S Hossain

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Search for a resonance decaying into WZ boson pairs in pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2010 2.83
2 Loss-of-function mutations in the Nav1.7 gene underlie congenital indifference to pain in multiple human populations. Clin Genet 2007 2.15
3 Quality of analgesia when air versus saline is used for identification of the epidural space in the parturient. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2001 1.76
4 The visual analog scale for pain: clinical significance in postoperative patients. Anesthesiology 2001 1.71
5 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.53
6 Correction of hammer toe with an extended release of the metatarsophalangeal joint. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2002 1.48
7 Retrograde cerebral perfusion during thoracic aortic surgery and late neuropsychological dysfunction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2001 1.40
8 Arterial blood pressure and heart rate discrepancies between handwritten and computerized anesthesia records. Anesth Analg 2000 1.40
9 Prevalence of sputum smear-positive tuberculosis in a rural area in Bangladesh. Epidemiol Infect 2006 1.37
10 Chronic administration of docosahexaenoic acid improves the performance of radial arm maze task in aged rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2001 1.25
11 Interleukin 3 and schizophrenia: the impact of sex and family history. Mol Psychiatry 2006 1.17
12 Coevolution between a cockroach and its bacterial endosymbiont: a biogeographical perspective. Proc Biol Sci 2001 1.17
13 Hyperplasia of bronchial muscle in chronic bronchitis. J Pathol 1970 1.15
14 Measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in pp[over ]-->W+X-->enu+X events at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.09
15 Determination of the width of the top quark. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.05
16 Search for large extra dimensions via single photon plus missing energy final states at sqrt s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.04
17 Effects of local climate variability on transmission dynamics of cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2009 1.02
18 Emphysema in Edinburgh. Pathol Microbiol (Basel) 1970 1.01
19 Human rabies in rural Bangladesh. Epidemiol Infect 2011 1.00
20 Cryptosporidiosis: a cause of diarrhea in Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1990 0.99
21 Comparison of non-invasive blood pressure measurements on the arm and calf during cesarean delivery. J Clin Monit Comput 2000 0.98
22 Development of a multiplexed bead-based immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to 17 pneumococcal proteins. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2010 0.98
23 Prevalence of smear-positive tuberculosis in persons aged ≥ 15 years in Bangladesh: results from a national survey, 2007-2009. Epidemiol Infect 2011 0.98
24 Effects of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on plasma membrane fluidity of aortic endothelial cells. Lipids 1999 0.97
25 A study on histological grading of oral squamous cell carcinoma and its co-relationship with regional metastasis. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2011 0.97
26 Simultaneous vitamin A administration at routine immunization contact enhances antibody response to diphtheria vaccine in infants younger than six months. J Nutr 1999 0.95
27 Observation of single top-quark production. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.94
28 Search for flavor-changing-neutral-current d meson decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.94
29 Karydakis operation for sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease: experience in a district general hospital. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1998 0.93
30 Measurement of the lifetime of the Bc+/- meson in the semileptonic decay channel. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.92
31 Measuring socio-economic data in tuberculosis prevalence surveys. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2011 0.92
32 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry and extraction of sin2thetaWeff in pp-->Z/gamma* + X-->e+e- +X events produced at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.91
33 Measurement of dijet angular distributions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV and searches for quark compositeness and extra spatial dimensions. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.91
34 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp[over] collisions at square root [s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.90
35 Search for long-lived charged massive particles with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.90
36 Quantitative measurement of bronchial muscle in men with asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis 1973 0.89
37 Infrequent detection of Yersinia enterocolitica in childhood diarrhea in Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1986 0.89
38 Long-chain fatty acid uptake is upregulated in omental adipocytes from patients undergoing bariatric surgery for obesity. Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 0.86
39 Acceptance of long-term contraceptive methods and its related factors among the eligible couples in a selected union. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2004 0.86
40 Effect of aging on plasma membrane fluidity of rat aortic endothelial cells. Exp Gerontol 1999 0.86
41 Prevalence of home deliveries and antenatal care coverage in some selected villages. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2001 0.85
42 Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.84
43 Search for Resonant WW and WZ Production in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.84
44 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons with 1 fb(-1) of data from pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.84
45 Combination of Tevatron searches for the standard model Higgs boson in the W+W- decay mode. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.83
