Published in Med Care on September 01, 2012
Development of items to assess patients' health literacy experiences at hospitals for the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Hospital Survey. Med Care (2012) 0.96
The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) cultural competence (CC) item set. Med Care (2012) 0.93
The impact of health literacy, patient-centered communication and shared decision-making on patients' satisfaction with care received in German primary care practices. BMC Health Serv Res (2016) 0.80
An overview of self-administered health literacy instruments. PLoS One (2014) 0.79
Diabetes risks and health literacy in southern African American and Latino women. J Community Health Nurs (2015) 0.75
Environmental Scanning as a Public Health Tool: Kentucky's Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Project. Prev Chronic Dis (2016) 0.75
Development and validation of a brief screener to measure the Health Literacy Responsiveness of Primary Care Practices (HLPC). BMC Fam Pract (2015) 0.75
The meaning and the measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 5.86
New federal policy initiatives to boost health literacy can help the nation move beyond the cycle of costly 'crisis care'. Health Aff (Millwood) (2012) 3.11
The use of cognitive testing to develop and evaluate CAHPS 1.0 core survey items. Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study. Med Care (1999) 2.57
Making survey results easy to report to consumers: how reporting needs guided survey design in CAHPS. Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study. Med Care (1999) 2.10
Psychometric properties of a group-level Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS) instrument. Med Care (2005) 2.09
Health literacy: a second decade of distinction for Americans. J Health Commun (2010) 2.01
Role of cognitive testing in the development of the CAHPS Hospital Survey. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.65
Patient reports and ratings of individual physicians: an evaluation of the DoctorGuide and Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study provider-level surveys. Am J Med Qual (2003) 1.38
Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Med Care (2007) 12.71
Evidence on the Chronic Care Model in the new millennium. Health Aff (Millwood) (2009) 8.60
Recommended methods for determining responsiveness and minimally important differences for patient-reported outcomes. J Clin Epidemiol (2007) 6.24
The role of the bifactor model in resolving dimensionality issues in health outcomes measures. Qual Life Res (2007) 4.61
A prospective study of predictors of adherence to combination antiretroviral medication. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 4.49
Psychometric properties of the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS) 2.0 adult core survey. Health Serv Res (2003) 4.24
Race/ethnicity, language, and patients' assessments of care in Medicaid managed care. Health Serv Res (2003) 4.19
Representativeness of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Internet panel. J Clin Epidemiol (2010) 4.18
Recommendations on evidence needed to support measurement equivalence between electronic and paper-based patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures: ISPOR ePRO Good Research Practices Task Force report. Value Health (2008) 3.68
A proposed 'health literate care model' would constitute a systems approach to improving patients' engagement in care. Health Aff (Millwood) (2013) 3.66
US norms for six generic health-related quality-of-life indexes from the National Health Measurement study. Med Care (2007) 3.56
Physician communication when prescribing new medications. Arch Intern Med (2006) 3.27
Do older adults expect to age successfully? The association between expectations regarding aging and beliefs regarding healthcare seeking among older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2002) 3.26
New federal policy initiatives to boost health literacy can help the nation move beyond the cycle of costly 'crisis care'. Health Aff (Millwood) (2012) 3.11
Clinical significance of patient-reported questionnaire data: another step toward consensus. J Clin Epidemiol (2005) 2.98
Patients' global ratings of their health care are not associated with the technical quality of their care. Ann Intern Med (2006) 2.68
Repeated measures longitudinal analyses of HIV virologic response as a function of percent adherence, dose timing, genotypic sensitivity, and other factors. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2006) 2.65
Half standard deviation estimate of the minimally important difference in HRQOL scores? Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res (2004) 2.58
Estimating clinically significant differences in quality of life outcomes. Qual Life Res (2005) 2.55
Efficiency of static and computer adaptive short forms compared to full-length measures of depressive symptoms. Qual Life Res (2009) 2.55
Patterns of unit and item nonresponse in the CAHPS Hospital Survey. Health Serv Res (2005) 2.49
Responsiveness and minimal important differences for patient reported outcomes. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2006) 2.48
