Published in Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol on May 24, 2009
The Role of Attitudes, Family, Peer and School on Alcohol Use, Rule Breaking and Aggressive Behavior in Hispanic Delinquent Adolescents. Open Fam Stud J (2011) 0.93
Adolescent health and adaptation in Canada: examination of gender and age aspects of the healthy immigrant effect. Int J Equity Health (2014) 0.83
Wellbeing and occupational risk perception among health care workers: a multicenter study in Morocco and France. J Occup Med Toxicol (2016) 0.75
Psychosocial and occupational risk perception among health care workers: a Moroccan multicenter study. BMC Res Notes (2015) 0.75
Longitudinal Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms Among Male and Female Adolescents. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev (2016) 0.75
Negative Bystander Behavior in Bullying Dynamics: Assessing the Impact of Social Capital Deprivation and Anti-social Capital. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev (2017) 0.75
Parental monitoring: a reinterpretation. Child Dev (2001) 10.06
What parents know, how they know it, and several forms of adolescent adjustment: further support for a reinterpretation of monitoring. Dev Psychol (2000) 6.47
Parental caregiving and child externalizing behavior in nonclinical samples: a meta-analysis. Psychol Bull (1994) 3.13
Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2004) 2.48
Parenting and adolescent problem behavior: an integrated model with adolescent self-disclosure and perceived parental knowledge as intervening variables. Dev Psychol (2006) 2.24
Family functioning and children's adjustment: associations among parents' depressed mood, marital hostility, parent-child hostility, and children's adjustment. J Fam Psychol (2005) 1.47
Role of parenting in adolescent deviant behavior: replication across and within two ethnic groups. J Consult Clin Psychol (1997) 1.45
Accelerated longitudinal comparisons of aggressive versus delinquent syndromes. Dev Psychopathol (1997) 1.24
Parents and partners in crime: a six-year longitudinal study on changes in supportive relationships and delinquency in adolescence and young adulthood. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2004) 1.19
Mental health in immigrant children in the Netherlands. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2005) 1.17
Parenting styles, adolescents' attributions, and educational outcomes in nine heterogeneous high schools. Child Dev (1997) 1.14
Understanding childhood (problem) behaviors from a cultural perspective: comparison of problem behaviors and competencies in Turkish immigrant, Turkish and Dutch children. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (1997) 1.14
Adolescent Intimacy Revisited. J Youth Adolesc (1997) 1.13
Parent, teacher and self-reported problem behavior in The Netherlands: comparing Moroccan immigrant with Dutch and with Turkish immigrant children and adolescents. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2003) 1.12
Predictors of cross-informant syndromes among children and youths referred for mental health services. J Abnorm Child Psychol (1996) 1.05
Emotional autonomy, psychosocial adjustment and parenting: interactions, moderating and mediating effects. J Adolesc (1999) 0.99
The role of family and peer relations in adolescent antisocial behaviour: comparison of four ethnic groups. J Adolesc (2004) 0.95
Predicting externalizing problems in Moroccan immigrant adolescents in the Netherlands. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2005) 0.90
Applying ethnic equivalence and cultural values models to African-American teens' perceptions of parents. J Adolesc (2003) 0.87
Cultural differences in the relationship between parenting and children's behavior. Dev Psychol (2008) 0.85
The normative development of child and adolescent problem behavior. J Abnorm Psychol (2003) 2.78
The role of alcohol-specific socialization in adolescents' drinking behaviour. Addiction (2005) 1.94
Developmental trajectories of externalizing behaviors in childhood and adolescence. Child Dev (2004) 1.91
Emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents with and without intellectual disability. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2002) 1.74
Alcohol-specific rules, personality and adolescents' alcohol use: a longitudinal person-environment study. Addiction (2007) 1.71
Attachment-based intervention for enhancing sensitive discipline in mothers of 1- to 3-year-old children at risk for externalizing behavior problems: a randomized controlled trial. J Consult Clin Psychol (2006) 1.67
Cortisol and externalizing behavior in children and adolescents: mixed meta-analytic evidence for the inverse relation of basal cortisol and cortisol reactivity with externalizing behavior. Dev Psychobiol (2008) 1.62
DSM-IV disorders in children with borderline to moderate intellectual disability. I: prevalence and impact. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2003) 1.61
Developmental changes in adolescents' perceptions of relationships with their parents. J Youth Adolesc (2008) 1.57
Friend's drinking behaviour and adolescent alcohol consumption: the moderating role of friendship characteristics. Addict Behav (2005) 1.51
Intelligence and psychosocial functioning during long-term growth hormone therapy in children born small for gestational age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2004) 1.48
