Published in J Clin Microbiol on June 01, 1979
Heptakis(2,6-O-dimethyl)beta-cyclodextrin: a novel growth stimulant for Bordetella pertussis phase I. J Clin Microbiol (1983) 2.17
Bordetella pertussis autoregulates pertussis toxin production through the metabolism of cysteine. Infect Immun (2001) 0.95
Isolation and characterization of Bordetella pertussis phenotype variants capable of growing on nutrient agar: comparison with phases III and IV. Infect Immun (1984) 0.87
A simple chemically defined medium for the production of phase I Bordetella pertussis. J Gen Microbiol (1970) 8.89
Isolation and properties of the leukocytosis- and lymphocytosis-promoting factor of Bordetella pertussis. J Exp Med (1976) 3.22
Soluble adenylate cyclase from the culture medium of Bordetella pertussis: purification and characterization. J Bacteriol (1976) 2.95
The growth of Bordetella pertussis: a review. J Gen Microbiol (1957) 2.03
Some factors affecting the growth of Bordetella pertussis. J Gen Microbiol (1957) 1.94
Pathogenesis of infection with Bordetella pertussis in hamster tracheal organ culture. J Infect Dis (1977) 1.57
Inhibitory action of fatty acids on the growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Infect Immun (1977) 1.53
Scanning electron microscopic study of hamster tracheal organ cultures infected with Bordetella pertussis. J Infect Dis (1977) 1.53
The minimal nutritional requirements of organisms of the genus Bordetella López. J Gen Microbiol (1955) 1.35
Role of the genetics and physiology of Bordetella pertussis in the production of vaccine and the study of host-parasite relationships in pertussis. Adv Appl Microbiol (1976) 1.29
A new growth medium for virulent Bordetella pertussis. J Pathol Bacteriol (1961) 1.20
Pertussis outbreak in Austin and Travis County, Texas, 1975. J Clin Microbiol (1977) 1.17
The effect of Bordetella pertussis on the antibody response in mice to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide. J Immunol (1976) 1.09
Cultivation of Bordetella pertussis on agar media. J Pathol Bacteriol (1961) 0.98
Observations on the value of the Bordet-Gengou medium for the cultivation of Haemophilus pertussis. J Gen Microbiol (1951) 0.82
Stiulation of growth of Bordetella pertussis by acetate. Indian J Exp Biol (1966) 0.80
Post-traumatic stress disorder: a reappraisal. J R Soc Med (1999) 2.79
BCX-1812 (RWJ-270201): discovery of a novel, highly potent, orally active, and selective influenza neuraminidase inhibitor through structure-based drug design. J Med Chem (2000) 2.74
Identification and preliminary characterization of Vibrio cholerae outer membrane proteins. J Bacteriol (1981) 2.58
In vivo and in vitro characterization of virulence-deficient mutants of Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun (1979) 2.50
Evaluation of the human immune response to outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun (1984) 2.42
Isolation and characterization of protease-deficient mutants of vibrio cholerae. J Infect Dis (1978) 2.19
Intestinal colonization of neonatal animals by Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. Infect Immun (1981) 2.00
Comparison of the anti-influenza virus activity of RWJ-270201 with those of oseltamivir and zanamivir. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (2001) 2.00
Survival and multiplication of Vibrio cholerae in the upper bowel of infant mice. Infect Immun (1978) 1.95
Effect of pyridines on phenotypic properties of Bordetella pertussis. Infect Immun (1982) 1.92
Intestinal distribution of Vibrio cholerae in orally infected infant mice: kinetics of recovery of radiolabel and viable cells. Infect Immun (1978) 1.89
Use of fluorescent antibody in studies of immunity to cholera in infant mice. Infect Immun (1977) 1.81
Cloning of the filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis and its expression in Escherichia coli. Infect Immun (1987) 1.69
Persistence and spread of Candida albicans after intragastric inoculation of infant mice. Infect Immun (1981) 1.57
Isolation and characterization of the fertility factor P of Vibrio cholerae. J Bacteriol (1973) 1.56
Isolation and phenotypic characterization of virulence-deficient mutants of Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun (1978) 1.53
Interaction of monoclonal antibodies with pertussis toxin and its subunits. Infect Immun (1984) 1.40
Influence of iron on growth, morphology, outer membrane protein composition, and synthesis of siderophores in Campylobacter jejuni. Infect Immun (1986) 1.37
The chicken embryo as a model for campylobacter invasion: comparative virulence of human isolates of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Infect Immun (1986) 1.29
In vivo evaluation of pathogenicity of clinical and environmental isolates of Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun (1980) 1.28
Bordetella pertussis major outer membrane porin protein forms small, anion-selective channels in lipid bilayer membranes. J Bacteriol (1986) 1.25
Purification and characterization of the mucinase of Vibrio cholerae. J Infect Dis (1982) 1.23
Pertussis outbreak in Austin and Travis County, Texas, 1975. J Clin Microbiol (1977) 1.17
Identification and characterization of Vibrio cholerae surface proteins by radioiodination. Infect Immun (1985) 1.15
Isolation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to Bordetella pertussis. J Biol Stand (1984) 1.15
The role of gut flora and animal passage in the colonisation of adult mice with Campylobacter jejuni. J Med Microbiol (1984) 1.14
Heat-modifiable envelope proteins of Bordetella pertussis. Infect Immun (1986) 1.10
Antibiotic susceptibility testing of Bordetella pertussis. Am J Clin Pathol (1980) 1.09
Aspergillosis in gamebirds and ducks. Vet Rec (2011) 1.07
Surface proteins of Bordetella pertussis: comparison of virulent and avirulent strains and effects of phenotypic modulation. Infect Immun (1986) 1.02
Ability of an avirulent mutant of Vibrio cholerae to colonize in the infant mouse upper bowel. Infect Immun (1981) 1.02
