Published in Dev Med Child Neurol on April 01, 2009
The cerebral palsy transition clinic: administrative chore, clinical responsibility, or opportunity for audit and clinical research? J Child Orthop (2014) 0.75
Current and future uses of the Gross Motor Function Classification System: the need to take account of other factors to explain functional outcomes. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 0.75
Current and future uses of the Gross Motor Function Classification System. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 1.99
Proposed definition and classification of cerebral palsy, April 2005. Dev Med Child Neurol (2005) 9.19
The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for children with cerebral palsy: scale development and evidence of validity and reliability. Dev Med Child Neurol (2006) 5.00
Content validity of the expanded and revised Gross Motor Function Classification System. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 3.73
Prognosis for gross motor function in cerebral palsy: creation of motor development curves. JAMA (2002) 3.51
Treatments for paediatric femoral fractures: a randomised trial. Lancet (2005) 3.07
The health and well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics (2005) 2.88
Systemic adverse events following botulinum toxin A therapy in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2010) 2.28
Participation and enjoyment of leisure activities in school-aged children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 2.18
Use of the GMFCS in infants with CP: the need for reclassification at age 2 years or older. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 2.01
Development of the Gross Motor Function Classification System for cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 1.98
Selective dorsal rhizotomy: meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials. Dev Med Child Neurol (2002) 1.97
Information transfer: what do decision makers want and need from researchers? Implement Sci (2007) 1.88
Caregiving process and caregiver burden: conceptual models to guide research and practice. BMC Pediatr (2004) 1.86
Patterns of participation in recreational and leisure activities among children with complex physical disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol (2006) 1.84
A systematic review of measures of activity limitation for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 1.78
Botulinum neurotoxin A: an unusual systemic effect. J Paediatr Child Health (2007) 1.66
Family-centred research: what does it mean and can we do it? Dev Med Child Neurol (2011) 1.66
Progressive resistance training and mobility-related function in young people with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Dev Med Child Neurol (2013) 1.65
Participation in home, extracurricular, and community activities among children and young people with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 1.62
Quality of life of adolescents with cerebral palsy: perspectives of adolescents and parents. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 1.59
Adductor surgery to prevent hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy: the predictive role of the Gross Motor Function Classification System. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2012) 1.57
Repeat botulinum toxin-A injections in the upper limb of children with hemiplegia: a randomized controlled trial. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 1.53
Focus on function: a cluster, randomized controlled trial comparing child- versus context-focused intervention for young children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2011) 1.52
The randomized controlled trial: an excellent design, but can it address the big questions in neurodisability? Dev Med Child Neurol (2010) 1.50
Inter-relationships of functional status in cerebral palsy: analyzing gross motor function, manual ability, and communication function classification systems in children. Dev Med Child Neurol (2012) 1.49
A classification system for hip disease in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2008) 1.49
Gross Motor Function Measure-66 trajectories in children recovering after severe acquired brain injury. Dev Med Child Neurol (2014) 1.47
Limb distribution, motor impairment, and functional classification of cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2004) 1.46
Determinants of gross motor function of young children with cerebral palsy: a prospective cohort study. Dev Med Child Neurol (2013) 1.46
Stability of the Gross Motor Function Classification System after single-event multilevel surgery in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2012) 1.45
The health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: how does it compare with that of other Canadian caregivers? Pediatrics (2004) 1.43
Unilateral cerebral palsy: a population-based study of gait and motor function. Dev Med Child Neurol (2011) 1.43
The Quality Function Measure: reliability and discriminant validity of a new measure of quality of gross motor movement in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2014) 1.41
The Move & PLAY study: an example of comprehensive rehabilitation outcomes research. Phys Ther (2010) 1.40
The impact of botulinum toxin A and abduction bracing on long-term hip development in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2012) 1.40
Gross motor capability and performance of mobility in children with cerebral palsy: a comparison across home, school, and outdoors/community settings. Phys Ther (2004) 1.39
Gastrocnemius-soleus muscle tendon unit changes over the first 12 weeks of adjusted age in infants born preterm. Phys Ther (2009) 1.39
Ankle Movements During Supine Kicking in Infants Born Preterm. Pediatr Phys Ther (2016) 1.39
Development of the Early Activity Scale for Endurance for children with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Phys Ther (2012) 1.38
A randomized clinical trial of strength training in young people with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2003) 1.36
Stability and decline in gross motor function among children and youth with cerebral palsy aged 2 to 21 years. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 1.35
Paediatric quality of life instruments: a review of the impact of the conceptual framework on outcomes. Dev Med Child Neurol (2006) 1.33
Feeding dysfunction is associated with poor growth and health status in children with cerebral palsy. J Am Diet Assoc (2002) 1.33
Hip displacement in cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2006) 1.31
A conceptual model of the factors affecting the recreation and leisure participation of children with disabilities. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr (2003) 1.28
Determinants of life quality in school-age children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr (2007) 1.28
The Functional Mobility Scale (FMS). J Pediatr Orthop (2004) 1.25
Growth and health in children with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy. Pediatrics (2006) 1.24
