Published in Behav Brain Res on September 08, 2010
Sculpting the hippocampus from within: stress, spines, and CRH. Trends Neurosci (2012) 1.13
Environmental and pharmacological modulations of cellular plasticity: role in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Neurobiol Dis (2012) 1.07
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the pathogenesis of addiction and dual diagnosis disorders. Drug Alcohol Depend (2012) 0.96
Toward Understanding How Early-Life Stress Reprograms Cognitive and Emotional Brain Networks. Neuropsychopharmacology (2015) 0.95
Hand rearing affects emotional responses but not basic cognitive performance in European starlings. Anim Behav (2013) 0.90
Early life manipulations alter learning and memory in rats. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2012) 0.88
Perinatal asphyxia: CNS development and deficits with delayed onset. Front Neurosci (2014) 0.85
High novelty-seeking rats are resilient to negative physiological effects of the early life stress. Stress (2013) 0.85
Early life stress and hippocampal neurogenesis in the neonate: sexual dimorphism, long term consequences and possible mediators. Front Mol Neurosci (2015) 0.85
Prenatal nicotine and maternal deprivation stress de-regulate the development of CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus neurons in hippocampus of infant rats. PLoS One (2013) 0.84
The behavioral and immunological impact of maternal separation: a matter of timing. Front Behav Neurosci (2014) 0.83
The interplay of early-life stress, nutrition, and immune activation programs adult hippocampal structure and function. Front Mol Neurosci (2015) 0.82
Early life stress is a risk factor for excessive alcohol drinking and impulsivity in adults and is mediated via a CRF/GABAA mechanism. Stress (2016) 0.81
Short environmental enrichment in adulthood reverses anxiety and basolateral amygdala hypertrophy induced by maternal separation. Transl Psychiatry (2016) 0.80
Maternal separation produces alterations of forebrain brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in differently aged rats. Front Mol Neurosci (2015) 0.79
Impact of early adverse experience on complexity of adult-generated neurons. Transl Psychiatry (2011) 0.78
Inborn stress reactivity shapes adult behavioral consequences of early-life maternal separation stress. Neurosci Lett (2014) 0.78
Early Life Stress Increases Metabolic Risk, HPA Axis Reactivity, and Depressive-Like Behavior When Combined with Postweaning Social Isolation in Rats. PLoS One (2016) 0.77
Sugar Consumption Produces Effects Similar to Early Life Stress Exposure on Hippocampal Markers of Neurogenesis and Stress Response. Front Mol Neurosci (2016) 0.77
The impact of voluntary exercise on relative telomere length in a rat model of developmental stress. BMC Res Notes (2012) 0.77
Independent effects of early-life experience and trait aggression on cardiovascular function. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2016) 0.76
Previous Institutionalization Is Followed by Broader Amygdala-Hippocampal-PFC Network Connectivity during Aversive Learning in Human Development. J Neurosci (2016) 0.76
Delayed maturation and altered proliferation within the rat rostral migratory stream following maternal deprivation. Eur J Histochem (2011) 0.76
Protective effects of intermittent hypoxia on brain and memory in a mouse model of apnea of prematurity. Front Physiol (2015) 0.76
Stereological analyses of reward system nuclei in maternally deprived/separated alcohol drinking rats. J Chem Neuroanat (2016) 0.75
Chronic Stress Is Associated with Pain Precipitation and Elevation in DeltaFosb Expression. Front Pharmacol (2016) 0.75
Early-life stress impairs recognition memory and perturbs the functional maturation of prefrontal-hippocampal-perirhinal networks. Sci Rep (2017) 0.75
Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis by Early Life Stress Exposure. Front Cell Neurosci (2017) 0.75
Effects of early life stress and adolescent ethanol exposure on adult cognitive performance in the 5-choice serial reaction time task in Wistar male rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2017) 0.75
Toll-Like Receptor 4 in Paraventricular Nucleus Mediates Visceral Hypersensitivity Induced by Maternal Separation. Front Pharmacol (2017) 0.75
Restricted and disrupted sleep: effects on autonomic function, neuroendocrine stress systems and stress responsivity. Sleep Med Rev (2008) 2.59
Permanent, bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the rat: a model for chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-related neurodegenerative diseases. Brain Res Rev (2007) 2.17
Reduced spontaneous but relatively normal deliberate vicarious representations in psychopathy. Brain (2013) 1.86
The suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates sleep timing and amount in mice. Sleep (2004) 1.68
A randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or both combined for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia: treatment results through 1-year follow-up. J Clin Psychiatry (2010) 1.54
Platelet serotonin levels in pervasive developmental disorders and mental retardation: diagnostic group differences, within-group distribution, and behavioral correlates. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2004) 1.53
Tumor necrosis factor receptor cross-talk. FEBS J (2011) 1.40
