Published in Am J Public Health on February 10, 2010
Implementation science and its application to population health. Annu Rev Public Health (2013) 1.92
State-Level Progress in Reducing the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap, United States, 1999-2013. Am J Public Health (2017) 0.91
Health equity and public health leadership. Am J Public Health (2010) 0.88
Race, sex, and age differences in heart failure-related hospitalizations in a southern state: implications for prevention. Circ Heart Fail (2010) 0.86
Paths to success: optimal and equitable health outcomes for all. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.82
The imperative to invest in science has never been greater. J Clin Invest (2014) 0.82
Firearms, youth homicide, and public health. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.77
Short-term trends in heart failure-related hospitalizations in a high-risk state. South Med J (2013) 0.76
Actual causes of death in the United States. JAMA (1993) 28.34
The meaning of translational research and why it matters. JAMA (2008) 20.37
The epidemiologic transition. A theory of the epidemiology of population change. Milbank Mem Fund Q (1971) 13.96
Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. A report of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) 2008. Community Dent Health (2009) 11.48
Comparability of cause of death between ICD-9 and ICD-10: preliminary estimates. Natl Vital Stat Rep (2001) 8.06
Trends in the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in the adult US population. Data from the health examination surveys, 1960 to 1991. Hypertension (1995) 6.48
The recent decline in mortality from coronary heart disease, 1980-1990. The effect of secular trends in risk factors and treatment. JAMA (1997) 5.36
A general cardiovascular risk profile: the Framingham Study. Am J Cardiol (1976) 5.10
Trends in serum lipids and lipoproteins of adults, 1960-2002. JAMA (2005) 4.22
Improving health: measuring effects of medical care. Milbank Q (1994) 3.69
"Fundamental causes" of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory. J Health Soc Behav (2004) 3.67
Treatment success in cancer: new cancer treatment successes identified in phase 3 randomized controlled trials conducted by the National Cancer Institute-sponsored cooperative oncology groups, 1955 to 2006. Arch Intern Med (2008) 3.07
Black-white inequalities in mortality and life expectancy, 1933-1999: implications for healthy people 2010. Public Health Rep (2002) 2.90
Controlling disease and creating disparities: a fundamental cause perspective. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (2005) 2.80
Trends in head injury outcome from 1989 to 2003 and the effect of neurosurgical care: an observational study. Lancet (2005) 2.52
The effect of trauma center designation and trauma volume on outcome in specific severe injuries. Ann Surg (2005) 2.49
The McKeown thesis: a historical controversy and its enduring influence. Am J Public Health (2002) 2.47
Secular trends in cardiovascular disease mortality, incidence, and case fatality rates in adults in the United States. Am J Med (2004) 2.42
Long-term trends in cancer mortality in the United States, 1930-1998. Cancer (2003) 2.18
Motor-vehicle safety: a 20th century public health achievement. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (1999) 2.06
Trends in unintentional drowning: the role of alcohol and medical care. JAMA (1999) 2.02
Mortality reduction with influenza vaccine in patients with pneumonia outside "flu" season: pleiotropic benefits or residual confounding? Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2008) 1.85
Primary and secondary syphilis--United States, 2000-2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (2002) 1.79
Community-acquired pneumonia mortality: a potential link to antibiotic prescribing trends in general practice. Respir Med (2004) 1.76
Black-White mortality from HIV in the United States before and after introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 1996. Am J Public Health (2007) 1.68
Don'T forget about the social determinants of health. Health Aff (Millwood) (2009) 1.64
Trends in cancer mortality in the Americas, 1970-2000. Ann Oncol (2005) 1.57
Coronary heart disease trends in four United States communities. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study 1987-1996. Int J Epidemiol (2001) 1.49
Long-term HIV/AIDS survival estimation in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era. Med Decis Making (2003) 1.49
Public health nihilism vs pragmatism: history, politics, and the control of tuberculosis. Am J Public Health (1998) 1.46
Death and injury from motor vehicle crashes: a public health failure, not an achievement. Inj Prev (2001) 1.46
