Published in BMC Public Health on May 27, 2009
HIV infection in older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: extrapolating prevalence from existing data. Bull World Health Organ (2010) 1.98
Health and functional status among older people with HIV/AIDS in Uganda. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.27
Health status and quality of life among older adults in rural Tanzania. Glob Health Action (2010) 1.11
Epidemiological and mortality analysis of older adults with HIV in eastern China. Clin Interv Aging (2013) 0.78
Gender differentials on the health consequences of care-giving to people with AIDS-related illness among older informal carers in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya. AIDS Care (2011) 0.78
Magnitude of HIV infection among older people in Mufindi and Babati districts of the Tanzania mainland. HIV AIDS (Auckl) (2014) 0.77
Socio-Demographic Variables and Successful Aging of the Angolan Elderly. Scientifica (Cairo) (2016) 0.76
Slums' access to and coverage of primary health care services: a cross-sectional study in shiraz, a metropolis in southern iran. Iran J Med Sci (2014) 0.75
Determinants of access to healthcare by older persons in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Int J Equity Health (2015) 0.75
Orphanhood and childcare patterns in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of national surveys from 40 countries. AIDS (2004) 3.80
Measuring quality of life: Is quality of life determined by expectations or experience? BMJ (2001) 3.43
Are quality of life measures patient centred? BMJ (2001) 2.59
The burden of disease profile of residents of Nairobi's slums: results from a demographic surveillance system. Popul Health Metr (2008) 2.43
Gender differences in health in later life: the new paradox? Soc Sci Med (1999) 2.17
Gender and inequalities in health in later life. Soc Sci Med (1993) 1.87
Social inequalities in health: are there gender differences? Soc Sci Med (1999) 1.67
HIV infection in the elderly. Clin Interv Aging (2008) 1.59
The plight of older persons as caregivers to people infected/affected by HIV/AIDS: evidence from Uganda. J Cross Cult Gerontol (2007) 1.55
Item response theory and its applications to patient-reported outcomes measurement. Eval Health Prof (2005) 1.36
Older people and AIDS: quantitative evidence of the impact in Thailand. Soc Sci Med (2001) 1.33
HIV/AIDS and family support systems: A situation analysis of people living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State. SAHARA J (2007) 1.31
The aging of the HIV epidemic. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2008) 1.27
The impact of HIV/AIDS on the living arrangements and well-being of elderly caregivers in rural Uganda. AIDS Care (2009) 1.26
Growing older with HIV: a study of health, social and economic circumstances for people Living with HIV in Australia over the age of 50 years. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2005) 1.17
Ageing with HIV: newly diagnosed older adults in Italy. AIDS Care (2008) 1.09
HIV-1 infected patients older than 50 years. PISCIS cohort study. J Infect (2008) 1.04
Overlooked potential: older-age parents in the era of ART. AIDS Care (2008) 1.03
AIDS and the urban family: its impact in Kampala, Uganda. AIDS Care (1993) 1.00
Effects of coresidence and caregiving on health of Thai parents of adult children with AIDS. J Nurs Scholarsh (2003) 0.84
Adolescence: a foundation for future health. Lancet (2012) 5.37
Monitoring of health and demographic outcomes in poor urban settlements: evidence from the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System. J Urban Health (2011) 2.18
Urban-rural differences in the socioeconomic deprivation--sexual behavior link in Kenya. Soc Sci Med (2006) 2.10
Maternal health in resource-poor urban settings: how does women's autonomy influence the utilization of obstetric care services? Reprod Health (2009) 1.97
Sexual behavior, knowledge and information sources of very young adolescents in four sub-Saharan African countries. Afr J Reprod Health (2007) 1.65
Geographical access to care at birth in Ghana: a barrier to safe motherhood. BMC Public Health (2012) 1.62
Winners and losers: expansion of insurance coverage in Russia in the 1990s. Am J Public Health (2003) 1.38
Overview of migration, poverty and health dynamics in Nairobi City's slum settlements. J Urban Health (2011) 1.33
Marital status, health and mortality. Maturitas (2012) 1.24
