Published in Child Abuse Negl on October 27, 2010
Integration of parenting skills education and interventions in addiction treatment. J Addict Med (2013) 0.87
Partner aggression in high-risk families from birth to age 3 years: associations with harsh parenting and child maladjustment. J Fam Psychol (2011) 0.81
Child diurnal cortisol rhythms, parenting quality, and externalizing behaviors in preadolescence. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2013) 0.78
Girls in Foster Care: Risk and Promotive Factors for School Adjustment Across the Transition to Middle School. Child Youth Serv Rev (2012) 0.78
Physical and Psychological Aggression towards a Child among Homeless, Doubled-up, and Other Low-income Families. J Soc Serv Res (2015) 0.75
Parenting Stress Mediates the Association Between Negative Affectivity and Harsh Parenting: A Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis. J Fam Psychol (2017) 0.75
Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: a meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychol Bull (2002) 9.79
The determinants of parenting: a process model. Child Dev (1984) 9.13
Identification of child maltreatment with the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales: development and psychometric data for a national sample of American parents. Child Abuse Negl (1998) 7.09
Children of depressed parents: an integrative review. Psychol Bull (1990) 6.51
Socialization mediators of the relation between socioeconomic status and child conduct problems. Child Dev (1994) 4.25
Corporal punishment by American parents: national data on prevalence, chronicity, severity, and duration, in relation to child and family characteristics. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev (1999) 3.17
Dimensions of child maltreatment and children's adjustment: contributions of developmental timing and subtype. Dev Psychopathol (2001) 3.16
Effects of marital conflict on children: recent advances and emerging themes in process-oriented research. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2002) 2.97
Onset of physical abuse and neglect: psychiatric, substance abuse, and social risk factors from prospective community data. Child Abuse Negl (1996) 2.92
Effects of therapeutic interventions for foster children on behavioral problems, caregiver attachment, and stress regulatory neural systems. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2006) 2.44
The timing of child physical maltreatment: a cross-domain growth analysis of impact on adolescent externalizing and internalizing problems. Dev Psychopathol (2001) 2.32
A longitudinal analysis of risk factors for child maltreatment: findings of a 17-year prospective study of officially recorded and self-reported child abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Negl (1998) 2.32
Some consequences of early harsh discipline: child aggression and a maladaptive social information processing style. Child Dev (1992) 2.20
Alcohol and drug disorders among physically abusive and neglectful parents in a community-based sample. Am J Public Health (1994) 1.96
Bringing basic research on early experience and stress neurobiology to bear on preventive interventions for neglected and maltreated children. Dev Psychopathol (2006) 1.90
Substance abuse hinders desistance in young adults' antisocial behavior. Dev Psychopathol (2004) 1.85
The relationship between parental substance abuse and child maltreatment: findings from the Ontario Health Supplement. Child Abuse Negl (2003) 1.69
Psychopathology as a predictor of adolescent drug use trajectories. Psychol Addict Behav (2001) 1.68
Intergenerational transmission of abuse: a two-generational prospective study of an at-risk sample. Child Abuse Negl (2001) 1.64
Evaluation of Hawaii's Healthy Start Program. Future Child (1999) 1.63
Risk of mother-reported child abuse in the first 3 years of life. Child Abuse Negl (2004) 1.59
Child maltreatment in the "children of the nineties" a longitudinal study of parental risk factors. Child Abuse Negl (2001) 1.51
Predicting child maltreatment in the first 4 years of life from characteristics assessed in the neonatal period. Child Abuse Negl (1999) 1.41
Becoming an adolescent father: precursors and parenting. Dev Psychol (1998) 1.41
Growth in alcohol use in at-risk adolescent boys: two-part random effects prediction models. Drug Alcohol Depend (2009) 1.32
Childhood experiences of abuse, later substance use, and parenting outcomes among low-income mothers. Am J Orthopsychiatry (2000) 1.29
Multiple maltreatment experiences and adolescent behavior problems: adolescents' perspectives. Dev Psychopathol (1997) 1.21
