Published in Can J Cardiol on March 01, 2010
End-of-life decision-making in Canada: the report by the Royal Society of Canada expert panel on end-of-life decision-making. Bioethics (2011) 1.03
Dilemmas in end-stage heart failure. J Geriatr Cardiol (2015) 0.86
Palliative care among heart failure patients in primary care: a comparison to cancer patients using English family practice data. PLoS One (2014) 0.86
Adaptive practices in heart failure care teams: implications for patient-centered care in the context of complexity. J Multidiscip Healthc (2015) 0.79
Transition to palliative care when transcatheter aortic valve implantation is not an option: opportunities and recommendations. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care (2016) 0.78
Personalizing prognosis in a patient with serious illness. CMAJ (2014) 0.75
Symptom burden in heart failure: assessment, impact on outcomes, and management. Heart Fail Rev (2017) 0.75
Improving chronic illness care: translating evidence into action. Health Aff (Millwood) (2001) 22.31
Lifetime risk for developing congestive heart failure: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2002) 8.49
Perceptions by family members of the dying experience of older and seriously ill patients. SUPPORT Investigators. Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments. Ann Intern Med (1997) 6.55
Dying of lung cancer or cardiac failure: prospective qualitative interview study of patients and their carers in the community. BMJ (2002) 6.18
A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, AIDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease. J Pain Symptom Manage (2006) 4.24
Canadian Cardiovascular Society consensus conference recommendations on heart failure 2006: diagnosis and management. Can J Cardiol (2006) 3.20
Prognosis communication in serious illness: perceptions of older patients, caregivers, and clinicians. J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 3.13
Resuscitation preferences among patients with severe congestive heart failure: results from the SUPPORT project. Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments. Circulation (1998) 3.11
Discordance between patient-predicted and model-predicted life expectancy among ambulatory patients with heart failure. JAMA (2008) 3.01
Congestive heart failure in the community: trends in incidence and survival in a 10-year period. Arch Intern Med (1999) 2.54
Living with advanced heart failure: a prospective, community based study of patients and their carers. Eur J Heart Fail (2004) 2.32
The concerns of patients under palliative care and a heart failure clinic are not being met. Palliat Med (2001) 2.18
Return on investment in disease management: a review. Health Care Financ Rev (2005) 2.01
Consensus statement: Palliative and supportive care in advanced heart failure. J Card Fail (2004) 1.95
Palliative care in heart failure: a position statement from the palliative care workshop of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail (2009) 1.86
Health reform through coordinated care: SA HealthPlus. BMJ (2005) 1.78
Inconsistency over time in the preferences of older persons with advanced illness for life-sustaining treatment. J Am Geriatr Soc (2007) 1.73
Improving end-of-life care for patients with chronic heart failure: "Let's hope it'll get better, when I know in my heart of hearts it won't". Heart (2007) 1.69
Dying trajectories in heart failure. Palliat Med (2007) 1.53
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Consensus Conference 2002: Management of heart disease in the elderly patient. Can J Cardiol (2004) 1.44
Heart failure and cognitive impairment: challenges and opportunities. Clin Interv Aging (2007) 1.18
Trajectory of end-stage heart failure: the influence of technology and implications for policy change. Perspect Biol Med (2006) 1.09
End-of-life preferences in elderly patients admitted for heart failure. QJM (2004) 1.08
Preferences of patients with heart failure for prognosis communication. Can J Cardiol (2007) 0.94
Thoughts about death and perceived health status in elderly patients with heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail (2008) 0.93
Thoughts of patients with advanced heart failure on dying. Palliat Med (2004) 0.91
End-of-life care in the treatment of heart failure in the elderly. Clin Geriatr Med (2007) 0.84
Heart failure in the elderly. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther (2005) 0.79
Multimorbidity's many challenges. BMJ (2007) 5.43
Managing patients with multimorbidity: systematic review of interventions in primary care and community settings. BMJ (2012) 3.99
Interventions for improving outcomes in patients with multimorbidity in primary care and community settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 2.64
Measuring patients' perceptions of patient-centered care: a systematic review of tools for family medicine. Ann Fam Med (2011) 2.20
The 2012 Canadian hypertension education program recommendations for the management of hypertension: blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, assessment of risk, and therapy. Can J Cardiol (2012) 1.86
The 2013 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, assessment of risk, prevention, and treatment of hypertension. Can J Cardiol (2013) 1.85
Vitamin D, cognition, and dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurology (2012) 1.66
The 2001 Canadian recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part two--Therapy. Can J Cardiol (2002) 1.49
Learning and caring in communities of practice: using relationships and collective learning to improve primary care for patients with multimorbidity. Ann Fam Med (2010) 1.48
Interventions for improving outcomes in patients with multimorbidity in primary care and community settings. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2016) 1.47
The 2004 Canadian recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part II--Therapy. Can J Cardiol (2004) 1.46
Pharmacist intervention for glycaemic control in the community (the RxING study). BMJ Open (2013) 1.45
