Published in Nurs Res Pract on June 16, 2011
Breakdown in informational continuity of care during hospitalization of older home-living patients: a case study. Int J Integr Care (2014) 0.83
Stability of postoperative delirium psychomotor subtypes in individuals with hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc (2015) 0.79
Factors associated with post-surgical delirium in patients undergoing open heart surgery. Oman Med J (2014) 0.75
"Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res (1975) 301.74
Clarifying confusion: the confusion assessment method. A new method for detection of delirium. Ann Intern Med (1990) 16.54
Delirium in mechanically ventilated patients: validity and reliability of the confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU). JAMA (2001) 10.63
Reflex control of immunity. Nat Rev Immunol (2009) 4.57
Delirium in elderly patients and the risk of postdischarge mortality, institutionalization, and dementia: a meta-analysis. JAMA (2010) 4.57
The dementia antipsychotic withdrawal trial (DART-AD): long-term follow-up of a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol (2009) 4.17
One-year health care costs associated with delirium in the elderly population. Arch Intern Med (2008) 3.82
Clock-drawing: is it the ideal cognitive screening test? Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (2000) 3.70
The Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale. J Pain Symptom Manage (1997) 3.55
The Confusion Assessment Method: a systematic review of current usage. J Am Geriatr Soc (2008) 3.51
Delirium superimposed on dementia: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc (2002) 3.44
Occurrence and outcome of delirium in medical in-patients: a systematic literature review. Age Ageing (2006) 3.42
Validation of the Delirium Rating Scale-revised-98: comparison with the delirium rating scale and the cognitive test for delirium. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (2001) 3.35
Central and systemic endotoxin challenges exacerbate the local inflammatory response and increase neuronal death during chronic neurodegeneration. J Neurosci (2005) 3.33
Nurses' recognition of delirium and its symptoms: comparison of nurse and researcher ratings. Arch Intern Med (2001) 3.18
A predictive model for delirium in hospitalized elderly medical patients based on admission characteristics. Ann Intern Med (1993) 3.01
Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with delirium. American Psychiatric Association. Am J Psychiatry (1999) 2.90
Which medications to avoid in people at risk of delirium: a systematic review. Age Ageing (2010) 2.89
The prognostic significance of delirium in older hospital patients. J Am Geriatr Soc (1997) 2.76
Dementia in the acute hospital: prospective cohort study of prevalence and mortality. Br J Psychiatry (2009) 2.75
Delirium accelerates cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease. Neurology (2009) 2.67
A chart-based method for identification of delirium: validation compared with interviewer ratings using the confusion assessment method. J Am Geriatr Soc (2005) 2.63
Predictors of delirium after cardiac surgery delirium: effect of beating-heart (off-pump) surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (2004) 2.59
Delirium in older medical inpatients and subsequent cognitive and functional status: a prospective study. CMAJ (2001) 2.56
Delirium and its motoric subtypes: a study of 614 critically ill patients. J Am Geriatr Soc (2006) 2.49
Rivastigmine for the prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery--a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care Med (2009) 2.47
A symptom rating scale for delirium. Psychiatry Res (1988) 2.21
The Delirium Observation Screening Scale: a screening instrument for delirium. Res Theory Nurs Pract (2003) 2.13
The cholinergic hypothesis of age and Alzheimer's disease-related cognitive deficits: recent challenges and their implications for novel drug development. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (2003) 2.13
A research algorithm to improve detection of delirium in the intensive care unit. Crit Care (2006) 1.89
Preoperative risk assessment for delirium after noncardiac surgery: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc (2006) 1.86
Delirium in the elderly patient. N Engl J Med (1989) 1.82
Interventions for preventing delirium in hospitalised patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2007) 1.76
Sepsis-associated delirium. Intensive Care Med (2007) 1.72
Unravelling the pathophysiology of delirium: a focus on the role of aberrant stress responses. J Psychosom Res (2008) 1.72
Motoric subtypes of delirium in mechanically ventilated surgical and trauma intensive care unit patients. Intensive Care Med (2007) 1.69
Cholinergic deficiency hypothesis in delirium: a synthesis of current evidence. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2008) 1.61
