Published in J Phys Act Health on September 01, 2010
The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports Med (2014) 1.28
Change in physical activity and weight in relation to retirement: the French GAZEL Cohort Study. BMJ Open (2012) 1.01
Upper-limb activity in adults: referent values using accelerometry. J Rehabil Res Dev (2013) 1.01
Physical activity barriers and facilitators among working mothers and fathers. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.95
Physical activity and sedentary behavior across 12 months in cohort samples of couples without children, expecting their first child, and expecting their second child. J Behav Med (2013) 0.88
How do couples influence each other's physical activity behaviours in retirement? An exploratory qualitative study. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.85
Association between physical activity, multimorbidity, self-rated health and functional limitation in the Spanish population. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.83
The impact of parenthood on Canadians' objectively measured physical activity: an examination of cross-sectional population-based data. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.80
Change in children's physical activity and sedentary time between Year 1 and Year 4 of primary school in the B-PROACT1V cohort. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2017) 0.79
Objectively measured patterns of sedentary time and physical activity in young adults of the Raine study cohort. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2016) 0.78
Associations between parenting partners' objectively-assessed physical activity and Body Mass Index: A cross-sectional study. Prev Med Rep (2015) 0.75
Sedentary time among spouses: a cross-sectional study exploring associations in sedentary time and behaviour in parents of 5 and 6 year old children. BMC Res Notes (2015) 0.75
Physical activity and sport participation: A systematic review of the impact of fatherhood. Prev Med Rep (2016) 0.75
Physical activity from childhood to adulthood: a 21-year tracking study. Am J Prev Med (2005) 5.28
Physical activity patterns in a diverse population of women. Prev Med (1999) 4.37
Reproducibility and validity of an epidemiologic questionnaire to assess past year physical activity in adolescents. Am J Epidemiol (1995) 2.65
Determinants of exercise behavior. Exerc Sport Sci Rev (1990) 2.38
Predictors of adoption and maintenance of vigorous physical activity in men and women. Prev Med (1992) 2.26
Life transitions and changing physical activity patterns in young women. Am J Prev Med (2003) 2.01
Leisure-time, occupational, and household physical activity among professional, skilled, and less-skilled workers and homemakers. Prev Med (2000) 1.88
Prevalence of fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity by race/ethnicity--United States, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep (2007) 1.79
Tracking of risk factors for coronary heart disease over a 14-year period: a comparison between lifestyle and biologic risk factors with data from the Amsterdam Growth and Health Study. Am J Epidemiol (1997) 1.77
Effects of persistent physical activity and inactivity on coronary risk factors in children and young adults. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Am J Epidemiol (1994) 1.75
Tracking of activity and fitness and the relationship with cardiovascular disease risk factors. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2000) 1.74
Effects of marital transitions on changes in dietary and other health behaviours in US male health professionals. J Epidemiol Community Health (2005) 1.73
Longitudinal study of the number and choice of leisure time physical activities from mid to late adolescence: implications for school curricula and community recreation programs. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2002) 1.71
Factors that influence physical activity participation among high- and low-SES youth. Qual Health Res (2006) 1.47
Tracking of physical activity from childhood to adulthood. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2004) 1.29
The effects of marital transitions on changes in physical activity: results from a 10-year community study. Ann Behav Med (1998) 1.24
Tracking of cardiovascular disease risk factors including maximal oxygen uptake and physical activity from late teenage to adulthood. An 8-year follow-up study. J Intern Med (1993) 1.24
The epidemiology of leisure physical activity in an adolescent population. Med Sci Sports Exerc (1993) 1.21
Changes in health-related behaviours and cardiovascular risk factors in young adults: associations with living with a partner. Prev Med (2004) 1.16
Factors explaining the physical activity of young adults: the importance of early socialization. Scand J Med Sci Sports (1999) 1.10
Gender differences in physical activity and determinants of physical activity in rural fifth grade children. J Sch Health (1996) 1.07
Mothers reframing physical activity: family oriented politicism, transgression and contested expertise in Australia. Soc Sci Med (2004) 1.02
Accelerometer-determined physical activity of free-living college students. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2006) 1.00
Epidemiology of physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood. World Rev Nutr Diet (2005) 0.88
Does timing and sequencing of transitions to adulthood make a difference? Stress, smoking, and physical activity among young Australian women. Int J Behav Med (2006) 0.82
Changes and tracking of physical activity across seven years in Mexican-American and European-American mothers. Women Health (2001) 0.82
Effects of diet and physical activity interventions on weight loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in severely obese adults: a randomized trial. JAMA (2010) 5.77
Evaluation of the SenseWear Pro Armband to assess energy expenditure during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2004) 2.86
Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery candidates: relationship to obesity and functional health status. Am J Psychiatry (2007) 2.80
The efficacy of a technology-based system in a short-term behavioral weight loss intervention. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2007) 1.93
Comparison of techniques for self-monitoring eating and exercise behaviors on weight loss in a correspondence-based intervention. J Am Diet Assoc (2007) 1.85
Children's OMNI Scale of Perceived Exertion: walking/running evaluation. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2002) 1.80
Longitudinal study of the number and choice of leisure time physical activities from mid to late adolescence: implications for school curricula and community recreation programs. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2002) 1.71
Physical activity considerations for the treatment and prevention of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr (2005) 1.58
Nutrition and exercise behavior among patients with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord (2007) 1.30
The comparison of a technology-based system and an in-person behavioral weight loss intervention. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2011) 1.29
Construct validity of the OMNI resistance exercise scale. J Strength Cond Res (2006) 1.23
Relationships among obstructive sleep apnea, anthropometric measures, and neurocognitive functioning in adolescents with severe obesity. J Pediatr (2011) 1.22
Validation of the Adult OMNI Scale of perceived exertion for walking/running exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2004) 1.20
Physical activity and physical function in individuals post-bariatric surgery. Obes Surg (2011) 1.15
Increased body mass index is associated with a global and distributed decrease in white matter microstructural integrity. Psychosom Med (2012) 1.11
Perceived exertion, electromyography, and blood lactate during acute bouts of resistance exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2002) 1.06
Acute effect of walking on energy intake in overweight/obese women. Appetite (2010) 1.05
Comparison of maximal oxygen consumption between obese black and white adolescents. Pediatr Res (2005) 1.05
Ratings of perceived exertion in active muscle during high-intensity and low-intensity resistance exercise. J Strength Cond Res (2002) 1.05
The effect of physical activity on 18-month weight change in overweight adults. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2010) 1.01
Treatment and prevention of obesity: what is the role of exercise? Nutr Rev (2006) 0.99
Validation of the children's OMNI RPE scale for stepping exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2005) 0.95
Prediction of 2000 m indoor rowing performance using a 30 s sprint and maximal oxygen uptake. J Sports Sci (2002) 0.95
Evaluation of air displacement for assessing body composition of collegiate wrestlers. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2003) 0.93
The effects of a 7-week heavy elastic band and weight chain program on upper-body strength and upper-body power in a sample of division 1-AA football players. J Strength Cond Res (2009) 0.93
Comparison of maximal oxygen consumption between black and white prepubertal and pubertal children. Pediatr Res (2004) 0.93
Validation of the Children's OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale of perceived exertion. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2005) 0.92
The Influence of Body Mass Index on Self-report and Performance-based Measures of Physical Function in Adult Women. Cardiopulm Phys Ther J (2011) 0.90
The influence of fitness and body weight on preferred exercise intensity. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2006) 0.90
Parents' Readiness to Change Affects BMI Reduction Outcomes in Adolescents with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. J Obes (2012) 0.89
Strength tracking using the OMNI resistance exercise scale in older men and women. J Strength Cond Res (2009) 0.88
Development of a perceptual hyperthermia index to evaluate heat strain during treadmill exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol (2011) 0.88
The effect of hyperhydration on physiological and perceived strain during treadmill exercise in personal protective equipment. Eur J Appl Physiol (2008) 0.87
Depressive symptoms and metabolic markers of risk for type 2 diabetes in obese adolescents. Pediatr Diabetes (2013) 0.87
The effects of 12 weeks of step aerobics training on functional fitness of elderly women. J Strength Cond Res (2010) 0.87
Ratings of perceived exertion during low- and high-intensity resistance exercise by young adults. Percept Mot Skills (2002) 0.86
Physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity. Psychiatr Clin North Am (2005) 0.85
Session perceived exertion and affective responses to self-selected and imposed cycle exercise of the same intensity in young men. Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 0.84
A prospective observational study of obesity, body composition, and insulin resistance in 18 women with bipolar disorder and 17 matched control subjects. J Clin Psychiatry (2008) 0.84
Relation between muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in people with thoracic-level paraplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (2005) 0.83
Construct and concurrent validation of OMNI-Kayak rating of Perceived Exertion Scale. Percept Mot Skills (2009) 0.83
Effect of carbohydrate ingestion on ratings of perceived exertion during a marathon. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2002) 0.82
The effect of acute resistance exercise on serum malondialdehyde in resistance-trained and untrained collegiate men. J Strength Cond Res (2006) 0.81
Effects of rest interval length on rating of perceived exertion during a multiple-set resistance exercise. Percept Mot Skills (2012) 0.81
Comparisons of RPE before, during, and after self-regulated aerobic exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2009) 0.81