The 2011 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for the management of hypertension: blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, assessment of risk, and therapy. Can J Cardiol (2011) 1.38
The Ontario Cardiac Rehabilitation Pilot Project: Recommendations for health planning and policy. Can J Cardiol (2004) 1.38
Enhancing dementia care: a primary care-based memory clinic. J Am Geriatr Soc (2010) 1.27
Cardiometabolic risk in Canada: a detailed analysis and position paper by the cardiometabolic risk working group. Can J Cardiol (2011) 1.24
Contribution of patient and physician factors to cardiac rehabilitation enrollment: a prospective multilevel study. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil (2008) 1.21
Patient-centered care in chronic disease management: a thematic analysis of the literature in family medicine. Patient Educ Couns (2012) 1.18
Combining a climatic niche model of an invasive fungus with its host species distributions to identify risks to natural assets: Puccinia psidii Sensu Lato in Australia. PLoS One (2013) 1.18
Contribution of patient and physician factors to cardiac rehabilitation referral: a prospective multilevel study. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med (2008) 1.16
Enrolment in primary care networks: impact on outcomes and processes of care for patients with diabetes. CMAJ (2011) 1.15
A prospective comparison of cardiac rehabilitation enrollment following automatic vs usual referral. J Rehabil Med (2007) 1.14
Systematizing inpatient referral to cardiac rehabilitation 2010: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Canadian Cardiovascular Society joint position paper endorsed by the Cardiac Care Network of Ontario. Can J Cardiol (2011) 1.13
Improving hypertension management through pharmacist prescribing; the rural Alberta clinical trial in optimizing hypertension (Rural RxACTION): trial design and methods. Implement Sci (2011) 1.11
Physical activity intensity and cardiometabolic risk in youth. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2012) 1.11
Comparisons of multi-morbidity in family practice--issues and biases. Fam Pract (2013) 1.09
Measurement of arterial stiffness in diabetes: a cautionary tale. Diabetes Care (2004) 1.09
A mixed methods study of continuity of care from cardiac rehabilitation to primary care physicians. Can J Cardiol (2009) 1.08
Metformin treatment in diabetes and heart failure: when academic equipoise meets clinical reality. Trials (2009) 1.05
Have biopesticides come of age? Trends Biotechnol (2012) 1.04
At the interface of community and healthcare systems: a longitudinal cohort study on evolving health and the impact of primary healthcare from the patient's perspective. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 1.04
Validation of the disease burden morbidity assessment by self-report in a French-speaking population. BMC Health Serv Res (2012) 1.04
A framework for discussion on how to improve prevention, management, and control of hypertension in Canada. Can J Cardiol (2012) 1.03
Concordance of self- and program-reported rates of cardiac rehabilitation referral, enrollment and participation. Can J Cardiol (2009) 1.03
Physicians' social competence in the provision of care to persons living in poverty: research protocol. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 1.03
Case management and self-management support for frequent users with chronic disease in primary care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 1.03
Determinants of effective heart failure self-care: a systematic review of patients' and caregivers' perceptions. Heart (2014) 1.02
Randomized trial of an internet-based computer-tailored expert system for physical activity in patients with heart disease. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2011) 1.01
A multisite examination of sex differences in cardiac rehabilitation barriers by participation status. J Womens Health (Larchmt) (2009) 1.01
Overweight, physical activity and high blood pressure in children: a review of the literature. Vasc Health Risk Manag (2007) 1.00
Drive time to cardiac rehabilitation: at what point does it affect utilization? Int J Health Geogr (2010) 0.98
Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation: DOES AGE MAKE A DIFFERENCE? J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev (2009) 0.98
The relationship between need and capacity for multidisciplinary cardiovascular risk-reduction programs in Ontario. Can J Cardiol (2011) 0.97
Patients' decision making to accept or decline an implantable cardioverter defibrillator for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death. Health Expect (2011) 0.96
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care: we're back! Can Fam Physician (2012) 0.96
Use of chronic disease management programs for diabetes: in Alberta's primary care networks. Can Fam Physician (2013) 0.96
Identification and management of cardiometabolic risk in Canada: a position paper by the cardiometabolic risk working group (executive summary). Can J Cardiol (2011) 0.96
Drug-related taste disturbance: a contributing factor in geriatric syndromes. Can Fam Physician (2010) 0.96
Relationship between multimorbidity and physical activity: secondary analysis from the Quebec health survey. BMC Public Health (2008) 0.95
Referral to and discharge from cardiac rehabilitation: key informant views on continuity of care. J Eval Clin Pract (2006) 0.95
Clinical and pharmacogenetic predictors of circulating atorvastatin and rosuvastatin concentrations in routine clinical care. Circ Cardiovasc Genet (2013) 0.95
Multimorbidity's research challenges and priorities from a clinical perspective: the case of 'Mr Curran'. Eur J Gen Pract (2013) 0.94
Illness perceptions among cardiac patients: relation to depressive symptomatology and sex. J Psychosom Res (2005) 0.93
Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation for secondary prevention after transient ischemic attack or mild stroke: I: feasibility and risk factors. Stroke (2011) 0.92
The Patient Enablement Instrument-French version in a family practice setting: a reliability study. BMC Fam Pract (2011) 0.91
Cardiovascular adaptations to exercise training in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cardiovasc Diabetol (2004) 0.91
