Published in Tissue Eng Part A on September 01, 2009
Tissue engineering of functional articular cartilage: the current status. Cell Tissue Res (2011) 1.29
Anisotropic fibrous scaffolds for articular cartilage regeneration. Tissue Eng Part A (2012) 1.01
Nondestructive evaluation of hydrogel mechanical properties using ultrasound. Ann Biomed Eng (2011) 0.96
Emergence of scaffold-free approaches for tissue engineering musculoskeletal cartilages. Ann Biomed Eng (2014) 0.86
Strategic design and fabrication of engineered scaffolds for articular cartilage repair. J Funct Biomater (2012) 0.85
Modulating gradients in regulatory signals within mesenchymal stem cell seeded hydrogels: a novel strategy to engineer zonal articular cartilage. PLoS One (2013) 0.81
Supporting Biomaterials for Articular Cartilage Repair. Cartilage (2012) 0.79
Direct noninvasive measurement and numerical modeling of depth-dependent strains in layered agarose constructs. J Biomech (2013) 0.78
Dynamic regulation of bone morphogenetic proteins in engineered osteochondral constructs by biomechanical stimulation. Tissue Eng Part A (2012) 0.78
A developmentally inspired combined mechanical and biochemical signaling approach on zonal lineage commitment of mesenchymal stem cells in articular cartilage regeneration. Integr Biol (Camb) (2015) 0.78
High seeding density of human chondrocytes in agarose produces tissue-engineered cartilage approaching native mechanical and biochemical properties. J Biomech (2016) 0.78
The mechanical microenvironment of high concentration agarose for applying deformation to primary chondrocytes. J Biomech (2013) 0.77
Harnessing cell–biomaterial interactions for osteochondral tissue regeneration. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2012) 0.75
Shape of chondrocytes within articular cartilage affects the solid but not the fluid microenvironment under unconfined compression. Acta Biomater (2015) 0.75
Determination of hydroxyproline. Clin Chim Acta (1967) 7.28
A direct spectrophotometric microassay for sulfated glycosaminoglycans in cartilage cultures. Connect Tissue Res (1982) 7.12
A triphasic theory for the swelling and deformation behaviors of articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng (1991) 4.61
Functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage through dynamic loading of chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. J Biomech Eng (2000) 4.22
The secreted glycoprotein lubricin protects cartilage surfaces and inhibits synovial cell overgrowth. J Clin Invest (2005) 3.56
Increased damage to type II collagen in osteoarthritic articular cartilage detected by a new immunoassay. J Clin Invest (1994) 3.30
Depth-dependent confined compression modulus of full-thickness bovine articular cartilage. J Orthop Res (1997) 2.76
Engineering complex tissues. Tissue Eng (2006) 2.53
The beneficial effect of delayed compressive loading on tissue-engineered cartilage constructs cultured with TGF-beta3. Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2007) 2.26
Bioreactor cultivation conditions modulate the composition and mechanical properties of tissue-engineered cartilage. J Orthop Res (1999) 2.19
Experimental verification of the role of interstitial fluid pressurization in cartilage lubrication. J Orthop Res (2004) 2.12
Transient exposure to transforming growth factor beta 3 under serum-free conditions enhances the biomechanical and biochemical maturation of tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A (2008) 1.95
Anisotropic strain-dependent material properties of bovine articular cartilage in the transitional range from tension to compression. J Biomech (2004) 1.88
The role of cell seeding density and nutrient supply for articular cartilage tissue engineering with deformational loading. Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2003) 1.87
An automated approach for direct measurement of two-dimensional strain distributions within articular cartilage under unconfined compression. J Biomech Eng (2002) 1.85
New insight into deformation-dependent hydraulic permeability of gels and cartilage, and dynamic behavior of agarose gels in confined compression. J Biomech (2003) 1.67
Spatial and temporal development of chondrocyte-seeded agarose constructs in free-swelling and dynamically loaded cultures. J Biomech (2005) 1.64
