaluation of oral health-related quality of life among Sudanese schoolchildren using Child-OIDP inventory. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2010) 0.95
Incidence and predictors of self-reported tooth loss in a representative sample of Norwegian adults. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol (2003) 0.92
Treatment of dental anxiety disorders. Outcome related to DSM-IV diagnoses. Eur J Oral Sci (2002) 0.92
Caries increment in children aged 3-5 years in relation to parents' dental attitudes: Oslo, Norway 2002 to 2004. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol (2008) 0.91
Changes in the quality of life of Tanzanian school children after treatment interventions using the Child-OIDP. Eur J Oral Sci (2010) 0.90
Influence of oral mucosal lesions and oral symptoms on oral health related quality of life in dermatological patients: a cross sectional study in Sudan. BMC Oral Health (2012) 0.88
Do public health nurses in Norway promote information on oral health? BMC Oral Health (2011) 0.88
Prevalence and correlates of self-reported state of teeth among schoolchildren in Kerala, India. BMC Oral Health (2006) 0.88
Periodontal status, tooth loss and self-reported periodontal problems effects on oral impacts on daily performances, OIDP, in pregnant women in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2009) 0.87
Applying the theory of planned behaviour to explain HIV testing in antenatal settings in Addis Ababa - a cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res (2011) 0.86
Fear of blood, injury, and injections, and its relationship to dental anxiety and probability of avoiding dental treatment among 18-year-olds in Norway. Int J Paediatr Dent (2008) 0.86
Dental anxiety and dental attendance among 25-year-olds in Norway: time trends from 1997 to 2007. BMC Oral Health (2011) 0.86
Socio-demographic and behavioural correlates of oral hygiene status and oral health related quality of life, the Limpopo-Arusha school health project (LASH): a cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatr (2010) 0.86
An ABCD program to increase access to dental care for children enrolled in Medicaid in a rural county. J Public Health Dent (2002) 0.85
Dental avoidance behaviour in parent and child as risk indicators for caries in 5-year-old children. Int J Paediatr Dent (2009) 0.85
Oral mucosal lesions in skin diseased patients attending a dermatologic clinic: a cross-sectional study in Sudan. BMC Oral Health (2011) 0.85
Thinking about going to the dentist: a Contemplation Ladder to assess dentally-avoidant individuals' readiness to go to a dentist. BMC Oral Health (2011) 0.84
Knowledge and behaviour related to oral health among secondary school students in Khartoum Province, Sudan. Int Dent J (2005) 0.84
Using memory restructuring strategy to enhance dental behaviour. Int J Paediatr Dent (2007) 0.84
Tracking of parents' attitudes to their children's oral health-related behavior-Oslo, Norway, 2002-04. Acta Odontol Scand (2010) 0.83
One- vs. five-session treatment of intra-oral injection phobia: a randomized clinical study. Eur J Oral Sci (2009) 0.83
Aesthetics of implant-supported single anterior maxillary crowns evaluated by objective indices and participants' perceptions. Clin Oral Implants Res (2011) 0.82
Oral health and its influence on cognitive behavioral therapy in patients fulfilling the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria for intra-oral injection phobia. Acta Odontol Scand (2010) 0.82
Predictors of norwegian adult patients' perceived need for replacement of teeth at the time of extraction. Community Dent Health (2002) 0.82
Impact of traumatic dental injuries with unmet treatment need on daily life among Albanian adolescents: a case-control study. Dent Traumatol (2011) 0.80
Chewing problems and dissatisfaction with chewing ability: a survey of older Tanzanians. Eur J Oral Sci (2007) 0.80
Determinants of periodontal health in pregnant women and association with infants' anthropometric status: a prospective cohort study from Eastern Uganda. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012) 0.79
Dental and medical injections: prevalence of self-reported problems among 18-yr-old subjects in Norway. Eur J Oral Sci (2006) 0.79
Self-reported oral health and denture satisfaction in partially and completely edentulous patients. Int J Prosthodont (2011) 0.78
Lifestyle-related characteristics of young low-meat consumers and omnivores in Sweden and Norway. J Adolesc Health (2002) 0.78
Scandinavian systems monitoring the oral health in children and adolescents; an evaluation of their quality and utility in the light of modern perspectives of caries management. BMC Oral Health (2014) 0.77
Oral health and oral treatment needs in patients fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for dental phobia: Possible influence on the outcome of cognitive behavioral therapy. Acta Odontol Scand (2008) 0.77
Applicability of an Albanian version of the OIDP in an adolescent population. Int J Paediatr Dent (2011) 0.77
Do dentists have better oral health compared to general population: a study on oral health status and oral health behavior in Kathmandu, Nepal. BMC Oral Health (2014) 0.77
Quality-of-life before and after cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in patients with intra-oral injection phobia. Acta Odontol Scand (2011) 0.76
Radiological evaluation of single implants in maxillary anterior sites with special emphasis on their relation to adjacent teeth: a 3-year follow-up study. Dent Traumatol (2012) 0.75
Endocarditis prophylaxis and congenital heart defects in the Norwegian Public Dental Service. Acta Paediatr (2012) 0.75
Predictors of Norwegian dentists' decisions to recommend replacement of teeth at the time of extraction. Community Dent Health (2002) 0.75
The influence of relining or implant retaining existing mandibular dentures on health-related quality of life: a 2-year randomized study of dissatisfied edentulous patients. Int J Prosthodont (2013) 0.75