Published in G3 (Bethesda) on April 01, 2012
Genomic and epigenetic insights into the molecular bases of heterosis. Nat Rev Genet (2013) 1.87
Evolutionary consequences, constraints and potential of polyploidy in plants. Cytogenet Genome Res (2013) 1.09
Intraspecific Arabidopsis hybrids show different patterns of heterosis despite the close relatedness of the parental genomes. Plant Physiol (2014) 1.02
A Role for CHH Methylation in the Parent-of-Origin Effect on Altered Circadian Rhythms and Biomass Heterosis in Arabidopsis Intraspecific Hybrids. Plant Cell (2014) 0.93
Epigenetic and developmental regulation in plant polyploids. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2015) 0.90
Reference genes for normalizing transcription in diploid and tetraploid Arabidopsis. Sci Rep (2014) 0.89
Hormone-regulated defense and stress response networks contribute to heterosis in Arabidopsis F1 hybrids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015) 0.87
FOUR LIPS and MYB88 conditionally restrict the G1/S transition during stomatal formation. J Exp Bot (2013) 0.82
Natural variation in epigenetic pathways affects the specification of female gamete precursors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2015) 0.82
Natural variation in timing of stress-responsive gene expression predicts heterosis in intraspecific hybrids of Arabidopsis. Nat Commun (2015) 0.81
C(m)CGG methylation-independent parent-of-origin effects on genome-wide transcript levels in isogenic reciprocal F1 triploid plants. DNA Res (2013) 0.81
Epigenetic control of mobile DNA as an interface between experience and genome change. Front Genet (2014) 0.79
Hybridization alters spontaneous mutation rates in a parent-of-origin-dependent fashion in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2014) 0.79
Polyploids as a "model system" for the study of heterosis. Plant Reprod (2013) 0.78
Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Mature Pollen in Triploid and Diploid Populus deltoides. Int J Mol Sci (2016) 0.78
Gene expression dosage regulation in an allopolyploid fish. PLoS One (2015) 0.78
Temporal Shift of Circadian-Mediated Gene Expression and Carbon Fixation Contributes to Biomass Heterosis in Maize Hybrids. PLoS Genet (2016) 0.77
Development of interspecies hybrids to increase ginseng biomass and ginsenoside yield. Plant Cell Rep (2016) 0.77
Circadian rhythms of sense and antisense transcription in sugarcane, a highly polyploid crop. PLoS One (2013) 0.77
The role of small RNAs on phenotypes in reciprocal hybrids between Solanum lycopersicum and S. pimpinellifolium. BMC Plant Biol (2014) 0.77
Comparative proteomic analysis reveals alterations in development and photosynthesis-related proteins in diploid and triploid rice. BMC Plant Biol (2016) 0.76
Sexual Polyploidization in Medicago sativa L.: Impact on the Phenotype, Gene Transcription, and Genome Methylation. G3 (Bethesda) (2016) 0.75
Identification of heterotic loci associated with grain yield and its components using two CSSL test populations in maize. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Ploidy elicits a whole-genome dosage effect: growth of triploid Atlantic salmon is linked to the genetic origin of the second maternal chromosome set. BMC Genet (2017) 0.75
Development and Characterization of Somatic Hybrids of Ulva reticulata Forsskål (×) Monostroma oxyspermum (Kutz.)Doty. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.75
Heterologous protein-DNA interactions lead to biased allelic expression of circadian clock genes in interspecific hybrids. Sci Rep (2017) 0.75
Transcriptome profiling and comparison of maize ear heterosis during the spikelet and floret differentiation stages. BMC Genomics (2016) 0.75
Deciphering the physiological and molecular mechanisms for copper tolerance in autotetraploid Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep (2017) 0.75
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as a resource for farmland insect pollinators: quantifying floral traits in conventional varieties and breeding systems. Glob Change Biol Bioenergy (2017) 0.75
Assignment of 30 microsatellite loci to the linkage map of Arabidopsis. Genomics (1994) 16.47
Orchestrated transcription of key pathways in Arabidopsis by the circadian clock. Science (2000) 12.35
Rapid flow cytometric analysis of the cell cycle in intact plant tissues. Science (1983) 10.84
Heterosis. Genetics (1936) 10.05
Stomatal size in fossil plants: evidence for polyploidy in majority of angiosperms. Science (1994) 9.02
Plant circadian clocks increase photosynthesis, growth, survival, and competitive advantage. Science (2005) 6.92
Hybridization as an invasion of the genome. Trends Ecol Evol (2005) 6.34
Genomic imprinting in mammalian development: a parental tug-of-war. Trends Genet (1991) 5.95
Genes duplicated by polyploidy show unequal contributions to the transcriptome and organ-specific reciprocal silencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 4.62
Systemic Endopolyploidy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol (1991) 4.41
Plant circadian rhythms. Plant Cell (2006) 4.06
