Published in Magn Reson Med on October 01, 2008
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST): what is in a name and what isn't? Magn Reson Med (2011) 4.08
Magnetic resonance imaging of glutamate. Nat Med (2012) 3.17
Alternatives to gadolinium-based metal chelates for magnetic resonance imaging. Chem Rev (2010) 2.25
Nuts and bolts of chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI. NMR Biomed (2013) 1.88
Natural D-glucose as a biodegradable MRI contrast agent for detecting cancer. Magn Reson Med (2012) 1.84
CEST: from basic principles to applications, challenges and opportunities. J Magn Reson (2012) 1.59
High-throughput screening of chemical exchange saturation transfer MR contrast agents. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2010) 1.59
Magnetic resonance imaging of the Amine-Proton EXchange (APEX) dependent contrast. Neuroimage (2011) 1.54
MRI-detectable pH nanosensors incorporated into hydrogels for in vivo sensing of transplanted-cell viability. Nat Mater (2013) 1.53
Rational chemical design of the next generation of molecular imaging probes based on physics and biology: mixing modalities, colors and signals. Chem Soc Rev (2011) 1.36
Indirect detection of labile solute proton spectra via the water signal using frequency-labeled exchange (FLEX) transfer. J Am Chem Soc (2010) 1.35
Simultaneous determination of labile proton concentration and exchange rate utilizing optimal RF power: Radio frequency power (RFP) dependence of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI. J Magn Reson (2009) 1.34
Seeing stem cells at work in vivo. Stem Cell Rev (2014) 1.28
Multi-frequency PARACEST agents based on europium(III)-DOTA-tetraamide ligands. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2009) 1.20
MRI reporter genes. J Nucl Med (2008) 1.19
In vivo multicolor molecular MR imaging using diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer liposomes. Magn Reson Med (2011) 1.15
Transforming thymidine into a magnetic resonance imaging probe for monitoring gene expression. J Am Chem Soc (2013) 1.15
A new method for detecting exchanging amide protons using chemical exchange rotation transfer. Magn Reson Med (2012) 1.09
Simulation and optimization of pulsed radio frequency irradiation scheme for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI-demonstration of pH-weighted pulsed-amide proton CEST MRI in an animal model of acute cerebral ischemia. Magn Reson Med (2011) 1.08
MRI biosensor for protein kinase A encoded by a single synthetic gene. Magn Reson Med (2012) 1.07
CEST phase mapping using a length and offset varied saturation (LOVARS) scheme. Magn Reson Med (2012) 1.07
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in metabolic and molecular imaging and diagnosis of cancer. Chem Rev (2010) 1.06
In vivo tracking of cellular therapeutics using magnetic resonance imaging. Expert Opin Biol Ther (2009) 1.06
MRI reporter genes: applications for imaging of cell survival, proliferation, migration and differentiation. NMR Biomed (2012) 1.05
Feasibility of concurrent dual contrast enhancement using CEST contrast agents and superparamagnetic iron oxide particles. Magn Reson Med (2009) 1.05
Ultrafast scanning of exchangeable sites by NMR spectroscopy. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2013) 1.02
Variable delay multi-pulse train for fast chemical exchange saturation transfer and relayed-nuclear overhauser enhancement MRI. Magn Reson Med (2013) 1.01
Salicylic acid and analogues as diaCEST MRI contrast agents with highly shifted exchangeable proton frequencies. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2013) 1.01
A review of responsive MRI contrast agents: 2005-2014. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2014) 0.98
Establishing the Lysine-rich Protein CEST Reporter Gene as a CEST MR Imaging Detector for Oncolytic Virotherapy. Radiology (2015) 0.97
Tuning phenols with Intra-Molecular bond Shifted HYdrogens (IM-SHY) as diaCEST MRI contrast agents. Chemistry (2014) 0.97
Detection of rapidly exchanging compounds using on-resonance frequency-labeled exchange (FLEX) transfer. Magn Reson Med (2012) 0.96
Nanoplatforms for constructing new approaches to cancer treatment, imaging, and drug delivery: what should be the policy? Neuroimage (2010) 0.95
Human protamine-1 as an MRI reporter gene based on chemical exchange. ACS Chem Biol (2013) 0.95
In vivo detection of PARACEST agents with relaxation correction. Magn Reson Med (2010) 0.93
Applications of molecular MRI and optical imaging in cancer. Future Med Chem (2010) 0.92
Magnetic resonance imaging of cells in experimental disease models. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc (2009) 0.92