Anatomically shaped osteochondral constructs for articular cartilage repair. J Biomech (2003) 1.64
Differences between sub-populations of cultured bovine articular chondrocytes. I. Morphology and cartilage matrix production. Connect Tissue Res (1988) 1.57
Depth-dependent biomechanical and biochemical properties of fetal, newborn, and tissue-engineered articular cartilage. J Biomech (2006) 1.55
A novel two-step method for the formation of tissue-engineered cartilage by mature bovine chondrocytes: the alginate-recovered-chondrocyte (ARC) method. J Orthop Res (2003) 1.50
Collagen in tissue-engineered cartilage: types, structure, and crosslinks. J Cell Biochem (1998) 1.47
A layered agarose approach to fabricate depth-dependent inhomogeneity in chondrocyte-seeded constructs. J Orthop Res (2005) 1.42
Advanced tools for tissue engineering: scaffolds, bioreactors, and signaling. Tissue Eng (2006) 1.41
Comparison of the boundary-lubricating ability of bovine synovial fluid, lubricin, and Healon. J Biomed Mater Res (1998) 1.38
Inhomogeneous cartilage properties enhance superficial interstitial fluid support and frictional properties, but do not provide a homogeneous state of stress. J Biomech Eng (2003) 1.38
Designing zonal organization into tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng (2007) 1.38
Optical determination of anisotropic material properties of bovine articular cartilage in compression. J Biomech (2003) 1.38
Experimental model for cartilage tissue engineering to regenerate the zonal organization of articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2003) 1.37
Patterns of hyaluronan staining are modified by fixation techniques. J Histochem Cytochem (1997) 1.36
Tissue engineering of stratified articular cartilage from chondrocyte subpopulations. Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2003) 1.36
Further studies on the composition of human femoral head cartilage. Ann Rheum Dis (1980) 1.34
Tissue engineering and developmental biology: going biomimetic. Tissue Eng (2006) 1.34
Direct measurement of osmotic pressure of glycosaminoglycan solutions by membrane osmometry at room temperature. Biophys J (2005) 1.33
Removal of the superficial zone of bovine articular cartilage does not increase its frictional coefficient. Osteoarthritis Cartilage (2004) 1.18
Enhanced cartilage tissue engineering by sequential exposure of chondrocytes to FGF-2 during 2D expansion and BMP-2 during 3D cultivation. J Cell Biochem (2001) 1.15
Differences between sub-populations of cultured bovine articular chondrocytes. II. Proteoglycan metabolism. Connect Tissue Res (1988) 1.14
Lubricin reduces cartilage--cartilage integration. Biorheology (2004) 1.12
IGF-I and mechanical environment interact to modulate engineered cartilage development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2001) 1.08
Role of cell-associated matrix in the development of free-swelling and dynamically loaded chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. Biorheology (2004) 1.00
Integration of layered chondrocyte-seeded alginate hydrogel scaffolds. Biomaterials (2007) 0.97
Amino acids supply in culture media is not a limiting factor in the matrix synthesis of engineered cartilage tissue. Amino Acids (2007) 0.94
The use of specific chondrocyte populations to modulate the properties of tissue-engineered cartilage. J Orthop Res (2003) 0.93
Short-term retention of labeled chondrocyte subpopulations in stratified tissue-engineered cartilaginous constructs implanted in vivo in mini-pigs. Tissue Eng (2007) 0.93
Effects of lesion size and location on equine articular cartilage repair. Can J Vet Res (1988) 0.92
Influence of species and anatomical location on chondrocyte expansion. BMC Musculoskelet Disord (2005) 0.81
FEBio: finite elements for biomechanics. J Biomech Eng (2012) 2.81
Hydrostatic pressurization and depletion of trapped lubricant pool during creep contact of a rippled indenter against a biphasic articular cartilage layer. J Biomech Eng (2003) 2.18
Synergistic action of growth factors and dynamic loading for articular cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng (2003) 2.18
Experimental verification of the role of interstitial fluid pressurization in cartilage lubrication. J Orthop Res (2004) 2.12