Quality of life in children with psychiatric disorders: self-, parent, and clinician report. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2004) 1.47
The impact of alcohol-specific rules, parental norms about early drinking and parental alcohol use on adolescents' drinking behavior. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2006) 1.46
The relations between parents' Big Five personality factors and parenting: a meta-analytic review. J Pers Soc Psychol (2009) 1.38
Longitudinal associations between perceived parent-child relationship quality and depressive symptoms in adolescence. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2010) 1.35
Which forms of child/adolescent externalizing behaviors account for late adolescent risky sexual behavior and substance use? J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2007) 1.32
Developmental links of adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation, and control with delinquency: moderation by parental support. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.32
After plastic surgery: adolescent-reported appearance ratings and appearance-related burdens in patient and general population groups. Plast Reconstr Surg (2002) 1.31
Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation difficulties in adolescents using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. Assessment (2009) 1.22
Underdiagnosis and referral bias of autism in ethnic minorities. J Autism Dev Disord (2008) 1.22
Identification and prediction of drinking trajectories in early and mid-adolescence. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol (2009) 1.19
The early childhood aggression curve: development of physical aggression in 10- to 50-month-old children. Child Dev (2006) 1.19
A meta-analysis of the cross-cultural psychometric properties of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED). J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2011) 1.18
Differential susceptibility to discipline: the moderating effect of child temperament on the association between maternal discipline and early childhood externalizing problems. J Fam Psychol (2007) 1.18
Prevention of depression and anxiety in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy and mechanisms of Internet-based self-help problem-solving therapy. Trials (2009) 1.16
Family factors and psychopathology in children with epilepsy: a literature review. Epilepsy Behav (2005) 1.15
Psychopathology in children with epilepsy: a meta-analysis. J Pediatr Psychol (2005) 1.15
Intrauterine growth and infant temperamental difficulties: the Generation R Study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2008) 1.14
14-year changes in emotional and behavioral problems of very young Dutch children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2007) 1.14
It takes three: selection, influence, and de-selection processes of depression in adolescent friendship networks. Dev Psychol (2010) 1.12
Executive functions in preschool children with externalizing behavior problems: a meta-analysis. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2013) 1.12
Executive function deficits in preschool children with ADHD and DBD. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2011) 1.11
Maturation of personality in adolescence. J Pers Soc Psychol (2009) 1.10
Different types of Internet use, depression, and social anxiety: the role of perceived friendship quality. J Adolesc (2008) 1.10
Sex differences in the timing of identification among children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (2013) 1.10
Predicting growth curves of early childhood externalizing problems: differential susceptibility of children with difficult temperament. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2009) 1.08
Quality of life in children surviving cancer: a personality and multi-informant perspective. J Pediatr Psychol (2004) 1.07
Developmental cascades of peer relations and symptoms of externalizing and internalizing problems from kindergarten to fourth-grade elementary school. Dev Psychopathol (2010) 1.07
Effects of insulin pump vs. injection treatment on quality of life and impact of disease in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in a randomized, prospective comparison. Pediatr Diabetes (2008) 1.06
The role of music preferences in early adolescents' friendship formation and stability. J Adolesc (2007) 1.05
Study design of 'FRIENDS for Life': process and effect evaluation of an indicated school-based prevention programme for childhood anxiety and depression. BMC Public Health (2012) 1.04
Developmental changes and gender differences in adolescents' perceptions of friendships. J Adolesc (2009) 1.01
Determinants of quality of life in children with psychiatric disorders. Qual Life Res (2005) 1.01
Family predictors of psychopathology in children with epilepsy. Epilepsia (2006) 1.01
Early risk indicators of internalizing problems in late childhood: a 9-year longitudinal study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2008) 1.00
Mothers' and fathers' personality and parenting: the mediating role of sense of competence. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.00
Rethinking theory of mind in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2012) 0.99
Which better predicts conduct problems? The relationship of trajectories of conduct problems with ODD and ADHD symptoms from childhood into adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2007) 0.99
