Published in J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr on December 01, 2010
A pandemic of the poor: social disadvantage and the U.S. HIV epidemic. Am Psychol (2013) 2.27
HIV in Indian MSM: reasons for a concentrated epidemic & strategies for prevention. Indian J Med Res (2011) 1.67
Syndemics of psychosocial problems and HIV risk: A systematic review of empirical tests of the disease interaction concept. Soc Sci Med (2015) 1.48
Suicidality, clinical depression, and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent in men who have sex with men in Mumbai, India: findings from a community-recruited sample. Psychol Health Med (2011) 1.29
The syndemic condition of psychosocial problems and HIV risk among male sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. AIDS Behav (2014) 1.20
The effect of psychosocial syndemic production on 4-year HIV incidence and risk behavior in a large cohort of sexually active men who have sex with men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2015) 1.19
LGB-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy for young adult gay and bisexual men: A randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic minority stress approach. J Consult Clin Psychol (2015) 1.11
Sexual risk behaviors and psychosocial health concerns of female-to-male transgender men screening for STDs at an urban community health center. AIDS Care (2013) 1.08
Perceived importance of five different health issues for gay and bisexual men: implications for new directions in health education and prevention. Am J Mens Health (2012) 1.08
Ensuring it works: a community-based approach to HIV prevention intervention development for men who have sex with men in Chennai, India. AIDS Educ Prev (2012) 1.04
A pilot trial of integrated behavioral activation and sexual risk reduction counseling for HIV-uninfected men who have sex with men abusing crystal methamphetamine. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2012) 1.03
Predictors of day-level sexual risk for young gay and bisexual men. AIDS Behav (2013) 1.02
Age cohort differences in the effects of gay-related stigma, anxiety and identification with the gay community on sexual risk and substance use. AIDS Behav (2013) 1.01
Uncovering Clinical Principles and Techniques to Address Minority Stress, Mental Health, and Related Health Risks Among Gay and Bisexual Men. Clin Psychol (New York) (2014) 0.98
Psychosocial Syndemics are Additively Associated with Worse ART Adherence in HIV-Infected Individuals. AIDS Behav (2015) 0.95
Psychosocial health problems associated with increased HIV risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Nepal: a cross-sectional survey. PLoS One (2013) 0.95
Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of a Live-Chat Social Media Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men. AIDS Behav (2015) 0.94
A transdiagnostic minority stress treatment approach for gay and bisexual men's syndemic health conditions. Arch Sex Behav (2015) 0.93
Developing an online health intervention for young gay and bisexual men. AIDS Behav (2013) 0.90
A pilot cohort study to assess the feasibility of HIV prevention science research among men who have sex with men in Dakar, Senegal. J Int AIDS Soc (2013) 0.90
The Impact of Homophobia and HIV Stigma on HIV Testing Uptake Among Chinese Men Who Have Sex With Men: a Mediation Analysis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2016) 0.88
Optimization of Multicomponent Behavioral and Biobehavioral Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS. AIDS Behav (2016) 0.88
A syndemic including cigarette smoking and sexual risk behaviors among a sample of MSM in Shanghai, China. Drug Alcohol Depend (2013) 0.87
Comparing three cohorts of MSM sampled via sex parties, bars/clubs, and implications for researchers and providers. AIDS Educ Prev (2014) 0.87
Aggregate and event-level associations between substance use and sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men: Comparing retrospective and prospective data. Drug Alcohol Depend (2015) 0.87
Factors influencing HIV infection in men who have sex with men in China. Asian J Androl (2013) 0.84
Prospective predictors of unprotected anal intercourse among HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men initiating antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Behav (2014) 0.83
A systematic review of the frequency and correlates of partner abuse in HIV-infected women and men who partner with men. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2013) 0.83
Relation of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Depression to Risk Factors for HIV Among Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in 6 US Cities. Am J Public Health (2015) 0.80
Complexity of childhood sexual abuse: predictors of current post-traumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, substance use, and sexual risk behavior among adult men who have sex with men. Arch Sex Behav (2015) 0.80
Garnering an in-depth understanding of men who have sex with men in Chennai, India: a qualitative analysis of sexual minority status and psychological distress. Arch Sex Behav (2014) 0.80
Race-based differentials in the impact of mental health and stigma on HIV risk among young men who have sex with men. Health Psychol (2014) 0.79
Unprotected Anal Intercourse With Casual Male Partners in Urban Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men. Am J Public Health (2015) 0.78
A pilot RCT of an intervention to reduce HIV sexual risk and increase self-acceptance among MSM in Chennai, India. AIDS Behav (2014) 0.78
