Published in Am J Med Genet on February 01, 1990
The spectrum of Silver-Russell syndrome: a clinical and molecular genetic study and new diagnostic criteria. J Med Genet (1999) 2.63
Hypomethylation of the H19 gene causes not only Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) but also isolated asymmetry or an SRS-like phenotype. Am J Hum Genet (2006) 1.60
Silver-Russell syndrome: a dissection of the genetic aetiology and candidate chromosomal regions. J Med Genet (2001) 1.43
Duplication of 7p11.2-p13, including GRB10, in Silver-Russell syndrome. Am J Hum Genet (2000) 1.25
A narrow segment of maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7q31-qter in Silver-Russell syndrome delimits a candidate gene region. Am J Hum Genet (2000) 1.20
Imprinting of human GRB10 and its mutations in two patients with Russell-Silver syndrome. Am J Hum Genet (2000) 1.12
Silver-Russell syndrome: genetic basis and molecular genetic testing. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2010) 1.02
Russell Silver syndrome and tethered spinal cord. Childs Nerv Syst (2004) 0.82
Seminoma in a Man with Russell-Silver Syndrome Presenting with Testicular Torsion. Case Rep Urol (2016) 0.75
Orthodontic management of silver-russell syndrome. A case report. Open Dent J (2012) 0.75
Silver-Russell Syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: Opposite Phenotypes with Heterogeneous Molecular Etiology. Mol Syndromol (2016) 0.75
International Nosology of Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue, Berlin, 1986. Am J Med Genet (1988) 4.84
The cellular immune response to primary sarcomata in rats. II. Abnormal responses of nodes draining the tumour. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1969) 3.54
The immediate effect of antigens on the cell output of a lymph node. Br J Exp Pathol (1965) 3.16
The distal arthrogryposes: delineation of new entities--review and nosologic discussion. Am J Med Genet (1982) 3.06
Polymorphism identification and quantitative detection of genomic DNA by invasive cleavage of oligonucleotide probes. Nat Biotechnol (1999) 3.01
The ultrastructure and function of the cells in lymph following antigenic stimulation. J Exp Med (1967) 2.98
Clinical and molecular cytogenetic characterisation of a newly recognised microdeletion syndrome involving 2p15-16.1. J Med Genet (2006) 2.97
Intrinsic rhythmic propulsion of lymph in the unanaesthetized sheep. J Physiol (1965) 2.87
Studies on the lymphocytes of sheep. III. Destination of lymph-borne immunoblasts in relation to their tissue of origin. Eur J Immunol (1977) 2.61
The distribution and differentiation of lymph-borne immunoblasts after intravenous injection into syngeneic recipients. Cell Tissue Kinet (1972) 2.52
Maternal and fetal sequelae of anticoagulation during pregnancy. Am J Med (1980) 2.50
Studies of the cells in the afferent and efferent lymph of lymph nodes draining the site of skin homografts. J Exp Med (1967) 2.31
Chromosome maps of man and mouse. IV. Ann Hum Genet (1989) 2.25
Noonan syndrome: the changing phenotype. Am J Med Genet (1985) 2.24
Familial insertional translocation of a portion of 3q into 11q resulting in duplication and deletion of region 3q22.1 leads to q24 in different offspring. Am J Med Genet (1981) 2.23
Poor postnatal weight gain: a risk factor for severe retinopathy of prematurity. J AAPOS (2000) 2.19
Errors of morphogenesis: concepts and terms. Recommendations of an international working group. J Pediatr (1982) 2.04
Congenital hypothalamic hamartoblastoma, hypopituitarism, imperforate anus and postaxial polydactyly--a new syndrome? Part I: clinical, causal, and pathogenetic considerations. Am J Med Genet (1980) 2.02
Terathanasia, folic acid, and birth defects. Lancet (1997) 2.00
Genetic counseling for adoptees at risk for specific inherited disorders. Am J Med Genet (1980) 1.98
The cellular immune response to primary sarcomata in rats. I. The significance of large basophilic cells in the thoracic duct lymph following antigenic challenge. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1969) 1.97
The frequency and financial burden of genetic disease in a pediatric hospital. Am J Med Genet (1978) 1.97
Limb pterygium syndromes: a review and report of eleven patients. Am J Med Genet (1982) 1.91