46 Prolonged depression of serum zinc concentrations in children following post-measles diarrhoea. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 1985 0.83
47 Adsorption and photocatalytic decolorization of a synthetic dye erythrosine on anatase TiO2 and ZnO surfaces. J Hazard Mater 2007 0.83
48 Search for W' boson resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.83
49 Measurement of the Lambda b lifetime in the exclusive decay Lambda b --> J/psi Lambda. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.82
50 Evaluation of the platelet function analyzer (PFA-100) vs. the thromboelastogram (TEG) in the parturient. Int J Obstet Anesth 2005 0.81
51 Prevalence of stroke above forty years. Mymensingh Med J 2011 0.81
52 Holmium laser urethrotomy for urethral stricture. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2004 0.80
53 Measurement of the polarization of the upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) states in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.80
54 Holmium YAG laser treatment of superficial bladder carcinoma. Mymensingh Med J 2005 0.79
55 Neurophysiology in clinical practice. Mymensingh Med J 2004 0.79
56 Age-related changes in aortic sensitivity to noradrenaline and acetylcholine in rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1998 0.78
57 Exposure to bacteroides fragilis endotoxin during cardiac surgery. Anesth Analg 2000 0.77
58 Photo-anthropometric study on face among Garo adult females of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2013 0.76
59 Search for charged higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks in pp[over ] collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.76
60 Nicorandil--induced ATP release in endothelial cells of rat caudal artery is associated with increase in intracellular Ca(2+). Eur J Pharmacol 2001 0.76
61 Measurement of the semileptonic branching ratio of B_{s};{0} to an orbitally excited D_{s};{**} state: Br(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s1};{-}(2536)mu;{+}nuX). Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.76
62 An investigation of a new activated clotting time "MAX-ACT" in patients undergoing extracorporeal circulation. Anesth Analg 2001 0.76
63 Observation of the doubly strange b baryon Omegab-. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.76
64 Evidence for Pauli exchange leading to excited-state enhancement in electron transfer. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
65 Comment on "interference effect in electron emission in heavy ion collisions with H2 detected by comparison with the measured electron spectrum from atomic hydrogen.". Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
66 Search for sneutrino production in eμ final states in 5.3 fb-1 of pp collisions at square root s =1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
67 The management of intracapsular fractures of the proximal femur. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001 0.75
68 Search for neutral Higgs bosons in multi-b-jet events in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
69 Search for anomalous top-quark couplings with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
70 Direct observation of the strange b baryon Xib-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
71 Search for scalar neutrino superpartners in e+mu final states in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
72 Search for Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp over collisions with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
73 Peer reviewed: environmental models undergo international test. Environ Sci Technol 1997 0.75
74 Search for ZZ and Zgamma* production in pp[over ] collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZZ and ZZgamma* couplings. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
75 Search for large extra spatial dimensions in the dielectron and diphoton channels in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
76 Search for new fermions ("quirks") at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
77 Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in pp at square root s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
78 Evidence for the decay Bs0-->Ds(*)Ds(*) and a measurement of DeltaGammasCP/Gammas. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
79 Foville's syndrome in infancy: report of a case. Indian Pediatr 1965 0.75
80 All-optical switching in a distributed-feedback GaInAsP waveguide. Appl Opt 1999 0.75
81 Search for W' bosons decaying to an electron and a neutrino with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
82 Health behavior, perceptions, practices, and decision making: sub-national and socio-demographic differentials in Bangladesh, 1995. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997 0.75
83 Search for the standard model higgs Boson in the ZH-->nunubb channel in 5.2 fb{-1} of pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
84 Search for third generation scalar leptoquarks decaying into taub. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
85 A clinical review of large cerebello pontile angle tumors. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2003 0.75
86 Evidence of WW and WZ production with lepton + jets final states in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
87 The effect of the obstetrician group and epidural analgesia on the risk for cesarean delivery in nulliparous women. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000 0.75
88 Improved epidural analgesia in the parturient in the 30 degree tilt position. Can J Anaesth 2000 0.75
89 Measurement of the Lambdab0 lifetime using semileptonic decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
90 Left ventricular noncompaction - a case report. Mymensingh Med J 2014 0.75
91 Search for the associated production of a b quark and a neutral supersymmetric Higgs boson that decays into tau pairs. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
92 Search for long-lived particles decaying into electron or photon pairs with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