Testing Cross-Sectional and Prospective Mediators of Internalized Heterosexism on Heavy Drinking, Alcohol Problems, and Psychological Distress Among Heavy Drinking Men Who Have Sex With Men. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2017) 0.77
The cost and intensity of behavioral interventions to promote HIV treatment for prevention among HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Arch Sex Behav (2015) 0.77
Correlates of Sexual Violence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Tijuana, Mexico. Arch Sex Behav (2016) 0.76
HIV-infected men who have sex with men who engage in very high levels of transmission risk behaviors: establishing a context for novel prevention interventions. Psychol Health Med (2013) 0.76
Association between a syndemic of psychosocial problems and unprotected anal intercourse among men who have sex with men in Shanghai, China. BMC Infect Dis (2017) 0.75
Preferences for Condomless Sex in Sexually Explicit Media Among Black/African American Men Who Have Sex with Men: Implications for HIV Prevention. Arch Sex Behav (2016) 0.75
High Levels of Concomitant Behavioral Health Disorders Among Patients Presenting for HIV Non-occupational Post-exposure Prophylaxis at a Boston Community Health Center Between 1997 and 2013. AIDS Behav (2016) 0.75
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: A Narrative Review of Provider Behavior and Interventions to Increase PrEP Implementation in Primary Care. J Gen Intern Med (2016) 0.75
Psychological symptoms are associated with both abstinence and risky sex among men with HIV. Arch Sex Behav (2015) 0.75
Social Network Factors as Correlates and Predictors of High Depressive Symptoms Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in HPTN 061. AIDS Behav (2016) 0.75
A Pilot Trial of a Sexual Health Counseling Intervention for HIV-Positive Gay and Bisexual Men Who Report Anal Sex without Condoms. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
"Life-Steps" for PrEP Adherence: Demonstration of a CBT-Based Intervention to Increase Adherence to Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Medication Among Sexual-Minority Men at High Risk for HIV Acquisition. Cogn Behav Pract (2017) 0.75
Psychological distress, health protection, and sexual practices among young men who have sex with men: Using social action theory to guide HIV prevention efforts. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Correlates of Sexual Risk among Recent Gay and Bisexual Immigrants from Western and Eastern Africa to the USA. J Urban Health (2017) 0.75
Estimation of HIV incidence in the United States. JAMA (2008) 21.27
Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychol Bull (2003) 20.21
Alcohol use, drug use and alcohol-related problems among men who have sex with men: the Urban Men's Health Study. Addiction (2001) 7.74
Association of co-occurring psychosocial health problems and increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among urban men who have sex with men. Am J Public Health (2003) 6.76
A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people. BMC Psychiatry (2008) 5.82
Prevalence of mental disorders, psychological distress, and mental health services use among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United States. J Consult Clin Psychol (2003) 5.76
Effects of a behavioural intervention to reduce acquisition of HIV infection among men who have sex with men: the EXPLORE randomised controlled study. Lancet (2004) 5.57
Do prevention interventions reduce HIV risk behaviours among people living with HIV? A meta-analytic review of controlled trials. AIDS (2006) 5.21
Best-evidence interventions: findings from a systematic review of HIV behavioral interventions for US populations at high risk, 2000-2004. Am J Public Health (2006) 4.94
Sexual orientation and adolescent substance use: a meta-analysis and methodological review. Addiction (2008) 4.46
Risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals reporting same-sex sexual partners in the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Public Health (2001) 4.46
Psychosocial health problems increase risk for HIV among urban young men who have sex with men: preliminary evidence of a syndemic in need of attention. Ann Behav Med (2007) 4.00
Lifetime prevalence of suicide symptoms and affective disorders among men reporting same-sex sexual partners: results from NHANES III. Am J Public Health (2000) 3.59
Behavioral interventions to reduce risk for sexual transmission of HIV among men who have sex with men. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2008) 3.44
Substance use and high-risk sex among men who have sex with men: a national online study in the USA. AIDS Care (2004) 3.44
The evolution of the cognitive model of depression and its neurobiological correlates. Am J Psychiatry (2008) 3.40
Prevalence of non-medical drug use and dependence among homosexually active men and women in the US population. Addiction (2004) 3.01
Depression, hopelessness, suicidality, and related factors in sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents. J Consult Clin Psychol (1999) 2.97
A meta-analytic review of HIV behavioral interventions for reducing sexual risk behavior of men who have sex with men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2005) 2.94
The effectiveness of individual-, group-, and community-level HIV behavioral risk-reduction interventions for adult men who have sex with men: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med (2007) 2.84
