Tammy M Bray

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1 Faster plasma vitamin E disappearance in smokers is normalized by vitamin C supplementation. Free Radic Biol Med 2005 1.85
2 Xanthohumol, a prenylflavonoid derived from hops induces apoptosis and inhibits NF-kappaB activation in prostate epithelial cells. Cancer Lett 2006 1.15
3 {alpha}-Tocopherol disappearance is faster in cigarette smokers and is inversely related to their ascorbic acid status. Am J Clin Nutr 2005 1.06
4 Induction of regulatory T cells by green tea polyphenol EGCG. Immunol Lett 2011 0.99
5 Dietary influences on endocrine-inflammatory interactions in prostate cancer development. Arch Biochem Biophys 2004 0.99
6 Induction of proinflammatory response in prostate cancer epithelial cells by activated macrophages. Cancer Lett 2008 0.97
7 Ultraviolet radiation modulates nuclear factor kappa B activation in human lens epithelial cells. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 2003 0.96
8 Dietary zinc alters early inflammatory responses during cutaneous wound healing in weanling CD-1 mice. J Nutr 2004 0.96
9 Dietary supplementation of N-acetylcysteine enhances early inflammatory responses during cutaneous wound healing in protein malnourished mice. J Nutr Biochem 2005 0.95
10 Differential effects of whole soy extract and soy isoflavones on apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2010 0.93
11 Dietary soy and tea mitigate chronic inflammation and prostate cancer via NFκB pathway in the Noble rat model. J Nutr Biochem 2011 0.92
12 5-nitro-gamma-tocopherol increases in human plasma exposed to cigarette smoke in vitro and in vivo. Free Radic Biol Med 2003 0.89
13 Anti-inflammatory activity of soy and tea in prostate cancer prevention. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2010 0.87
14 Supplementation of N-acetylcysteine normalizes lipopolysaccharide-induced nuclear factor kappaB activation and proinflammatory cytokine production during early rehabilitation of protein malnourished mice. J Nutr 2002 0.86
15 Lower plasma alpha-carboxyethyl-hydroxychroman after deuterium-labeled alpha-tocopherol supplementation suggests decreased vitamin E metabolism in smokers. Am J Clin Nutr 2005 0.83
16 Effect of dietary melengestrol acetate on the incidence of acute interstitial pneumonia in feedlot heifers. Can J Vet Res 2006 0.77
17 Effects of feeding aspirin and supplemental vitamin E on plasma concentrations of 3-methylindole, 3-methyleneindolenine-adduct concentrations in blood and pulmonary tissues, lung lesions, and growth performance in feedlot cattle. Am J Vet Res 2002 0.77
18 Effect of conjugated linoleic acid on Delta-5 desaturase activity in yeast transformed with fungal Delta-5 desaturase gene. Mol Cell Biochem 2004 0.76
19 Acute interstitial pneumonia in feedlot cattle: effects of feeding feather meal or vitamin E. Can J Vet Res 2007 0.75