Multimodal imaging of sustained drug release from 3-D poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF) scaffolds. J Control Release (2011) 0.91
A diaCEST MRI approach for monitoring liposomal accumulation in tumors. J Control Release (2014) 0.91
Evaluation of the dependence of CEST-EPI measurement on repetition time, RF irradiation duty cycle and imaging flip angle for enhanced pH sensitivity. Phys Med Biol (2013) 0.91
Synthetic biology devices for in vitro and in vivo diagnostics. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015) 0.88
Tracking gene and cell fate for therapeutic gain. Nat Mater (2014) 0.88
Challenges for Molecular Neuroimaging with MRI. Int J Imaging Syst Technol (2010) 0.88
Anthranilic acid analogs as diamagnetic CEST MRI contrast agents that feature an intramolecular-bond shifted hydrogen. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2014) 0.88
Multi-chromatic pH-activatable 19F-MRI nanoprobes with binary ON/OFF pH transitions and chemical-shift barcodes. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2013) 0.88
Exchange-mediated contrast agents for spin-lock imaging. Magn Reson Med (2011) 0.88
Advantages of chemical exchange-sensitive spin-lock (CESL) over chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) for hydroxyl- and amine-water proton exchange studies. NMR Biomed (2014) 0.87
NOrmalized MAgnetization Ratio (NOMAR) filtering for creation of tissue selective contrast maps. Magn Reson Med (2012) 0.86
Exchange-mediated contrast in CEST and spin-lock imaging. Magn Reson Imaging (2013) 0.85
Concurrent dual contrast for cellular magnetic resonance imaging using gadolinium oxide and iron oxide nanoparticles. Int J Mol Imaging (2012) 0.84
Dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) MRI for combined imaging of blood-brain barrier break down and increased blood volume in brain cancer. Magn Reson Med (2015) 0.84
Design of targeted cardiovascular molecular imaging probes. J Nucl Med (2010) 0.84
Noninvasive imaging of infection after treatment with tumor-homing bacteria using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI. Magn Reson Med (2013) 0.84
pCEST: Positive contrast using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer. J Magn Reson (2011) 0.83
Targeted delivery system of nanobiomaterials in anticancer therapy: from cells to clinics. Biomed Res Int (2014) 0.83
Biophysical Characterization of Human Protamine-1 as a Responsive CEST MR Contrast Agent. ACS Macro Lett (2014) 0.82
A review of optimization and quantification techniques for chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI toward sensitive in vivo imaging. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2015) 0.81
Diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (diaCEST) liposomes: physicochemical properties and imaging applications. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol (2013) 0.81
Supercharged green fluorescent proteins as bimodal reporter genes for CEST MRI and optical imaging. Chem Commun (Camb) (2015) 0.81
Using the water signal to detect invisible exchanging protons in the catalytic triad of a serine protease. J Biomol NMR (2011) 0.80
Design and optimization of pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI using a multiobjective genetic algorithm. J Magn Reson (2015) 0.79
On-bead combinatorial synthesis and imaging of chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging agents to identify factors that influence water exchange. J Am Chem Soc (2011) 0.79
Evaluating pH in the Extracellular Tumor Microenvironment Using CEST MRI and Other Imaging Methods. Adv Radiol (2015) 0.78
Bioengineered probes for molecular magnetic resonance imaging in the nervous system. ACS Chem Neurosci (2012) 0.78
Detecting enzyme activities with exogenous MRI contrast agents. Chemistry (2014) 0.78
A "Smart" ¹²⁸Xe NMR Biosensor for pH-Dependent Cell Labeling. J Am Chem Soc (2015) 0.78
Double agents and secret agents: the emerging fields of exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer and T2-exchange magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for molecular imaging. Res Rep Nucl Med (2015) 0.77
Pre- and postmortem imaging of transplanted cells. Int J Nanomedicine (2015) 0.76
Screening of CEST MR contrast agents. Methods Mol Biol (2011) 0.76
Directed evolution of protein-based neurotransmitter sensors for MRI. Methods Mol Biol (2013) 0.76
Developing imidazoles as CEST MRI pH sensors. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2016) 0.76
Genetic engineered molecular imaging probes for applications in cell therapy: emphasis on MRI approach. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2016) 0.75
Magnetic barcode imaging for contrast agents. Magn Reson Med (2016) 0.75
Salicylic Acid Conjugated Dendrimers Are a Tunable, High Performance CEST MRI NanoPlatform. Nano Lett (2016) 0.75