The MURCS association: Müllerian duct aplasia, renal aplasia, and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia. J Pediatr (1979) 1.91
The homing of lymph-borne immunoblasts to the small gut of neonatal rats. Transplantation (1972) 1.89
The transport by hepatocytes of immunoglobulin A from blood to bile visualized by autoradiography and electron microscopy. Immunology (1979) 1.86
An invasive cleavage assay for direct quantitation of specific RNAs. Nat Biotechnol (2001) 1.79
Amyoplasia, the most common type of arthrogryposis: the potential for good outcome. Pediatrics (1996) 1.75
Osteogenesis imperfecta type II delineation of the phenotype with reference to genetic heterogeneity. Am J Med Genet (1984) 1.72
X-linked cutis laxa: defective cross-link formation in collagen due to decreased lysyl oxidase activity. N Engl J Med (1980) 1.62
Evidence for a primary association between immunoblasts and small gut. Nature (1972) 1.56
Trisomy 22: a clinical entity. J Pediatr (1971) 1.55
A method for collecting lymph from the prefemoral lymph node of unanaesthetised sheep. Q J Exp Physiol Cogn Med Sci (1967) 1.54
Noonan phenotype associated with neurofibromatosis. Am J Med Genet (1985) 1.53
Transformation, in vivo, of basophilic lymph cells into plasma cells. Nature (1967) 1.49
Genomic imprinting, monozygous twinning, and X inactivation. Lancet (1991) 1.47
Thrombocytopenia and absent radius (TAR) syndrome. J Med Genet (1987) 1.47
IgA antibodies in the bile of rats. I. Some characteristics of the primary response. Immunology (1982) 1.46
Genetic aspects of arthrogryposis. Clin Orthop Relat Res (1985) 1.46
Homing of lymph-borne immunoblasts to the gut. Nature (1970) 1.45
Pitfalls in Tay-Sachs carrier detection: physician referral patterns and patient ignorance. N Y State J Med (1989) 1.45
Achondroplasia--a genetic and statistical survey. Ann Hum Genet (1970) 1.42
Chromosome 7 short arm deletion and craniosynostosis. A 7p-syndrome. Hum Genet (1976) 1.41
Perinatal and first year follow-up of patients with Prader-Willi syndrome: normal size of hands and feet. Clin Genet (1989) 1.41
Guidelines for human gene nomenclature. An international system for human gene nomenclature (ISGN, 1987). Cytogenet Cell Genet (1987) 1.40
The occurrence of tow types of cytotoxic lymphoid cells in mice immunised with allogeneic tumour cells. Transplantation (1970) 1.40
Prader-Willi syndrome and Robertsonian translocations involving chromosome 15. Clin Genet (1991) 1.39
Chondrodysplasia punctata and maternal warfarin use during pregnancy. Am J Dis Child (1975) 1.38
ACHOO syndrome (autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome). Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1978) 1.38
The use of radiographic visualization for prenatal diagnosis. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1977) 1.34
The lethal multiple pterygium syndromes. Am J Med Genet (1984) 1.33
Morphine, enkephalin and the substantia gelatinosa. Nature (1976) 1.33
The role of immunoblasts in host resistance and immunotherapy of primary sarcomata. Adv Cancer Res (1970) 1.32
Standard growth curves for achondroplasia. J Pediatr (1978) 1.32
Direct genetic analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 1.30
Hydrocephalus, agyria, retinal dysplasia, encephalocele (HARD +/- E) syndrome: an autosomal recessive condition. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1978) 1.30
Small structural changes of chromosome 8. Two cases with evidence for deletion. Hum Genet (1977) 1.28
Genetics of tuberous sclerosis. Lancet (1987) 1.27
Effect of nucleic acids from immune lymphocytes on rat sarcomata. Nature (1967) 1.27
Thanatophoric dysplasia and cloverleaf skull. Am J Med Genet Suppl (1987) 1.26
A stable human dicentric chromosome, t dic (12;14)(p13;p13) including an intercalary satellite region between centromeres. Am J Hum Genet (1973) 1.26
Apnea and sudden unexpected death in infants with achondroplasia. J Pediatr (1984) 1.26
Comparative aspects of the transport of immunoglobulin A from blood to bile. Immunology (1980) 1.26
Sacrococcygeal dysgenesis association. Am J Med Genet (1991) 1.26
Nonspecific entry of thoracic duct immunoblasts into intradermal foci of antigens. Cell Immunol (1973) 1.23
