Published in J Neurosurg on October 01, 2010
Volume-regulated anion channel-a frenemy within the brain. Pflugers Arch (2015) 0.79
A Novel Canine Model of Acute Vertebral Artery Occlusion. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Dodecafluoropentane Improves Neurological Function Following Anterior Ischemic Stroke. Mol Neurobiol (2016) 0.75
Estrogen Receptor (ER)-α36 Is Involved in Estrogen- and Tamoxifen-Induced Neuroprotective Effects in Ischemic Stroke Models. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
What can we learn from pediatric urology certification logs? Urology (2011) 2.81
Increasing the radiochemical purity of 99mTc sestamibi commercial preparations results in improved sensitivity of dual-phase planar parathyroid scintigraphy. Nucl Med Commun (2005) 2.09
Revisiting the appropriateness of carotid endarterectomy. Stroke (2003) 1.78
Near-infrared imaging of brain tumors using the Tumor Paint BLZ-100 to achieve near-complete resection of brain tumors. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 1.59
Disparities in clinical and economic outcomes in children and adolescents following surgery for tethered cord syndrome in the United States. J Neurosurg Pediatr (2015) 1.45
Stent-assisted treatment of unruptured and ruptured intracranial aneurysms: clinical and angiographic outcome. Br J Neurosurg (2013) 1.44
Analysis of the subdural evacuating port system for the treatment of subacute and chronic subdural hematomas. J Neurosurg (2010) 1.43
Endosaccular treatment of 113 cavernous carotid artery aneurysms. J Neurointerv Surg (2010) 1.42
Philanthropy funding for neurosurgery research and program development. Neurosurgery (2013) 1.40
Scribes in an ambulatory urology practice: patient and physician satisfaction. J Urol (2010) 1.27
Infratentorial supracerebellar resection of a pineal tumor using a high definition video exoscope (VITOM®). J Clin Neurosci (2011) 1.27
Neurosurgical workforce trends in the United States. J Neurosurg (2005) 1.18
Neuroprotection by tamoxifen in focal cerebral ischemia is not mediated by an agonist action at estrogen receptors but is associated with antioxidant activity. Exp Neurol (2007) 1.15
Clinical and radiographic outcomes of minimally invasive percutaneous pedicle screw placement with intraoperative CT (O-arm) image guidance navigation. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 1.10
Cervical spine causes for referred otalgia. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2008) 1.09
Central nervous system agents for ischemic stroke: neuroprotection mechanisms. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem (2011) 1.06
Atypical tumors of the facial nerve: case series and review of the literature. Neurosurg Focus (2013) 1.02
Host-adaptation of Francisella tularensis alters the bacterium's surface-carbohydrates to hinder effectors of innate and adaptive immunity. PLoS One (2011) 1.02
Behavioral and histological neuroprotection by tamoxifen after reversible focal cerebral ischemia. Exp Neurol (2005) 1.02
Surgical management of primary spinal hemangiopericytomas: an institutional case series and review of the literature. Eur Spine J (2013) 1.01
Friedreich's ataxia causes redistribution of iron, copper, and zinc in the dentate nucleus. Cerebellum (2012) 1.00
An update on the management of pseudotumor cerebri. Clin Neurol Neurosurg (2012) 0.99
Intramedullary spinal cord cavernous malformations. Neurosurg Focus (2010) 0.98
Development of tolerogenic dendritic cells and regulatory T cells favors exponential bacterial growth and survival during early respiratory tularemia. J Leukoc Biol (2011) 0.98
Emergency decompressive craniectomy for fulminating infectious encephalitis. J Neurosurg (2008) 0.98
Decompressive craniectomy and postoperative complication management in infants and toddlers with severe traumatic brain injuries. J Neurosurg Pediatr (2009) 0.97
DCPIB, a specific inhibitor of volume regulated anion channels (VRACs), reduces infarct size in MCAo and the release of glutamate in the ischemic cortical penumbra. Exp Neurol (2007) 0.97
Neuroprotective activity of tamoxifen in permanent focal ischemia. J Neurosurg (2003) 0.97
Neuroprotection by pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion in the adult rat. Brain Res (2006) 0.97
The neuropathology of late-onset Friedreich's ataxia. Cerebellum (2011) 0.97
Efficacy and safety of repeated doses of botulinum toxin type B in type A resistant and responsive cervical dystonia. Mov Disord (2005) 0.96