Modeling of neutral solute transport in a dynamically loaded porous permeable gel: implications for articular cartilage biosynthesis and tissue engineering. J Biomech Eng (2003) 1.97
A paradigm for functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage via applied physiologic deformational loading. Ann Biomed Eng (2004) 1.89
Anisotropic strain-dependent material properties of bovine articular cartilage in the transitional range from tension to compression. J Biomech (2004) 1.88
An automated approach for direct measurement of two-dimensional strain distributions within articular cartilage under unconfined compression. J Biomech Eng (2002) 1.85
Influence of seeding density and dynamic deformational loading on the developing structure/function relationships of chondrocyte-seeded agarose hydrogels. Ann Biomed Eng (2002) 1.83
Cartilage interstitial fluid load support in unconfined compression. J Biomech (2003) 1.82
Anisotropy, inhomogeneity, and tension-compression nonlinearity of human glenohumeral cartilage in finite deformation. J Biomech (2005) 1.65
Spatial and temporal development of chondrocyte-seeded agarose constructs in free-swelling and dynamically loaded cultures. J Biomech (2005) 1.64
Anatomically shaped osteochondral constructs for articular cartilage repair. J Biomech (2003) 1.64
Modeling the matrix of articular cartilage using a continuous fiber angular distribution predicts many observed phenomena. J Biomech Eng (2009) 1.58
Characterization of the structure-function relationship at the ligament-to-bone interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.47
A novel system improves preservation of osteochondral allografts. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2014) 1.45
Experimental verification of the roles of intrinsic matrix viscoelasticity and tension-compression nonlinearity in the biphasic response of cartilage. J Biomech Eng (2003) 1.43
Osteoblast elastic modulus measured by atomic force microscopy is substrate dependent. Ann Biomed Eng (2005) 1.43
Microscale frictional response of bovine articular cartilage from atomic force microscopy. J Biomech (2004) 1.43
A layered agarose approach to fabricate depth-dependent inhomogeneity in chondrocyte-seeded constructs. J Orthop Res (2005) 1.42
Inhomogeneous cartilage properties enhance superficial interstitial fluid support and frictional properties, but do not provide a homogeneous state of stress. J Biomech Eng (2003) 1.38
Optical determination of anisotropic material properties of bovine articular cartilage in compression. J Biomech (2003) 1.38
Heterogeneous transmural proteoglycan distribution provides a mechanism for regulating residual stresses in the aorta. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2007) 1.36
A mixture theory analysis for passive transport in osmotic loading of cells. J Biomech (2006) 1.34
Direct measurement of osmotic pressure of glycosaminoglycan solutions by membrane osmometry at room temperature. Biophys J (2005) 1.33
Chondrocyte intracellular calcium, cytoskeletal organization, and gene expression responses to dynamic osmotic loading. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2006) 1.29
Cartilage interstitial fluid load support in unconfined compression following enzymatic digestion. J Biomech Eng (2004) 1.26
The correspondence between equilibrium biphasic and triphasic material properties in mixture models of articular cartilage. J Biomech (2004) 1.24
Dynamic loading of deformable porous media can induce active solute transport. J Biomech (2008) 1.20
A tissue level tolerance criterion for living brain developed with an in vitro model of traumatic mechanical loading. Stapp Car Crash J (2003) 1.18
Continuum modeling of biological tissue growth by cell division, and alteration of intracellular osmolytes and extracellular fixed charge density. J Biomech Eng (2009) 1.18
Influence of temporary chondroitinase ABC-induced glycosaminoglycan suppression on maturation of tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A (2009) 1.18
Differences in interleukin-1 response between engineered and native cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A (2008) 1.17
Dynamic mechanical loading enhances functional properties of tissue-engineered cartilage using mature canine chondrocytes. Tissue Eng Part A (2010) 1.16
Dynamic response of immature bovine articular cartilage in tension and compression, and nonlinear viscoelastic modeling of the tensile response. J Biomech Eng (2006) 1.13