Sleep deprivation impairs object recognition in mice. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2006) 1.38
Evidence-based pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a revision of the 2005 guidelines from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol (2014) 1.36
Physical exercise leads to rapid adaptations in hippocampal vasculature: temporal dynamics and relationship to cell proliferation and neurogenesis. Hippocampus (2009) 1.29
Experimental cerebral hypoperfusion induces white matter injury and microglial activation in the rat brain. Acta Neuropathol (2004) 1.24
Gender differences in the relation between social support, problems in parent-offspring communication, and depression and anxiety. Soc Sci Med (2004) 1.23
Statins: mechanisms of neuroprotection. Prog Neurobiol (2009) 1.22
Chronically restricted sleep leads to depression-like changes in neurotransmitter receptor sensitivity and neuroendocrine stress reactivity in rats. Sleep (2008) 1.19
Effects of sleep deprivation on cardiac autonomic and pituitary-adrenocortical stress reactivity in rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2005) 1.18
rCBF differences between panic disorder patients and control subjects during anticipatory anxiety and rest. Biol Psychiatry (2002) 1.15
Sleep deprivation impairs spatial working memory and reduces hippocampal AMPA receptor phosphorylation. J Sleep Res (2009) 1.11
Catechol-o-methyltransferase polymorphism and susceptibility to major depressive disorder modulates psychological stress response. Psychiatr Genet (2007) 1.10
Preservation of hippocampal neuron numbers in aged rhesus monkeys. Neurobiol Aging (2002) 1.10
Symptom dimensions in OCD: item-level factor analysis and heritability estimates. Behav Genet (2010) 1.10
Poor sleep as a potential causal factor in aggression and violence. Sleep Med (2012) 1.10
Too little sleep gradually desensitizes the serotonin 1A receptor system. Sleep (2005) 1.07
Neuronal AKAP150 coordinates PKA and Epac-mediated PKB/Akt phosphorylation. Cell Signal (2008) 1.06
Impaired attribution of emotion to facial expressions in anxiety and major depression. PLoS One (2010) 1.06
Lipocalin 2: novel component of proinflammatory signaling in Alzheimer's disease. FASEB J (2012) 1.03
Social factors and individual vulnerability to chronic stress exposure. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2004) 1.03
Pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic nervous system responses to stress in women remitted from recurrent major depression. Psychosom Med (2008) 1.01
Sex differences in sleep: the response to sleep deprivation and restraint stress in mice. Sleep (2006) 1.01
The resident-intruder paradigm: a standardized test for aggression, violence and social stress. J Vis Exp (2013) 1.01
TNF-alpha-mediates neuroprotection against glutamate-induced excitotoxicity via NF-kappaB-dependent up-regulation of K2.2 channels. J Neurochem (2008) 1.00
Hippocampal cell proliferation across the day: increase by running wheel activity, but no effect of sleep and wakefulness. Behav Brain Res (2005) 1.00
A time for learning and a time for sleep: the effect of sleep deprivation on contextual fear conditioning at different times of the day. Sleep (2010) 0.99
Sleep restriction by forced activity reduces hippocampal cell proliferation. Brain Res (2005) 0.98
Ventricular activation is impaired in aged rat hearts. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2008) 0.98
Resveratrol preserves cerebrovascular density and cognitive function in aging mice. Front Aging Neurosci (2009) 0.98
Coping with sleep deprivation: shifts in regional brain activity and learning strategy. Sleep (2010) 0.96
Serotonin transporter intron 2 polymorphism associated with rigid-compulsive behaviors in Dutch individuals with pervasive developmental disorder. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet (2005) 0.96
In silico study of full-length amyloid beta 1-42 tri- and penta-oligomers in solution. J Phys Chem B (2009) 0.94
Enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis in the absence of microglia T cell interaction and microglia activation in the murine running wheel model. Glia (2009) 0.94
Irritability rather than depression during interferon treatment is linked to increased tryptophan catabolism. Psychosom Med (2005) 0.94
Fact or factitious? A psychobiological study of authentic and simulated dissociative identity states. PLoS One (2012) 0.94
Methylphenidate-induced activation of the anterior cingulate but not the striatum: a [15O]H2O PET study in healthy volunteers. Hum Brain Mapp (2007) 0.93
Locally increased P-glycoprotein function in major depression: a PET study with [11C]verapamil as a probe for P-glycoprotein function in the blood-brain barrier. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol (2009) 0.93
Age-related microvascular degeneration in the human cerebral periventricular white matter. Acta Neuropathol (2006) 0.93
A forced desynchrony study of circadian pacemaker characteristics in seasonal affective disorder. J Biol Rhythms (2002) 0.92
Psychobiological characteristics of dissociative identity disorder: a symptom provocation study. Biol Psychiatry (2006) 0.92
A-kinase anchoring protein 150 in the mouse brain is concentrated in areas involved in learning and memory. Brain Res (2007) 0.92