An individually tailored intervention for HIV prevention: baseline data from the EXPLORE Study. Am J Public Health (2003) 2.72
Childhood sexual abuse is highly associated with HIV risk-taking behavior and infection among MSM in the EXPLORE Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2009) 2.17
HIV intervention research for men who have sex with men: a 7-year update. AIDS Educ Prev (2005) 1.88
Condom use: a self-efficacy model. Health Psychol (1993) 1.61
Sexual orientation and bullying among adolescents in the growing up today study. J Adolesc Health (2010) 1.60
Clinically significant depressive symptoms as a risk factor for HIV infection among black MSM in Massachusetts. AIDS Behav (2009) 1.35
Testing a social-cognitive model of HIV transmission risk behaviors in HIV-infected MSM with and without depression. Health Psychol (2010) 1.31
Depressive disorders and unprotected casual anal sex among Australian homosexually active men in primary care. HIV Med (2003) 1.20
Interventions to modify sexual risk behaviors for preventing HIV infection in men who have sex with men. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2003) 1.19
Gay men's safer sex behavior: an integration of three models. J Behav Med (1996) 1.11
Experiences and sexual behaviors of HIV-infected MSM who acquired HIV in the context of crystal methamphetamine use. AIDS Educ Prev (2008) 1.06
A population-based study of sexual orientation identity and gender differences in adult health. Am J Public Health (2010) 4.48
Depression and diabetes treatment nonadherence: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care (2008) 4.33
Psychosocial health problems increase risk for HIV among urban young men who have sex with men: preliminary evidence of a syndemic in need of attention. Ann Behav Med (2007) 4.00
Tenofovir DF plus lamivudine or emtricitabine for nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis (NPEP) in a Boston Community Health Center. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2008) 3.10
Limited Awareness and Low Immediate Uptake of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Men Who Have Sex with Men Using an Internet Social Networking Site. PLoS One (2012) 2.82
Tip of the Iceberg: young men who have sex with men, the Internet, and HIV risk. Am J Public Health (2007) 2.63
Experiences of transgender-related discrimination and implications for health: results from the Virginia Transgender Health Initiative Study. Am J Public Health (2012) 2.40
A review of HIV antiretroviral adherence and intervention studies among HIV-infected youth. Top HIV Med (2009) 2.24
Transgender female youth and sex work: HIV risk and a comparison of life factors related to engagement in sex work. AIDS Behav (2009) 2.04
Implementation science of pre-exposure prophylaxis: preparing for public use. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2010) 1.90
Evolution of Massachusetts physician attitudes, knowledge, and experience regarding the use of antiretrovirals for HIV prevention. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2012) 1.86
Unseen and unheard: predictors of sexual risk behavior and HIV infection among men who have sex with men in Chennai, India. AIDS Educ Prev (2009) 1.83
Sexual mixing patterns and partner characteristics of black MSM in Massachusetts at increased risk for HIV infection and transmission. J Urban Health (2009) 1.79
A network-individual-resource model for HIV prevention. AIDS Behav (2010) 1.69
Health system and personal barriers resulting in decreased utilization of HIV and STD testing services among at-risk black men who have sex with men in Massachusetts. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2009) 1.69
HIV in Indian MSM: reasons for a concentrated epidemic & strategies for prevention. Indian J Med Res (2011) 1.67
Social marketing interventions to increase HIV/STI testing uptake among men who have sex with men and male-to-female transgender women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2011) 1.63
Determinants of recent HIV infection among Seattle-area men who have sex with men. Am J Public Health (2008) 1.61
"We fear the police, and the police fear us": structural and individual barriers and facilitators to HIV medication adherence among injection drug users in Kiev, Ukraine. AIDS Care (2010) 1.60
Depressive symptoms, utilization of mental health care, substance use and sexual risk among young men who have sex with men in EXPLORE: implications for age-specific interventions. AIDS Behav (2008) 1.59
A survey of MSM HIV prevention outreach workers in Chennai, India. AIDS Educ Prev (2006) 1.58
Prospective associations between HIV-related stigma, transmission risk behaviors, and adverse mental health outcomes in men who have sex with men. Ann Behav Med (2011) 1.55
Methamphetamine and young men who have sex with men: understanding patterns and correlates of use and the association with HIV-related sexual risk. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2007) 1.48
Pretreatment antiretroviral exposure from recreational use. Lancet Infect Dis (2013) 1.46
Application of syndemic theory to black men who have sex with men in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. J Urban Health (2012) 1.44
Clinically significant depressive symptoms as a risk factor for HIV infection among black MSM in Massachusetts. AIDS Behav (2009) 1.35
Street workers and internet escorts: contextual and psychosocial factors surrounding HIV risk behavior among men who engage in sex work with other men. J Urban Health (2008) 1.35