Cellular and Molecular Imaging Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer. Top Magn Reson Imaging (2016) 0.75
Recent Advances in (19)Fluorine Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Perfluorocarbon Emulsions. Engineering (Beijing) (2016) 0.75
Improved monomeric red, orange and yellow fluorescent proteins derived from Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein. Nat Biotechnol (2004) 36.25
Primary structure effects on peptide group hydrogen exchange. Proteins (1993) 10.79
A new class of contrast agents for MRI based on proton chemical exchange dependent saturation transfer (CEST). J Magn Reson (2000) 8.73
Using the amide proton signals of intracellular proteins and peptides to detect pH effects in MRI. Nat Med (2003) 6.57
Numerical solution of the Bloch equations provides insights into the optimum design of PARACEST agents for MRI. Magn Reson Med (2005) 4.75
Efficient magnetic cell labeling with protamine sulfate complexed to ferumoxides for cellular MRI. Blood (2004) 4.66
The focusing positions of polypeptides in immobilized pH gradients can be predicted from their amino acid sequences. Electrophoresis (1993) 4.64
PARACEST agents: modulating MRI contrast via water proton exchange. Acc Chem Res (2003) 4.44
MRI detection of glycogen in vivo by using chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging (glycoCEST). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 3.97
Artificial reporter gene providing MRI contrast based on proton exchange. Nat Biotechnol (2007) 3.87
A novel europium(III)-based MRI contrast agent. J Am Chem Soc (2001) 3.71
Isotope effects in peptide group hydrogen exchange. Proteins (1993) 3.21
MRI of the tumor microenvironment. J Magn Reson Imaging (2002) 2.87
Quantitative description of proton exchange processes between water and endogenous and exogenous agents for WEX, CEST, and APT experiments. Magn Reson Med (2004) 2.80
Correlation between stability of a protein and its dipeptide composition: a novel approach for predicting in vivo stability of a protein from its primary sequence. Protein Eng (1990) 2.73
Proton exchange rates from amino acid side chains--implications for image contrast. Magn Reson Med (1996) 2.53
Heparin therapy during extracorporeal circulation. II. The use of a dose-response curve to individualize heparin and protamine dosage. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (1975) 2.44
The N-end rule pathway of protein degradation. Genes Cells (1997) 2.35
A PARACEST MRI contrast agent to detect enzyme activity. J Am Chem Soc (2006) 2.26
Sensitive NMR detection of cationic-polymer-based gene delivery systems using saturation transfer via proton exchange. J Am Chem Soc (2001) 2.24
Optimization of the irradiation power in chemical exchange dependent saturation transfer experiments. J Magn Reson (2005) 2.11
Tunable imaging of cells labeled with MRI-PARACEST agents. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2005) 1.82
Sensitive CEST agents based on nucleic acid imino proton exchange: detection of poly(rU) and of a dendrimer-poly(rU) model for nucleic acid delivery and pharmacology. Magn Reson Med (2003) 1.68
MRI detection of paramagnetic chemical exchange effects in mice kidneys in vivo. Magn Reson Med (2007) 1.57
Hydrogen exchange as a probe of the dynamic structure of DNA. I. General acid-base catalysis. J Mol Biol (1970) 1.41
A walk though vertebrate and invertebrate protamines. Chromosoma (2003) 1.38
A robust and convergent synthesis of dipeptide-DOTAM conjugates as chelators for lanthanide ions: new PARACEST MRI agents. Bioconjug Chem (2007) 1.10
Complications of heparin therapy. Surg Gynecol Obstet (1975) 0.98
Protamine-like proteins: evidence for a novel chromatin structure. Biochem Cell Biol (2002) 0.91
Fiber tract-based atlas of human white matter anatomy. Radiology (2003) 10.18
Fiber tracking: principles and strategies - a technical review. NMR Biomed (2002) 8.52
DtiStudio: resource program for diffusion tensor computation and fiber bundle tracking. Comput Methods Programs Biomed (2006) 7.65
Using the amide proton signals of intracellular proteins and peptides to detect pH effects in MRI. Nat Med (2003) 6.57
Magnetic resonance tracking of dendritic cells in melanoma patients for monitoring of cellular therapy. Nat Biotechnol (2005) 5.80
Tract probability maps in stereotaxic spaces: analyses of white matter anatomy and tract-specific quantification. Neuroimage (2007) 5.23
Amide proton transfer (APT) contrast for imaging of brain tumors. Magn Reson Med (2003) 4.57
Determining the longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of blood at 3.0 Tesla. Magn Reson Med (2004) 4.25
Safety and immunological effects of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch Neurol (2010) 4.03