Roles of microtubules, cell polarity and adhesion in electric-field-mediated motility of 3T3 fibroblasts. J Cell Sci (2004) 1.12
Passaged adult chondrocytes can form engineered cartilage with functional mechanical properties: a canine model. Tissue Eng Part A (2010) 1.12
Computer simulations of patellofemoral joint surgery. Patient-specific models for tuberosity transfer. Am J Sports Med (2003) 1.10
Patellofemoral joint biomechanics and tissue engineering. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2005) 1.09
Transient supplementation of anabolic growth factors rapidly stimulates matrix synthesis in engineered cartilage. Ann Biomed Eng (2011) 1.08
Functional tissue engineering of chondral and osteochondral constructs. Biorheology (2004) 1.07
Effect of dynamic loading on the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage. J Biomech (2005) 1.06
Effects of enzymatic degradation on the frictional response of articular cartilage in stress relaxation. J Biomech (2005) 1.05
The temporal response of the friction coefficient of articular cartilage depends on the contact area. J Biomech (2007) 1.04
The functional environment of chondrocytes within cartilage subjected to compressive loading: a theoretical and experimental approach. Biorheology (2002) 1.03
Magnetic hydroxyapatite bone substitutes to enhance tissue regeneration: evaluation in vitro using osteoblast-like cells and in vivo in a bone defect. PLoS One (2012) 1.02
Dynamic osmotic loading of chondrocytes using a novel microfluidic device. J Biomech (2004) 1.02
Growth factor priming of synovium-derived stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng Part A (2011) 1.02
Sequential wear patterns of the articular cartilage of the thumb carpometacarpal joint in osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am (2003) 1.02
Two-dimensional strain fields on the cross-section of the bovine humeral head under contact loading. J Biomech (2008) 1.01
Osteocyte viability and regulation of osteoblast function in a 3D trabecular bone explant under dynamic hydrostatic pressure. J Bone Miner Res (2004) 1.01
Effect of dynamic loading on the transport of solutes into agarose hydrogels. Biophys J (2009) 1.01
Osmotic loading of spherical gels: a biomimetic study of hindered transport in the cell protoplasm. J Biomech Eng (2007) 1.01
Effects of dexamethasone on the functional properties of cartilage explants during long-term culture. Am J Sports Med (2009) 1.01
Role of cell-associated matrix in the development of free-swelling and dynamically loaded chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. Biorheology (2004) 1.00
Chondroitin sulfate reduces the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. J Biomech (2006) 1.00
Intracellular calcium waves in bone cell networks under single cell nanoindentation. Mol Cell Biomech (2006) 0.99
Electrostatic and non-electrostatic contributions of proteoglycans to the compressive equilibrium modulus of bovine articular cartilage. J Biomech (2010) 0.98
Cartilage mechanical response under dynamic compression at physiological stress levels following collagenase digestion. Ann Biomed Eng (2008) 0.97
Genipin enhances the mechanical properties of tissue-engineered cartilage and protects against inflammatory degradation when used as a medium supplement. J Biomed Mater Res A (2009) 0.97
The effect of devitalized trabecular bone on the formation of osteochondral tissue-engineered constructs. Biomaterials (2008) 0.96
Biomechanical roles of medial pooling of glycosaminoglycans in thoracic aortic dissection. Biomech Model Mechanobiol (2013) 0.95
Fluid Flow Induced Calcium Response in Bone Cell Network. Cell Mol Bioeng (2008) 0.95
Dependence of zonal chondrocyte water transport properties on osmotic environment. Cell Mol Bioeng (2008) 0.95
Effects of applied DC electric field on ligament fibroblast migration and wound healing. Connect Tissue Res (2007) 0.94
Radiography and visual pathology of the osteoarthritic scaphotrapezio-trapezoidal joint, and its relationship to trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am (2003) 0.93
Dynamic deformational loading results in selective application of mechanical stimulation in a layered, tissue-engineered cartilage construct. Biorheology (2006) 0.93