Published in Hum Reprod on May 01, 1990
Reliability of nucleic acid amplification methods for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in urine: results of the first international collaborative quality control study among 96 laboratories. J Clin Microbiol (2003) 1.30
Impact of Chlamydia trachomatis in the reproductive setting: British Fertility Society Guidelines for practice. Hum Fertil (Camb) (2010) 0.96
Clinical case presentation: life threatening Group A sepsis secondary to HyCoSy. Australas J Ultrasound Med (2015) 0.75
Population study of causes, treatment, and outcome of infertility. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1985) 5.48
Sequence and genome organization of a human small round-structured (Norwalk-like) virus. Science (1993) 4.76
Evaluation of three Chlamydia trachomatis immunoassays with an unbiased, noninvasive clinical sample. J Clin Microbiol (1990) 3.84
Fluorescent antibody studies in chlamydial infections. J Clin Microbiol (1975) 3.46
Non-invasive sampling method for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis. Lancet (1988) 3.45
Enzyme amplified immunoassay: a novel technique applied to direct detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in clinical specimens. J Clin Pathol (1985) 3.33
Postal urine specimens: are they a feasible method for genital chlamydial infection screening? Br J Gen Pract (1999) 3.02
Smoking and decreased fertilisation rates in vitro. Lancet (1992) 2.92
The electron microscopical and physical characteristics of small round human fecal viruses: an interim scheme for classification. J Med Virol (1982) 2.87
Monoclonal antibody based ELISA for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis. Lancet (1985) 2.60
Value and feasibility of screening women attending STD clinics for cervical chlamydial infections. Br J Vener Dis (1980) 2.59
Human enteric Caliciviridae: the complete genome sequence and expression of virus-like particles from a genetic group II small round structured virus. J Gen Virol (1995) 2.47
Detection of group B and C rotaviruses by polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol (1991) 2.36
Epidemiological, social, diagnostic and economic evaluation of population screening for genital chlamydial infection. Health Technol Assess (2007) 2.23
Chronic fatigue following infection by Coxiella burnetii (Q fever): ten-year follow-up of the 1989 UK outbreak cohort. QJM (2002) 2.10
Chlamydial serology in fertile and infertile women. Lancet (1984) 2.10
A small virus in human faeces. Lancet (1973) 2.00
Endometriosis and ovulatory disorder: reduced fertilisation in vitro compared with tubal and unexplained infertility. Lancet (1985) 2.00
The detection of respiratory syncytial virus in nasopharyngeal aspirates: assessment, formulation, and evaluation of monoclonal antibodies as a diagnostic reagent. J Med Virol (1986) 1.93
A large outbreak of Q fever in the West Midlands: windborne spread into a metropolitan area? Commun Dis Public Health (1998) 1.92
A simplified method for the detection of rubella-specific IgM employing sucrose density fractionation and 2-mercaptoethanol. J Hyg (Lond) (1974) 1.90
Respiratory syncytial and other viruses associated with respiratory disease in infants. Lancet (1971) 1.86
Oxytocin deficiency at delivery with epidural analgesia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1983) 1.77
Evaluation of a genus reactive monoclonal antibody in rapid identification of Chlamydia trachomatis by direct immunofluorescence. Genitourin Med (1985) 1.76
Human enteric Caliciviridae: a new prevalent small round-structured virus group defined by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and capsid diversity. J Gen Virol (1994) 1.76
Astrovirus-associated gastroenteritis in children. J Clin Pathol (1978) 1.70
Management of hyperprolactinaemic amenorrhoea. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1977) 1.65
Evidence for airborne transmission of Norwalk-like virus (NLV) in a hotel restaurant. Epidemiol Infect (2000) 1.64
Testing the mutagenic potential of polyvinylpyrrolidone and methyl cellulose by sister chromatid exchange analysis prior to use in intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedures. Hum Reprod (1995) 1.63
Chlamydia trachomatis detection and the menstrual cycle. Lancet (1998) 1.63
Impaired implantation after in vitro fertilisation treatment associated with hydrosalpinx. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1996) 1.63
Polymerase chain reaction detection of small round-structured viruses from two related hospital outbreaks of gastroenteritis using inosine-containing primers. J Med Virol (1995) 1.61
Human enteric caliciviruses have a unique genome structure and are distinct from the Norwalk-like viruses. Arch Virol (1995) 1.60
A school outbreak of Norwalk-like virus: evidence for airborne transmission. Epidemiol Infect (2003) 1.57
Viral gastroenteritis aboard a cruise ship. Lancet (1989) 1.53
Management of hospital outbreaks of gastro-enteritis due to small roundstructured viruses. J Hosp Infect (2000) 1.52
Infective respiratory exacerbations in young adults with cystic fibrosis: role of viruses and atypical microorganisms. Thorax (1989) 1.49
An outbreak of food-borne gastroenteritis in two hospitals associated with a Norwalk-like virus. J Hyg (Lond) (1983) 1.49
Cloning of noncultivatable human rotavirus by single primer amplification. J Virol (1992) 1.48
Fatal pneumonia after glandular fever and rubella. Lancet (1989) 1.47
Cytomegalovirus infections after open heart surgery. A prospective study. Lancet (1971) 1.44