Externalizing problems in fifth grade: relations with productive activity, maternal sensitivity, and harsh parenting from infancy through middle childhood. Dev Psychol (2007) 1.18
Trajectories of physical discipline: early childhood antecedents and developmental outcomes. Child Dev (2009) 1.12
Association of drug abuse and child abuse. Child Abuse Negl (1995) 1.08
The relative importance of wife abuse as a risk factor for violence against children. Child Abuse Negl (2000) 1.05
A process analysis of the transmission of distress from interparental conflict to parenting: adult relationship security as an explanatory mechanism. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.02
Mother and father self-reports of corporal punishment and severe physical aggression toward clinic-referred youth. J Clin Child Psychol (2000) 1.02
Corporal punishment and primary prevention of physical abuse. Child Abuse Negl (2000) 0.97
Punishment revisited--science, values, and the right question: comment on Gershoff (2002). Psychol Bull (2002) 0.92
Visible but unreported: a case for the "not serious enough" cases of child maltreatment. Child Abuse Negl (1995) 0.87
Maternal social support patterns and child maltreatment: comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreating mothers. Am J Orthopsychiatry (1999) 0.86
Effects of parental verbal aggression on children's self-esteem and school marks. Child Abuse Negl (1999) 0.85
Treatment of maternal addiction to prevent child abuse and neglect. Addict Behav (1997) 0.83
Predicting parenting behaviors from Antisocial Practices content scale scores of the MMPI-2 administered during pregnancy. J Pers Assess (2000) 0.80
Racial and ethnic differences in utilization of mental health services among high-risk youths. Am J Psychiatry (2005) 2.99
Prevention of behavior problems for children in foster care: outcomes and mediation effects. Prev Sci (2008) 2.77
Effects of therapeutic interventions for foster children on behavioral problems, caregiver attachment, and stress regulatory neural systems. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2006) 2.44
Psychosocial and cognitive functioning of children with specific profiles of maltreatment. Child Abuse Negl (2008) 2.13
Morning cortisol Levels in preschool-aged foster children: differential effects of maltreatment type. Dev Psychobiol (2009) 1.98
Continuity of parenting practices across generations in an at-risk sample: a prospective comparison of direct and mediated associations. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2003) 1.92
Developmental, cognitive, and neuropsychological functioning in preschool-aged foster children: associations with prior maltreatment and placement history. J Dev Behav Pediatr (2005) 1.90
Bringing basic research on early experience and stress neurobiology to bear on preventive interventions for neglected and maltreated children. Dev Psychopathol (2006) 1.90
Childhood temperament and family environment as predictors of internalizing and externalizing trajectories from ages 5 to 17. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2005) 1.72
The organizational social context of mental health services and clinician attitudes toward evidence-based practice: a United States national study. Implement Sci (2012) 1.65
Emotion understanding and theory of mind among maltreated children in foster care: evidence of deficits. Dev Psychopathol (2005) 1.48
Early elementary school adjustment of maltreated children in foster care: the roles of inhibitory control and caregiver involvement. Child Dev (2010) 1.43
A prospective three generational study of fathers' constructive parenting: influences from family of origin, adolescent adjustment, and offspring temperament. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.37
Training the brain: practical applications of neural plasticity from the intersection of cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, and prevention science. Am Psychol (2011) 1.34
Use of mental health services by youths in public sectors of care. Ment Health Serv Res (2004) 1.15
Child maltreatment and foster care: unpacking the effects of prenatal and postnatal parental substance use. Child Maltreat (2007) 1.14
Intimate partner violence among female caregivers of children reported for child maltreatment. Child Abuse Negl (2004) 1.12
Substance involvement among youths in child welfare: the role of common and unique risk factors. Am J Orthopsychiatry (2008) 1.12
Intergenerational and partner influences on fathers' negative discipline. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2007) 1.11