Delirium in older emergency department patients discharged home: effect on survival. J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 1.61
Hypoactive delirium: assessing the extent of the problem for inpatient specialist palliative care. Palliat Med (2006) 1.60
Is there a final common neural pathway in delirium? Focus on acetylcholine and dopamine. Semin Clin Neuropsychiatry (2000) 1.58
Efficacy of risperidone for prevention of postoperative delirium in cardiac surgery. Anaesth Intensive Care (2007) 1.56
Post-operative delirium: predictors and prognosis in elderly orthopedic patients. J Am Geriatr Soc (1992) 1.55
Delirium in the emergency department: an independent predictor of death within 6 months. Ann Emerg Med (2010) 1.51
The neuroinflammatory hypothesis of delirium. Acta Neuropathol (2010) 1.49
The NEECHAM Confusion Scale: construction, validation, and clinical testing. Nurs Res (1996) 1.43
The incidence of delirium associated with orthopedic surgery: a meta-analytic review. Int Psychogeriatr (2006) 1.40
Delirium superimposed on dementia in a community-dwelling managed care population: a 3-year retrospective study of occurrence, costs, and utilization. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2005) 1.39
Delirium and long-term cognitive impairment. Int Rev Psychiatry (2009) 1.38
Phenomenology of delirium. Assessment of 100 adult cases using standardised measures. Br J Psychiatry (2007) 1.36
Clinical significance of delirium subtypes in older people. Age Ageing (1999) 1.36
Administration of olanzapine to prevent postoperative delirium in elderly joint-replacement patients: a randomized, controlled trial. Psychosomatics (2010) 1.33
Pathoetiological model of delirium: a comprehensive understanding of the neurobiology of delirium and an evidence-based approach to prevention and treatment. Crit Care Clin (2008) 1.33
Cerebral perfusion changes in older delirious patients using 99mTc HMPAO SPECT. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2006) 1.32
Single Question in Delirium (SQiD): testing its efficacy against psychiatrist interview, the Confusion Assessment Method and the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale. Palliat Med (2010) 1.31
An approach to drug induced delirium in the elderly. Postgrad Med J (2004) 1.25
Relationship between symptoms and motoric subtype of delirium. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (2000) 1.20
Donepezil in the prevention and treatment of post-surgical delirium. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2005) 1.18
Delirium and confusion in the 19th century: a conceptual history. Br J Psychiatry (1981) 1.15
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of donepezil hydrochloride (Aricept) for reducing the incidence of postoperative delirium after elective total hip replacement. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (2007) 1.15
Preoperative predictors of delirium after cardiac surgery: a preliminary study. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2006) 1.14
Phenomenological subtypes of delirium in older persons: patterns, prevalence, and prognosis. Psychosomatics (2009) 1.13
Delirium phenomenology: what can we learn from the symptoms of delirium? J Psychosom Res (2008) 1.08
Acute care for the elderly: a literature review. Popul Health Manag (2010) 1.03
Delirium scales: A review of current evidence. Aging Ment Health (2010) 1.03
Acute confusional states in patients undergoing hip surgery. a prospective observation study. Gerontology (2000) 1.03
Is preoperative anxiety and depression associated with onset of delirium after cardiac surgery in older patients? A prospective cohort study. J Am Geriatr Soc (2008) 1.02
White matter abnormalities as a risk factor for postoperative delirium revealed by diffusion tensor imaging. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2010) 0.97
Drugs with anticholinergic properties: cognitive and neuropsychiatric side-effects in elderly patients. Neurol Sci (2009) 0.95
Is delirium different when it occurs in dementia? A study using the delirium rating scale. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (1998) 0.95
Motor subtypes of delirium: past, present and future. Int Rev Psychiatry (2009) 0.94
Intensive care syndrome: a literature review. Intensive Crit Care Nurs (1996) 0.94
A new data-based motor subtype schema for delirium. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci (2008) 0.93
Delirium after cardiac surgery: a critical review. J Psychosom Res (1996) 0.91
Neuroimaging in delirious intensive care unit patients: a preliminary case series report. Psychiatry (Edgmont) (2010) 0.91
Atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of delirious elders. J Am Med Dir Assoc (2008) 0.89
The meaning of acute confusional state from the perspective of elderly patients. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (2002) 0.87
