Published in Glycobiology on April 18, 2012
Matching Donor Human Milk On Maternal Secretor Status (MMOMSS) Study (MMOMSS) | NCT04130165
International Milk Composition (IMiC) Consortium (IMiC) | NCT05119166
Human milk oligosaccharides protect bladder epithelial cells against uropathogenic Escherichia coli invasion and cytotoxicity. J Infect Dis (2013) 2.18
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Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood multisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Nat Med (2016) 1.52
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Human milk contains novel glycans that are potential decoy receptors for neonatal rotaviruses. Mol Cell Proteomics (2014) 0.97
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the nutrient content of preterm and term breast milk. BMC Pediatr (2014) 0.92
Direct evidence for the presence of human milk oligosaccharides in the circulation of breastfed infants. PLoS One (2014) 0.91
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