A systematic review of behavioral and treatment outcome studies among HIV-infected men who have sex with men who abuse crystal methamphetamine. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2011) 1.33
Gonococcal, chlamydia, and syphilis infection positivity among MSM attending a large primary care clinic, Boston, 2003 to 2004. Sex Transm Dis (2009) 1.32
Review of treatment studies of depression in HIV. Top HIV Med (2006) 1.30
Depressive symptoms and human immunodeficiency virus risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Chennai, India. Psychol Health Med (2009) 1.30
Suicidality, clinical depression, and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent in men who have sex with men in Mumbai, India: findings from a community-recruited sample. Psychol Health Med (2011) 1.29
Resilience, syndemic factors, and serosorting behaviors among HIV-positive and HIV-negative substance-using MSM. AIDS Educ Prev (2012) 1.28
HIV risk and social networks among male-to-female transgender sex workers in Boston, Massachusetts. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2009) 1.28
Joint effects of alcohol consumption and high-risk sexual behavior on HIV seroconversion among men who have sex with men. AIDS (2013) 1.27
Sexual orientation disparities in cancer-related risk behaviors of tobacco, alcohol, sexual behaviors, and diet and physical activity: pooled Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.26
Raltegravir, tenofovir DF, and emtricitabine for postexposure prophylaxis to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV: safety, tolerability, and adherence. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 1.23
Stressful or traumatic life events, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and HIV sexual risk taking among men who have sex with men. AIDS Care (2009) 1.23
A mixed methods study of the sexual health needs of New England transmen who have sex with nontransgender men. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2010) 1.22
Challenges in addressing depression in HIV research: assessment, cultural context, and methods. AIDS Behav (2011) 1.22
Sex and gender in the US health surveillance system: a call to action. Am J Public Health (2014) 1.21
The syndemic condition of psychosocial problems and HIV risk among male sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. AIDS Behav (2014) 1.20
State-level structural sexual stigma and HIV prevention in a national online sample of HIV-uninfected MSM in the United States. AIDS (2015) 1.19
Substance use among HIV-infected patients engaged in primary care in the United States: findings from the Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems cohort. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.18
The influence of stigma on HIV risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Chennai, India. AIDS Care (2012) 1.18
Walking the line: stimulant use during sex and HIV risk behavior among Black urban MSM. Drug Alcohol Depend (2010) 1.18
Problematic alcohol use and HIV risk among Black men who have sex with men in Massachusetts. AIDS Care (2010) 1.16
Polysubstance use and HIV/STD risk behavior among Massachusetts men who have sex with men accessing Department of Public Health mobile van services: implications for intervention development. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2008) 1.16
Whoonga: potential recreational use of HIV antiretroviral medication in South Africa. AIDS Behav (2014) 1.15
Health care access and sexually transmitted infection screening frequency among at-risk Massachusetts men who have sex with men. Am J Public Health (2009) 1.14
HIV epidemics among transgender women. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2014) 1.13
Poverty matters: contextualizing the syndemic condition of psychological factors and newly diagnosed HIV infection in the United States. AIDS (2014) 1.13
A syndemic of psychosocial health disparities and associations with risk for attempting suicide among young sexual minority men. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.10
Trends in the spectrum of engagement in HIV care and subsequent clinical outcomes among men who have sex with men (MSM) at a Boston community health center. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2013) 1.09
HIV sexual risk behavior among black men who meet other men on the internet for sex. J Urban Health (2013) 1.09
Sexual risk behaviors and psychosocial health concerns of female-to-male transgender men screening for STDs at an urban community health center. AIDS Care (2013) 1.08
Stigma related to sex work among men who engage in transactional sex with men in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Int J Public Health (2014) 1.08
What makes a respondent-driven sampling "seed" productive? Example of finding at-risk Massachusetts men who have sex with men. J Urban Health (2010) 1.07
The HIV epidemic among older men who have sex with men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2003) 1.07
Using a two-step method to measure transgender identity in Latin America/the Caribbean, Portugal, and Spain. Arch Sex Behav (2014) 1.05
Patterns of substance use among a large urban cohort of HIV-infected men who have sex with men in primary care. AIDS Behav (2012) 1.05
Sex parties among urban MSM: an emerging culture and HIV risk environment. AIDS Behav (2011) 1.05
Perceptions about the acceptability of assessments of HIV medication adherence in Lilongwe, Malawi and Chennai, India. AIDS Behav (2006) 1.05
