Published in Neuroimage on May 21, 2010
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in blast-exposed military veterans and a blast neurotrauma mouse model. Sci Transl Med (2012) 6.27
Animal modelling of traumatic brain injury in preclinical drug development: where do we go from here? Br J Pharmacol (2011) 1.28
Blast exposure induces post-traumatic stress disorder-related traits in a rat model of mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma (2012) 1.19
Assessment of the effects of acute and repeated exposure to blast overpressure in rodents: toward a greater understanding of blast and the potential ramifications for injury in humans exposed to blast. Front Neurol (2012) 1.13
Experimental animal models for studies on the mechanisms of blast-induced neurotrauma. Front Neurol (2012) 1.02
Rat injury model under controlled field-relevant primary blast conditions: acute response to a wide range of peak overpressures. J Neurotrauma (2013) 0.98
Shear forces during blast, not abrupt changes in pressure alone, generate calcium activity in human brain cells. PLoS One (2012) 0.97
Assessing neuro-systemic & behavioral components in the pathophysiology of blast-related brain injury. Front Neurol (2013) 0.97
Low level primary blast injury in rodent brain. Front Neurol (2011) 0.96
Inflammatory response following diffuse axonal injury. Int J Med Sci (2013) 0.93
Mathematical Models of Blast-Induced TBI: Current Status, Challenges, and Prospects. Front Neurol (2013) 0.92
A Model for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury that Induces Limited Transient Memory Impairment and Increased Levels of Axon Related Serum Biomarkers. Front Neurol (2012) 0.90
Changes in mouse cognition and hippocampal gene expression observed in a mild physical- and blast-traumatic brain injury. Neurobiol Dis (2013) 0.90
Integration of proteomics, bioinformatics, and systems biology in traumatic brain injury biomarker discovery. Front Neurol (2013) 0.89
A Multiscale Approach to Blast Neurotrauma Modeling: Part I - Development of Novel Test Devices for in vivo and in vitro Blast Injury Models. Front Neurol (2012) 0.89
A new model to produce sagittal plane rotational induced diffuse axonal injuries. Front Neurol (2011) 0.88
Blast TBI Models, Neuropathology, and Implications for Seizure Risk. Front Neurol (2014) 0.88
Incretin mimetics as pharmacologic tools to elucidate and as a new drug strategy to treat traumatic brain injury. Alzheimers Dement (2014) 0.88
BDNF polymorphism predicts general intelligence after penetrating traumatic brain injury. PLoS One (2011) 0.88
Acute blast injury reduces brain abeta in two rodent species. Front Neurol (2012) 0.84
Effects of low-level blast exposure on the nervous system: is there really a controversy? Front Neurol (2014) 0.84
Blast-induced color change in photonic crystals corresponds with brain pathology. J Neurotrauma (2011) 0.83
A novel mouse model of penetrating brain injury. Front Neurol (2014) 0.82
Chronic Histopathological and Behavioral Outcomes of Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult Male Animals. J Neurotrauma (2015) 0.81
Impact of moderate blast exposures on thrombin biomarkers assessed by calibrated automated thrombography in rats. J Neurotrauma (2013) 0.81
Neuronal DNA Methylation Profiling of Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma (2015) 0.80
Neural activation during response inhibition differentiates blast from mechanical causes of mild to moderate traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma (2013) 0.80
Blast-Associated Shock Waves Result in Increased Brain Vascular Leakage and Elevated ROS Levels in a Rat Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. PLoS One (2015) 0.80
Primary blast causes mild, moderate, severe and lethal TBI with increasing blast overpressures: Experimental rat injury model. Sci Rep (2016) 0.80
When physics meets biology: low and high-velocity penetration, blunt impact, and blast injuries to the brain. Front Neurol (2015) 0.79
Effects of antioxidant treatment on blast-induced brain injury. PLoS One (2013) 0.79
Distinct effect of impact rise times on immediate and early neuropathology after brain injury in juvenile rats. J Neurosci Res (2014) 0.79