Parent-of-origin effects on seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development (1998) 3.86
Genomewide nonadditive gene regulation in Arabidopsis allotetraploids. Genetics (2005) 3.78
Diurnal changes in the transcriptome encoding enzymes of starch metabolism provide evidence for both transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of starch metabolism in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Physiol (2004) 3.66
Interplay of circadian clocks and metabolic rhythms. Annu Rev Genet (2006) 3.49
The sins of the fathers and mothers: genomic imprinting in mammalian development. Cell (1999) 3.25
Natural allelic variation at seed size loci in relation to other life history traits of Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 3.20
In search of the molecular basis of heterosis. Plant Cell (2003) 2.98
Altered circadian rhythms regulate growth vigour in hybrids and allopolyploids. Nature (2008) 2.95
Global epigenetic and transcriptional trends among two rice subspecies and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell (2010) 2.92
Heterosis: revisiting the magic. Trends Genet (2006) 2.91
All possible modes of gene action are observed in a global comparison of gene expression in a maize F1 hybrid and its inbred parents. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 2.68
Stochastic and epigenetic changes of gene expression in Arabidopsis polyploids. Genetics (2004) 2.62
Haploid plants produced by centromere-mediated genome elimination. Nature (2010) 2.57
Allelic variation and heterosis in maize: how do two halves make more than a whole? Genome Res (2007) 2.56
Circadian control of carbohydrate availability for growth in Arabidopsis plants at night. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 2.52
Molecular mechanisms of polyploidy and hybrid vigor. Trends Plant Sci (2010) 2.26
Transcriptome shock after interspecific hybridization in senecio is ameliorated by genome duplication. Curr Biol (2006) 2.16
Nonadditive gene expression in diploid and triploid hybrids of maize. Genetics (2004) 2.14
Small RNAs serve as a genetic buffer against genomic shock in Arabidopsis interspecific hybrids and allopolyploids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 2.08
Heterosis. Plant Cell (2010) 2.06
Changes in 24-nt siRNA levels in Arabidopsis hybrids suggest an epigenetic contribution to hybrid vigor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 2.04
Allelic variation of gene expression in maize hybrids. Plant Cell (2004) 2.03
Heterosis of biomass production in Arabidopsis. Establishment during early development. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.99
An expanding universe of circadian networks in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci (2010) 1.85
Duplicate gene expression in allopolyploid Gossypium reveals two temporally distinct phases of expression evolution. BMC Biol (2008) 1.77
Evolution and expression of homeologous loci in Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae), a recent and reciprocally formed allopolyploid. Genetics (2006) 1.61
Gene loss and silencing in Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae): comparison of natural and synthetic allotetraploids. Heredity (Edinb) (2009) 1.49
Heterosis for biomass yield and related traits in five hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh. Heredity (Edinb) (2003) 1.46
Starch and the clock: the dark side of plant productivity. Trends Plant Sci (2011) 1.39
Nonadditive expression of homoeologous genes is established upon polyploidization in hexaploid wheat. Genetics (2008) 1.38
A differential dosage hypothesis for parental effects in seed development. Plant Cell (2004) 1.37
PORA and PORB, Two Light-Dependent Protochlorophyllide-Reducing Enzymes of Angiosperm Chlorophyll Biosynthesis. Plant Cell (1996) 1.37
Parental origin of triploidy in human fetuses: evidence for genomic imprinting. Hum Genet (1993) 1.32
Transcriptomic changes following recent natural hybridization and allopolyploidy in the salt marsh species Spartina x townsendii and Spartina anglica (Poaceae). New Phytol (2010) 1.26
The development of an Arabidopsis model system for genome-wide analysis of polyploidy effects. Biol J Linn Soc Lond (2004) 1.22
Stomatal development: new signals and fate determinants. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2008) 1.21
Gene expression analysis at the intersection of ploidy and hybridity in maize. Theor Appl Genet (2010) 1.15
Phenotypic consequences of aneuploidy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics (2010) 1.12
The allotetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana-Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. petraea as an alternative model system for the study of polyploidy in plants. Mol Genet Genomics (2009) 1.08
Cytogenetic analyses of Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol (2006) 1.07
Genome-wide gene expression changes in genetically stable synthetic and natural wheat allohexaploids. New Phytol (2010) 1.05
Comparative transcriptional profiling and preliminary study on heterosis mechanism of super-hybrid rice. Mol Plant (2010) 1.05
