Published in J Interpers Violence on June 24, 2009
Experience of violence and adverse reproductive health outcomes, HIV risks among mobile female sex workers in India. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.38
Condom use among female sex workers and their non-commercial partners: effects of a sexual risk intervention in two Mexican cities. Int J STD AIDS (2012) 1.22
Violence against women in sex work and HIV risk implications differ qualitatively by perpetrator. BMC Public Health (2013) 1.17
Partner violence and psychosocial distress among female sex workers in China. PLoS One (2013) 1.06
Reducing intimate and paying partner violence against women who exchange sex in Mongolia: results from a randomized clinical trial. J Interpers Violence (2012) 1.02
A descriptive profile of abused female sex workers in India. J Health Popul Nutr (2010) 0.94
Partners and clients of female sex workers in an informal urban settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Cult Health Sex (2011) 0.92
Partner violence and health among HIV-infected jail detainees. Int J Prison Health (2013) 0.88
Female sex workers in Africa: epidemiology overview, data gaps, ways forward. SAHARA J (2012) 0.88
Physical and sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse and HIV/STI risk behaviour among alcohol-using women engaged in sex work in Mongolia. Glob Public Health (2014) 0.83
Advancing sexual health through human rights: the role of the law. Glob Public Health (2014) 0.81
Prevalence and Correlates of Client-Perpetrated Violence against Female Sex Workers in 13 Mexican Cities. PLoS One (2015) 0.77
Transactional sex involvement: exploring risk and promotive factors among substance-using youth in an urban emergency department. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2014) 0.77
The impact of an alcohol harm reduction intervention on interpersonal violence and engagement in sex work among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Drug Alcohol Depend (2016) 0.76
History of intimate partner violence is associated with sex work but not sexually transmitted infection among HIV-positive female drinkers in Russia. Int J STD AIDS (2013) 0.75
Pursuing Authenticity From Process to Outcome in a Community-Based Participatory Research Study of Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Vulnerability in North Karnataka, India. Qual Health Res (2016) 0.75
Intimate-Partner and Client-Initiated Violence among Female Street-Based Sex Workers in China: Does a Support Network Help? PLoS One (2015) 0.75
The impact of a microsavings intervention on reducing violence against women engaged in sex work: a randomized controlled study. BMC Int Health Hum Rights (2016) 0.75
Personal and Financial Risk Typologies Among Women Who Engage in Sex Work in Mongolia: A Latent Class Analysis. Arch Sex Behav (2016) 0.75