Published in J Exp Bot on April 20, 2010
Proline metabolism and its implications for plant-environment interaction. Arabidopsis Book (2010) 1.69
Essential role of tissue-specific proline synthesis and catabolism in growth and redox balance at low water potential. Plant Physiol (2011) 1.52
The transcriptome of the reference potato genome Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1-3 516R44. PLoS One (2011) 1.08
Expression of StMYB1R-1, a novel potato single MYB-like domain transcription factor, increases drought tolerance. Plant Physiol (2010) 0.99
Coping with drought: stress and adaptive responses in potato and perspectives for improvement. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.98
Elevated cytokinin content in ipt transgenic creeping bentgrass promotes drought tolerance through regulating metabolite accumulation. J Exp Bot (2011) 0.92
Transcriptome Profiling of the Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plant under Drought Stress and Water-Stimulus Conditions. PLoS One (2015) 0.88
Differential Protein Expression in Response to Abiotic Stress in Two Potato Species: Solanum commersonii Dun and Solanum tuberosum L. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 0.87
Metabolite Profiles of Maize Leaves in Drought, Heat, and Combined Stress Field Trials Reveal the Relationship between Metabolism and Grain Yield. Plant Physiol (2015) 0.85
Carbohydrate metabolism and cell protection mechanisms differentiate drought tolerance and sensitivity in advanced potato clones (Solanum tuberosum L.). Funct Integr Genomics (2011) 0.84
Accumulation of Flavonols over Hydroxycinnamic Acids Favors Oxidative Damage Protection under Abiotic Stress. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.81
Abscisic acid-responsive guard cell metabolomes of Arabidopsis wild-type and gpa1 G-protein mutants. Plant Cell (2013) 0.81
Transcriptome-wide profiling and expression analysis of diploid and autotetraploid Paulownia tomentosa × Paulownia fortunei under drought stress. PLoS One (2014) 0.79
Effects of yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 on gene expression and carbohydrate contents of potato leaves under drought stress conditions. BMC Plant Biol (2012) 0.79
Variation in primary metabolites in parental and near-isogenic lines of the QTL qDTY12.1 : altered roots and flag leaves but similar spikelets of rice under drought. Mol Breed (2015) 0.79
Stress Memory and the Inevitable Effects of Drought: A Physiological Perspective. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.78
Antioxidant response and related gene expression in aged oat seed. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.78
Cloning of the Lycopene β-cyclase Gene in Nicotiana tabacum and Its Overexpression Confers Salt and Drought Tolerance. Int J Mol Sci (2015) 0.75
Detecting early signs of heat and drought stress in Phoenix dactylifera (date palm). PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature (2011) 7.77
Housekeeping gene selection for real-time RT-PCR normalization in potato during biotic and abiotic stress. J Exp Bot (2005) 5.09
EgMYB2, a new transcriptional activator from Eucalyptus xylem, regulates secondary cell wall formation and lignin biosynthesis. Plant J (2005) 2.15
Effects of the endocrine disruptors atrazine and PCB 153 on the protein expression of MCF-7 human cells. J Proteome Res (2009) 1.49
Construction of reference chromosome-scale pseudomolecules for potato: integrating the potato genome with genetic and physical maps. G3 (Bethesda) (2013) 1.42
Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of the genera Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Trichormus and Nostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol (2005) 1.42
Gradual soil water depletion results in reversible changes of gene expression, protein profiles, ecophysiology, and growth performance in Populus euphratica, a poplar growing in arid regions. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.32
Capturing candidate drought tolerance traits in two native Andean potato clones by transcription profiling of field grown plants under water stress. Plant Physiol Biochem (2007) 1.27
Nuclear microsatellites reveal contrasting patterns of genetic structure between western and southeastern European populations of the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). Evolution (2004) 1.20
Physiological and molecular adaptations to drought in Andean potato genotypes. J Exp Bot (2008) 1.19
2D difference gel electrophoresis reference map of a Fusarium graminearum nivalenol producing strain. Electrophoresis (2013) 1.14
Polyphyly of true branching cyanobacteria (Stigonematales). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol (2004) 1.11
Interactions of Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, vaccinal poliovirus type 1, and bacteriophages phiX174 and MS2 with a drinking water biofilm and a wastewater biofilm. Appl Environ Microbiol (2008) 1.09