Blast overpressure induced axonal injury changes in rat brainstem and spinal cord. J Neurosci Rural Pract (2016) 0.79
Blast traumatic brain injury-induced cognitive deficits are attenuated by preinjury or postinjury treatment with the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, exendin-4. Alzheimers Dement (2015) 0.78
Voluntary Alcohol Intake following Blast Exposure in a Rat Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. PLoS One (2015) 0.78
Considerations for animal models of blast-related traumatic brain injury and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Alzheimers Res Ther (2014) 0.78
A parametric approach to shape field-relevant blast wave profiles in compressed-gas-driven shock tube. Front Neurol (2014) 0.78
Analysis of Post-Traumatic Brain Injury Gene Expression Signature Reveals Tubulins, Nfe2l2, Nfkb, Cd44, and S100a4 as Treatment Targets. Sci Rep (2016) 0.78
Characterization of pressure distribution in penetrating traumatic brain injuries. Front Neurol (2015) 0.77
Low-cost blast wave generator for studies of hearing loss and brain injury: blast wave effects in closed spaces. J Neurosci Methods (2015) 0.77
Behavioral Outcomes Differ between Rotational Acceleration and Blast Mechanisms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Front Neurol (2016) 0.77
On acute gene expression changes after ventral root replantation. Front Neurol (2011) 0.77
Altered gene expression in cultured microglia in response to simulated blast overpressure: possible role of pulse duration. Neurosci Lett (2012) 0.76
Time dependent integration of matrix metalloproteinases and their targeted substrates directs axonal sprouting and synaptogenesis following central nervous system injury. Neural Regen Res (2014) 0.76
Neurotransmitter Systems in a Mild Blast Traumatic Brain Injury Model: Catecholamines and Serotonin. J Neurotrauma (2015) 0.76
A systems biology strategy to identify molecular mechanisms of action and protein indicators of traumatic brain injury. J Neurosci Res (2014) 0.76
Cellular High-Energy Cavitation Trauma - Description of a Novel In Vitro Trauma Model in Three Different Cell Types. Front Neurol (2016) 0.75
Transcriptional profiling in rat hair follicles following simulated Blast insult: a new diagnostic tool for traumatic brain injury. PLoS One (2014) 0.75
Synaptic Mechanisms of Blast-Induced Brain Injury. Front Neurol (2016) 0.75
Neuronal Injury and Glial Changes Are Hallmarks of Open Field Blast Exposure in Swine Frontal Lobe. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Novel rodent models of penetrating traumatic brain injury. Neural Regen Res (2015) 0.75
Blast shockwaves propagate Ca(2+) activity via purinergic astrocyte networks in human central nervous system cells. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Modeling the Long-Term Consequences of Repeated Blast-Induced Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries. J Neurotrauma (2017) 0.75
Oxygenation and cerebral perfusion pressure improved in the prone position. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand (2006) 1.51
BRAF mutations are very rare in B- and T-cell pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemias. Leukemia (2008) 1.02
Trends in mercury in hair of Greenlandic polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during 1892-2001. Environ Sci Technol (2006) 0.96
Visualizing photochemical dynamics in solution through picosecond x-ray scattering. Phys Rev Lett (2001) 0.91
Trends in fluctuating asymmetry in East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from 1892 to 2002 in relation to organohalogen pollution. Sci Total Environ (2004) 0.87
Activation of abdominal muscles during some physiotherapeutic exercises. Scand J Rehabil Med (1979) 0.87
Neck injuries in car collisions--a review covering a possible injury mechanism and the development of a new rear-impact dummy. Accid Anal Prev (2000) 0.81
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Enlarged clitoris in wild polar bears (Ursus maritimus) can be misdiagnosed as pseudohermaphroditism. Sci Total Environ (2005) 0.77
Multiple cytokine and acute-phase protein gene transcription in West Greenland sledge dogs (Canis familiaris) dietary exposed to organic environmental pollutants. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2007) 0.76