Marcia Grabowecky

Author PubWeight™ 37.56‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Attention induces synchronization-based response gain in steady-state visual evoked potentials. Nat Neurosci 2006 1.52
2 Stochastic resonance in binocular rivalry. Vision Res 2005 1.35
3 Auditory-visual crossmodal integration in perception of face gender. Curr Biol 2007 1.17
4 Demand-based dynamic distribution of attention and monitoring of velocities during multiple-object tracking. J Vis 2009 1.14
5 Characteristic sounds facilitate visual search. Psychon Bull Rev 2008 1.13
6 Haptically linked dyads: are two motor-control systems better than one? Psychol Sci 2006 1.10
7 Evidence for perceptual "trapping" and adaptation in multistable binocular rivalry. Neuron 2002 1.09
8 Long-term speeding in perceptual switches mediated by attention-dependent plasticity in cortical visual processing. Neuron 2007 1.03
9 Interactive coding of visual spatial frequency and auditory amplitude-modulation rate. Curr Biol 2012 1.03
10 Long-lasting effects of subliminal affective priming from facial expressions. Conscious Cogn 2009 1.02
11 Characteristic sounds make you look at target objects more quickly. Atten Percept Psychophys 2010 0.95
12 Attention during adaptation weakens negative afterimages. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 2003 0.90
13 Object-based auditory facilitation of visual search for pictures and words with frequent and rare targets. Acta Psychol (Amst) 2010 0.90
14 Within-hemifield perceptual averaging of facial expressions predicted by neural averaging. J Vis 2009 0.90
15 Internal curvature signal and noise in low- and high-level vision. J Neurophysiol 2011 0.89
16 Rapid eye-fixation training without eyetracking. Psychon Bull Rev 2009 0.89
17 Differential roles of frequency-following and frequency-doubling visual responses revealed by evoked neural harmonics. J Cogn Neurosci 2010 0.88
18 Changes in auditory frequency guide visual-spatial attention. Cognition 2011 0.88
19 Sounds exaggerate visual shape. Cognition 2012 0.87
20 Flicker adaptation of low-level cortical visual neurons contributes to temporal dilation. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 2012 0.84
21 Awareness becomes necessary between adaptive pattern coding of open and closed curvatures. Psychol Sci 2011 0.83
22 Overlapping features can be parsed on the basis of rapid temporal cues that produce stable emergent percepts. Vision Res 2002 0.83
23 Adaptive modulation of color salience contingent upon global form coding and task relevance. Vision Res 2005 0.83
24 Laughter exaggerates happy and sad faces depending on visual context. Psychon Bull Rev 2012 0.82
25 Neural correlates of the left-visual-field superiority in face perception appear at multiple stages of face processing. J Cogn Neurosci 2003 0.82
26 Self-awareness affects vision. Curr Biol 2008 0.82
27 Parietal connectivity mediates multisensory facilitation. Neuroimage 2013 0.82
28 Audition dominates vision in duration perception irrespective of salience, attention, and temporal discriminability. Atten Percept Psychophys 2014 0.81
29 Action enhances auditory but not visual temporal sensitivity. Psychon Bull Rev 2013 0.80
30 Simultaneous shape repulsion and global assimilation in the perception of aspect ratio. J Vis 2011 0.80
31 Spatial position influences perception of slope from graphs. Perception 2014 0.79
32 Detecting and categorizing fleeting emotions in faces. Emotion 2012 0.79
33 Seeing the song: left auditory structures may track auditory-visual dynamic alignment. PLoS One 2013 0.78
34 Suppressed semantic information accelerates analytic problem solving. Psychon Bull Rev 2013 0.77
35 Neural activity tied to reading predicts individual differences in extended-text comprehension. Front Hum Neurosci 2013 0.76
36 A unique role of endogenous visual-spatial attention in rapid processing of multiple targets. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 2011 0.76
37 Local and global level-priming occurs for hierarchical stimuli composed of outlined, but not filled-in, elements. J Vis 2013 0.76
38 Rapid volitional control of apparent motion during percept generation. Atten Percept Psychophys 2013 0.75
39 Direction of Auditory Pitch-Change Influences Visual Search for Slope From Graphs. Perception 2015 0.75
40 Haptic guidance of overt visual attention. Atten Percept Psychophys 2014 0.75
41 Auditory rhythms are systemically associated with spatial-frequency and density information in visual scenes. Psychon Bull Rev 2013 0.75
42 Learned face-voice pairings facilitate visual search. Psychon Bull Rev 2015 0.75