Development and psychometric assessment of a multidimensional measure of internalized HIV stigma in a sample of HIV-positive adults. AIDS Behav (2008) 2.39
Linguistic disparities in health care access and health status among older adults. J Gen Intern Med (2006) 2.35
Correlated physical and mental health summary scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 Health Survey, V.I. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2007) 2.34
Methodological challenges associated with patient responses to follow-up longitudinal surveys regarding quality of care. Health Serv Res (2003) 2.21
Cancer, comorbidities, and health-related quality of life of older adults. Health Care Financ Rev (2008) 2.20
Impact of cancer on health-related quality of life of older Americans. J Natl Cancer Inst (2009) 2.20
Relative to the general US population, chronic diseases are associated with poorer health-related quality of life as measured by the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). J Clin Epidemiol (2010) 2.19
Assessment of quality of cancer-related follow-up care from the cancer survivor's perspective. J Clin Oncol (2011) 2.16
Exploratory factor analyses of the CAHPS Hospital Pilot Survey responses across and within medical, surgical, and obstetric services. Health Serv Res (2005) 2.15
Predicting EuroQol (EQ-5D) scores from the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) global items and domain item banks in a United States sample. Qual Life Res (2009) 2.10
Psychometric properties of a group-level Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study (CAHPS) instrument. Med Care (2005) 2.09
Impact of hepatitis C on health related quality of life: a systematic review and quantitative assessment. Hepatology (2005) 2.07
What is sufficient evidence for the reliability and validity of patient-reported outcome measures? Value Health (2007) 2.06
Effect of a multidisciplinary intervention on communication and collaboration among physicians and nurses. Am J Crit Care (2005) 2.06
Severity of visual field loss and health-related quality of life. Am J Ophthalmol (2007) 2.05
Knowledge of antiretroviral regimen dosing and adherence: a longitudinal study. Clin Infect Dis (2003) 2.05
Patients' preferences for technical versus interpersonal quality when selecting a primary care physician. Health Serv Res (2005) 2.01
Mode of administration is important in US national estimates of health-related quality of life. Med Care (2007) 2.00
ISOQOL recommends minimum standards for patient-reported outcome measures used in patient-centered outcomes and comparative effectiveness research. Qual Life Res (2013) 1.96
Specialties differ in which aspects of doctor communication predict overall physician ratings. J Gen Intern Med (2013) 1.89
Health plan effects on patient assessments of Medicaid managed care among racial/ethnic minorities. J Gen Intern Med (2004) 1.86
Review of the literature on survey instruments used to collect data on hospital patients' perceptions of care. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.85
How well do clinicians estimate patients' adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy? J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.84
Impact of severity and bilaterality of visual impairment on health-related quality of life. Ophthalmology (2006) 1.83
Physician recognition of cognitive impairment: evaluating the need for improvement. J Am Geriatr Soc (2004) 1.82
Methods used to streamline the CAHPS Hospital Survey. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.79
Equivalence of mail and telephone responses to the CAHPS Hospital Survey. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.77
Access to care for youth with special health care needs in the transition to adulthood. J Adolesc Health (2008) 1.73
Associations of presbyopia with vision-targeted health-related quality of life. Arch Ophthalmol (2003) 1.72
Content validity of patient-reported outcome measures: perspectives from a PROMIS meeting. Qual Life Res (2011) 1.68
Psychometric properties of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Clinician and Group Adult Visit Survey. Med Care (2012) 1.67
Responsiveness of the SF-36 and the Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index in a systemic sclerosis clinical trial. J Rheumatol (2005) 1.66
Survey response style and differential use of CAHPS rating scales by Hispanics. Med Care (2008) 1.63
Consequences of states' policies for SCHIP disenrollment. Health Care Financ Rev (2002) 1.62
Effects of CAHPS health plan performance information on plan choices by New Jersey Medicaid beneficiaries. Health Serv Res (2002) 1.61
Five preference-based indexes in cataract and heart failure patients were not equally responsive to change. J Clin Epidemiol (2010) 1.61
Analysis of differential item functioning in the depression item bank from the Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS): An item response theory approach. Psychol Sci Q (2009) 1.56
An ethno-medical perspective on research participation: a qualitative pilot study. MedGenMed (2006) 1.53
The effect of socioeconomic status on the survival of people receiving care for HIV infection in the United States. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2005) 1.53