Trend of stroke hospitalization, United States, 1988-1997. Stroke (2001) 1.31
Racial, gender and geographic disparities of antiretroviral treatment among US Medicaid enrolees in 1998. J Epidemiol Community Health (2008) 1.28
Level I versus Level II trauma centers: an outcomes-based assessment. J Trauma (2009) 1.23
The contribution of medical care to mortality decline: McKeown revisited. J Clin Epidemiol (1996) 1.06
Examining the impact of federally-funded syphilis elimination activities in the USA. Soc Sci Med (2008) 0.92
Trends in survival of hospitalized stroke patients between 1970 and 1985. The Minnesota Heart Survey. Stroke (1993) 0.92
From research to public policy: the prevention of motor vehicle injuries, childhood drownings, and firearm violence. Am J Health Promot (1993) 0.92
The epidemiological transition: the current status of infectious diseases in the developed world versus the developing world. Sci Prog (2008) 0.90
Can syphilis be eradicated from the world? Curr Opin Infect Dis (2001) 0.89
Fatality Analysis Reporting System demonstrates association between trauma system initiatives and decreasing death rates. J Trauma (1999) 0.88
Do clinicians screen Medicaid patients for syphilis or HIV when they diagnose other sexually transmitted diseases? Sex Transm Dis (2003) 0.86
Detecting the effect of medical care on mortality. J Clin Epidemiol (2001) 0.81
Case-fatality rates by body part affected and trends in hospitalized burns in Maryland, 1981-90. Burns (1993) 0.79
Using public health indicators to measure the success of hypertension control. Hypertension (2007) 0.78
Preventing 3 million premature deaths and helping 5 million smokers quit: a national action plan for tobacco cessation. Am J Public Health (2004) 3.71
Disparities in antidepressant treatment in Medicaid elderly diagnosed with depression. J Am Geriatr Soc (2005) 2.00
The health impact of resolving racial disparities: an analysis of US mortality data. Am J Public Health (2004) 1.98
Use of sentinel sites for daily monitoring of the US blood supply. Transfusion (2003) 1.97
Operationalization of community-based participatory research principles: assessment of the national cancer institute's community network programs. Am J Public Health (2011) 1.67
Don'T forget about the social determinants of health. Health Aff (Millwood) (2009) 1.64
Progress toward the healthy people 2010 goals and objectives. Annu Rev Public Health (2010) 1.60
Unequal weight: equity oriented policy responses to the global obesity epidemic. BMJ (2007) 1.58
CDC-funded intervention research aimed at promoting colorectal cancer screening in communities. Cancer (2006) 1.57
Using service-learning to teach community health: the Morehouse School of Medicine Community Health Course. Acad Med (2010) 1.50
Protection of racial/ethnic minority populations during an influenza pandemic. Am J Public Health (2009) 1.40
Summit on medical school education in sexual health: report of an expert consultation. J Sex Med (2013) 1.22
The Fatality Analysis Reporting System as a tool for investigating racial and ethnic determinants of motor vehicle crash fatalities. Accid Anal Prev (2005) 1.16
Role of the primary care safety net in pandemic influenza. Am J Public Health (2009) 1.11
A web-based smoking cessation and prevention curriculum for medical students: why, how, what, and what next. Drug Alcohol Rev (2006) 1.09
Abnormal mammogram follow-up: do community lay health advocates make a difference? Health Promot Pract (2008) 1.09
Modifiable determinants of healthcare utilization within the African-American population. J Natl Med Assoc (2004) 1.08
An intervention study on screening for breast cancer among single African-American women aged 65 and older. Prev Med (2002) 1.06
A church-based program on prostate cancer screening for African American men: reducing health disparities. Ethn Dis (2008) 1.05
Community health workers support community-based participatory research ethics: lessons learned along the research-to-practice-to-community continuum. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 1.04
Training physicians to do office-based smoking cessation increases adherence to PHS guidelines. J Community Health (2011) 1.03
Driver and passenger seatbelt use among U.S. high school students. Am J Prev Med (2008) 0.99
Cigarette smoking and primary liver cancer: a population-based case-control study in US men. Cancer Causes Control (2007) 0.98
Ability of community health centers to obtain mental health services for uninsured patients. JAMA (2005) 0.96
Building an academic-community partnership for increasing representation of minorities in the health professions. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2004) 0.96