The value of a single serum progesterone measurement in the midluteal phase as a criterion of a potentially fertile cycle ("ovulation") derived form treated and untreated conception cycles. Fertil Steril (1982) 1.42
Urticaria and hepatitis C. Br J Dermatol (1997) 1.41
Clinical and endocrine features of hyperprolactinaemic amenorrhoea. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (1976) 1.40
Foodborne gastroenteritis due to Norwalk virus in a Winnipeg hotel. CMAJ (1990) 1.39
Subclinical transplacental parvovirus B19 infection: an increased fetal risk? Lancet (1994) 1.38
An outbreak of gastroenteritis in young children caused by adenoviruses. Lancet (1979) 1.37
Letter: Coronavirus particles in faeces from patients with gastroenteritis. Lancet (1975) 1.31
A community outbreak of food-borne small round-structured virus gastroenteritis caused by a contaminated water supply. Epidemiol Infect (1999) 1.30
Capsid sequence diversity in small round structured viruses from recent UK outbreaks of gastroenteritis. J Med Virol (1997) 1.29
The transfer of human IgG subclasses from mother to foetus. Clin Exp Immunol (1971) 1.27
Primary humoral antibody response to Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever. J Clin Microbiol (1992) 1.25
Antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis in cervicovaginal secretions: relation to serum antibodies and current chlamydial infection. Sex Transm Dis (1980) 1.25
The differentiation of Chlamydia species by antigen detection in sputum specimens from patients with community-acquired acute respiratory infections. J Infect (1992) 1.25
Anovulatory and ovulatory infertility: results with simplified management. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1982) 1.24
Prognostic value of the postcoital test: prospective study based on time-specific conception rates. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1982) 1.24
Laboratory outbreak of Q fever acquired from sheep. Lancet (1982) 1.23
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein--a marker of fetal aplastic crisis during intrauterine human parvovirus infection. Lancet (1987) 1.22
Evaluation of a simplified sucrose gradient method for the detection of rubella-specific IgM in routine diagnostic practice. J Med Virol (1978) 1.20
Capsid diversity in small round-structured viruses: molecular characterization of an antigenically distinct human enteric calicivirus. Virus Res (1995) 1.20
The organization and results of a pregnancy termination service in a National Health Service hospital. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw (1974) 1.19
Human in-vitro fertilisation, in-vivo sperm penetration of cervical mucus, and unexplained infertility. Lancet (1984) 1.19
The prognostic power of the post-coital test for natural conception depends on duration of infertility. Hum Reprod (2000) 1.16
Post-"pill" amenorrhoea--cause or coincidence? Br Med J (1977) 1.15
The growth of Chlamydia in McCoy cells treated with emetine. Med Lab Sci (1982) 1.14
Unseen blindness, unheard deafness, and unrecorded death and disability: congenital rubella in Kumasi, Ghana. Am J Public Health (2000) 1.14
Role of infected food handler in hotel outbreak of Norwalk-like viral gastroenteritis: implications for control. Lancet (1988) 1.14
Surveillance of small round structured virus (SRSV) infection in England and Wales, 1990-5. Epidemiol Infect (1998) 1.14
Coronavirus propagated from patient with non-bacterial gastroenteritis. Lancet (1975) 1.13
The laboratory diagnosis of male Chlamydia trachomatis infections--a time for change? J Infect (1992) 1.12
Electron microscopic reporting of gastrointestinal viruses in the United Kingdom, 1985-1987. J Med Virol (1991) 1.11
Pain after laparoscopy related to posture and ring versus clip sterilization. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1987) 1.10
The development and evaluation of a mu-capture ELISA detecting Chlamydia-specific IgM. Epidemiol Infect (1988) 1.10
National epidemic of Lordsdale Norovirus in the UK. J Clin Virol (2004) 1.10
Rapid diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in patients attending an ophthalmic casualty department. Br J Ophthalmol (1986) 1.10
Posthumous storage and use of sperm and embryos: survey of opinion of treatment centres. BMJ (1996) 1.09
Lidocaine-induced conduction disturbance in patients with systemic hyperkalemia. Ann Emerg Med (2000) 1.08
Further studies on human enteric coronaviruses. Arch Virol (1977) 1.08
Amenorrhoea and loss of weight. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1977) 1.07
Stress and stress-related hormones during in-vitro fertilization treatment. Hum Reprod (1996) 1.06
Norethisterone treatment to control timing of the IVF cycle. Hum Reprod (1986) 1.06
The risk of acquiring Q fever on farms: a seroepidemiological study. Occup Environ Med (1995) 1.06
Investigation and treatment of amenorrhoea resulting in normal fertility. Br Med J (1979) 1.05
Seroepidemiology of human group C rotavirus in the UK. J Med Virol (1997) 1.04
Zidovudine after occupational exposure to HIV. BMJ (1991) 1.03
Therapy-orientated diagnosis of secondary amenorrhoea. Horm Res (1975) 1.02
Ultrasound Doppler flow studies of the ovarian and uterine arteries. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1985) 1.02
The specific IgM response to Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: interpretation and application to early diagnosis. Epidemiol Infect (1987) 1.02
Q fever in Plymouth, 1972-88. A review with particular reference to neurological manifestations. Epidemiol Infect (1990) 1.02
Relative influence of serum follicle stimulating hormone, age and other factors on ovarian response to gonadotrophin stimulation. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1994) 1.01