Integrating literacy, culture, and language to improve health care quality for diverse populations. Am J Health Behav (2007) 1.50
Changes in symptoms and health-related quality of life in a nationally representative sample of adults in treatment for HIV. Qual Life Res (2006) 1.50
Development of and field test results for the CAHPS PCMH Survey. Med Care (2012) 1.47
Precision of health-related quality-of-life data compared with other clinical measures. Mayo Clin Proc (2007) 1.43
Delays and unmet need for health care among adult primary care patients in a restructured urban public health system. Am J Public Health (2004) 1.43
Interpreting patient-reported outcome results: US FDA guidance and emerging methods. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res (2011) 1.43
Beyond alcoholism: identifying older, at-risk drinkers in primary care. J Stud Alcohol (2002) 1.42
Health-related quality of life predicts mortality in patients with advanced chronic liver disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol (2009) 1.42
A practical method to calibrate self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2006) 1.42
IRT health outcomes data analysis project: an overview and summary. Qual Life Res (2007) 1.42
Health-related quality of life, depressive symptoms, anemia, and malnutrition at hemodialysis initiation. Am J Kidney Dis (2002) 1.42
Uncertainty and health-related quality of life 1 year after coronary angiography. Am J Crit Care (2008) 1.42
Developing and testing the health literacy universal precautions toolkit. Nurs Outlook (2011) 1.41
Depressed or not depressed: untangling symptoms of depression in patients hospitalized with coronary heart disease. Am J Crit Care (2014) 1.41
Adjusting for subgroup differences in extreme response tendency in ratings of health care: impact on disparity estimates. Health Serv Res (2008) 1.40
A randomized controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of noninvasive limb cover for chronic phantom limb pain among veteran amputees. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (2012) 1.39
Reliability and validity of the University of California, Los Angeles Scleroderma Clinical Trial Consortium Gastrointestinal Tract Instrument. Arthritis Rheum (2009) 1.37
Comparison of mail and telephone in assessing patient experiences in receiving care from medical group practices. Eval Health Prof (2005) 1.36
How do proxy responses and proxy-assisted responses differ from what Medicare beneficiaries might have reported about their health care? Health Serv Res (2008) 1.35
A comparison of three sets of criteria for determining the presence of differential item functioning using ordinal logistic regression. Qual Life Res (2007) 1.35
Differences in child versus parent reports of the child's health-related quality of life in children with epilepsy and healthy siblings. Value Health (2010) 1.32
The minimally important difference for the fatigue visual analog scale in patients with rheumatoid arthritis followed in an academic clinical practice. J Rheumatol (2008) 1.29
Development and evaluation of the CAHPS hospital survey. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.29
Seizure reduction and quality of life improvements in people with epilepsy. Epilepsia (2002) 1.29
Physician communication about the cost and acquisition of newly prescribed medications. Am J Manag Care (2006) 1.27
Prospects and challenges in using patient-reported outcomes in clinical practice. Qual Life Res (2008) 1.26
Effect of CAHPS performance information on health plan choices by Iowa Medicaid beneficiaries. Med Care Res Rev (2002) 1.24
Evaluation of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Information System (PROMIS(®)) Spanish-language physical functioning items. Qual Life Res (2012) 1.23
Do health care ratings differ by race or ethnicity? Jt Comm J Qual Saf (2003) 1.23
The future of measuring patient-reported outcomes in rheumatology: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) (2011) 1.22
Racial differences in health-related quality of life among hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int (2004) 1.22
Norming plans for the NIH Toolbox. Neurology (2013) 1.20
Development of a preliminary scleroderma gastrointestinal tract 1.0 quality of life instrument. Arthritis Rheum (2007) 1.20
Feasibility and construct validity of PROMIS and "legacy" instruments in an academic scleroderma clinic. Value Health (2011) 1.19
Disparities in HRQOL of cancer survivors and non-cancer managed care enrollees. Health Care Financ Rev (2008) 1.19
The SF-36 physical and mental health factors were confirmed in cancer and HIV/AIDS patients. J Clin Epidemiol (2006) 1.19
Assessment of the equivalence of the Spanish and English versions of the CAHPS Hospital Survey on the quality of inpatient care. Health Serv Res (2005) 1.17
Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the Medical Outcomes Study sleep scale in patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy during an international clinical trial. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2008) 1.16
Reliability, validity, and minimally important differences of the SF-6D in systemic sclerosis. Qual Life Res (2007) 1.16