Gjalt-Jorn Y Peters

Author PubWeight™ 6.08‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Towards a common terminology: a simplified framework of interventions to promote and integrate evidence into health practices, systems, and policies. Implement Sci 2014 1.34
2 Let's not further obscure the debate about fear appeal messages for smokers. Am J Prev Med 2013 1.08
3 What about trialists sharing other study materials? BMJ 2012 1.06
4 Sixty years of fear appeal research: current state of the evidence. Int J Psychol 2014 1.03
5 An artificially intelligent chat agent that answers adolescents' questions related to sex, drugs, and alcohol: an exploratory study. J Adolesc Health 2010 0.92
6 Reactions to threatening health messages. BMC Public Health 2012 0.79