Published in New Phytol on February 10, 2010
Extensive chromosomal variation in a recently formed natural allopolyploid species, Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.62
mRNA and Small RNA Transcriptomes Reveal Insights into Dynamic Homoeolog Regulation of Allopolyploid Heterosis in Nascent Hexaploid Wheat. Plant Cell (2014) 1.33
Evolutionary consequences, constraints and potential of polyploidy in plants. Cytogenet Genome Res (2013) 1.09
Persistent whole-chromosome aneuploidy is generally associated with nascent allohexaploid wheat. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.02
Intrinsic karyotype stability and gene copy number variations may have laid the foundation for tetraploid wheat formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 0.94
Global transgenerational gene expression dynamics in two newly synthesized allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines. BMC Biol (2012) 0.94
Review of the Application of Modern Cytogenetic Methods (FISH/GISH) to the Study of Reticulation (Polyploidy/Hybridisation). Genes (Basel) (2010) 0.89
Extensive and heritable epigenetic remodeling and genetic stability accompany allohexaploidization of wheat. Genetics (2011) 0.89
Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling grain size and shape in the D genome of synthetic hexaploid wheat lines. Breed Sci (2013) 0.88
Methylation, transcription, and rearrangements of transposable elements in synthetic allopolyploids. Int J Plant Genomics (2011) 0.87
Genome-wide gene expression perturbation induced by loss of C2 chromosome in allotetraploid Brassica napus L. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.82
The impact of Ty3-gypsy group LTR retrotransposons Fatima on B-genome specificity of polyploid wheats. BMC Plant Biol (2011) 0.82
Microsatellite mutation rate during allohexaploidization of newly resynthesized wheat. Int J Mol Sci (2012) 0.80
Characterization of Chromosome Inheritance of the Intergeneric BC2 and BC3 Progeny between Saccharum spp. and Erianthus arundinaceus. PLoS One (2015) 0.78
Multiple mechanisms and challenges for the application of allopolyploidy in plants. Int J Mol Sci (2012) 0.77
CENH3-GFP: a visual marker for gametophytic and somatic ploidy determination in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol (2016) 0.76
Recreating Stable Brachypodium hybridum Allotetraploids by Uniting the Divergent Genomes of B. distachyon and B. stacei. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
High Transferability of Homoeolog-Specific Markers between Bread Wheat and Newly Synthesized Hexaploid Wheat Lines. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
The Impact of Open Pollination on the Structural Evolutionary Dynamics, Meiotic Behavior, and Fertility of Resynthesized Allotetraploid Brassica napus L. G3 (Bethesda) (2017) 0.75
Identification of all homoeologous chromosomes of newly synthetic allotetraploid Cucumis × hytivus and its wild parent reveals stable subgenome structure. Chromosoma (2017) 0.75
A unified classification system for eukaryotic transposable elements. Nat Rev Genet (2007) 11.03
The genome of the mesopolyploid crop species Brassica rapa. Nat Genet (2011) 8.23
A putative Ca2+ and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase required for bacterial and fungal symbioses. Science (2004) 3.23
Molecular basis of evolutionary events that shaped the hardness locus in diploid and polyploid wheat species (Triticum and Aegilops). Plant Cell (2005) 2.40
Quantitative resistance increases the durability of qualitative resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus. New Phytol (2009) 2.23
A workshop report on wheat genome sequencing: International Genome Research on Wheat Consortium. Genetics (2004) 1.94
Transcriptome and methylome profiling reveals relics of genome dominance in the mesopolyploid Brassica oleracea. Genome Biol (2014) 1.56
Impact of transposable elements on the organization and function of allopolyploid genomes. New Phytol (2009) 1.48
Dissecting large and complex genomes: flow sorting and BAC cloning of individual chromosomes from bread wheat. Plant J (2004) 1.31
Types and rates of sequence evolution at the high-molecular-weight glutenin locus in hexaploid wheat and its ancestral genomes. Genetics (2006) 1.31
Homeologous recombination plays a major role in chromosome rearrangements that occur during meiosis of Brassica napus haploids. Genetics (2006) 1.31
New insights into the origin of the B genome of hexaploid wheat: evolutionary relationships at the SPA genomic region with the S genome of the diploid relative Aegilops speltoides. BMC Genomics (2008) 1.26
Dynamics and differential proliferation of transposable elements during the evolution of the B and A genomes of wheat. Genetics (2008) 1.24
Updating of transposable element annotations from large wheat genomic sequences reveals diverse activities and gene associations. Mol Genet Genomics (2005) 1.21
Sixty million years in evolution of soft grain trait in grasses: emergence of the softness locus in the common ancestor of Pooideae and Ehrhartoideae, after their divergence from Panicoideae. Mol Biol Evol (2009) 1.18
Single-nucleotide polymorphism frequency in a set of selected lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genome (2006) 1.15
Ancient haplotypes resulting from extensive molecular rearrangements in the wheat A genome have been maintained in species of three different ploidy levels. Genome Res (2005) 1.15