Indiscriminate friendliness in maltreated foster children. Child Maltreat (2009) 1.10
Models of research-operational collaboration for behavioral health in space. Aviat Space Environ Med (2005) 1.09
Multidimensional treatment foster care as a preventive intervention to promote resiliency among youth in the child welfare system. J Pers (2009) 1.09
Interventions for foster parents: implications for developmental theory. Dev Psychopathol (2002) 1.06
Predictors of disruptive behavior, developmental delays, anxiety, and affective symptomatology among institutionally reared romanian children. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2004) 1.04
Changes in At-Risk American Men's Crime and Substance Use Trajectories Following Fatherhood. J Marriage Fam (2011) 1.03
Intergenerational transmission of internalising and externalising behaviours across three generations: gender-specific pathways. Crim Behav Ment Health (2009) 1.03
Reentry of elementary aged children following reunification from foster care. Child Youth Serv Rev (2008) 1.02
Training Self-Control: A Domain-General Translational Neuroscience Approach. Child Dev Perspect (2012) 1.01
Peer Relations at School Entry: Sex Differences in the Outcomes of Foster Care. Merrill Palmer Q (Wayne State Univ Press) (2007) 1.01
Immediate Effects of a School Readiness Intervention for Children in Foster Care. Early Educ Dev (2013) 1.00
Using behavioral and electrophysiological measures to assess the effects of a preventive intervention: a preliminary study with preschool-aged foster children. Prev Sci (2009) 0.98
Practitioner review: Children in foster care--vulnerabilities and evidence-based interventions that promote resilience processes. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2012) 0.98
Cumulative Effects of Prenatal Substance Exposure and Early Adversity on Foster Children's HPA Axis Reactivity During a Psychosocial Stressor. Int J Behav Dev (2011) 0.98
Intergenerational influences on early alcohol use: independence from the problem behavior pathway. Dev Psychopathol (2012) 0.97
An Intervention to Promote Social Emotional School Readiness in Foster Children: Preliminary Outcomes From a Pilot Study. School Psych Rev (2007) 0.96
Neurobehavioral disinhibition predicts initiation of substance use in children with prenatal cocaine exposure. Drug Alcohol Depend (2012) 0.96
Early adverse care, stress neurobiology, and prevention science: lessons learned. Prev Sci (2013) 0.96
Female caregivers' experiences with intimate partner violence and behavior problems in children investigated as victims of maltreatment. Pediatrics (2006) 0.95
Racial and ethnic differences in diurnal cortisol rhythms in preadolescents: the role of parental psychosocial risk and monitoring. Horm Behav (2012) 0.91
Assessment of family functioning in Caucasian and Hispanic Americans: reliability, validity, and factor structure of the Family Assessment Device. Fam Process (2007) 0.91
Persistence of intimate partner violence among families referred to child welfare. J Interpers Violence (2006) 0.91
Intimate partner violence and psychological functioning in Latina women. Health Care Women Int (2008) 0.91
Sleep disruption in young foster children. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev (2010) 0.90
Prereading Deficits in Children in Foster Care. School Psych Rev (2011) 0.89
Child maltreatment profiles and adjustment problems in high-risk adolescents. J Interpers Violence (2008) 0.89
Emotion dysregulation in the intergenerational transmission of romantic relationship conflict. J Fam Psychol (2009) 0.89
Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence by Child Welfare Services. Child Youth Serv Rev (2007) 0.88
Understanding the relation of low income to HPA-axis functioning in preschool children: cumulative family risk and parenting as pathways to disruptions in cortisol. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev (2012) 0.88
A collaborative care telemedicine intervention to overcome treatment barriers for Latina women with depression during the perinatal period. Fam Syst Health (2012) 0.87
Decision-making deficits among maltreated children. Child Maltreat (2012) 0.87
Language delays among foster children: implications for policy and practice. Child Welfare (2006) 0.86
Prevalence of suicidal ideation among boys and men assessed annually from ages 9 to 29 years. Suicide Life Threat Behav (2008) 0.85
Patterns of brain activation in foster children and nonmaltreated children during an inhibitory control task. Dev Psychopathol (2013) 0.84