Proteomic analysis of plasma samples from patients with acute myocardial infarction identifies haptoglobin as a potential prognostic biomarker. J Proteomics (2011) 1.09
Putrescine differently influences the effect of salt stress on polyamine metabolism and ethylene synthesis in rice cultivars differing in salt resistance. J Exp Bot (2010) 1.08
Quantitative changes in protein expression of cadmium-exposed poplar plants. Proteomics (2008) 1.06
Andean potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a source of antioxidant and mineral micronutrients. J Agric Food Chem (2007) 1.02
Disrupting the cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene (BdCAD1) leads to altered lignification and improved saccharification in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant J (2012) 1.02
Novel markers of xylogenesis in zinnia are differentially regulated by auxin and cytokinin. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.01
Gene expression changes related to the production of phenolic compounds in potato tubers grown under drought stress. Phytochemistry (2009) 1.00
Alteration of oxidative and carbohydrate metabolism under abiotic stress in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes contrasting in chilling tolerance. J Plant Physiol (2006) 0.99
Short term signaling responses in roots of young soybean seedlings exposed to cadmium stress. J Plant Physiol (2013) 0.96
Identification of novel transcription factors regulating secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci (2013) 0.94
Toxin induction and protein extraction from Fusarium spp. cultures for proteomic studies. J Vis Exp (2010) 0.92
Antioxidant profiling of native Andean potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) reveals cultivars with high levels of beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, chlorogenic acid, and petanin. J Agric Food Chem (2007) 0.92
Fusarium head blight and associated mycotoxin occurrence on winter wheat in Luxembourg in 2007/2008. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess (2010) 0.91
Proteomic and enzymatic response of poplar to cadmium stress. J Proteomics (2009) 0.91
Integrated -omics: a powerful approach to understanding the heterogeneous lignification of fibre crops. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 0.91
Inflorescence structure and control of flowering time and duration by light in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). J Exp Bot (2004) 0.91
An improved 3D tetraculture system mimicking the cellular organisation at the alveolar barrier to study the potential toxic effects of particles on the lung. Part Fibre Toxicol (2013) 0.90
Combining proteomics and metabolite analyses to unravel cadmium stress-response in poplar leaves. J Proteome Res (2009) 0.90
Acute metal stress in Populus tremula x P. alba (717-1B4 genotype): leaf and cambial proteome changes induced by cadmium 2+. Proteomics (2010) 0.90
Comparison of 3 spectrophotometric methods for carotenoid determination in frequently consumed fruits and vegetables. J Food Sci (2010) 0.90
Analysis of carbohydrates in plants by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A (2005) 0.89
Dissolved and particulate nutrient export from rural catchments: a case study from Luxembourg. Sci Total Environ (2005) 0.88
Heavy metal accumulation by the halophyte species Mediterranean saltbush. J Environ Qual (2004) 0.88
Two-year monitoring of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia occurrence in a recreational and drinking water reservoir using standard microscopic and molecular biology techniques. Environ Monit Assess (2010) 0.88
A DIGE analysis of developing poplar leaves subjected to ozone reveals major changes in carbon metabolism. Proteomics (2007) 0.87
Dynamic NanoSIMS ion imaging of unicellular freshwater algae exposed to copper. Anal Bioanal Chem (2008) 0.87
Combined transcriptomic and physiological approaches reveal strong differences between short- and long-term response of rice (Oryza sativa) to iron toxicity. Plant Cell Environ (2012) 0.87
Occurrence and persistence of enteroviruses, noroviruses and F-specific RNA phages in natural wastewater biofilms. Water Res (2009) 0.87
Comparative evaluation of the VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 1.0 kinetic PCR molecular system (kPCR) for the quantification of HIV-1 plasma viral load. J Clin Virol (2009) 0.86
Comparison of transcript profiles in late blight-challenged Solanum cajamarquense and B3C1 potato clones. Mol Plant Pathol (2010) 0.85
Differences between the succinate dehydrogenase sequences of isopyrazam sensitive Zymoseptoria tritici and insensitive Fusarium graminearum strains. Pestic Biochem Physiol (2012) 0.85
