Published in Econ Dev Cult Change on April 01, 2009
Maternal and child undernutrition: consequences for adult health and human capital. Lancet (2008) 13.31
Effect of a nutrition intervention during early childhood on economic productivity in Guatemalan adults. Lancet (2008) 4.73
Early supplementary feeding and cognition: effects over two decades. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev (1993) 1.97
[Development and evaluation of food supplements for the education, health, and nutrition program]. Salud Publica Mex (1999) 1.58
Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America. Ann Am Acad Pol Soc Sci (2006) 1.38
The impact of PROGRESA on food consumption. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) discussion paper 150 (May 2003). Food Nutr Bull (2003) 1.20
Designing research to study the effects of institutionalization on brain and behavioral development: the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. Dev Psychopathol (2003) 2.85
A Note on Adapting Propensity Score Matching and Selection Models to Choice Based Samples. Econom J (2009) 2.02
Sex with stitches: assessing the resumption of sexual activity during the postcircumcision wound-healing period. AIDS (2012) 1.54
Does More Schooling Improve Health Outcomes and Health Related Behaviors? Evidence from U.K. Twins. Econ Educ Rev (2013) 0.86
The discrimination of facial expressions by typically developing infants and toddlers and those experiencing early institutional care. Infant Behav Dev (2005) 0.85
The longer-term effects of human capital enrichment programs on poverty and inequality: Oportunidades in Mexico. Estud Econ (2011) 0.82
Is health of the aging improved by conditional cash transfer programs? Evidence from Mexico. Demography (2013) 0.81
Sequential classification of endocrine stages during reproductive aging in women: the FREEDOM study. Menopause (2005) 0.81
Effects of school reformon education and labor market performance: Evidence from Chile's universal voucher system. Quant Econom (2010) 0.75