Published in BMJ on October 26, 2009
Mortality among homeless adults in Boston: shifts in causes of death over a 15-year period. JAMA Intern Med (2013) 3.67
Traumatic brain injury among men in an urban homeless shelter: observational study of rates and mechanisms of injury. CMAJ Open (2014) 1.44
Access to primary health care among homeless adults in Toronto, Canada: results from the Street Health survey. Open Med (2011) 1.44
The health of homeless people in high-income countries: descriptive epidemiology, health consequences, and clinical and policy recommendations. Lancet (2014) 1.33
A comprehensive assessment of health care utilization among homeless adults under a system of universal health insurance. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.12
Health care utilization patterns of homeless individuals in Boston: preparing for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.04
Tobacco-, alcohol-, and drug-attributable deaths and their contribution to mortality disparities in a cohort of homeless adults in Boston. Am J Public Health (2014) 1.02
A cross-sectional observational study of unmet health needs among homeless and vulnerably housed adults in three Canadian cities. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.98
The impact of shelter use and housing placement on mortality hazard for unaccompanied adults and adults in family households entering New York City shelters: 1990-2002. J Urban Health (2011) 0.93
Mortality and life expectancy in homeless men and women in Rotterdam: 2001-2010. PLoS One (2013) 0.91
Older homeless adults: can we do more? J Gen Intern Med (2012) 0.90
Predicting quit attempts among homeless smokers seeking cessation treatment: an ecological momentary assessment study. Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 0.89
Health status, quality of life, residential stability, substance use, and health care utilization among adults applying to a supportive housing program. J Urban Health (2011) 0.88
Recommendations for improving the end-of-life care system for homeless populations: A qualitative study of the views of Canadian health and social services professionals. BMC Palliat Care (2012) 0.88
Public awareness of income-related health inequalities in Ontario, Canada. Int J Equity Health (2012) 0.87
Mortality over 12 years of follow-up in people admitted to provincial custody in Ontario: a retrospective cohort study. CMAJ Open (2016) 0.86
Substance use and access to health care and addiction treatment among homeless and vulnerably housed persons in three Canadian cities. PLoS One (2013) 0.85
Knowing quitters predicts smoking cessation in a homeless population. Am J Health Behav (2013) 0.84
Morbidity trends in the population of a specialised homeless primary care service. Br J Gen Pract (2011) 0.84
Programmatic impact of 5 years of mortality surveillance of New York City homeless populations. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.84
An Observational Study of Suicide Death in Homeless and Precariously Housed People in Toronto. Can J Psychiatry (2017) 0.84
The Hotel Study-Clinical and Health Service Effectiveness in a Cohort of Homeless or Marginally Housed Persons. Can J Psychiatry (2017) 0.83
Harm reduction services as a point-of-entry to and source of end-of-life care and support for homeless and marginally housed persons who use alcohol and/or illicit drugs: a qualitative analysis. BMC Public Health (2012) 0.83
Mortality from treatable illnesses in marginally housed adults: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open (2015) 0.83
Homelessness and CKD: a cohort study. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol (2012) 0.80
Characteristics of homeless adults with serious mental illness served by a state mental health transitional shelter. Community Ment Health J (2013) 0.79
Homelessness is a healthcare issue. J R Soc Med (2010) 0.79
Multimorbidity in a marginalised, street-health Australian population: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open (2014) 0.78
Understanding the social determinants of health among Indigenous Canadians: priorities for health promotion policies and actions. Glob Health Action (2015) 0.78
Disparities in Cancer Incidence, Stage, and Mortality at Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. Am J Prev Med (2015) 0.78
Comparing homeless smokers to economically disadvantaged domiciled smokers. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.78