Two distinct modes of hypoosmotic medium-induced release of excitatory amino acids and taurine in the rat brain in vivo. PLoS One (2008) 0.95
A national fundamentals curriculum for neurosurgery PGY1 residents: the 2010 Society of Neurological Surgeons boot camp courses. Neurosurgery (2012) 0.94
An institutional series and contemporary review of bacterial spinal epidural abscess: current status and future directions. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.94
Short-lasting, unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome treated successfully with transsphenoidal resection of a growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma. J Neurosurg (2008) 0.92
Enterprise stent for waffle-cone stent-assisted coil embolization of large wide-necked arterial bifurcation aneurysms. Surg Neurol Int (2013) 0.92
Controversies in the role of preoperative embolization in meningioma management. Neurosurg Focus (2013) 0.92
Accuracy of intraoperative computed tomography image-guided surgery in placing pedicle and pelvic screws for primary versus revision spine surgery. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.90
Comparison of accidental and nonaccidental traumatic brain injuries in infants and toddlers: demographics, neurosurgical interventions, and outcomes. J Neurosurg Pediatr (2009) 0.89
The effect of quetiapine on psychosis and motor function in parkinsonian patients with and without dementia. Mov Disord (2002) 0.88
Nail gun injury to the craniocervical junction: a case report and review of the literature. J Trauma (2010) 0.87
Persisting embryonal infundibular recess. J Neurosurg (2009) 0.86
Is elevated creatinine level a contraindication to endovascular aneurysm repair? J Vasc Surg (2004) 0.86
Friedreich ataxia: failure of GABA-ergic and glycinergic synaptic transmission in the dentate nucleus. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol (2015) 0.85
Computed tomographic perfusion in assessing postoperative revascularization in moyamoya disease. World Neurosurg (2010) 0.85
Anti-inflammatory immune skewing is atheroprotective: Apoe−/−FcγRIIb−/− mice develop fibrous carotid plaques. J Am Heart Assoc (2014) 0.85
Fibrosis correlates with detailed histological analysis of human undescended testes. BJU Int (2008) 0.85
Aneurysm embolization grade: a predictive tool for aneurysm recurrence after coil embolization. Acta Neurochir (Wien) (2012) 0.85
Instrumenting the small thoracic pedicle: the role of intraoperative computed tomography image-guided surgery. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.84
Factors associated with external ventricular drain placement accuracy: data from an electronic health record repository. Acta Neurochir (Wien) (2013) 0.84
Early steroid withdrawal therapy in renal transplant recipients: a steroid-free sirolimus and CellCept-based calcineurin inhibitor-minimization protocol. Clin Transplant (2007) 0.84
Coronary angiojet catheterization for the management of dural venous sinus thrombosis. Technical note. J Neurosurg (2005) 0.84
Stereotactic radiosurgery for cerebral dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neurosurg Focus (2012) 0.84
Cost-effectiveness analysis in minimally invasive spine surgery. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.83
Long-lasting inhibition of presynaptic metabolism and neurotransmitter release by protein S-nitrosylation. Free Radic Biol Med (2010) 0.83
Inhibition of release of taurine and excitatory amino acids in ischemia and neuroprotection. Neurochem Res (2004) 0.83
Ligation of macrophage Fcγ receptors recapitulates the gene expression pattern of vulnerable human carotid plaques. PLoS One (2011) 0.83
Ultrasound biomicroscopy for longitudinal studies of carotid plaque development in mice: validation with histological endpoints. PLoS One (2012) 0.83
Positional plagiocephaly: an analysis of the literature on the effectiveness of current guidelines. Neurosurg Focus (2013) 0.82
Giant cell tumor of the odontoid in an adolescent male: radiation, chemotherapy, and resection for recurrence with 10-year follow-up. J Neurosurg Pediatr (2011) 0.82
National trends, complications, and hospital charges in pediatric patients with Chiari malformation type I treated with posterior fossa decompression with and without duraplasty. Pediatr Neurosurg (2015) 0.82
