Michael Bartos

Author PubWeight™ 23.17‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Towards an improved investment approach for an effective response to HIV/AIDS. Lancet 2011 11.89
2 HIV prevention transformed: the new prevention research agenda. Lancet 2011 4.23
3 Coming to terms with complexity: a call to action for HIV prevention. Lancet 2008 3.15
4 Combination HIV prevention. Lancet 2008 2.10
5 Factors associated with 'feeling suicidal': the role of sexual identity. J Homosex 2006 0.80
6 No clear clinical benefit of using mini-invasive extracorporeal circulation in coronary artery bypass grafting in low-risk patients. Perfusion 2009 0.80
7 Plant diversity changes during the postglacial in East Asia: insights from Forest Refugia on Halla Volcano, Jeju Island. PLoS One 2012 0.77
8 The potential benefit of intracarpal pressure measurement in endoscopic carpal tunnel syndrome surgery--an analysis of EMG findings and pressure values. Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 2009 0.75