J Imrie

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Why do we need randomised controlled trials to assess behavioural interventions? BMJ 1998 4.06
2 Condoms and seat belts: the parallels and the lessons. Lancet 2000 3.73
3 Fine needle aspiration cytology in the management of a parotid mass: a two centre retrospective study. Surgeon 2005 2.77
4 Quantitative evaluation of the development of tracheal submucosal glands in infants with cystic fibrosis and control infants. Am J Pathol 1982 1.28
5 Is use of antiretroviral therapy among homosexual men associated with increased risk of transmission of HIV infection? Sex Transm Infect 2003 1.12
6 Attitudes towards new HIV biomedical prevention technologies among a cohort of HIV-negative gay men in Sydney, Australia. HIV Med 2009 1.08
7 Factors associated with HIV seroconversion in gay men in England at the start of the 21st century. Sex Transm Infect 2007 1.06
8 Rigorous trials of sexual behaviour interventions in STD/HIV prevention: what can we learn from them? AIDS 2000 1.05
9 Risky sexual behaviour in context: qualitative results from an investigation into risk factors for seroconversion among gay men who test for HIV. Sex Transm Infect 2008 1.04
10 Behavioural predictors of subsequent hepatitis C diagnosis in a UK clinic sample of HIV positive men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Infect 2006 1.02
11 Improvements in sexual health testing among gay men in Sydney, Australia, 2003-2007. Int J STD AIDS 2008 1.02
12 Distribution of HPV types associated with cervical cancers in Scotland and implications for the impact of HPV vaccines. Br J Cancer 2010 1.00
13 HIV voluntary counselling and testing for African communities in London: learning from experiences in Kenya. Sex Transm Infect 2007 0.98
14 Dietary modifications in patients receiving miglustat. J Inherit Metab Dis 2010 0.94
15 Behavioural interventions to prevent HIV infection: rapid evolution, increasing rigour, moderate success. Br Med Bull 2001 0.91
16 Community based syphilis screening: feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness in case finding. Sex Transm Infect 2005 0.91
17 Media interventions to increase cervical screening uptake in South Africa: an evaluation study of effectiveness. Health Educ Res 2004 0.89
18 Who uses condoms with whom? Evidence from national probability sample surveys. Sex Transm Infect 2006 0.85
19 Recreational drug use and sexual risk practice among men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom. Sex Transm Infect 2006 0.84
20 Sexually transmitted infection risk exposure among black and minority ethnic youth in northwest London: findings from a study translating a sexually transmitted infection risk-reduction intervention to the UK setting. Sex Transm Infect 2009 0.80
21 Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for pharyngeal chlamydia in the community based Health in Men (HIM) cohort of homosexual men in Sydney, Australia. Sex Transm Infect 2008 0.79
22 Developmental outcome post allogenic bone marrow transplant for Niemann Pick Type C2. Mol Genet Metab 2012 0.78
23 Current issues in care and support for HIV-positive gay men in Sydney. Int J STD AIDS 2009 0.78
24 Evaluation of a province-wide physiotherapy monitoring service in an arthritis control program. J Rheumatol 1980 0.75
25 HIV prevention and homosexual men: should we be optimistic about the new millennium? Sex Transm Infect 1999 0.75