Development and initial validation of the Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS) in a multisite trial of housing first. J Urban Health (2014) 0.78
Six-year mortality in a street-recruited cohort of homeless youth in San Francisco, California. PeerJ (2016) 0.77
Safer-drinking strategies used by chronically homeless individuals with alcohol dependence. J Subst Abuse Treat (2015) 0.77
Estimating the number of homeless deaths in France, 2008-2010. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.77
Adverse outcomes among homeless adolescents and young adults who report a history of traumatic brain injury. Am J Public Health (2014) 0.77
Quality of life themes in Canadian adults and street youth who are homeless or hard-to-house: a multi-site focus group study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2012) 0.76
Housing instability and incident hypertension in the CARDIA cohort. J Urban Health (2013) 0.76
Associations Between Socioeconomic Factors and Alcohol Outcomes. Alcohol Res (2016) 0.76
Factors influencing the health and wellness of urban aboriginal youths in Canada: insights of in-service professionals, care providers, and stakeholders. Am J Public Health (2015) 0.75
Using visual art and collaborative reflection to explore medical attitudes toward vulnerable persons. Can Med Educ J (2016) 0.75
Characteristics of Homeless Adults Who Died of Drug Overdose: A Retrospective Record Review. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2016) 0.75
The effectiveness of an integrated collaborative care model vs. a shifted outpatient collaborative care model on community functioning, residential stability, and health service use among homeless adults with mental illness: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Health Serv Res (2015) 0.75
In their own words: Content analysis of pathways to recovery among individuals with the lived experience of homelessness and alcohol use disorders. Int J Drug Policy (2015) 0.75
Challenges to access and provision of palliative care for people who are homeless: a systematic review of qualitative research. BMC Palliat Care (2016) 0.75
The association of military discharge variables with smoking status among homeless Veterans. Prev Med (2015) 0.75
IMAGINE-ing interprofessional education: program evaluation of a novel inner city health educational experience. Can Med Educ J (2017) 0.75
Tobacco Cessation Behaviors Among Older Homeless Adults: Results From the HOPE HOME Study. Nicotine Tob Res (2016) 0.75
The Effect of Advance Directive Completion on Hospital Care Among Chronically Homeless Persons: a Prospective Cohort Study. J Urban Health (2016) 0.75
Residential patterns in older homeless adults: Results of a cluster analysis. Soc Sci Med (2016) 0.75
Primary healthcare needs and barriers to care among Calgary's homeless populations. BMC Fam Pract (2015) 0.75
Examining mortality among formerly homeless adults enrolled in Housing First: An observational study. BMC Public Health (2015) 0.75
Harm reduction with pharmacotherapy for homeless people with alcohol dependence: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials (2014) 0.75
Socioeconomic inequalities in health in 22 European countries. N Engl J Med (2008) 14.36
Socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, and mortality: results from a nationally representative prospective study of US adults. JAMA (1998) 11.90
Mortality in a cohort of homeless adults in Philadelphia. N Engl J Med (1994) 6.05
Homelessness and health. CMAJ (2001) 5.10
Mortality among men using homeless shelters in Toronto, Ontario. JAMA (2000) 4.73
Causes of death in homeless adults in Boston. Ann Intern Med (1997) 3.71
Mortality in a cohort of street youth in Montreal. JAMA (2004) 3.19
Mortality among homeless shelter residents in New York City. Am J Public Health (1999) 2.86
Risk of death among homeless women: a cohort study and review of the literature. CMAJ (2004) 2.60
Pathways to housing: supported housing for street-dwelling homeless individuals with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatr Serv (2000) 2.05
Interventions to improve the health of the homeless: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med (2005) 1.82
Mortality among homeless people with schizophrenia in Sydney, Australia: a 10-year follow-up. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2001) 1.68