In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of mesenchymal stem cells in myocardial infarction. Circulation (2003) 4.00
Artificial reporter gene providing MRI contrast based on proton exchange. Nat Biotechnol (2007) 3.87
Atlas-based whole brain white matter analysis using large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping: application to normal elderly and Alzheimer's disease participants. Neuroimage (2009) 3.74
Clinically applicable labeling of mammalian and stem cells by combining superparamagnetic iron oxides and transfection agents. Radiology (2003) 3.71
Imaging cortical association tracts in the human brain using diffusion-tensor-based axonal tracking. Magn Reson Med (2002) 3.67
Differentiation between glioma and radiation necrosis using molecular magnetic resonance imaging of endogenous proteins and peptides. Nat Med (2010) 3.62
Water saturation shift referencing (WASSR) for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) experiments. Magn Reson Med (2009) 3.57
Dynamic imaging of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells trafficking to myocardial infarction. Circulation (2005) 3.33
Multi-parametric neuroimaging reproducibility: a 3-T resource study. Neuroimage (2010) 3.32
Pediatric diffusion tensor imaging: normal database and observation of the white matter maturation in early childhood. Neuroimage (2005) 3.11
Practical data acquisition method for human brain tumor amide proton transfer (APT) imaging. Magn Reson Med (2008) 2.93
Amide proton transfer imaging of human brain tumors at 3T. Magn Reson Med (2006) 2.87
Human brain white matter atlas: identification and assignment of common anatomical structures in superficial white matter. Neuroimage (2008) 2.86
Detection of the ischemic penumbra using pH-weighted MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2006) 2.77
Quantitative description of the asymmetry in magnetization transfer effects around the water resonance in the human brain. Magn Reson Med (2007) 2.76
Spatial normalization of diffusion tensor fields. Magn Reson Med (2003) 2.70
White and gray matter development in human fetal, newborn and pediatric brains. Neuroimage (2006) 2.55
Feridex labeling of mesenchymal stem cells inhibits chondrogenesis but not adipogenesis or osteogenesis. NMR Biomed (2004) 2.54
Positive contrast visualization of iron oxide-labeled stem cells using inversion-recovery with ON-resonant water suppression (IRON). Magn Reson Med (2007) 2.49
Effects of signal-to-noise ratio on the accuracy and reproducibility of diffusion tensor imaging-derived fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and principal eigenvector measurements at 1.5 T. J Magn Reson Imaging (2007) 2.44
Multi-contrast human neonatal brain atlas: application to normal neonate development analysis. Neuroimage (2011) 2.41
Analysis of noise effects on DTI-based tractography using the brute-force and multi-ROI approach. Magn Reson Med (2004) 2.35
The interaction of MS-325 with human serum albumin and its effect on proton relaxation rates. J Am Chem Soc (2002) 2.28
Oxygenation and hematocrit dependence of transverse relaxation rates of blood at 3T. Magn Reson Med (2007) 2.22
In vivo MR imaging of intravascularly injected magnetically labeled mesenchymal stem cells in rat kidney and liver. Radiology (2004) 2.22
Atlas-guided tract reconstruction for automated and comprehensive examination of the white matter anatomy. Neuroimage (2010) 2.21
Dual-modality monitoring of targeted intraarterial delivery of mesenchymal stem cells after transient ischemia. Stroke (2008) 2.18
DTI tractography based parcellation of white matter: application to the mid-sagittal morphology of corpus callosum. Neuroimage (2005) 2.13
Optimization of the irradiation power in chemical exchange dependent saturation transfer experiments. J Magn Reson (2005) 2.11
Magnetic resonance-guided, real-time targeted delivery and imaging of magnetocapsules immunoprotecting pancreatic islet cells. Nat Med (2007) 2.08
Tracking immune cells in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging. Nat Rev Immunol (2013) 2.05
Multi-contrast large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping for diffusion tensor imaging. Neuroimage (2009) 2.01
Cellular MR imaging. Mol Imaging (2005) 2.01
Fluorocapsules for improved function, immunoprotection, and visualization of cellular therapeutics with MR, US, and CT imaging. Radiology (2010) 1.98
Routine clinical brain MRI sequences for use at 3.0 Tesla. J Magn Reson Imaging (2005) 1.94
Theoretical and experimental investigation of the VASO contrast mechanism. Magn Reson Med (2006) 1.94
Atlas-based analysis of neurodevelopment from infancy to adulthood using diffusion tensor imaging and applications for automated abnormality detection. Neuroimage (2010) 1.89