Quantitative resistance to late blight from Solanum berthaultii cosegregates with R(Pi-ber): insights in stability through isolates and environment. Theor Appl Genet (2010) 0.85
Chemical contaminants in fish species from rivers in the North of Luxembourg: Potential impact on the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Chemosphere (2010) 0.85
Carbohydrate metabolism and cell protection mechanisms differentiate drought tolerance and sensitivity in advanced potato clones (Solanum tuberosum L.). Funct Integr Genomics (2011) 0.84
Differential impact of chronic ozone exposure on expanding and fully expanded poplar leaves. Tree Physiol (2010) 0.84
Development of a multi-class method for the quantification of veterinary drug residues in feedingstuffs by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A (2010) 0.83
Conditional QTL underlying resistance to late blight in a diploid potato population. Theor Appl Genet (2012) 0.82
Phenotypic stability and genome-wide association study of late blight resistance in potato genotypes adapted to the tropical highlands. Phytopathology (2014) 0.81
Differential gene expression in two potato lines differing in their resistance to Phytophthora infestans. J Plant Physiol (2003) 0.81
Color quantification of stained maize stem section describes lignin spatial distribution within the whole stem. J Agric Food Chem (2013) 0.81
Antioxidant enzyme activities and hormonal status in response to Cd stress in the wetland halophyte Kosteletzkya virginica under saline conditions. Physiol Plant (2012) 0.81
Estimating deoxynivalenol contents of wheat samples containing different levels of Fusarium-damaged kernels by diffuse reflectance spectrometry and partial least square regression. Int J Food Microbiol (2010) 0.80
NanoSIMS50 - a powerful tool to elucidate cellular localization of halogenated organic compounds. Anal Bioanal Chem (2012) 0.79
The impact of atmospheric composition on plants: a case study of ozone and poplar. Mass Spectrom Rev (2009) 0.79
Antioxidative mechanisms of whole-apple antioxidants employing different varieties from Luxembourg. J Med Food (2011) 0.79
Monitoring gene expression of potato under salinity using cDNA microarrays. Plant Cell Rep (2009) 0.79
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber ageing induces changes in the proteome and antioxidants associated with the sprouting pattern. J Exp Bot (2009) 0.79
Development of a new dispenser for microbiological control agents and evaluation of dissemination by bumblebees in greenhouse strawberries. Pest Manag Sci (2010) 0.79
Effect of production environment, genotype and process on the mineral content of native bitter potato cultivars converted into white chuño. J Sci Food Agric (2012) 0.79
Poplar under drought: comparison of leaf and cambial proteomic responses. J Proteomics (2011) 0.79
Quantification of Giardia transcripts during in vitro excystation: interest for the estimation of cyst viability. Water Res (2009) 0.79
A physiological and proteomic study of poplar leaves during ozone exposure combined with mild drought. Proteomics (2013) 0.78
Concentration and diversity of noroviruses detected in Luxembourg wastewaters in 2008-2009. Appl Environ Microbiol (2011) 0.78
A laboratory evaluation to determine the compatibility of microbiological control agents with the pollinator Bombus terrestris. Pest Manag Sci (2009) 0.78
Taking advantage of nonspecific trypsin cleavages for the identification of seed storage proteins in cereals. J Proteome Res (2009) 0.78
FcStuA from Fusarium culmorum controls wheat foot and root rot in a toxin dispensable manner. PLoS One (2013) 0.78
Simultaneous measurement of proline and related compounds in oak leaves by high-performance ligand-exchange chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for environmental stress studies. J Chromatogr A (2008) 0.78
A difference gel electrophoresis study on thylakoids isolated from poplar leaves reveals a negative impact of ozone exposure on membrane proteins. J Proteome Res (2011) 0.77
The response to daylight or continuous ozone of phenylpropanoid and lignin biosynthesis pathways in poplar differs between leaves and wood. Planta (2012) 0.77
Determination of oral uptake and biodistribution of platinum and chromium by the garden snail (Helix aspersa) employing nano-secondary ion mass-spectrometry. Chemosphere (2012) 0.77
Carotenoid exposure of Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells did not affect selected inflammatory markers but altered their proteomic response. Br J Nutr (2011) 0.77
New approaches to assess the transthyretin binding capacity of bioactivated thyroid hormone disruptors. Toxicol Sci (2012) 0.77
Ag nanoparticles: size- and surface-dependent effects on model aquatic organisms and uptake evaluation with NanoSIMS. Nanotoxicology (2012) 0.77
In vitro bioaccessibility of lutein and zeaxanthin of yellow fleshed boiled potatoes. Plant Foods Hum Nutr (2013) 0.76