Published in BMC Public Health on August 18, 2009
Access to safe abortion: building choices for women living with HIV and AIDS. J Int AIDS Soc (2011) 0.97
"Sometimes they used to whisper in our ears": health care workers' perceptions of the effects of abortion legalization in Nepal. BMC Public Health (2012) 0.93
Health care providers' perceptions of and attitudes towards induced abortions in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia: a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative data. BMC Public Health (2015) 0.92
Barriers and facilitators in the provision of post-abortion care at district level in central Uganda - a qualitative study focusing on task sharing between physicians and midwives. BMC Health Serv Res (2014) 0.91
Health care provider perspectives on pregnancy and parenting in HIV-positive individuals in South Africa. BMC Health Serv Res (2014) 0.88
Shaping legal abortion provision in Ghana: using policy theory to understand provider-related obstacles to policy implementation. Health Res Policy Syst (2013) 0.86
The potential of medical abortion to reduce maternal mortality in Africa: what benefits for Tanzania and Ethiopia? PLoS One (2010) 0.85
Frontline health workers as brokers: provider perceptions, experiences and mitigating strategies to improve access to essential medicines in South Africa. BMC Health Serv Res (2014) 0.81
Surgical and medical second trimester abortion in South Africa: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res (2011) 0.79
Sexual violence-related pregnancies in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: a qualitative analysis of access to pregnancy termination services. Confl Health (2016) 0.75
Stigmatized by association: challenges for abortion service providers in Ghana. BMC Health Serv Res (2016) 0.75
Implementation considerations when expanding health worker roles to include safe abortion care: a five-country case study synthesis. BMC Public Health (2017) 0.75
Gender-based violence, relationship power, and risk of HIV infection in women attending antenatal clinics in South Africa. Lancet (2004) 11.28
Risk factors for legal induced abortion-related mortality in the United States. Obstet Gynecol (2004) 4.20
The epidemiology of rape and sexual coercion in South Africa: an overview. Soc Sci Med (2002) 3.28
Barriers to implementing South Africa's Termination of Pregnancy Act in rural KwaZulu/Natal. Health Policy Plan (2000) 1.80
Why are women still aborting outside designated facilities in metropolitan South Africa? BJOG (2005) 1.60
Dramatic decline in abortion mortality due to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act. S Afr Med J (2005) 1.44
Knowledge of the abortion legislation among South African women: a cross-sectional study. Reprod Health (2006) 1.33
'Even if you're positive, you still have rights because you are a person': human rights and the reproductive choice of HIV-positive persons. Dev World Bioeth (2008) 1.32
Delays in seeking an abortion until the second trimester: a qualitative study in South Africa. Reprod Health (2007) 1.10
Clarifying values and transforming attitudes to improve access to second trimester abortion. Reprod Health Matters (2008) 1.10
Post abortion family planning counseling as a tool to increase contraception use. BMC Public Health (2009) 0.94
Medium and long-term adherence to postabortion contraception among women having experienced unsafe abortion in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2008) 0.92
Scaling-up a public health innovation: a comparative study of post-abortion care in Bolivia and Mexico. Soc Sci Med (2007) 0.90
Professional nurses' attitudes towards providing termination of pregnancy services in a tertiary hospital in the north west province of South Africa. Curationis (2006) 0.89
Physicians' agreement with and willingness to provide abortion services in the case of pregnancy from rape in Mexico. Contraception (2008) 0.84
A review of termination of pregnancy: prevalent health care professional attitudes and ways of influencing them. J Clin Nurs (2008) 0.83
Nurses' attitudes towards termination of pregnancy. J Adv Nurs (1994) 0.83
"Life is still going on": reproductive intentions among HIV-positive women and men in South Africa. Soc Sci Med (2007) 4.14
Coverage of nevirapine-based services to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in 4 African countries. JAMA (2010) 3.07
Policy maker and health care provider perspectives on reproductive decision-making amongst HIV-infected individuals in South Africa. BMC Public Health (2007) 1.93
The contribution of maternal HIV seroconversion during late pregnancy and breastfeeding to mother-to-child transmission of HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 1.53
Implementation and Operational Research: Risk Charts to Guide Targeted HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring of ART: Development and Validation in Patients From Resource-Limited Settings. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2015) 1.48
Health facility characteristics and their relationship to coverage of PMTCT of HIV services across four African countries: the PEARL study. PLoS One (2012) 1.35
Ebola outbreak in rural West Africa: epidemiology, clinical features and outcomes. Trop Med Int Health (2015) 1.33
Measuring coverage in MNCH: population HIV-free survival among children under two years of age in four African countries. PLoS Med (2013) 1.29
Linkage of HIV-infected infants from diagnosis to antiretroviral therapy services across the Western Cape, South Africa. PLoS One (2013) 1.14
Delays in seeking an abortion until the second trimester: a qualitative study in South Africa. Reprod Health (2007) 1.10
Is it safe to drop CD4+ monitoring among virologically suppressed patients: a cohort evaluation from Khayelitsha, South Africa. AIDS (2014) 1.09
Ten years of democracy in South Africa: documenting transformation in reproductive health policy and status. Reprod Health Matters (2004) 1.08
Assessment of the MSF triage system, separating patients into different wards pending Ebola virus laboratory confirmation, Kailahun, Sierra Leone, July to September 2014. Euro Surveill (2015) 0.88
Angiomyofibroblastoma of the vulva: a case report of a pedunculated variant and review of the literature. J Low Genit Tract Dis (2012) 0.86
Acceptability, feasibility and impact of routine screening to detect undiagnosed HIV infection in 17 - 24-month-old children in the western sub-district of Cape Town. S Afr Med J (2012) 0.84
Outcomes of Infants Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in Southern Africa, 2004-2012. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2015) 0.82
Reducing CD4 Monitoring in Children on Antiretroviral Therapy With Virologic Suppression. Pediatr Infect Dis J (2015) 0.81
Implementation and Operational Research: Reconstructing the PMTCT Cascade Using Cross-sectional Household Survey Data: The PEARL Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2015) 0.78
Pregnant women's experiences of male partner involvement in the context of prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Khayelitsha, South Africa. AIDS Care (2015) 0.77
Correction: Improving Men's Participation in Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV as a Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health Priority in South Africa. PLoS Med (2015) 0.75
Clinician compliance with laboratory monitoring and prescribing guidelines in HIV-1-infected patients receiving tenofovir. S Afr Med J (2016) 0.75