Perceived effort step-up procedure for self-regulating stationary cycle exercise intensity by patients with cardiovascular disease. Percept Mot Skills (2007) 0.80
Response normalized omni rating of perceived exertion at the ventilatory breakpoint in division I football players. Percept Mot Skills (2011) 0.80
Use of ratings of perceived exertion to anticipate treadmill test termination in patients taking beta-blockers. Percept Mot Skills (2011) 0.80
Effect of exercise intensity on differentiated and undifferentiated ratings of perceived exertion during cycle and treadmill exercise in recreationally active and trained women. J Sports Sci Med (2010) 0.80
OMNI Scale of Perceived Exertion: mixed gender and race validation for Singapore children during cycle exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 0.80
Validation of adult omni perceived exertion scales for elliptical ergometry. Percept Mot Skills (2010) 0.79
Predicted and actual exercise discomfort in middle school children. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2010) 0.79
Omni scale rating of perceived exertion at ventilatory breakpoint by direct observation of children's kinematics. Percept Mot Skills (2007) 0.79
Observation of perceived exertion in children using the OMNI pictorial scale. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2006) 0.78
Barriers to moderate physical activity in adult lesbians. Women Health (2006) 0.78
Validation of the OMNI Scale of Thermal Sensations. Percept Mot Skills (2013) 0.78
Safety of using the adult OMNI Resistance Exercise Scale to determine 1-RM in older men and women. Percept Mot Skills (2011) 0.78
Energy expenditure, cardiorespiratory, and perceptual responses to shallow-water aquatic exercise in young adult women. Phys Sportsmed (2013) 0.78
Effects of exercise intensity on rating of perceived exertion during a multiple-set resistance exercise session. J Strength Cond Res (2012) 0.78
Reliability and Validity of the OMNI-Vibration Exercise Scale of Perceived Exertion. J Sports Sci Med (2012) 0.77
Exercise intensity self-regulation using the OMNI scale in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol (2012) 0.77
Effect of body mass index on affect at intensities spanning the ventilatory threshold. Percept Mot Skills (2011) 0.77
Factors influencing the outcomes of patients with both coronary artery disease and diabetes enrolled in standard cardiac rehabilitation programs: a literature review. J Cardiovasc Nurs (2011) 0.77
One repetition maximum prediction models for children using the OMNI RPE Scale. J Strength Cond Res (2008) 0.77
Alcohol use, cognitive correlates of drinking and change readiness in hazardous drinkers with high versus low social anxiety. J Stud Alcohol (2004) 0.77
Observation of OMNI scale of perceived exertion during fire suppression training. Percept Mot Skills (2014) 0.76
Neurodevelopmental assessment after anesthesia in childhood: review of the literature and recommendations. Anesth Analg (2014) 0.76
Effect of a defined lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet and oral creatine monohydrate supplementation on plasma creatine concentration. J Strength Cond Res (2005) 0.76
Effect of creatine supplementation and a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet on muscle creatine concentration. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab (2002) 0.75
Prediction of VO2 peak using OMNI Ratings of Perceived Exertion from a submaximal cycle exercise test. Percept Mot Skills (2014) 0.75
Self-efficacy and enjoyment of middle school children performing the progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run (PACER). Percept Mot Skills (2013) 0.75
Tethered Swimming Test: Reliability And The Association To Swimming Performance And Land-based Anaerobic Performance: 1596 Board #249 June 2, 9: 00 AM - 10: 30 AM. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2016) 0.75
Effect of induced alkalosis on perception of exertion during exercise recovery. J Strength Cond Res (2002) 0.75
Just noticeable difference in perception of physical exertion during cycle exercise in young adult men and women. Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 0.75
Energy Drinks Improve Five-Kilometer Running Performance in Recreational Endurance Runners. J Strength Cond Res (2016) 0.75
Reliability and Accuracy of a Standardized Shallow Water Running Test to Determine Cardiorespiratory Fitness. J Strength Cond Res (2016) 0.75
Concurrent muscle hurt and perceived exertion of children during resistance exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2009) 0.75
Short-term pharmacologically induced growth study of ontogenetic allometry of oxygen uptake in children. Ann Hum Biol (2006) 0.75
Reliability and Accuracy of a Standardized Shallow Water Running Test to Determine Cardiorespiratory Fitness. J Strength Cond Res (2017) 0.75
Comparison of measured and predicted residual lung volume in determining body composition of collegiate wrestlers. J Strength Cond Res (2004) 0.75
Identification of a rating of perceived exertion-based warning zone to anticipate graded treadmill test termination. Percept Mot Skills (2010) 0.75
Validation of the Omni Scale of Perceived Exertion in a sample of Spanish-speaking youth from the USA. Percept Mot Skills (2008) 0.75
Validation of the OMNI RPE Seven Day Exertional Recall Questionnaire. Res Q Exerc Sport (2013) 0.75
RPE-based zone of normality for use in evaluating graded exercise test responses in women. Percept Mot Skills (2008) 0.75
RPE at relative intensities after 12 weeks of resistance-exercise training by older adults. Percept Mot Skills (2008) 0.75
Evaluation of anticipation bias for RPE during progressive exercise testing. Percept Mot Skills (2005) 0.75
A normative zone of RPE ratings for use during graded exercise testing. Percept Mot Skills (2007) 0.75
Preadmission patterns of physical activity in a sample of juvenile detainees. J Adolesc Health (2005) 0.75