Prevalence and outcomes of delirium in community and non-acute care settings in people without dementia: a report from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. BMC Med (2006) 0.87
Pilot study of a nonpharmacological intervention for delirium superimposed on dementia. Res Gerontol Nurs (2010) 0.86
Rivastigmine in the treatment of delirium in older people: a pilot study. Int Psychogeriatr (2010) 0.86
Defining delirium for the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision. J Psychosom Res (2008) 0.86
Delirium in palliative care. Oncology (Williston Park) (2004) 0.85
A pilot study of rivastigmine in the treatment of delirium after stroke: a safe alternative. BMC Neurol (2008) 0.85
Reversibility of delirium in terminally ill patients and predictors of mortality. Palliat Med (2008) 0.83
Rivastigmine in prevention of delirium in a 65 years old man with Parkinson's disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (2003) 0.83
Developing effective educational approaches for Liaison Old Age Psychiatry teams: a literature review of the learning needs of hospital staff in relation to managing the confused older patient. Int Psychogeriatr (2009) 0.82
Delirium in elderly hospitalised patients: protective effects of chronic rivastigmine usage. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (2004) 0.81
The cellular basis of delirium and its relevance to age-related disorders including Alzheimer's disease. Int Psychogeriatr (1991) 0.81
Delirium: how its concept has developed. Int Psychogeriatr (1991) 0.80
Cognitive visual perceptual deficits in patients with delirium. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2009) 0.79
Cholinesterase inhibition as a possible therapy for delirium in vascular dementia: a controlled, open 24-month study of 246 patients. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen (2005) 0.79
Delirium: phenomenology and diagnosis--a neurobiologic view. Int Psychogeriatr (1991) 0.79
Symptom profile of delirium in older people with and without dementia. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol (2007) 0.78
Nursing care, delirium, and pain management for the hospitalized older adult. Pain Manag Nurs (2010) 0.78
Delirium superimposed on dementia versus delirium in the absence of dementia: phenomenological differences. Palliat Support Care (2009) 0.77
Delirium: the clinical concept. Palliat Support Care (2006) 0.77
The case for liaison psychiatry for older adults. J Psychosom Res (2007) 0.76
Factors determining nurses' clinical judgments about hospitalized elderly patients with acute confusion. Issues Ment Health Nurs (2009) 0.76
Severe delirium due to basal forebrain vascular lesion and efficacy of donepezil. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (2004) 0.76
Dementia with Lewy bodies: clinical diagnosis and therapeutic approach. Front Neurol Neurosci (2009) 0.76
Screening instruments for delirium in older people with an acute medical illness. Age Ageing (2008) 2.13
Neuropathological correlates of dementia in over-80-year-old brain donors from the population-based Cambridge city over-75s cohort (CC75C) study. J Alzheimers Dis (2009) 1.53
The neuroinflammatory hypothesis of delirium. Acta Neuropathol (2010) 1.49
The cholinergic system and inflammation: common pathways in delirium pathophysiology. J Am Geriatr Soc (2012) 1.13
Affective disorders and risk of developing dementia: systematic review. Br J Psychiatry (2013) 1.07
Vascular risk factors and neurodegeneration in ageing related dementias: Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Curr Alzheimer Res (2013) 0.95
Neuropathological correlates of volumetric MRI in autopsy-confirmed Lewy body dementia. Neurobiol Aging (2011) 0.91
The stress response to surgery and postoperative delirium: evidence of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperresponsiveness and decreased suppression of the GH/IGF-1 Axis. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol (2013) 0.91
Low preoperative plasma cholinesterase activity as a risk marker of postoperative delirium in elderly patients. Age Ageing (2011) 0.90
Sex influences on cholinesterase inhibitor treatment in elderly individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother (2006) 0.90
The immunology of delirium. Neuroimmunomodulation (2014) 0.79
Nurse-led liaison mental health service for older adults: service development using lean thinking methodology. J Psychosom Res (2012) 0.78
Dementia in the acute hospital. Br J Psychiatry (2009) 0.76
Delirium, dementia and senility. Brain (2012) 0.75
Is blood leptin a biomarker for dementia development? Age Ageing (2015) 0.75
The need to improve the teaching of assessment of psychiatric symptoms at undergraduate level. Med Educ (2007) 0.75
Treating dementia: will the NICE guidance 2006 change our clinical practice? Age Ageing (2007) 0.75