Jerry Okal

Author PubWeight™ 10.65‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Changes in sexual risk taking with antiretroviral treatment: influence of context and gender norms in Mombasa, Kenya. Cult Health Sex 2009 1.14
2 HIV and STI prevalence and risk factors among male sex workers and other men who have sex with men in Nairobi, Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 1.12
3 Contraceptive needs of female sex workers in Kenya - a cross-sectional study. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2011 1.06
4 A policy analysis of the implementation of a Reproductive Health Vouchers Program in Kenya. BMC Public Health 2012 1.04
5 Exploring the effectiveness of the output-based aid voucher program to increase uptake of gender-based violence recovery services in Kenya: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Public Health 2012 1.02
6 Community experiences and perceptions of reproductive health vouchers in Kenya. BMC Public Health 2013 0.98
7 A taxonomy and results from a comprehensive review of 28 maternal health voucher programmes. J Health Popul Nutr 2013 0.95
8 Sexual behavior of HIV-positive adults not accessing HIV treatment in Mombasa, Kenya: Defining their prevention needs. AIDS Res Ther 2012 0.90
9 Emotional and psychosocial aspects of menstrual poverty in resource-poor settings: a qualitative study of the experiences of adolescent girls in an informal settlement in Nairobi. Health Care Women Int 2013 0.89
10 HIV and STI prevalence and injection behaviors among people who inject drugs in Nairobi: results from a 2011 bio-behavioral study using respondent-driven sampling. AIDS Behav 2015 0.85
11 Prevalence of HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and risk behaviours among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya: results of a respondent driven sampling study. AIDS Behav 2015 0.82