Large intraspecific haplotype variability at the Rph7 locus results from rapid and recent divergence in the barley genome. Plant Cell (2005) 1.14
Genetic regulation of meiotic cross-overs between related genomes in Brassica napus haploids and hybrids. Plant Cell (2009) 1.10
Efficient cloning of plant genomes into bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries with larger and more uniform insert size. Plant Biotechnol J (2004) 1.08
Genome structure affects the rate of autosyndesis and allosyndesis in AABC, BBAC and CCAB Brassica interspecific hybrids. Chromosome Res (2010) 1.06
Genome-wide gene expression changes in genetically stable synthetic and natural wheat allohexaploids. New Phytol (2010) 1.05
Advanced resources for plant genomics: a BAC library specific for the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B. Plant J (2006) 1.03
Proteomic analysis of aneuploid lines in the homeologous group 1 of the hexaploid wheat cultivar Courtot. Proteomics (2004) 1.02
Duplication and partitioning in evolution and function of homoeologous Q loci governing domestication characters in polyploid wheat. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.01
Anchoring of a large set of markers onto a BAC library for the development of a draft physical map of the grapevine genome. Theor Appl Genet (2006) 0.98
Direct targeting and rapid isolation of BAC clones spanning a defined chromosome region. Funct Integr Genomics (2005) 0.97
Immediate unidirectional epigenetic reprogramming of NORs occurs independently of rDNA rearrangements in synthetic and natural forms of a polyploid species Brassica napus. Chromosoma (2011) 0.95
Microcollinearity in an ethylene receptor coding gene region of the Coffea canephora genome is extensively conserved with Vitis vinifera and other distant dicotyledonous sequenced genomes. BMC Plant Biol (2009) 0.95
Evidence for karyoplasmic homeostasis during endoreduplication and a ploidy-dependent increase in gene transcription during tomato fruit growth. Development (2012) 0.93
Construction of a subgenomic BAC library specific for chromosomes 1D, 4D and 6D of hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet (2004) 0.92
A hAT superfamily transposase recruited by the cereal grass genome. Mol Genet Genomics (2006) 0.91
Prevalence of gene expression additivity in genetically stable wheat allohexaploids. New Phytol (2012) 0.89
Crossovers get a boost in Brassica allotriploid and allotetraploid hybrids. Plant Cell (2010) 0.89
Isolation and sequence analysis of the wheat B genome subtelomeric DNA. BMC Genomics (2009) 0.89
Alteration in expression of hormone-related genes in wild emmer wheat roots associated with drought adaptation mechanisms. Funct Integr Genomics (2011) 0.85
Contrasted microcolinearity and gene evolution within a homoeologous region of wheat and barley species. J Mol Evol (2008) 0.85
Structure of Aegilops ventricosa chromosome 6Nv, the donor of wheat genes Yr17, Lr37, Sr38, and Cre5. Genome (2005) 0.85
Multilevel regulation and signalling processes associated with adaptation to terminal drought in wild emmer wheat. Funct Integr Genomics (2010) 0.85
Brassica orthologs from BANYULS belong to a small multigene family, which is involved in procyanidin accumulation in the seed. Planta (2009) 0.84
Attempts to induce homoeologous pairing between wheat and Agropyron cristatum genomes. Genome (2006) 0.83
The impact of Ty3-gypsy group LTR retrotransposons Fatima on B-genome specificity of polyploid wheats. BMC Plant Biol (2011) 0.82
Development of isohomoeoallelic lines within the wheat cv. Courtot for high molecular weight glutenin subunits: transfer of the Glu-D1 locus to chromosome 1A. Theor Appl Genet (2009) 0.82
Molecular cytogenetic identification of B genome chromosomes linked to blackleg disease resistance in Brassica napus × B. carinata interspecific hybrids. Theor Appl Genet (2014) 0.81
A dominant point mutation in a RINGv E3 ubiquitin ligase homoeologous gene leads to cleistogamy in Brassica napus. Plant Cell (2012) 0.81
The Ma gene for complete-spectrum resistance to Meloidogyne species in Prunus is a TNL with a huge repeated C-terminal post-LRR region. Plant Physiol (2011) 0.81
In planta quantification of endoreduplication using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Plant J (2011) 0.81
Assignment of Aegilops variabilis Eig chromosomes and translocations carrying resistance to nematodes in wheat. Genome (2009) 0.81
Diversity and evolution of the Hordeum murinum polyploid complex in Algeria. Genome (2011) 0.81
The fate of chromosomes and alleles in an allohexaploid Brassica population. Genetics (2014) 0.81
Qualitative and quantitative resistances to leaf rust finely mapped within two nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR)-rich genomic regions of chromosome 19 in poplar. New Phytol (2011) 0.80
Generation and screening of a BAC library from a diploid potato clone to unravel durable late blight resistance on linkage group IV. Int J Plant Genomics (2007) 0.78
Patterns of sequence polymorphism in the fleshless berry locus in cultivated and wild Vitis vinifera accessions. BMC Plant Biol (2010) 0.78
Evolutionary analysis of the CACTA DNA-transposon Caspar across wheat species using sequence comparison and in situ hybridization. Mol Genet Genomics (2010) 0.77
Wet laboratory tools widely used in plant genomics. Int J Plant Genomics (2010) 0.75
Homoeologous recombination within bread wheat to develop novel combinations of HMW-GS genes: transfer of the Glu-A1 locus to chromosome 1D. Planta (2009) 0.75