Seat belt law enforcement and racial disparities in seat belt use. Am J Prev Med (2006) 0.95
Driving to better health: cancer and cardiovascular risk assessment among taxi cab operators in Chicago. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.95
Efficacy to effectiveness transition of an Educational Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening (EPICS): study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Implement Sci (2013) 0.95
Case-control study evaluating the homogeneity and heterogeneity of risk factors between sinonasal and nasopharyngeal cancers. Int J Cancer (2002) 0.94
Bridging mental health and public health. Prev Chronic Dis (2009) 0.94
Occupational risk factors for selected cancers among African American and White men in the United States. Am J Public Health (2003) 0.93
Rural-urban differences in breast cancer screening among African American women. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2005) 0.91
Risk factors and their effects on the dynamic process of smoking relapse among veteran smokers. Behav Res Ther (2005) 0.91
Overlooked and underserved: improving the health of men of color. Am J Public Health (2003) 0.89
Childhood obesity prevention interventions in childcare settings: systematic review of randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials. Am J Health Promot (2013) 0.89
Diabetes, depression, and healthcare utilization among African Americans in primary care. J Natl Med Assoc (2004) 0.88
Community-based participatory research principles for the African American community. J Ga Public Health Assoc (2015) 0.87
Presence of medical schools may contribute to reducing breast cancer mortality and disparities. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2010) 0.87
Inner-city African American women who failed to receive cancer screening following a culturally-appropriate intervention: the role of health insurance. Cancer Detect Prev (2002) 0.86
Race, sex, and age differences in heart failure-related hospitalizations in a southern state: implications for prevention. Circ Heart Fail (2010) 0.86
Do clinicians screen Medicaid patients for syphilis or HIV when they diagnose other sexually transmitted diseases? Sex Transm Dis (2003) 0.86
Black white disparities in receiving a physician recommendation for colorectal cancer screening and reasons for not undergoing screening. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2013) 0.85
Mortality from homicide among young Black men: a new American tragedy. Am J Med (2013) 0.84
A comprehensive examination of the health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of students attending historically black colleges and universities. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2009) 0.84
Working in and with communities to eliminate disparities in health. Health Promot Pract (2006) 0.83
Paths to success: optimal and equitable health outcomes for all. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.82
Allergies and risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by subtype. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2002) 0.82
Cigarette smoking and risk of Hodgkin's disease: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol (2002) 0.81
Explaining race differences in mortality among the Tennessee Medicare elderly: the role of physician services. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2005) 0.81
Demographic and geographic variations in breast cancer mortality among U.S. Hispanics. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2013) 0.81
Wine drinking and risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among men in the United States: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol (2002) 0.81
The relationship between menstrual factors and breast cancer according to estrogen receptor status of tumor: a case-control study in African-American women. Ethn Dis (2002) 0.81
Are health disparities on the public health agenda? Where? Ethn Dis (2003) 0.80
Embracing culture, enhancing diversity, and strengthening research. Am J Public Health (2009) 0.80
Improving seat belt use among teen drivers: findings from a service-learning approach. Accid Anal Prev (2013) 0.80
TennCare disenrollment and avoidable hospital visits in Davidson County, Tennessee. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.80
An academic-public health department partnership for education, research, practice, and governance. J Public Health Manag Pract (2014) 0.80
Examining racial and ethnic disparities in health and hypertension control. Ann Fam Med (2008) 0.79
The health impact of resolving racial disparities: an analysis of US mortality data. Am J Public Health (2008) 0.79