An investigation of factors associated with the health and well-being of HIV-infected or HIV-affected older people in rural South Africa. BMC Public Health (2012) 1.19
Is poverty a driver for risky sexual behaviour? Evidence from national surveys of adolescents in four African countries. Afr J Reprod Health (2007) 1.15
Does discussion of family planning improve knowledge of partner's attitude toward contraceptives? Int Fam Plan Perspect (2004) 1.14
Gender, turning points, and boomerangs: returning home in young adulthood in Great Britain. Demography (2014) 1.12
Seasonal pattern of pneumonia mortality among under-five children in Nairobi's informal settlements. Am J Trop Med Hyg (2009) 1.09
Men's influence on the onset and progress of fertility decline in Ghana, 1988-98. Popul Stud (Camb) (2005) 1.08
Do men and women report their sexual partnerships differently? Evidence from Kisumu, Kenya. Int Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2011) 1.05
Child growth in urban deprived settings: does household poverty status matter? At which stage of child development? Health Place (2011) 1.05
Capacity development for health research in Africa: experiences managing the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship Program. Health Res Policy Syst (2010) 1.04
Hunger and food insecurity in Nairobi's slums: an assessment using IRT models. J Urban Health (2011) 1.03
The effect of participant nonresponse on HIV prevalence estimates in a population-based survey in two informal settlements in Nairobi city. Popul Health Metr (2010) 0.99
What shapes research impact on policy? Understanding research uptake in sexual and reproductive health policy processes in resource poor contexts. Health Res Policy Syst (2011) 0.97
Gendered interests and poor spousal contraceptive communication in Islamic northern Nigeria. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care (2010) 0.91
Timing and sequencing of events marking the transition to adulthood in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. J Urban Health (2011) 0.91
Strengthening the research to policy and practice interface: exploring strategies used by research organisations working on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. Health Res Policy Syst (2011) 0.91
Self-reported drunkenness among adolescents in four sub-Saharan African countries: associations with adverse childhood experiences. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2010) 0.90
Gender, aging, poverty and health: Survival strategies of older men and women in Nairobi slums. J Aging Stud (2009) 0.90
Food security and nutritional outcomes among urban poor orphans in Nairobi, Kenya. J Urban Health (2011) 0.89
Women and high fertility in Islamic northern Nigeria. Stud Fam Plann (2010) 0.88
The changing living arrangements of young adults in the UK. Popul Trends (2009) 0.86
Determinants of current contraceptive use and method choice in Mongolia. J Biosoc Sci (2007) 0.84
Measuring unmet need for social care amongst older people. Popul Trends (2011) 0.83
The transition to living alone and psychological distress in later life. Age Ageing (2013) 0.83
Is mortality among under-five children in Nairobi slums seasonal? Trop Med Int Health (2010) 0.81
Migration in later life: evidence from the British Household Panel Study. Popul Trends (2010) 0.80
The changing demography of mid-life, from the 1980s to the 2000s. Popul Trends (2011) 0.78
Gender differentials on the health consequences of care-giving to people with AIDS-related illness among older informal carers in two slums in Nairobi, Kenya. AIDS Care (2011) 0.78
Metaphors we love by: Conceptualizations of sex among young people in Malawi. Afr J Reprod Health (2007) 0.77
Socioeconomic Differentials Between HIV Caregivers and Noncaregivers: Is There a Selection Effect? A Case of Older People Living in Nairobi City Slums. Res Aging (2010) 0.75
Mortality at older ages and moves in residential and sheltered housing: evidence from the UK. J Epidemiol Community Health (2014) 0.75
Older international migrants: who migrates to England and Wales in later life? Popul Trends (2009) 0.75
Unemployment: Family Circumstances and Childhood Correlates Among Young People in Britain. Popul Stud (Camb) (1991) 0.75
Unemployment: Family Circumstances and Childhood Correlates Among Young People in Britain. Popul Stud (Camb) (1991) 0.75
Living alone and psychological well-being in mid-life: does partnership history matter? J Epidemiol Community Health (2014) 0.75