Identification and occurrence of Vibrio cholerae flagellar core proteins in isolated outer membrane. Infect Immun (1985) 0.99
Plasmid-mediated changes in virulence of Vibrio cholerae. Infect Immun (1986) 0.99
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase inhibitor BCX-1777 (Immucillin-H)--a novel potent and orally active immunosuppressive agent. Int Immunopharmacol (2001) 0.96
Murine antibody response to oral infection with live aroA recombinant Salmonella dublin vaccine strains expressing filamentous hemagglutinin antigen from Bordetella pertussis. Infect Immun (1990) 0.95
Evaluation of a ribosomal vaccine against pertussis. Infect Immun (1979) 0.93
Characterization of Vibrio cholerae protease activities with peptide digest analysis. J Clin Microbiol (1981) 0.90
Variability in derivative strains of Bordetella pertussis. Dev Biol Stand (1980) 0.90
Characterization of intestinal brush border guanylate cyclase activation by Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Arch Biochem Biophys (1986) 0.89
Function of solids in anaerobic lagoon treatment of wastewater. J Water Pollut Control Fed (1968) 0.87
Structure of the auditory system of the weta Hemideina crassidens (blanchard, 1851) (Orthoptera, Ensifera, Gryllacridoidea, Stenopelmatidae). 1. Morphology and histology. Cell Tissue Res (1981) 0.85
Structural requirements for major histocompatibility complex class II invariant chain endocytosis and lysosomal targeting. J Biol Chem (1998) 0.84
Isolation and characterization of the Vibrio cholerae recA gene. J Bacteriol (1986) 0.84
Analysis of the structural requirements for lysosomal membrane targeting using transferrin receptor chimeras. J Biol Chem (1998) 0.83
Surface antigens of Bordetella pertussis. Adv Exp Med Biol (1985) 0.81
Cell surface antigens of Bordetella pertussis. Dev Biol Stand (1985) 0.81
The hormonal treatment of sexual offenders. Med Sci Law (1970) 0.81
Morphology, physiology, and homology of the N-cell and muscle receptor organs in the thorax of the crayfish Cherax destructor. J Comp Neurol (1994) 0.79
Regulation of intestinal mucosa guanylate cyclase by hemin, heme and protoporphyrin IX. Biochim Biophys Acta (1987) 0.79
Reversal of the biological activity of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin by disulfide-reducing agents. Infect Immun (1986) 0.79
The cardioregulatory system of crayfish: The role of circumoesophageal interneurones. J Exp Biol (1975) 0.78
The cardioregulatory system of crayfish: neuroanatomy and physiology. J Exp Biol (1975) 0.78
Future fitness of female insect pests in temporally stable and unstable habitats and its impact on habitat utility as refugees for insect resistance management. J Insect Sci (2009) 0.78
Solubilization and reprecipitation from intestinal brush border membranes of a complex containing guanylate cyclase activatable by the heat-stable enterotoxin. Arch Biochem Biophys (1991) 0.78
Age-dependent changes in affinity-labeled receptors for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin in the swine intestine. Infect Immun (1991) 0.77
Defense posture and leg-position learning in a primitive insect utilize catchlike tension. J Neurobiol (1983) 0.76
Activation of intestinal brush border guanylate cyclase by aromatic disulphide compounds. Biochem J (1991) 0.76
Proprioceptive inputs to nonspiking local interneurons contribute to local reflexes of a locust hindleg. J Neurosci (1988) 0.76
Elicitation and abrupt termination of behaviorally significant catchlike tension in a primitive insect. J Neurobiol (1983) 0.76
Nucleotide regulation of heat-stable enterotoxin receptor binding and of guanylate cyclase activation. Biochem J (1992) 0.75
Hospital and community orthodontic services in Leicestershire. A report on co-operation between services. Br Dent J (1975) 0.75
Subcellular fractions for immunizing against pertussis. Dev Biol Stand (1978) 0.75
Multiband appliances. Dent Pract Dent Rec (1966) 0.75
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New horizons in medical ethics. Changing the patient's personality. Br Med J (1973) 0.75
The radiographic assessment and subsequent management of unerupted teeth. Br J Orthod (1974) 0.75
Variations in the treatment of bilateral clefts of lip and palate. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc (1967) 0.75
A pilot study to assess the validity of the Orthodontic Treatment Priority Index in English schoolchildren. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol (1974) 0.75
Orthodontics in the general dental services (a review of its aims, methods and achievements). Br J Orthod (1986) 0.75
Modelling of control options for an outbreak of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in egg production: a decision support tool. Vet J (2013) 0.75
Bar coding technology and its applications in emergency care. J Emerg Nurs (1996) 0.75
Benperidol in the treatment of sexual offenders. Med Sci Law (1973) 0.75
The provision of orthodontic care in the National Health Service in England and Wales. Trans Eur Orthod Soc (1974) 0.75
Mixing of 10-microm radiation in room-temperature Schottky diodes. Opt Lett (1981) 0.75
A note on the scientific assessment and treatment of the sexual offender. Med Sci Law (1971) 0.75
Cryogenic solvents inhibit the binding of the Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin to intestinal brush border membranes. Arch Biochem Biophys (1993) 0.75
The treatment of prisoners: medico-legal problems. J Int Med Res (1975) 0.75
Contract negotiation. The basics. Comput Nurs (1997) 0.75
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Effect of jejunal loop location on the activity of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin in 4- to 5-week-old pigs. Am J Vet Res (1987) 0.75
The effect of cyproterone acetate on serum testosterone, LH, FSH, and prolactin in male sexual offenders. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (1980) 0.75