The Canadian census mortality follow-up study, 1991 through 2001. Health Rep (2008) 1.63
10 year follow up study of mortality among users of hostels for homeless people in Copenhagen. BMJ (2003) 1.54
Antiretroviral therapy, hepatitis C virus, and AIDS mortality among San Francisco's homeless and marginally housed. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2005) 1.46
Mortality among homeless and nonhomeless mentally ill veterans. J Nerv Ment Dis (2000) 1.13
Mortality among street youth in the UK. Lancet (1998) 1.08
A method of comparison for standardized rates of low-incidence events. Med Care (1997) 1.05
Mortality, mental disorders and addiction: a 5-year follow-up of 82 homeless men in Stockholm. Nord J Psychiatry (2007) 0.94
The relationship between housing conditions and health status of rooming house residents in Toronto. Can J Public Health (2003) 0.93
Report: deaths related to drug poisoning: England and Wales, 1999-2003. Health Stat Q (2005) 0.90
Effect of neighbourhood income and maternal education on birth outcomes: a population-based study. CMAJ (2006) 2.79
Urban neighborhoods, chronic stress, gender and depression. Soc Sci Med (2006) 2.25
The effects of housing status on health-related outcomes in people living with HIV: a systematic review of the literature. AIDS Behav (2007) 2.25
Avoidable mortality by neighbourhood income in Canada: 25 years after the establishment of universal health insurance. J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 2.02
Investigating socio-economic disparities in preterm birth: evidence for selective study participation and selection bias. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol (2009) 1.75
When being alone might be better: neighborhood poverty, social capital, and child mental health. Soc Sci Med (2003) 1.72
The Canadian census mortality follow-up study, 1991 through 2001. Health Rep (2008) 1.63
The influence of racial socialization practices on the cognitive and behavioral competence of African American preschoolers. Child Dev (2002) 1.60
How does early ultrasound scan estimation of gestational age lead to higher rates of preterm birth? Am J Obstet Gynecol (2002) 1.60
Disparities in birth outcomes by neighborhood income: temporal trends in rural and urban areas, british columbia. Epidemiology (2004) 1.55
Income disparities in health-adjusted life expectancy for Canadian adults, 1991 to 2001. Health Rep (2009) 1.52
Deprivation indices, population health and geography: an evaluation of the spatial effectiveness of indices at multiple scales. J Urban Health (2007) 1.46
Mortality of Métis and registered Indian adults in Canada: an 11-year follow-up study. Health Rep (2009) 1.36
Birth outcomes in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada. CMAJ (2010) 1.35
Development of the Canadian Marginalization Index: a new tool for the study of inequality. Can J Public Health (2012) 1.33
Risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes among Inuit and North American Indian women in Quebec, 1985-97. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol (2004) 1.32
Experiences of racism among African American parents and the mental health of their preschool-aged children. Am J Public Health (2004) 1.26
Effects of housing circumstances on health, quality of life and healthcare use for people with severe mental illness: a review. Health Soc Care Community (2008) 1.22
Cervical cancer mortality by neighbourhood income in urban Canada from 1971 to 1996. CMAJ (2004) 1.19
Neighborhood mapping and evaluation: a methodology for participatory community health initiatives. Matern Child Health J (2007) 1.19
Infant mortality among First Nations versus non-First Nations in British Columbia: temporal trends in rural versus urban areas, 1981-2000. Int J Epidemiol (2004) 1.15
Does one size fit all? The case for ethnic-specific standards of fetal growth. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2008) 1.15
Disparities in pregnancy outcomes according to marital and cohabitation status. Obstet Gynecol (2004) 1.14
Childhood leukemia and socioeconomic status in Canada. Epidemiology (2005) 1.14
Drinking in context: the influence of gender and neighbourhood deprivation on alcohol consumption. J Epidemiol Community Health (2011) 1.12
Neighbourhood chronic stress and gender inequalities in hypertension among Canadian adults: a multilevel analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health (2009) 1.09