93 Direct measurement of the W boson width. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
94 Observation of ZZ production in p-p collisions at sqrt s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
95 Search for decay of a fermiophobic Higgs boson hf-->gammagamma with the D0 detector at sqrt s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
96 First study of the radiation-amplitude zero in Wgamma production and limits on anomalous WWgamma couplings at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
97 Study of direct CP violation in B(+/-)-->J/psiK(+/-)(pi(+/-)) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
98 Disrupting actin filaments promotes efficient transfection of a leukemia cell line using cell adhesive protein-embedded carbonate apatite particles. Anal Biochem 2009 0.75
99 Search for stopped gluinos from pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
100 Measurement of the W boson mass. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
101 Search for associated W and Higgs Boson production in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
102 Measurement of gamma+b+X and gamma+c+X Production Cross Sections in pp[over ] Collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
103 Measurement of the shape of the boson-transverse momentum distribution in pp --> Z/gamma* --> e+e- + X events produced at square root s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
104 Measurement of the Zgamma --> nunu[over ]gamma production cross section and limits on anomalous ZZgamma and Zgammagamma couplings in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
105 Properties of L=1 B(1) and B(2)* mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
106 Clinicopathological correlation of acute appendicitis. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2001 0.75
107 Search for Higgs boson production in dilepton and missing energy final states with 5.4 fb(-1) of pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
108 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the missing energy and acoplanar b-jet topology at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
109 Measurement of the angular and lifetime parameters of the decays Bd0-->J/psiK*0 and Bs0-->J/psiphi. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
110 Diarrhea caused by Yersinia enterocolitica in children in Bangladesh. Contrib Microbiol Immunol 1987 0.75
111 Search for neutral Higgs Bosons at high tanbeta in the b(h/H/A)-->btau;{+}tau;{-} channel. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
112 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνq'q decay channel. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
113 Search for dark photons from supersymmetric hidden valleys. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
114 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in tau final states. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
115 Observation of the Bc meson in the exclusive decay Bc-->J/psipi. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
116 Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse energy in 6.3  fb(-1) of pp collisions at √s=1.96  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
117 Search for events with leptonic jets and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
118 Quantifying tasks, ergonomic exposures and injury rates among school custodial workers. Ergonomics 2009 0.75
119 Search for resonant diphoton production with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
120 Direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
121 Measurement of the WW production cross section with dilepton final states in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV and limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
122 Search for single vectorlike quarks in pp ̄ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
123 Precise measurement of the top-quark mass from lepton + jets events. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
124 Search for next-to-minimal supersymmetric Higgs bosons in the h --> aa --> micromicromicromicro, micromicrotautau channels using pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
125 Search for resonant pair production of neutral long-lived particles decaying to bb in pp collisions at square root(S)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
126 Search for anomalous Wtb couplings in single top quark production. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
127 The reliability and validity of the impact on lifestyle questionnaire in patients with acromegaly. Value Health 2006 0.75
128 Observation and properties of the orbitally excited B_(s2)(*) meson. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
129 Search for ZH → l+ l- bb production in 4.2 fb(-1) of pp collisions at sqrt[s] =1 .96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
130 Use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography to predict atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting. Anesthesiology 2001 0.75
131 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons in the dielectron and diphoton final states with 5.4  fb(-1) of data from pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
132 Measurement of the tt[over] production cross section in pp[over] collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
133 Search for pair production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the H++H- - -->mu+ mu+ mu- mu- final state. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
134 Model-independent measurement of the W-boson helicity in top-quark decays at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
135 Simultaneous measurement of the ratio R=B(t --> Wb)/B(t --> Wq) and the top-quark pair production cross section with the D0 detector at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
136 Measurement of Bs0 mixing parameters from the flavor-tagged decay Bs0-->J/psiphi. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
137 Precise study of the Z/γ* boson transverse momentum distribution in pp collisions using a novel technique. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75