Published in Perspect Sex Reprod Health on May 08, 2012
Sexual orientation disparities in sexually transmitted infection risk behaviors and risk determinants among sexually active adolescent males: results from a school-based sample. Am J Public Health (2014) 1.01
Examining Sexual Orientation Disparities in Unmet Medical Needs among Men and Women. Popul Res Policy Rev (2014) 0.89
Acceptability of home-based chlamydia and gonorrhea testing among a national sample of sexual minority young adults. Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2015) 0.83
Health Behavior, Status, and Outcomes Among a Community-Based Sample of Lesbian and Bisexual Women. LGBT Health (2015) 0.82
Health Risk Behaviors in a Representative Sample of Bisexual and Heterosexual Female High School Students in Massachusetts. J Sch Health (2016) 0.79
Association of Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use With Risky Sexual Behavior and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among African American Female Adolescents Seeking Sexual Health Care. Am J Public Health (2015) 0.77
The Sexual Acceptability of Contraception: Reviewing the Literature and Building a New Concept. J Sex Res (2016) 0.77
Unintended Pregnancy, Depression, and Hazardous Drinking in a Community-Based Sample of Sexual Minority Women. J Womens Health (Larchmt) (2016) 0.76
Understanding the Educational Attainment of Sexual Minority Women and Men. Res Soc Stratif Mobil (2015) 0.75
A Comparison by Sexual Orientation of Sexual Health and Sexual Behaviors among Hispanic Men. Sex Res Social Policy (2015) 0.75
Adapting the Get Yourself Tested Campaign to Reach Black and Latino Sexual-Minority Youth. Health Promot Pract (2016) 0.75
Moderate Effects of Same-Sex Legislation on Dependent Employer-Based Insurance Coverage Among Sexual Minorities. Med Care Res Rev (2016) 0.75
Health consequences of same and opposite-sex unions: partnership, parenthood, and cardiovascular risk among young adults. J Behav Med (2015) 0.75
Assessment of factors affecting the validity of self-reported health-risk behavior among adolescents: evidence from the scientific literature. J Adolesc Health (2003) 7.19
Racial/ethnic group differences in the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States: a network explanation. Sex Transm Dis (1999) 6.78
The trouble with "MSM" and "WSW": erasure of the sexual-minority person in public health discourse. Am J Public Health (2005) 4.58
Racial/ethnic and age disparities in HIV prevalence and disease progression among men who have sex with men in the United States. Am J Public Health (2007) 3.50
HIV and African Americans in the southern United States: sexual networks and social context. Sex Transm Dis (2006) 3.18
Understanding and responding to disparities in HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in African Americans. Lancet (2008) 2.68
Prevalence and stability of sexual orientation components during adolescence and young adulthood. Arch Sex Behav (2006) 2.63
Prevalence of HIV infection among young adults in the United States: results from the Add Health study. Am J Public Health (2006) 2.17
Heterosexuals attitudes toward bisexual men and women in the United States. J Sex Res (2002) 1.93
Growth trajectories of sexual risk behavior in adolescence and young adulthood. Am J Public Health (2007) 1.87
Sexual identity, attractions, and behavior among young sexual-minority women over a 2-year period. Dev Psychol (2000) 1.81
Sexual risk factors among self-identified lesbians, bisexual women, and heterosexual women accessing primary care settings. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 1.80
Dimensions of sexual orientation and HIV-related risk among adolescent females: evidence from a statewide survey. Am J Public Health (2008) 1.77
Implications of racial and gender differences in patterns of adolescent risk behavior for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2005) 1.66
Lesbians' sexual history with men: implications for taking a sexual history. Arch Intern Med (2000) 1.57
Validity of self-reported sexually transmitted diseases among African American female adolescents participating in an HIV/STD prevention intervention trial. Sex Transm Dis (2001) 1.43
Data collection for sexually transmitted disease diagnoses: a comparison of self-report, medical record reviews, and state health department reports. Ann Epidemiol (2005) 1.39
Prevalence and correlates of chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, trichomonas vaginalis infections, and bacterial vaginosis among a cohort of young injection drug users in Baltimore, Maryland. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 1.34
Are adolescents accurate in self-report of frequencies of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies? J Adolesc Health (1997) 1.30
Who is epidemiologically fathomable in the HIV/AIDS epidemic? Gender, sexuality, and intersectionality in public health. Cult Health Sex (2006) 1.28
Sexual and drug use behavior among women who have sex with both women and men: results of a population-based survey. Am J Public Health (2002) 1.27
Prevalence, incidence, and correlates of chlamydia and gonorrhea among young adult injection drug users. J Subst Abuse (2001) 1.22
Changes in sexual risk behavior as young men transition to adulthood. Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2008) 1.17
Barriers to infectious disease care among lesbians. Emerg Infect Dis (2004) 0.95
Sexual orientation and related viral sexually transmitted disease rates among US women aged 15 to 44 years. Am J Public Health (2008) 0.93
Childhood abuse and neglect and the risk of STDs in early adulthood. Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2010) 0.93
Comparison of self-reported and test-identified chlamydial infections among young adults in the United States of America. Sex Health (2006) 0.91
What are the consequences of relying upon self-reports of sexually transmitted diseases? Lessons learned about recanting in a longitudinal study. J Adolesc Health (2009) 0.85
History of forced sex and recent sexual risk indicators among young adult males. Perspect Sex Reprod Health (2010) 0.85
The effects of children's migration on elderly kin's health: a counterfactual approach. Demography (2011) 1.37
Eating disorder symptoms and obesity at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in US high school students. Am J Public Health (2012) 1.19
Correlates and consequences of parent-teen incongruence in reports of teens' sexual experience. J Sex Res (2010) 0.94