Regional differences in obesity. Health Rep (2006) 1.09
Neighborhood poverty, social capital, and the cognitive development of African American preschoolers. Am J Community Psychol (2006) 1.08
Risks of stillbirth and early neonatal death by day of week. CMAJ (2004) 1.07
Telling stories: news media, health literacy and public policy in Canada. Soc Sci Med (2007) 1.06
Experiences of violence before and during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes: an analysis of the Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2011) 1.05
Health behavior vs the stress of low socioeconomic status and health outcomes. JAMA (2010) 1.05
Revisiting the immigrant paradox in reproductive health: the roles of duration of residence and ethnicity. Soc Sci Med (2012) 1.05
Associations between maternal and child health status and patterns of medical care use. Ambul Pediatr (2002) 1.04
Ottawa Statement from the Sparking Solutions Summit on Population Health Intervention Research. Can J Public Health (2017) 1.03
Neighborhood matters: racial socialization of African American children. Child Dev (2006) 1.03
The effect of residential neighborhood on child behavior problems in first grade. Am J Community Psychol (2008) 1.01
An ecological study of regional variation in work injuries among young workers. BMC Public Health (2007) 1.01
Association of macrosomia with perinatal and postneonatal mortality among First Nations people in Quebec. CMAJ (2011) 1.00
Metropolitan income inequality and working-age mortality: a cross-sectional analysis using comparable data from five countries. J Urban Health (2005) 1.00
Potential years of life lost at ages 25 to 74 among Status Indians, 1991 to 2001. Health Rep (2011) 0.98
Degree of rural isolation and birth outcomes. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol (2008) 0.98
Temporal trends in Inuit, First Nations and non-Aboriginal birth outcomes in rural and northern Quebec. Int J Circumpolar Health (2012) 0.97
Sampling 'hard-to-reach' populations in health research: yield from a study targeting Americans living in Canada. BMC Med Res Methodol (2008) 0.97
Gender differences in disability-free life expectancy for selected risk factors and chronic conditions in Canada. J Women Aging (2002) 0.97
Acceptability of a self-sampling technique to collect vaginal smears for gram stain diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Womens Health Issues (2004) 0.96
Trends in adult obesity. Health Rep (2006) 0.94
No neighborhood is an island: incorporating distal neighborhood effects into multilevel studies of child developmental competence. Health Place (2007) 0.94
Influence of neighborhood deprivation, gender and ethno-racial origin on smoking behavior of Canadian youth. Prev Med (2011) 0.93
Swimming upstream. Access, health outcomes, and the social determinants of health. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 0.93
Premature mortality in health regions with high aboriginal populations. Health Rep (2004) 0.92
Suicide risk and mental health indicators: Do they differ by abuse and HIV status? Womens Health Issues (2005) 0.92
Rethinking measurement of neighborhood in the context of health research. Soc Sci Med (2010) 0.90
Neighbourhood deprivation and regional inequalities in self-reported health among Canadians: are we equally at risk? Health Place (2010) 0.90
Mortality following unemployment in Canada, 1991-2001. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.89
Cancer patterns in Inuit Nunangat: 1998-2007. Int J Circumpolar Health (2012) 0.89
Data resource profile: 1991 Canadian Census Cohort. Int J Epidemiol (2013) 0.88
Health status, quality of life, residential stability, substance use, and health care utilization among adults applying to a supportive housing program. J Urban Health (2011) 0.88
Breast cancer incidence and neighbourhood income. Health Rep (2011) 0.87
Avoidable mortality for causes amenable to medical care, by occupation in Canada, 1991-2001. Can J Public Health (2011) 0.87
Suicide mortality by occupation in Canada, 1991-2001. Can J Psychiatry (2010) 0.87
Neighborhood socioeconomic status and homicides among children in urban Canada. Pediatrics (2009) 0.86
What prosperous, highly educated Americans living in Canada think of the Canadian and US health care systems. Open Med (2007) 0.86