The role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in a mouse model of neuroinflammation-induced depression. J Alzheimers Dis (2012) 0.92
Gender-specific effects of social housing in rats after chronic mild stress exposure. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (2003) 0.92
Future antidepressants: what is in the pipeline and what is missing? CNS Drugs (2004) 0.91
Patients with carcinoid syndrome exhibit symptoms of aggressive impulse dysregulation. Psychosom Med (2004) 0.90
Cardiac autonomic reactivity and salivary cortisol in men and women exposed to social stressors: relationship with individual ethological profile. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2003) 0.90
Differential involvement of hippocampal calcineurin during learning and reversal learning in a Y-maze task. Learn Mem (2006) 0.90
Respiratory pattern in awake rats: effects of motor activity and of alerting stimuli. Physiol Behav (2010) 0.90
Mood regulation in seasonal affective disorder patients and healthy controls studied in forced desynchrony. Psychiatry Res (2003) 0.90
Morris water maze learning in two rat strains increases the expression of the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule in the dentate gyrus but has no effect on hippocampal neurogenesis. Behav Neurosci (2005) 0.90
Daily acclimation handling does not affect hippocampal long-term potentiation or cause chronic sleep deprivation in mice. Sleep (2013) 0.90
Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and major depression. Biol Psychiatry (2010) 0.90
Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide prevent cerebral hypoperfusion-related learning dysfunction and brain damage after carotid artery occlusion. Brain Res (2004) 0.89
Chronic psychosocial stress persistently alters autonomic function and physical activity in mice. Physiol Behav (2003) 0.89
Analysis of cognition, motor performance and anxiety in young and aged tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor 1 and 2 deficient mice. Behav Brain Res (2013) 0.88
Cardiac dysfunction and hypothalamic activation during a social crowding stressor in prairie voles. Auton Neurosci (2010) 0.88
Increased food intake and changes in metabolic hormones in response to chronic sleep restriction alternated with short periods of sleep allowance. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2011) 0.88
Chronic sleep disturbance impairs glucose homeostasis in rats. Int J Endocrinol (2010) 0.88
The basal forebrain cholinergic system in aging and dementia. Rescuing cholinergic neurons from neurotoxic amyloid-β42 with memantine. Behav Brain Res (2010) 0.87
Long-term effects of prenatal stress: changes in adult cardiovascular regulation and sensitivity to stress. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2008) 0.87
Antiaggressive activity of central oxytocin in male rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2013) 0.87
Differential effects of chronic partial sleep deprivation and stress on serotonin-1A and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor sensitivity. J Sleep Res (2006) 0.87
An animal model of emotional blunting in schizophrenia. PLoS One (2007) 0.87
Acute psychosocial challenge and cardiac autonomic response in women: the role of estrogens, corticosteroids, and behavioral coping styles. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2007) 0.86
Concentration dependent actions of glucocorticoids on neuronal viability and survival. Dose Response (2006) 0.86
Sleep deprivation impairs contextual fear conditioning and attenuates subsequent behavioural, endocrine and neuronal responses. J Sleep Res (2010) 0.86
Sleep deprivation and daily torpor impair object recognition in Djungarian hamsters. Physiol Behav (2005) 0.85
Central 5-HT receptors in cardiovascular control during stress. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2008) 0.85
Effects of active shock avoidance learning on hippocampal neurogenesis and plasma levels of corticosterone. Behav Brain Res (2005) 0.85
Intermittent exposure to social defeat and open-field test in rats: acute and long-term effects on ECG, body temperature and physical activity. Stress (2002) 0.85
Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide alleviate experimental cerebral hypoperfusion-induced white matter injury in the rat brain. Neurosci Lett (2004) 0.85
Effects of chronic psychosocial stress on cardiac autonomic responsiveness and myocardial structure in mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2004) 0.85
Stress, arousal, and sleep. Curr Top Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.85
Chronic stress and antidepressant treatment have opposite effects on P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier: an experimental PET study in rats. J Psychopharmacol (2009) 0.84
Preservation of hippocampal neuron numbers and hippocampal subfield volumes in behaviorally characterized aged tree shrews. J Comp Neurol (2004) 0.84
LPYFDa neutralizes amyloid-beta-induced memory impairment and toxicity. J Alzheimers Dis (2010) 0.84
Inhibition of PKA anchoring to A-kinase anchoring proteins impairs consolidation and facilitates extinction of contextual fear memories. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2008) 0.84
Bilateral sensory abnormalities in patients with unilateral neuropathic pain; a quantitative sensory testing (QST) study. PLoS One (2012) 0.84