Single risk factor interventions to promote physical activity among patients with chronic diseases: systematic review. Can Fam Physician (2008) 0.90
Resistant hypertension. Can J Cardiol (2009) 0.90
You and your EMR: the research perspective: part 4. Optimizing EMRs in primary health care practice and research. Can Fam Physician (2012) 0.89
Integrated obesity care management system -implementation and research protocol. BMC Health Serv Res (2007) 0.89
Systematizing Inpatient Referral to Cardiac Rehabilitation 2010: Canadian association of cardiac rehabilitation and Canadian cardiovascular society joint position paper. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev (2011) 0.89
Overcoming the challenges of conducting research with people who have advanced heart failure and palliative care needs. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs (2012) 0.88
HCaRG is a novel regulator of renal epithelial cell growth and differentiation causing G2M arrest. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (2002) 0.88
The relationship between literacy and multimorbidity in a primary care setting. BMC Fam Pract (2012) 0.88
Adverse events among Ontario home care clients associated with emergency room visit or hospitalization: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 0.87
The association among depressive symptoms, smoking status and antidepressant use in cardiac outpatients. J Behav Med (2009) 0.86
Mapping the concept of vulnerability related to health care disparities: a scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 0.85
Measuring care transition quality for older patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal Care (2013) 0.85
What makes primary care effective for people in poverty living with multiple chronic conditions?: study protocol. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 0.84
A systematic review of patient heart failure self-care strategies. J Cardiovasc Nurs (2015) 0.84
The Ontario Cardiac Rehabilitation Pilot Project. Can J Cardiol (2004) 0.83
Comorbidity and glycemia control among patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes (2008) 0.83
Perceptions of cardiac rehabilitation patients, specialists and rehabilitation programs regarding cardiac rehabilitation wait times. BMC Health Serv Res (2012) 0.82
Transitional care programs: who is left behind? A systematic review. Int J Integr Care (2012) 0.82
Degree and correlates of patient trust in their cardiologist. J Eval Clin Pract (2009) 0.82
Structured approach to patients with memory difficulties in family practice. Can Fam Physician (2013) 0.82
Cardiologists' charting varied by risk factor, and was often discordant with patient report. J Clin Epidemiol (2008) 0.82
The role of clinical and geographic factors in the use of hospital versus home-based cardiac rehabilitation. Int J Rehabil Res (2012) 0.82
Perceived conflict in the couple and chronic illness management: preliminary analyses from the Quebec Health Survey. BMC Fam Pract (2006) 0.82
Interprofessional learning in the trenches: fostering collective capability. J Interprof Care (2009) 0.81
Genetic diversity in the blackberry rust pathogen, Phragmidium violaceum, in Europe and Australasia as revealed by analysis of SAMPL. Mycol Res (2006) 0.81
Living and dying with heart failure in long-term care: experiences of residents and their family members. Int J Palliat Nurs (2013) 0.80
Understanding palliative care on the heart failure care team: an innovative research methodology. J Pain Symptom Manage (2012) 0.80
Assessing enablement in clinical practice: a systematic review of available instruments. J Eval Clin Pract (2010) 0.80
Primary care provider perceptions of intake transition records and shared care with outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs. BMC Health Serv Res (2011) 0.80
Exercise training improves aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and quality of life in renal transplant recipients. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab (2013) 0.79
Quality of life following participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs of longer or shorter than 6 months: does duration matter? Popul Health Manag (2011) 0.79
Obstructive sleep apnea and multimorbidity. BMC Pulm Med (2012) 0.79
Drug-disease interaction: Crohn's disease elevates verapamil plasma concentrations but reduces response to the drug proportional to disease activity. Br J Clin Pharmacol (2011) 0.79
Patterns and determinants of dementia pharmacotherapy in a population-based cohort of home care clients. Drugs Aging (2013) 0.78
Adverse events associated with hospitalization or detected through the RAI-HC assessment among Canadian home care clients. Healthc Policy (2013) 0.77
Transforming primary healthcare by including the stakeholders involved in delivering care to people living in poverty: EQUIhealThY study protocol. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 0.77
Pergolide and cabergoline increased risk for valvular heart disease in Parkinson disease. ACP J Club (2007) 0.77
Feasibility of Assessing 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation Quality Indicators. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev (2016) 0.77
Development and use of a computer program to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults residing in Canadian long-term care facilities. BMC Geriatr (2002) 0.77
How does Canada stack up? A bibliometric analysis of the primary healthcare electronic medical record literature. Inform Prim Care (2012) 0.76
Managing palliative care for adults with advanced heart failure. Can J Nurs Res (2011) 0.76
Vascular protection in people with diabetes. Can J Diabetes (2013) 0.76
One, two and three-dimensional ultrasound measurements of carotid atherosclerosis before and after cardiac rehabilitation: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial. Cardiovasc Ultrasound (2013) 0.76
Attending religious services and its relationship with coronary heart disease and related risk factors in older adults: a qualitative study of church pastors' and parishioners' perspectives. J Relig Health (2014) 0.76