Published in Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res on October 01, 2003
Evaluating drug prices, availability, affordability, and price components: implications for access to drugs in Malaysia. PLoS Med (2007) 2.71
Do new drugs increase life expectancy? A critique of a Manhattan Institute paper. J Gen Intern Med (2009) 1.44
Industry sponsorship and research outcome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 7.44
The cost of pushing pills: a new estimate of pharmaceutical promotion expenditures in the United States. PLoS Med (2008) 5.13
The pharmaceutical industry as a medicines provider. Lancet (2002) 5.07
Information from pharmaceutical companies and the quality, quantity, and cost of physicians' prescribing: a systematic review. PLoS Med (2010) 4.42
How does direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) affect prescribing? A survey in primary care environments with and without legal DTCA. CMAJ (2003) 4.08
Drugs in the news: an analysis of Canadian newspaper coverage of new prescription drugs. CMAJ (2003) 3.32
Influence of direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising and patients' requests on prescribing decisions: two site cross sectional survey. BMJ (2002) 3.15
New drugs and safety: what happened to new active substances approved in Canada between 1995 and 2010? Arch Intern Med (2012) 2.81
Physician awareness of drug cost: a systematic review. PLoS Med (2007) 2.63
A systematic review of studies comparing health outcomes in Canada and the United States. Open Med (2007) 2.26
Inaccessibility of drug reports. CMAJ (2002) 1.69
Educating health professionals about drug and device promotion: advocates' recommendations. PLoS Med (2006) 1.68
Pharmaceutical sales representatives and patient safety: a comparative prospective study of information quality in Canada, France and the United States. J Gen Intern Med (2013) 1.68
Adverse drug events: counting is not enough, action is needed. Med J Aust (2006) 1.54
Reporting of conflicts of interest in meta-analyses of trials of pharmacological treatments. JAMA (2011) 1.44
CJEM and pharmaceutical advertisements: it's time for an end. CJEM (2009) 1.44
Poor reporting of scientific leadership information in clinical trial registers. PLoS One (2008) 1.44
A hypertensive snow bird. CMAJ (2005) 1.39
Pharmaceutical company advertising in The Lancet. Lancet (2011) 1.39
Physician awareness of diagnostic and nondrug therapeutic costs: a systematic review. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (2008) 1.38
The cost of drug development: a systematic review. Health Policy (2011) 1.37
'Linkage' pharmaceutical evergreening in Canada and Australia. Aust New Zealand Health Policy (2007) 1.26
Financial Conflicts of Interest Checklist 2010 for clinical research studies. Open Med (2010) 1.19
Reporting of conflicts of interest from drug trials in Cochrane reviews: cross sectional study. BMJ (2012) 1.11
Medications for obesity. Can Fam Physician (2008) 1.07
Complete dissociation from the health care and pharmaceutical industry. Can Fam Physician (2015) 1.06
How well do Canadian media outlets convey medical treatment information?: Initial findings from a year and a half of media monitoring by Media Doctor Canada. Open Med (2008) 1.06
Surrogate outcomes in clinical trials: a cautionary tale. JAMA Intern Med (2013) 1.01
Introduction of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in Canada: an opinion survey on regulatory policy. Res Social Adm Pharm (2005) 1.01
Investigator experiences with financial conflicts of interest in clinical trials. Trials (2011) 0.98
Will lower drug prices jeopardize drug research? A policy fact sheet. Am J Bioeth (2004) 0.96
Too few, too weak: conflict of interest policies at Canadian medical schools. PLoS One (2013) 0.95
Foreign free riders and the high price of US medicines. BMJ (2005) 0.95
Do higher drug costs lead to better health? Can J Clin Pharmacol (2005) 0.92
Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs. J Law Med Ethics (2013) 0.91
Institutional financial conflicts of interest policies at Canadian academic health science centres: a national survey. Open Med (2010) 0.90
Regulating prescription drugs for patient safety: does Bill C-17 go far enough? CMAJ (2014) 0.90
New directions in drug approval. CMAJ (2004) 0.89
Influenza vaccination of health care workers. CMAJ (2013) 0.88
The association between a journal's source of revenue and the drug recommendations made in the articles it publishes. CMAJ (2011) 0.86
Is Australia's national medicines policy failing? The case of COX-2 inhibitors. Int J Health Serv (2007) 0.85
Assessing the quality of drug detailing. J Clin Epidemiol (2002) 0.85
Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence: developing a research-based practice of immanent critique. Soc Sci Med (2008) 0.84
What do Canadians think about physician-pharmaceutical industry interactions? Health Policy (2013) 0.84
Off-Label Drug Use: Whose Interests Are Served? Am J Med Qual (2016) 0.83
Pharmacovigilance in Europe and North America: divergent approaches. Soc Sci Med (2012) 0.82
Indicators for measuring mental health: towards better surveillance. Healthc Policy (2009) 0.82
Canada's Access to Medicines Regime: Promise or Failure of Humanitarian Effort? Healthc Policy (2010) 0.80
Politics and its intersection with coverage with evidence development: a qualitative analysis from expert interviews. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 0.79
Provincial drug plan officials' views of the Canadian drug safety system. J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 0.79
Pharmaceutical sales representatives and patient safety. J Gen Intern Med (2013) 0.77
Marketing versus evidence-based medicine. Lancet (2012) 0.77
Who should fund CME? CJEM (2013) 0.75
Beyond patents: the GAVI Alliance, AMCs and improving immunization coverage through public sector vaccine production in the global south. Hum Vaccin (2011) 0.75
Information about a discontinued drug. CMAJ (2008) 0.75
Longer exclusivity does not guarantee better drugs. Health Aff (Millwood) (2011) 0.75
Patent law. Lancet (2003) 0.75
Progressive licensing of drugs: music or noise? Healthc Policy (2008) 0.75
Does the C in CME stand for "Continuing" or "Commercial"? CMAJ (2005) 0.75
Opioid abuse. CMAJ (2013) 0.75
Different conclusions about memantine. Can Fam Physician (2007) 0.75
More than the diagnosis. Can Fam Physician (2009) 0.75
Marketing before patenting: implications for price controls in Canada. Open Med (2010) 0.75
Drug advertising in medical journals. Lancet (2003) 0.75
Questions about Adderall XR. CMAJ (2006) 0.75
Treating hyperkalaemia. Lancet (2003) 0.75
Regulating drugs for effectiveness and safety: a public health perspective. Med Care (2007) 0.75
Financial costs associated with monopolies on biologic medicines in Australia. Aust Health Rev (2017) 0.75
Statistics can affect treatment decisions. Can Fam Physician (2003) 0.75
Clinical trials register. Lancet (2004) 0.75
Ban drug advertisements. CJEM (2011) 0.75
Too much disclosure of product risks? CBC television, SOGC, and Diane-35. J Obstet Gynaecol Can (2003) 0.75