Cross-cultural temperamental differences in infants, children, and adults in the United States of America and Finland. Scand J Psychol (2012) 0.84
Growth in externalizing and internalizing problems in childhood: a prospective study of psychopathology across three generations. Child Dev (2012) 0.83
Combined Influences of Genes, Prenatal Environment, Cortisol, and Parenting on the Development of Children's Internalizing Versus Externalizing Problems. Behav Genet (2014) 0.83
Effects of parental depressive symptoms on child adjustment moderated by hypothalamic pituitary adrenal activity: within- and between-family risk. Child Dev (2012) 0.83
Effects of a School Readiness Intervention for Children in Foster Care on Oppositional and Aggressive Behaviors in Kindergarten. Child Youth Serv Rev (2012) 0.82
Family-based weight management with Latino mothers and children. J Spec Pediatr Nurs (2008) 0.82
Dissociation in middle childhood among foster children with early maltreatment experiences. Child Abuse Negl (2011) 0.82
Stress system development from age 4.5 to 6: family environment predictors and adjustment implications of HPA activity stability versus change. Dev Psychobiol (2013) 0.82
Effects of maltreatment and early intervention on diurnal cortisol slope across the start of school: a pilot study. Child Abuse Negl (2012) 0.81
Obesity risk knowledge and physical activity in families of adolescents. J Pediatr Nurs (2010) 0.81
HPA stability for children in foster care: mental health implications and moderation by early intervention. Dev Psychobiol (2014) 0.81
Partner aggression in high-risk families from birth to age 3 years: associations with harsh parenting and child maladjustment. J Fam Psychol (2011) 0.81
What sleeping babies hear: a functional MRI study of interparental conflict and infants' emotion processing. Psychol Sci (2013) 0.80
Dissociation in foster preschoolers: a replication and assessment study. J Trauma Dissociation (2008) 0.80
Improving child self-regulation and parenting in families of pre-kindergarten children with developmental disabilities and behavioral difficulties. Prev Sci (2015) 0.79
Intervention Effects on Health-Risking Sexual Behavior Among Girls in Foster Care: The Role of Placement Disruption and Tobacco and Marijuana Use. J Child Adolesc Subst Abuse (2013) 0.79
Which psychological method is most effective for group treatment? Int J Pediatr Obes (2011) 0.79
A translational neuroscience perspective on the importance of reducing placement instability among foster children. Child Welfare (2013) 0.79
Early school engagement and late elementary outcomes for maltreated children in foster care. Dev Psychol (2013) 0.78
Impulsivity and the association between the feedback-related negativity and performance on an inhibitory control task in young at-risk children. Psychophysiology (2014) 0.78
School difficulties and co-occurring health risk factors: substance use, aggression, depression, and suicidal behaviors. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs (2013) 0.78
Self-efficacy and physical activity in adolescent and parent dyads. J Spec Pediatr Nurs (2011) 0.78
Moral distress, compassion fatigue, and perceptions about medication errors in certified critical care nurses. Dimens Crit Care Nurs (2011) 0.78
Factors associated with clinically significant insomnia among pregnant low-income Latinas. J Womens Health (Larchmt) (2013) 0.78
Children in Foster Care and the Development of Favorable Outcomes. Child Youth Serv Rev (2011) 0.77
Exploring perceptions and experiences of maternal depression in Latinas: a qualitative study. Issues Ment Health Nurs (2013) 0.77
The Placement History Chart: A Tool for Understanding the Longitudinal Pattern of Foster Children's Placements. Child Youth Serv Rev (2012) 0.77
The San Diego East County school shootings: a qualitative study of community-level post-traumatic stress. Prehosp Disaster Med (2004) 0.77
Associations between sleep and inattentive/hyperactive problem behavior among foster and community children. J Dev Behav Pediatr (2010) 0.77
Maternal depression and infant development: theory and current evidence. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs (2013) 0.76
Father-child transmission of school adjustment: a prospective intergenerational study. Dev Psychol (2012) 0.76
Risk for maternal harsh parenting in high-risk families from birth to age three: does ethnicity matter? Prev Sci (2012) 0.76
Conceptual and methodological issues in neuroimaging studies of the effects of child maltreatment. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2011) 0.75