Transcriptional profiles underlying parent-of-origin effects in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol (2010) 1.03
Proteomic divergence in Arabidopsis autopolyploids and allopolyploids and their progenitors. Heredity (Edinb) (2011) 1.03
Analysis of gene expression in resynthesized Brassica napus allotetraploids: transcriptional changes do not explain differential protein regulation. New Phytol (2010) 0.99
Genetic variation for the response to ploidy change in Zea mays L. Theor Appl Genet (2006) 0.98
A modern circadian clock in the common angiosperm ancestor of monocots and eudicots. BMC Biol (2010) 0.92
Transgene expression and transgene-induced silencing in diploid and autotetraploid Arabidopsis. Genetics (2010) 0.82
Genomewide nonadditive gene regulation in Arabidopsis allotetraploids. Genetics (2005) 3.78
Altered circadian rhythms regulate growth vigour in hybrids and allopolyploids. Nature (2008) 2.95
A concerted DNA methylation/histone methylation switch regulates rRNA gene dosage control and nucleolar dominance. Mol Cell (2004) 2.92
Evolution of genome size in Brassicaceae. Ann Bot (2005) 2.91
Stochastic and epigenetic changes of gene expression in Arabidopsis polyploids. Genetics (2004) 2.62
Toward sequencing cotton (Gossypium) genomes. Plant Physiol (2007) 2.16
Small RNAs serve as a genetic buffer against genomic shock in Arabidopsis interspecific hybrids and allopolyploids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 2.08
Salt cress. A halophyte and cryophyte Arabidopsis relative model system and its applicability to molecular genetic analyses of growth and development of extremophiles. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.94
Deep sequencing discovery of novel and conserved microRNAs in trifoliate orange (Citrus trifoliata). BMC Genomics (2010) 1.74
The effect of bone marrow mononuclear cells on vascularization and bone regeneration in steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Joint Bone Spine (2009) 1.68
Gene expression changes and early events in cotton fibre development. Ann Bot (2007) 1.64
Evolution and expression of homeologous loci in Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae), a recent and reciprocally formed allopolyploid. Genetics (2006) 1.61
Reversible histone acetylation and deacetylation mediate genome-wide, promoter-dependent and locus-specific changes in gene expression during plant development. Genetics (2004) 1.59
Genetic control of developmental changes induced by disruption of Arabidopsis histone deacetylase 1 (AtHD1) expression. Genetics (2003) 1.52
Duplicate genes increase expression diversity in closely related species and allopolyploids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.52
Coordinated histone modifications are associated with gene expression variation within and between species. Genome Res (2011) 1.49
Nonadditive regulation of FRI and FLC loci mediates flowering-time variation in Arabidopsis allopolyploids. Genetics (2006) 1.49
OSM1/SYP61: a syntaxin protein in Arabidopsis controls abscisic acid-mediated and non-abscisic acid-mediated responses to abiotic stress. Plant Cell (2002) 1.48
Transgenic evaluation of activated mutant alleles of SOS2 reveals a critical requirement for its kinase activity and C-terminal regulatory domain for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell (2004) 1.47
Genomic and expression plasticity of polyploidy. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2009) 1.44
Chronic shift-lag alters the circadian clock of NK cells and promotes lung cancer growth in rats. J Immunol (2012) 1.36
Developmental and gene expression analyses of a cotton naked seed mutant. Planta (2005) 1.34
Sensitivity of 70-mer oligonucleotides and cDNAs for microarray analysis of gene expression in Arabidopsis and its related species. Plant Biotechnol J (2004) 1.32
Comparative evaluation of MSCs from bone marrow and adipose tissue seeded in PRP-derived scaffold for cartilage regeneration. Biomaterials (2012) 1.28
Genome-wide analysis reveals rapid and dynamic changes in miRNA and siRNA sequence and expression during ovule and fiber development in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genome Biol (2009) 1.26
Male germline transmits fetal alcohol adverse effect on hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin gene across generations. Biol Psychiatry (2012) 1.24
Natural variation in nucleolar dominance reveals the relationship between nucleolus organizer chromatin topology and rRNA gene transcription in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.21
Morphological characteristics of split-depression fractures of the lateral tibial plateau (Schatzker type II): a computer-tomography-based study. Int Orthop (2013) 1.19
RNAi of met1 reduces DNA methylation and induces genome-specific changes in gene expression and centromeric small RNA accumulation in Arabidopsis allopolyploids. Genetics (2008) 1.17
Subchondral bone in osteoarthritis: insight into risk factors and microstructural changes. Arthritis Res Ther (2013) 1.17
Maternal siRNAs as regulators of parental genome imbalance and gene expression in endosperm of Arabidopsis seeds. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.16