Ensuring it works: a community-based approach to HIV prevention intervention development for men who have sex with men in Chennai, India. AIDS Educ Prev (2012) 1.04
Self-perceived HIV risk and the use of risk reduction strategies among men who engage in transactional sex with other men in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. AIDS Care (2012) 1.04
HIV prevention interventions in Chennai, India: are men who have sex with men being reached? AIDS Patient Care STDS (2009) 1.04
Barriers and facilitators to routine HIV testing: perceptions from Massachusetts Community Health Center personnel. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2011) 1.03
Mental health concerns of HIV-infected gay and bisexual men seeking mental health services: an observational study. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2004) 1.03
A pilot trial of integrated behavioral activation and sexual risk reduction counseling for HIV-uninfected men who have sex with men abusing crystal methamphetamine. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2012) 1.03
Gender differences in the association between family conflict and adolescent substance use disorders. J Adolesc Health (2011) 1.02
Public policy regulating private and public space in gay bathhouses. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2003) 1.02
Substance use predictors of poor medication adherence: the role of substance use coping among HIV-infected patients in opioid dependence treatment. AIDS Behav (2013) 1.01
Changes in stimulant drug use over time in the MACS: evidence for resilience against stimulant drug use among men who have sex with men. AIDS Behav (2012) 0.99
Optimizing content for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) counseling for men who have sex with men: Perspectives of PrEP users and high-risk PrEP naïve men. AIDS Behav (2014) 0.99
Use of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis does not lead to an increase in high risk sex behaviors in men who have sex with men participating in the EXPLORE trial. AIDS Behav (2010) 0.99
Psychosocial and behavioral predictors of partner notification after HIV and STI exposure and infection among MSM. AIDS Behav (2008) 0.98
Tricks of the trade: sexual health behaviors, the context of HIV risk, and potential prevention intervention strategies for male sex workers. J LGBT Health Res (2008) 0.98
Differential HIV risk behavior among men who have sex with men seeking health-related mobile van services at diverse gay-specific venues. AIDS Behav (2008) 0.98
Psychological processes and stimulant use among men who have sex with men. Drug Alcohol Depend (2011) 0.97
Partner notification after STD and HIV exposures and infections: knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of Massachusetts men who have sex with men. Public Health Rep (2009) 0.96
Sexual frequency and planning among at-risk men who have sex with men in the United States: implications for event-based intermittent pre-exposure prophylaxis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 0.96
Psychosocial Syndemics are Additively Associated with Worse ART Adherence in HIV-Infected Individuals. AIDS Behav (2015) 0.95
Barriers to routine HIV testing among Massachusetts community health center personnel. Public Health Rep (2011) 0.95
Association between socioeconomic position discrimination and psychological distress: findings from a community-based sample of gay and bisexual men in New York City. Am J Public Health (2012) 0.94
Beyond anal sex: sexual practices associated with HIV risk reduction among men who have sex with men in Boston, Massachusetts. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2009) 0.94
Female-to-male patients have high prevalence of unsatisfactory Paps compared to non-transgender females: implications for cervical cancer screening. J Gen Intern Med (2014) 0.93
Adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis for non-forcible sexual exposure to HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Behav (2014) 0.93
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnoses and mental health disparities among women who have sex with women screened at an urban community health center, Boston, MA, 2007. Sex Transm Dis (2010) 0.93
The mediating role of pain in substance use and depressive symptoms among Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) participants. Pain (2011) 0.93
“It's a quick way to get what you want”: a formative exploration of HIV risk among urban Massachusetts men who have sex with men who attend sex parties. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2010) 0.92
Subsequent HIV infection among men who have sex with men who used non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis at a Boston community health center: 1997-2013. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2015) 0.92
Longitudinal trends in HIV nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis use at a Boston community health center between 1997 and 2013. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2015) 0.92
Health care issues among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) populations in the United States: Introduction. J Homosex (2008) 0.92
Asymptomatic gonorrhea and chlamydial infections detected by nucleic acid amplification tests among Boston area men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Dis (2008) 0.91
Does effective depression treatment alone reduce secondary HIV transmission risk? Equivocal findings from a randomized controlled trial. AIDS Behav (2013) 0.91