D H Hickam

Author PubWeight™ 85.07‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 A performance and failure analysis of SAPHIRE with a MEDLINE test collection. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1995 13.03
2 Physician attitudes and practices at the time of patient death. Arch Intern Med 1984 7.02
3 How well do physicians use electronic information retrieval systems? A framework for investigation and systematic review. JAMA 1998 5.74
4 Evaluation of SAPHIRE: an automated approach to indexing and retrieving medical literature. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care 1991 4.59
5 A comparison of retrieval effectiveness for three methods of indexing medical literature. Am J Med Sci 1992 3.91
6 The treatment advice of a computer-based cancer chemotherapy protocol advisor. Ann Intern Med 1985 3.30
7 Patients' preferences for risk disclosure and role in decision making for invasive medical procedures. J Gen Intern Med 1997 2.25
8 Factors associated with successful answering of clinical questions using an information retrieval system. Bull Med Libr Assoc 2000 2.20
9 Words, concepts, or both: optimal indexing units for automated information retrieval. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care 1992 2.07
10 Effects of a physician communication intervention on patient care outcomes. J Gen Intern Med 1996 2.06
11 The validity of proxy-generated scores as measures of patient health status. Med Care 1991 1.95
12 Patients' interpretations of probability terms. J Gen Intern Med 1991 1.88
13 Using the patient's history to estimate the probability of coronary artery disease: a comparison of primary care and referral practices. Am J Med 1990 1.84
14 A comparison of two methods for indexing and retrieval from a full-text medical database. Med Decis Making 1993 1.59
15 Assessing predictive accuracy: how to compare Brier scores. J Clin Epidemiol 1991 1.52
16 A program to teach residents humanistic skills for notifying survivors of a patient's death. Acad Med 1989 1.45
17 Patients' desires and satisfaction in general medicine clinics. Public Health Rep 1994 1.35
18 Interpretation of graphic data by patients in a general medicine clinic. J Gen Intern Med 1990 1.30
19 A prospective study of internal medicine residents' emotions and attitudes throughout their training. Acad Med 1991 1.17
20 How patients' preferences for risk information influence treatment choice in a case of high risk and high therapeutic uncertainty: asymptomatic localized prostate cancer. Med Decis Making 1999 1.15
21 Attending rounds on in-patient units: differences between medical and non-medical services. Med Educ 1993 1.15
22 The effect of physician's explanations on patients' treatment preferences: five-year survival data. Med Decis Making 1994 1.01
23 Treatment preferences of patients and physicians: influences of summary data when framing effects are controlled. Med Decis Making 1990 0.98
24 Communication between physicians and surviving spouses following patient deaths. J Gen Intern Med 1986 0.96
25 Patients' and physicians' interpretations of graphic data displays. Med Decis Making 1993 0.96
26 Changing physician practice of physical activity counseling. J Gen Intern Med 1999 0.95
27 The internship--a prospective investigation of emotions and attitudes. West J Med 1986 0.93
28 Nurses' and physicians' attitudes toward tube-feeding decisions in long-term care. J Am Geriatr Soc 1986 0.93
29 Noncardiac causes of angina-like chest pain. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1986 0.91
30 Outpatients' attitudes and understanding regarding living wills. J Gen Intern Med 1993 0.91
31 The influence of physician explanations on patient preferences about future health-care states. Med Decis Making 1997 0.90
32 Patient interpretations of terms connoting low probabilities when communicating about surgical risk. Theor Surg 1993 0.90
33 Evaluation of physical examination skills. Reliability of faculty observers and patient instructors. JAMA 1987 0.89
34 Responsibilities of primary physicians in organ donation. Ann Intern Med 1987 0.87
35 The effect of health care working conditions on patient safety. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ) 2003 0.85
36 Comparison of mood changes and satisfaction among first-year medical residents in three programs. J Med Educ 1987 0.85
37 Predictors of clinical performance among internal medicine residents. J Gen Intern Med 1991 0.84
38 Five-year survival curves: how much data are enough for patient-physician decision making in general surgery? Eur J Surg 1996 0.84
39 Patient preferences for management of localized prostate cancer. West J Med 1996 0.83
40 The identification and management of drug-seeking behavior in a medical center. Drug Alcohol Depend 1989 0.83
41 How do faculty evaluate students' case presentations? Teach Learn Med 1997 0.82
42 Systematic bias in recording the history in patients with chest pain. J Chronic Dis 1985 0.79
43 Tutored videotape-instruction in clinical decision-making. J Med Educ 1984 0.79
44 A comparison of men and women physicians' management of patient death. West J Med 1985 0.77
45 Towards new measures of information retrieval evaluation. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care 1994 0.75
46 Do severity of disease classification tools change patient care? Med Decis Making 1990 0.75
47 The Veterans Administration Northwest Regional Health Services Research and Development Field Program: organization, activities, and early outcomes. Health Serv Res 1986 0.75
48 Use of the T-ACE questions to detect risk-drinking. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990 0.75
49 Patients' willingness-to accept risk of medical treatments. Int J Risk Saf Med 1994 0.75
50 The effect of house officer rotation on inpatient satisfaction and ward atmosphere: preliminary findings. Mil Med 1994 0.75
51 Patients' willingness to accept risks of medical intervention: intubation and ventilatory support for short periods of time. Int J Risk Saf Med 1995 0.75
52 Risk preference and laboratory utilization. Med Decis Making 1987 0.75
53 Testing for toxocariasis. N Engl J Med 1983 0.75
54 Teaching medical students to estimate probability of coronary artery disease. J Gen Intern Med 1987 0.75
55 A study of a probabilistic technique for teaching diagnostic skills to medical students. Res Med Educ 1985 0.75
56 Previous visits to emergency departments by patients with chest discomfort. Perspect Healthc Risk Manage 1991 0.75
57 Medical students' evaluations of their preceptors' teaching in an introductory course. Acad Med 1991 0.75
58 Clinical decision making: a study to define educational objectives for resident physicians. Res Med Educ 1986 0.75
59 The doctor-patient relationship during medical internship: the evolution of dissatisfaction. Soc Sci Med 1988 0.75
60 A study of the implicit criteria used in diagnosing chest pain. Med Decis Making 1982 0.75