cis- and trans-Regulation of miR163 and target genes confers natural variation of secondary metabolites in two Arabidopsis species and their allopolyploids. Plant Cell (2011) 1.15
External factors accelerate expression divergence between duplicate genes. Trends Genet (2007) 1.14
Spotted cotton oligonucleotide microarrays for gene expression analysis. BMC Genomics (2007) 1.12
Constitutive activation and transgenic evaluation of the function of an arabidopsis PKS protein kinase. J Biol Chem (2002) 1.11
Deep sequencing of grapevine flower and berry short RNA library for discovery of novel microRNAs and validation of precise sequences of grapevine microRNAs deposited in miRBase. Physiol Plant (2011) 1.10
Frequent epigenetic inactivation of spleen tyrosine kinase gene in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res (2006) 1.10
Interspecies regulation of microRNAs and their targets. Biochim Biophys Acta (2008) 1.08
Big roles for small RNAs in polyploidy, hybrid vigor, and hybrid incompatibility. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2012) 1.08
Biology of platelet-rich plasma and its clinical application in cartilage repair. Arthritis Res Ther (2014) 1.04
Roles of Kruppel-associated Box (KRAB)-associated Co-repressor KAP1 Ser-473 Phosphorylation in DNA Damage Response. J Biol Chem (2012) 1.04
Cis- and trans-regulatory divergence between progenitor species determines gene-expression novelty in Arabidopsis allopolyploids. Nat Commun (2012) 1.03
SplitPocket: identification of protein functional surfaces and characterization of their spatial patterns. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 1.03
Treatment of osteomyelitis and repair of bone defect by degradable bioactive borate glass releasing vancomycin. J Control Release (2009) 1.02
Analysis of gene expression in resynthesized Brassica napus Allopolyploids using arabidopsis 70mer oligo microarrays. PLoS One (2009) 1.02
Predictors of consistent condom use based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) model among female sex workers in Jinan, China. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.01
Methods for genome-wide analysis of gene expression changes in polyploids. Methods Enzymol (2005) 1.01
Gestational choline supplementation normalized fetal alcohol-induced alterations in histone modifications, DNA methylation, and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene expression in β-endorphin-producing POMC neurons of the hypothalamus. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2013) 1.00
Transplantation of β-endorphin neurons into the hypothalamus promotes immune function and restricts the growth and metastasis of mammary carcinoma. Cancer Res (2011) 0.99
Analysis of gene expression profiles in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus. Planta (2007) 0.99
Oligonucleotide microarray analysis of the salA regulon controlling phytotoxin production by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Mol Plant Microbe Interact (2005) 0.98
A cellulose synthase-like protein is required for osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2010) 0.98
Activation of Arabidopsis seed hair development by cotton fiber-related genes. PLoS One (2011) 0.98
Arabidopsis thaliana histone deacetylase 1 (AtHD1) is localized in euchromatic regions and demonstrates histone deacetylase activity in vitro. Cell Res (2006) 0.95
Identification of transcription-factor genes expressed in the Arabidopsis female gametophyte. BMC Plant Biol (2010) 0.94
Roles of target site location and sequence complementarity in trans-acting siRNA formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2011) 0.94
fPOP: footprinting functional pockets of proteins by comparative spatial patterns. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 0.93
RhNAC2 and RhEXPA4 are involved in the regulation of dehydration tolerance during the expansion of rose petals. Plant Physiol (2012) 0.93
Wide-cross whole-genome radiation hybrid mapping of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genetics (2004) 0.92
Teicoplanin-loaded borate bioactive glass implants for treating chronic bone infection in a rabbit tibia osteomyelitis model. Biomaterials (2010) 0.92
Wide-cross whole-genome radiation hybrid mapping of the cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) genome. Mol Genet Genomics (2005) 0.92
Analysis of sequence variations in 59 microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinomas. Mutat Res (2007) 0.92
RhEXPA4, a rose expansin gene, modulates leaf growth and confers drought and salt tolerance to Arabidopsis. Planta (2013) 0.92
[Treatment of bilateral avascular necrosis of femoral head by free vascularized fibula grafting with unilateral fibula as donor]. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi (2011) 0.91
Comparison of internal and external fixation of distal radius fractures. Acta Orthop (2013) 0.91
Structure and size variations between 12A and 12D homoeologous chromosomes based on high-resolution cytogenetic map in allotetraploid cotton. Chromosoma (2010) 0.90