An academic, business, and community alliance to promote evidence-based public health policy: the case of primary seat belt legislation. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2013) 0.79
The public health exposome: a population-based, exposure science approach to health disparities research. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2014) 0.79
Innovative ways of integrating public health into the medical school curriculum. Am J Prev Med (2011) 0.78
Overlooked and underserved: improving the health of men of color. Am J Public Health (2008) 0.78
The influence of religiosity on depression among low-income people with diabetes. Health Soc Work (2009) 0.77
Predictors of new screening for African American men participating in a prostate cancer educational program. J Cancer Educ (2009) 0.77
Addressing stigma through social inclusion. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.77
Lessons Learned from Three Models that Use Small Grants for Building Academic-Community Partnerships for Research. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2016) 0.77
Breast cancer screening interventions in selected counties across US regions. Cancer Causes Control (2010) 0.76
The Second Annual Primary Care Conference--Programming to eliminate health disparities among ethnic minority populations: an introduction to proceedings. Ethn Dis (2003) 0.76
Short-term trends in heart failure-related hospitalizations in a high-risk state. South Med J (2013) 0.76
Re: "Blood transfusions as a risk factor for non-Hodgkins lymphoma in the San Francisco Bay area: a population based study". Am J Epidemiol (2003) 0.76
Faith-based partnerships in graduate medical education: the experience of the Morehouse School of Medicine Public Health/Preventive Medicine Residency Program. Am J Prev Med (2011) 0.75
Work-related knee injuries treated in US emergency departments. J Occup Environ Med (2013) 0.75
Mammography utilization among Black and White Medicare beneficiaries in high breast cancer mortality US counties. Cancer Causes Control (2013) 0.75
International medical graduates contribute to the diversity of the U.S. physician workforce. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2008) 0.75
The Southeastern U.S. Collaborative Center of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities (SUCCEED): reducing breast and cervical cancer disparities for African American women. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 0.75
Graduate programs in public health: major contributions today; tomorrow we've got to get organized. Am J Prev Med (2003) 0.75
Improving health outcomes of children through effective parenting: model and methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2013) 0.75
Pioneers in health equity: lessons from the REACH communities. Prog Community Health Partnersh (2011) 0.75
Geographic variations in percutaneous coronary interventions and coronary artery bypass graft surgery among Tennessee elders. South Med J (2011) 0.75
An empirical study of the use of living versus deceased study subjects: associations with liver cancer in the selected cancers study. Ann Epidemiol (2002) 0.75
The past and future Office of the Surgeon General. Ann Intern Med (2014) 0.75
Learning how to reduce death rates in African American communities. Ethn Dis (2007) 0.75
1988-1990: a look back. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2014) 0.75
The Surgeon General moves on: David Satcher plans to forward innovation. Interview by Rebecca Voelker. JAMA (2002) 0.75
A tribute to Dr. Louis W. Sullivan. J Med Assoc Ga (2003) 0.75
Self-reported hepatitis and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: an analysis according to the time since hepatitis diagnosis. Ann Epidemiol (2005) 0.75
Genetic engineering: the threat and the promise. Urban Health (1975) 0.75
Keynote address at the opening ceremony for the centennial of the Pan American Health Organization. Rev Panam Salud Publica (2002) 0.75
Plenary session 1: A Surgeons General colloquium. Major health policy challenges and opportunities facing the nation. Ethn Dis (2005) 0.75
Challenges and strategies in serving the uninsured in Nashville, Tennessee. J Ambul Care Manage (2012) 0.75
Public Health Service: Suicide and Public Health. Public Health Rep (1999) 0.75
Serum selenium and the risk of cervical cancer among women in the United States. Cancer Causes Control (2002) 0.75
1988-1990: a look back. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2014) 0.75
Public Health Service: Unlearning Violence. Public Health Rep (1999) 0.75
The Need to Promote Sexual Health in America: A New Vision for Public Health Action. Sex Transm Dis (2017) 0.75
Use of Six Sigma for eliminating missed opportunities for prevention services. J Nurs Care Qual (2015) 0.75