Mental health status and gender as risk factors for onset of physical illness over 10 years. J Epidemiol Community Health (2013) 0.86
Services for seniors in small-town Canada: the paradox of community. Can J Nurs Res (2008) 0.86
Customized birth weight for gestational age standards: Perinatal mortality patterns are consistent with separate standards for males and females but not for blacks and whites. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2005) 0.85
Associations of Pregnancy Outcomes and PM2.5 in a National Canadian Study. Environ Health Perspect (2015) 0.85
Effects of cumulative risk on behavioral and psychological well-being in first grade: moderation by neighborhood context. Soc Sci Med (2010) 0.83
Cause-specific mortality by education in Canada: a 16-year follow-up study. Health Rep (2012) 0.83
Cause-specific mortality by income adequacy in Canada: A 16-year follow-up study. Health Rep (2013) 0.83
Individual- and Community-Level Disparities in Birth Outcomes and Infant Mortality among First Nations, Inuit and Other Populations in Quebec. Open Womens Health J (2010) 0.82
Marital status, duration of cohabitation, and psychosocial well-being among childbearing women: a canadian nationwide survey. Am J Public Health (2012) 0.82
Understanding place and health: a heuristic for using administrative data. Health Place (2006) 0.82
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics, Birth Outcomes and Infant Mortality among First Nations and Non-First Nations in Manitoba, Canada. Open Womens Health J (2010) 0.82
Birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations Inuit, and non-Indigenous women by northern versus southern residence, Quebec. J Epidemiol Community Health (2010) 0.81
Potential years of life lost at ages 25 to 74 among Métis and non-Status Indians, 1991 to 2001. Health Rep (2011) 0.81
Socio-economic inequalities in cause-specific mortality: a 16-year follow-up study. Can J Public Health (2013) 0.81
Inequalities in determinants of health among Aboriginal and Caucasian persons living with HIV/AIDS in Ontario: results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study. Can J Public Health (2011) 0.80
Socio-economic inequalities in healthy child development: the evidence grows. J Epidemiol Community Health (2012) 0.80
Modelling risk factor information for linked census data: The case of smoking. Health Rep (2013) 0.80
Neighbourhood income and neonatal, postneonatal and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) mortality in Canada, 1991-2005. Can J Public Health (2013) 0.79
Risk factors for postpartum depression among abused and nonabused women. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2012) 0.79
"This is not a well place": neighborhood and stress in Pigtown. Health Care Women Int (2010) 0.78
Prostate cancer and occupational exposure to whole-body vibration in a national population-based cohort study. Am J Ind Med (2014) 0.78
Remaining life expectancy at age 25 and probability of survival to age 75, by socio-economic status and Aboriginal ancestry. Health Rep (2011) 0.78
Birth outcomes and infant mortality by the degree of rural isolation among first nations and non-first nations in Manitoba, Canada. J Rural Health (2010) 0.77
Ethnographically informed community evaluation: a framework and approach for evaluating community-based initiatives. Matern Child Health J (2006) 0.77
Socioeconomic status and childhood solid tumor and lymphoma incidence in Canada. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 0.77
Evaluating place-based programmes for health improvement. J Epidemiol Community Health (2014) 0.77
Foodscapes of southern Ontario: neighbourhood deprivation and access to healthy and unhealthy food retail. Can J Public Health (2014) 0.76
Editorial changes at JECH. J Epidemiol Community Health (2011) 0.76
Childhood leukaemia and socioeconomic status. Int J Epidemiol (2007) 0.75
Intervention research, randomised trials and knowledge for decision-making. J Epidemiol Community Health (2012) 0.75
Urban Living is Not Associated with Better Birth and Infant Outcomes among Inuit and First Nations in Quebec. Open Womens Health J (2010) 0.75
North-South Gradients in Adverse Birth Outcomes for First Nations and Others in Manitoba, Canada. Open Womens Health J (2010) 0.75
Community Remoteness, Perinatal Outcomes and Infant Mortality among First Nations in Quebec. Open Womens Health J (2010) 0.75