Beneficial effect of autologous transplantation of endothelial progenitor cells on steroid-induced femoral head osteonecrosis in rabbits. Cell Transplant (2010) 0.89
Dimethyloxaloylglycine increases the bone healing capacity of adipose-derived stem cells by promoting osteogenic differentiation and angiogenic potential. Stem Cells Dev (2014) 0.89
Treatment for large skeletal defects by free vascularized fibular graft combined with locking plate. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (2009) 0.87
Free vascularised fibular grafting in the treatment of large skeletal defects due to osteomyelitis. Int Orthop (2009) 0.86
Near-isogenic cotton germplasm lines that differ in fiber-bundle strength have temporal differences in fiber gene expression patterns as revealed by comparative high-throughput profiling. Theor Appl Genet (2010) 0.86
Parathyroid hormone versus bisphosphonate treatment on bone mineral density in osteoporosis therapy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One (2011) 0.85
Treatment of chronic femoral osteomyelitis with platelet-rich plasma (PRP): a case report. Transfus Apher Sci (2008) 0.85
Regulation of cancer progression by β-endorphin neuron. Cancer Res (2012) 0.84
Lithium stimulates human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell proliferation through GSK-3β-dependent β-catenin/Wnt pathway activation. FEBS J (2014) 0.84
Enhancement of succinate production by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli with co-expression of nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase and pyruvate carboxylase. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 0.83
The expression of genes encoding lipodepsipeptide phytotoxins by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae is coordinated in response to plant signal molecules. Mol Plant Microbe Interact (2006) 0.83
Platelet-rich plasma and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 synergistically stimulate osteogenic differentiation of adult human mesenchymal stem cells. Biotechnol Lett (2010) 0.83
Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head in lymphoma patients by free vascularised fibular grafting. Int Orthop (2010) 0.83
Beta-endorphin neuron regulates stress response and innate immunity to prevent breast cancer growth and progression. Vitam Horm (2013) 0.83
[Therapeutic effectiveness of intra-knee-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma on knee articular cartilage degeneration]. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi (2011) 0.83
Bioactive borate glass scaffolds: in vitro and in vivo evaluation for use as a drug delivery system in the treatment of bone infection. J Mater Sci Mater Med (2009) 0.83
Free vascularised fibular grafting with OsteoSet®2 demineralised bone matrix versus autograft for large osteonecrotic lesions of the femoral head. Int Orthop (2009) 0.82
Evaluation of genome sequencing quality in selected plant species using expressed sequence tags. PLoS One (2013) 0.82
Evaluation of the proliferation and differentiation behaviors of mesenchymal stem cells with partially converted borate glass containing different amounts of strontium in vitro. Mol Med Rep (2013) 0.82
Optimal time-point for neural stem cell transplantation to delay denervated skeletal muscle atrophy. Muscle Nerve (2012) 0.82
RhNAC3, a stress-associated NAC transcription factor, has a role in dehydration tolerance through regulating osmotic stress-related genes in rose petals. Plant Biotechnol J (2013) 0.81
[Progress of joint-preserving procedures for treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head]. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi (2006) 0.81
RhHB1 mediates the antagonism of gibberellins to ABA and ethylene during rose (Rosa hybrida) petal senescence. Plant J (2014) 0.81
Experimental repair of segmental bone defects in rabbits by angiopoietin-1 gene transfected MSCs seeded on porous β-TCP scaffolds. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater (2012) 0.81
A novel injectable borate bioactive glass cement for local delivery of vancomycin to cure osteomyelitis and regenerate bone. J Mater Sci Mater Med (2014) 0.81
Effect of celecoxib on proliferation, collagen expression, ERK1/2 and SMAD2/3 phosphorylation in NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. Eur J Pharmacol (2011) 0.80
Fetal alcohol programming of hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin system by epigenetic mechanisms and later life vulnerability to stress. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2014) 0.80
[Repair of skin and soft tissue defects of lower limbs with vacuum sealing drainage combined with flaps]. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi (2010) 0.80
Consistently low prevalence of syphilis among female sex workers in Jinan, China: findings from two consecutive respondent driven sampling surveys. PLoS One (2012) 0.80
Celecoxib suppresses fibroblast proliferation and collagen expression by inhibiting ERK1/2 and SMAD2/3 phosphorylation. Mol Med Rep (2011) 0.80
Alcohol exposure in utero increases susceptibility to prostate tumorigenesis in rat offspring. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2013) 0.80