Published in Ethiop J Health Sci on November 01, 2012
Sexual behaviours and associated factors among students at Bahir Dar University: a cross sectional study. Reprod Health (2014) 0.83
Factors perceived to influence risky sexual behaviours among university students in the United Kingdom: a qualitative telephone interview study. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.79
Contraceptive use, knowledge, attitude, perceptions and sexual behavior among female University students in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Womens Health (2016) 0.75
Risky Sexual Behaviors and Associated Factors among Jiga High School and Preparatory School Students, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Int Sch Res Notices (2016) 0.75
Early initiation of sexual activity: a risk factor for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection, and unwanted pregnancy among university students in China. BMC Public Health (2009) 1.68
Sexual behaviour and condom use among university students in Madagascar. SAHARA J (2008) 1.42
Sexual risk behaviour among undergraduate students in Enugu, Nigeria. J Obstet Gynaecol (2005) 1.23
Knowledge about Obstetric Danger Signs among Pregnant Women in Aleta Wondo District, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2010) 1.51
Incidence, causes and outcome of obstructed labor in jimma university specialized hospital. Ethiop J Health Sci (2010) 1.14
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases among Diabetic Patients In Southwest Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2010) 1.00
Population based survey of chronic non-communicable diseases at gilgel gibe field research center, southwest ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2012) 0.98
The pattern of cardiac diseases at the cardiac clinic of jimma university specialised hospital, South west ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2010) 0.93
Prevalence of lipodystrophy and metabolic syndrome among HIV positive individuals on Highly Active Anti-Retroviral treatment in Jimma, South West Ethiopia. Pan Afr Med J (2012) 0.90
Parents' perception, students' and teachers' attitude towards school sex education. Ethiop J Health Sci (2012) 0.83
Hematoimmunological profile at gilgel gibe field research center, southwest ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2012) 0.81
Biochemical profile at gilgel gibe field research center, southwest ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2012) 0.78
Physical measurement profile at gilgel gibe field research center, southwest ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Sci (2012) 0.75