Successful thyroid tissue ablation as defined by a negative whole-body scan or an undetectable thyroglobulin: a comparative study. Nucl Med Commun (2005) 0.81
Friedreich ataxia: metal dysmetabolism in dorsal root ganglia. Acta Neuropathol Commun (2013) 0.81
The effect of transfer and hospital volume in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients. Neurocrit Care (2012) 0.81
Evidence-based pharmacotherapy for cerebral vasospasm. Neurol Res (2008) 0.81
Early carotid endarterectomy after acute stroke. J Vasc Surg (2004) 0.81
Retrospective analysis of parenteral magnesium sulfate administration in decreased incidence of clinical and neuroradiological cerebral vasospasm: a single center experience. Neurol Res (2009) 0.81
Tandem middle cerebral artery-internal carotid artery occlusions: reduced occlusion-to-revascularization time using a trans-anterior communicating artery approach with a penumbra device. J Neurosurg (2011) 0.81
FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan may identify mantle cell lymphoma patients with unusually favorable outcome. Nucl Med Commun (2009) 0.81
Impact of anesthesia on mortality during endovascular clot removal for acute ischemic stroke. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol (2014) 0.81
Robotics and the spine: a review of current and ongoing applications. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.80
Impact of elimination diets on growth and nutritional status in children with multiple food allergies. Pediatr Allergy Immunol (2015) 0.80
Coil embolization of an intracranial aneurysm in an infant with tuberous sclerosis complex: A case report and literature review. Surg Neurol Int (2012) 0.80
Image-guided navigation and video-assisted thoracoscopic spine surgery: the second generation. Neurosurg Focus (2014) 0.80
Preliminary evidence supporting the safety of drug-eluting stents in neurovascular disease. Neurol Res (2005) 0.80
The effect of omalizumab on small airway inflammation as measured by exhaled nitric oxide in moderate-to-severe asthmatic patients. Allergy Asthma Proc (2014) 0.80
The potential for cellular therapy combined with growth factors in spinal cord injury. Stem Cells Int (2012) 0.80
Acute ischaemic stroke outcomes following mechanical thrombectomy in the elderly versus their younger counterpart: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open (2014) 0.79
Reactive oxygen species-activated nanoprodrug of Ibuprofen for targeting traumatic brain injury in mice. PLoS One (2013) 0.79
The reciprocal cerebellar circuitry in human hereditary ataxia. Cerebellum (2013) 0.79
Direct lateral interbody fusion (DLIF) at the lumbosacral junction L5-S1. J Clin Neurosci (2012) 0.79
Relationship between body mass index and pediatric urologic diagnoses. J Pediatr Urol (2007) 0.79
Assessment of outcome following the use of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for spinal fusion in the elderly population. J Neurosurg Sci (2014) 0.79
Efficacy of transvaginal biofeedback and electrical stimulation in women with urinary urgency and frequency and associated pelvic floor muscle spasm. Urol Nurs (2009) 0.79
A de novo desmoid tumor of the surgical site following foramen magnum meningioma resection in a patient with Gardner's Syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. J Neurooncol (2008) 0.78
Cerebral capillary telangiectasias: a meta-analysis and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev (2012) 0.78
Pathology of Intercalated Discs in Friedreich Cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol (2015) 0.78
Association of elimination dysfunction and body mass index. J Pediatr Urol (2006) 0.77
Excessive daytime sleepiness in cervical dystonia. Parkinsonism Relat Disord (2009) 0.77
Insurance status and patient outcome after neurosurgery. World Neurosurg (2011) 0.77
A low mortality rat model to assess delayed cerebral vasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Vis Exp (2013) 0.77
Supra-psoas shallow docking in lateral interbody fusion. Neurosurgery (2013) 0.77
The age dependent relationship between facial fractures and skull fractures. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol (2004) 0.77
Bladder volume on voiding cystourethrogram correlates with indications and results in male infants. Urology (2010) 0.77
Onyx embolization of a thoracolumbar perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistula in an infant presenting with subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage. J Neurosurg Pediatr (2009) 0.77