Experimental and theoretical analysis of the invasive signal amplification reaction. Biochemistry (2000) 1.23
Prenatal diagnosis of congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma (epidermolytic hyperkeratosis) by fetal skin biopsy. N Engl J Med (1980) 1.22
Mouse homologues of human hereditary disease. J Med Genet (1994) 1.22
Suppression of transmission of nociceptive impulses by morphine: selective effects of morphine administered in the region of the substantia gelatinosa. Br J Pharmacol (1977) 1.22
Possible maternal effect on severity of neurofibromatosis. Lancet (1978) 1.21
The low concentration of macroglobulin antibodies in peripheral lymph. Immunology (1969) 1.19
Analysis of Pena Shokeir phenotype. Am J Med Genet (1986) 1.19
Significance of phenotypic and chromosomal abnormalities in X-linked mental retardation (Martin-Bell or Renpenning syndrome). Am J Med Genet (1980) 1.18
Effect of alcohol on the integrity of the intestinal epithelium. Gut (1983) 1.17
CATCH 22. J Med Genet (1993) 1.17
Effects of opiate agonists and antagonists on central neurons of the cat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1976) 1.16
Juvenile galactosialidosis in a white male: a new variant. Am J Med Genet (1988) 1.16
Congenital microcephaly, hiatus hernia and nephrotic syndrome: an autosomal recessive syndrome. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1976) 1.15
NMR studies of the interaction of the antibiotic nogalamycin with the hexadeoxyribonucleotide duplex d(5'-GCATGC)2. Biochemistry (1988) 1.13
Posterolateral (Bochdalek's) diaphragmatic hernia in sisters. Am J Dis Child (1979) 1.13
Differentiation of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and intergenic regions and Mycobacterium tuberculosis katG genes by structure-specific endonuclease cleavage. J Clin Microbiol (1996) 1.13
Longitudinal comparison of temporal-modulation perimetry with white-on-white and blue-on-yellow perimetry in ocular hypertension and early glaucoma. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis (1993) 1.13
Comparative aspects of the hepatobiliary transport of IgA. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1983) 1.12
The production of hybridomas from the gut associated lymphoid tissue of tumour bearing rats. I. Mesenteric nodes as a source of IgG producing cells. Clin Exp Immunol (1984) 1.11
Studies on the adjuvant action of beryllium. I. Effects on individual lymph nodes. Immunology (1984) 1.11
A pattern of craniofacial and limb defects secondary to aberrant tissue bands. J Pediatr (1974) 1.11
Phagocytosis, in vivo, of immune complexes by dendritic cells in the lymph of sheep. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol (1984) 1.11
Dominantly inherited renal adysplasia. Am J Med Genet (1987) 1.11
A longitudinal study of gross body composition and body conformation and their association with food and activity in a teen-age population. Views of teen-age subjects on body conformation, food and activity. Am J Clin Nutr (1966) 1.10
Growth curves for height for diastrophic dysplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, and pseudoachondroplasia. Am J Dis Child (1982) 1.10
Mosaicism in pseudoachondroplasia. Am J Med Genet (1997) 1.09
The nature of the cytotoxic cells in lymph following primary antigenic challenge. Transplantation (1969) 1.09
Proposed guidelines for diagnosis of chromosome mosaicism in amniocytes based on data derived from chromosome mosaicism and pseudomosaicism studies. Prenat Diagn (1992) 1.09
Short-limbed dwarfism: ultrasonographic diagnosis by mensuration of fetal femoral length. Radiology (1981) 1.09
Part I. Amyoplasia: a common, sporadic condition with congenital contractures. Am J Med Genet (1983) 1.09
Lymphedema in Noonan syndrome: clues to pathogenesis and prenatal diagnosis and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet (1987) 1.09
Enkephalins and dorsal horn neurones of the cat: effects on responses to noxious and innocuous skin stimuli. Br J Pharmacol (1977) 1.08
Temperature-related kinetic differentiation of glucosephosphate isomerase alleloenzymes isolated from the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Biochem Genet (1985) 1.08
Oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol (1985) 1.08