Context therapy: a new intervention approach for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2011) 1.22
Hip displacement in spastic cerebral palsy: repeatability of radiologic measurement. J Pediatr Orthop (2002) 1.22
Test-retest reliability of hand-held dynamometric strength testing in young people with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (2004) 1.20
Leisure activity preferences for 6- to 12-year-old children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 1.19
Gait classification in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Gait Posture (2006) 1.16
Early autism detection: are we ready for routine screening? Pediatrics (2011) 1.15
Health-related quality of life in children with epilepsy: development and validation of self-report and parent proxy measures. Epilepsia (2003) 1.14
The ICF model of functioning and disability: incorporating quality of life and human development. Dev Neurorehabil (2010) 1.11
Cerebral palsy in Victoria: motor types, topography and gross motor function. J Paediatr Child Health (2005) 1.11
Psychometric properties of the quality of life questionnaire for children with CP. Dev Med Child Neurol (2007) 1.09
Family-centered service for children with cerebral palsy and their families: a review of the literature. Semin Pediatr Neurol (2004) 1.09
Function and upright time following limb salvage, amputation, and rotationplasty for pediatric sarcoma of bone. J Pediatr Orthop (2006) 1.09
Health-related quality of life in childhood epilepsy: moving beyond 'seizure control with minimal adverse effects'. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2003) 1.08
Accuracy of intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin A in juvenile cerebral palsy: a comparison between manual needle placement and placement guided by electrical stimulation. J Pediatr Orthop (2005) 1.08
The gait profile score and movement analysis profile. Gait Posture (2009) 1.08
Progressive gait deterioration in adolescents with Dravet syndrome. Arch Neurol (2012) 1.08
Gross Motor Function Classification System used in adults with cerebral palsy: agreement of self-reported versus professional rating. Dev Med Child Neurol (2006) 1.07
Quality of life and health-related quality of life of adolescents with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2007) 1.07
Generic patient-reported outcomes in child health research: a review of conceptual content using World Health Organization definitions. Dev Med Child Neurol (2012) 1.06
Quality of life of children with neurological impairment who receive a fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Hosp Med (2007) 1.05
Proximal femoral geometry in cerebral palsy: a population-based cross-sectional study. J Bone Joint Surg Br (2008) 1.05
Health status of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: information from a population-based sample. Dev Med Child Neurol (2002) 1.03
Promoting the use of measurement tools in practice: a mixed-methods study of the activities and experiences of physical therapist knowledge brokers. Phys Ther (2010) 1.02
Relationship of nutritional status to health and societal participation in children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr (2002) 1.01
Assistive devices for children with functional impairments: impact on child and caregiver function. Dev Med Child Neurol (2007) 1.01
Stability of the Gross Motor Function Classification System in adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2007) 0.99
Impact of fundoplication versus gastrojejunal feeding tubes on mortality and in preventing aspiration pneumonia in young children with neurologic impairment who have gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pediatrics (2009) 0.99
Does parent report measure performance? A study of the construct validity of the Functional Mobility Scale. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 0.99
A home for medically complex children: the role of hospital programs. J Healthc Qual (2008) 0.97
Management of the upper limb in cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Orthop B (2005) 0.97
Quality of life among adolescents with cerebral palsy: what does the literature tell us? Dev Med Child Neurol (2007) 0.96
Functional outcome of botulinum toxin A injections to the lower limbs in cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2002) 0.96
Physical therapists' perceptions of factors influencing the acquisition of motor abilities of children with cerebral palsy: implications for clinical reasoning. Phys Ther (2002) 0.96
Single-event multilevel surgery in children with spastic diplegia: a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2011) 0.96
Family-centered theory: origins, development, barriers, and supports to implementation in rehabilitation medicine. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (2008) 0.94
Rasch analysis of the PedsQL: an increased understanding of the properties of a rating scale. J Clin Epidemiol (2012) 0.93
Focus on Function - a randomized controlled trial comparing two rehabilitation interventions for young children with cerebral palsy. BMC Pediatr (2007) 0.93
Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of surgical management in developmental dysplasia of the hip in childhood. J Pediatr Orthop (2001) 0.93
A measure of community members' perceptions of the impacts of research partnerships in health and social services. Eval Program Plann (2009) 0.93
Assessment of motor development and function in preschool children. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev (2005) 0.92
Predicted and observed outcomes in preschool children following speech and language treatment: parent and clinician perspectives. J Commun Disord (2008) 0.92
Reliability in the ratings of quality of life between parents and their children of school age with cerebral palsy. Qual Life Res (2008) 0.91
A qualitative analysis of the benefits of strength training for young people with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2003) 0.89
Reliability of classification of cerebral palsy in low-birthweight children in four countries. Dev Med Child Neurol (2003) 0.89
Variability in mobility of children with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Phys Ther (2007) 0.89
Determinants of social participation--with friends and others who are not family members--for youths with cerebral palsy. Phys Ther (2010) 0.89
Single-event multilevel surgery for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol (2011) 0.88
Lengthening of the gastrocnemius-soleus complex: an anatomical and biomechanical study in human cadavers. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2013) 0.88
Accuracy of generic musculoskeletal models in predicting the functional roles of muscles in human gait. J Biomech (2011) 0.87
Development and validation of item sets to improve efficiency of administration of the 66-item Gross Motor Function Measure in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol (2009) 0.87
The minimal clinically important difference for the Gait Profile Score. Gait Posture (2012) 0.87