A framework for callosal fiber distribution analysis. Neuroimage (2002) 1.87
Natural D-glucose as a biodegradable MRI contrast agent for detecting cancer. Magn Reson Med (2012) 1.84
Three-dimensional anatomical characterization of the developing mouse brain by diffusion tensor microimaging. Neuroimage (2003) 1.80
In vivo three-dimensional whole-brain pulsed steady-state chemical exchange saturation transfer at 7 T. Magn Reson Med (2011) 1.78
Hot spot MRI emerges from the background. Nat Biotechnol (2005) 1.78
Tracking stem cells using magnetic nanoparticles. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol (2011) 1.73
Developing MR reporter genes: promises and pitfalls. NMR Biomed (2007) 1.70
Amide proton transfer imaging of 9L gliosarcoma and human glioblastoma xenografts. NMR Biomed (2008) 1.70
Sensitive CEST agents based on nucleic acid imino proton exchange: detection of poly(rU) and of a dendrimer-poly(rU) model for nucleic acid delivery and pharmacology. Magn Reson Med (2003) 1.68
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging analysis of the corticospinal tract in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage (2007) 1.62
Fluorine (19F) MRS and MRI in biomedicine. NMR Biomed (2010) 1.60
High-throughput screening of chemical exchange saturation transfer MR contrast agents. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2010) 1.59
Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) imaging in the human brain at 7T. Neuroimage (2013) 1.58
Imaging of pancreatic islet cells. Diabetes Metab Res Rev (2011) 1.56
Experimental measurement of extravascular parenchymal BOLD effects and tissue oxygen extraction fractions using multi-echo VASO fMRI at 1.5 and 3.0 T. Magn Reson Med (2005) 1.56
In vivo "hot spot" MR imaging of neural stem cells using fluorinated nanoparticles. Magn Reson Med (2008) 1.56
Intracytoplasmic tagging of cells with ferumoxides and transfection agent for cellular magnetic resonance imaging after cell transplantation: methods and techniques. Transplantation (2003) 1.55
Neural progenitor cell survival in mouse brain can be improved by co-transplantation of helper cells expressing bFGF under doxycycline control. Exp Neurol (2013) 1.54
MRI-detectable pH nanosensors incorporated into hydrogels for in vivo sensing of transplanted-cell viability. Nat Mater (2013) 1.53
Magnetic intracellular labeling of mammalian cells by combining (FDA-approved) superparamagnetic iron oxide MR contrast agents and commonly used transfection agents. Acad Radiol (2002) 1.53
Fast 3D chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging of the human brain. Magn Reson Med (2010) 1.52
On the relationship between seed-based and ICA-based measures of functional connectivity. Magn Reson Med (2011) 1.51
Use of MR cell tracking to evaluate targeting of glial precursor cells to inflammatory tissue by exploiting the very late antigen-4 docking receptor. Radiology (2012) 1.51
Magnetovaccination as a novel method to assess and quantify dendritic cell tumor antigen capture and delivery to lymph nodes. Cancer Res (2009) 1.49
Paramagnetic viral nanoparticles as potential high-relaxivity magnetic resonance contrast agents. Magn Reson Med (2005) 1.48
Correction of B0 susceptibility induced distortion in diffusion-weighted images using large-deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping. Magn Reson Imaging (2008) 1.48
Brain white matter anatomy of tumor patients evaluated with diffusion tensor imaging. Ann Neurol (2002) 1.46
MR tracking of transplanted cells with "positive contrast" using manganese oxide nanoparticles. Magn Reson Med (2008) 1.46
Long-term MR cell tracking of neural stem cells grafted in immunocompetent versus immunodeficient mice reveals distinct differences in contrast between live and dead cells. Magn Reson Med (2010) 1.46
Three-dimensional amide proton transfer MR imaging of gliomas: Initial experience and comparison with gadolinium enhancement. J Magn Reson Imaging (2013) 1.43
Sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging of dendritic cells for in vivo tracking of cellular cancer vaccines. Int J Cancer (2007) 1.42
An account of the discrepancy between MRI and PET cerebral blood flow measures. A high-field MRI investigation. NMR Biomed (2006) 1.42
Flow territory mapping of the cerebral arteries with regional perfusion MRI. Stroke (2004) 1.41
Monitoring enzyme activity using a diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent. J Am Chem Soc (2011) 1.41
Mesoporous silica-coated hollow manganese oxide nanoparticles as positive T1 contrast agents for labeling and MRI tracking of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Am Chem Soc (2011) 1.41