Terrible ones? Assessment of externalizing behaviors in infancy with the Child Behavior Checklist. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2006) 0.99
The reciprocal relationship between early adolescent attachment and internalizing and externalizing problem behaviour. J Adolesc (2004) 0.99
Prenatal smoking and internalizing and externalizing problems in children studied from childhood to late adolescence. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2008) 0.98
Major surgery within the first 3 months of life and subsequent biobehavioral pain responses to immunization at later age: a case comparison study. Pediatrics (2003) 0.98
Contextual risk factors as predictors of disruptive behavior disorder trajectories in girls: the moderating effect of callous-unemotional features. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2010) 0.98
Explaining the adjustment of adolescents with type 1 diabetes: role of diabetes-specific and psychosocial factors. Diabetes Care (2009) 0.97
The moral judgment of juvenile delinquents: a meta-analysis. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2006) 0.97
Come rain or come shine: individual differences in how weather affects mood. Emotion (2011) 0.96
The role of contextual risk, impulsivity, and parental knowledge in the development of adolescent antisocial behavior. J Abnorm Psychol (2010) 0.96
DSM-IV disorders in children with borderline to moderate intellectual disability. II: child and family predictors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2003) 0.96
Relations among temperament, parenting and problem behavior in young children. Infant Behav Dev (2009) 0.95
Is the generalized anxiety disorder symptom of worry just another form of neuroticism? a 5-year longitudinal study of adolescents from the general population. J Clin Psychiatry (2010) 0.95
The role of family and peer relations in adolescent antisocial behaviour: comparison of four ethnic groups. J Adolesc (2004) 0.95
Caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of problem behavior in 5- to 6-year-old children. Pediatrics (2012) 0.95
One factor or two parallel processes? Comorbidity and development of adolescent anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2009) 0.95
Toddlers' temperament profiles: stability and relations to negative and positive parenting. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2010) 0.95
The role of peer relationships in the development of early school-age externalizing problems. Child Dev (2011) 0.94
Correspondence in collateral and self-reports on alcohol consumption: a within family analysis. Addict Behav (2006) 0.93
Gender differences in keeping secrets from parents in adolescence. Dev Psychol (2010) 0.93
Language skills, peer rejection, and the development of externalizing behavior from kindergarten to fourth grade. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2010) 0.93
Examining differential effects of psychological treatment of depressive disorder: an application of trajectory analyses. J Affect Disord (2005) 0.93
The relationship between juvenile psychopathic traits, delinquency and (violent) recidivism: a meta-analysis. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2011) 0.93
Measuring pain in children with cognitive impairment: pain response to surgical procedures. Pain (2003) 0.93
Forbidden friends as forbidden fruit: parental supervision of friendships, contact with deviant peers, and adolescent delinquency. Child Dev (2011) 0.93
Transactional associations among teacher support, peer social preference, and child externalizing behavior: a four-wave longitudinal study. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol (2011) 0.92
Developmental course of psychopathology in youths with and without intellectual disabilities. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2007) 0.92
Longitudinal relations between sleep quality, time in bed and adolescent problem behaviour. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2010) 0.92
Sibling relationship quality and psychopathology of children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. Clin Psychol Rev (2012) 0.91
The direction of effects between perceived parental behavioral control and psychological control and adolescents' self-reported GAD and SAD symptoms. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 0.91
How does longitudinally measured maternal expressed emotion affect internalizing and externalizing symptoms of adolescents from the general community? J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2011) 0.91
Observational visual analog scale in pediatric pain assessment: useful tool or good riddance? Clin J Pain (2002) 0.91
Testing sex-specific pathways from peer victimization to anxiety and depression in early adolescents through a randomized intervention trial. J Affect Disord (2006) 0.91
Early adolescent depressive symptoms: prediction from clique isolation, loneliness, and perceived social acceptance. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2010) 0.91
Psychopathology in children: improvement of quality of life without psychiatric symptom reduction? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2005) 0.90
Assessing emotional and behavioral problems in children with intellectual disability: revisiting the factor structure of the developmental behavior checklist. J Autism Dev Disord (2002) 0.90
Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2011) 0.90
Empathy and conflict resolution in friendship relations among adolescents. Aggress Behav (2007) 0.90