Published in Am J Dis Child on May 01, 1990
Neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed (1995) 0.83
Growth and body composition in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed (2003) 0.83
Palatal development of preterm and low birthweight infants compared to term infants - What do we know? Part 1: The palate of the term newborn. Head Face Med (2005) 0.81
Caloric intake and weight gain in a neonatal intensive care unit. Eur J Pediatr (2009) 0.79
Childhood factors in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. An international cooperative study. Scand J Gastroenterol (1987) 2.54
Philtrum length and intercommissural distance in newborn infants. J Med Genet (1983) 1.96
Retinopathy of prematurity: incidence and risk factors. Pediatrics (1983) 1.53
Ulcerative colitis in the Jewish population of Tel-Aviv Uafo. II: The rarity of malignant degeneration. Gastroenterology (1974) 1.47
Greater prevalence of iron deficiency in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord (2003) 1.45
Strawberry hemangioma in preterm infants. Pediatr Dermatol (1986) 1.44
Necrotizing enterocolitis after intravenous immunoglobulin treatment for neonatal isoimmune thrombocytopenia. Eur J Pediatr (1990) 1.40
Fractures in premature infants. J Pediatr Orthop (1988) 1.38
Scalp changes after fetal monitoring. Arch Dis Child (1985) 1.32
Polycystic kidneys associated with malformations of the brain, polydactyly, and other birth defects in newborn sibs. A lethal syndrome showing the autosomal-recessive pattern of inheritance. J Med Genet (1971) 1.32
Letter: Penile size in the newborn infant. J Pediatr (1975) 1.28
Colorectal cancer in patients with ulcerative colitis. A population study in central Israel. Gastroenterology (1988) 1.18
Assessment of ear length and low set ears in newborn infants. J Med Genet (1983) 1.17
Necrotising enterocolitis despite breast feeding. Lancet (1977) 1.16
Congenital depression of the neonatal skull. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (1986) 1.15
Vomiting during pregnancy in Jerusalem women. Isr J Med Sci (1971) 1.11
Retinopathy of prematurity: incidence and treatment. Arch Dis Child (1985) 1.09
Anthropometric measurements of the newborn infant (27 to 41 gestational weeks). Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1984) 1.09
Tags and bands of the female external genitalia in the newborn infant. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1983) 1.06
Acute necrotising fasciitis due to streptococcal infection in a newborn infant. Arch Dis Child (1979) 1.06
The prevalence of high insertion of scrotum, hydrocele and mobile testis in the newborn infant (36-42 weeks gestation). Eur J Pediatr (1989) 1.00
Eleven years' experience with retinopathy of prematurity: visual results and contribution of cryoablation. Br J Ophthalmol (1991) 1.00
Asymmetric crying facies and congenital anomalies. Arch Dis Child (1973) 0.99
Insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance in obese children and adolescents referred to a tertiary-care center in Israel. Int J Obes (Lond) (2005) 0.99
Prediction of hospitalization during infancy: scoring the risk of admission. Pediatrics (1974) 0.98
The incidence of isolated craniosynostosis in the newborn infant. Am J Dis Child (1985) 0.98
Determination of anterior displacement of the anus in newborn infants and children. Pediatrics (1984) 0.97
Mental retardation and congenital malformations associated with a ring chromosome 6. Clin Genet (1975) 0.97
Crossed sagittal-suture cephalhaematoma. Br J Radiol (1985) 0.96
Eye measurements in preterm and term newborn infants. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol (1982) 0.96
Epidemiology of achalasia in central Israel. Rarity of esophageal cancer. Dig Dis Sci (1993) 0.95
Ulcerative colitis in the Jewish population of Tel-Aviv Yafo. III. Clinical course. Gastroenterology (1976) 0.94
Intestinal cancer in patients with Crohn's disease. A population study in central Israel. Scand J Gastroenterol (1989) 0.94
Growth curves for Laron syndrome. Arch Dis Child (1993) 0.94
Lower limb standards in newborns. Am J Dis Child (1984) 0.93
Autosomal dominant isolated ('uncomplicated') microcephaly. J Med Genet (1988) 0.93
Transient lateral rectus muscle paresis in the newborn infant. J Pediatr (1971) 0.92
Direct hyperbilirubinemia complicating ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1983) 0.91
Oculodentodigital dysplasia. Am J Dis Child (1969) 0.89
Epidemiology of ulcerative colitis in the Jewish population of central Israel 1970-1980. Hepatogastroenterology (1989) 0.87
Cutis laxa associated with severe intrauterine growth retardation and congenital dislocation of the hip. Acta Paediatr Scand (1971) 0.87
Genotype-phenotype associations in non-classical steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol (2000) 0.87
Epidemiology of Crohn's disease in the Jewish population of central Israel, 1970-1980. Am J Gastroenterol (1989) 0.86
Biological and environmental correlates of developmental outcome of prematurely born infants in early adolescence. J Pediatr Psychol (1994) 0.86
Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B and D virus infection among intravenous drug addicts in Israel. Int J Epidemiol (1993) 0.86
Cysts of the female external genitalia in the newborn infant. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1978) 0.85
Evaluation of bilirubin as possible protective factor in the prevention of retinopathy of prematurity. Br J Ophthalmol (1991) 0.85
Mandibular dysfunction in 10-18 year old school children as related to morphological malocclusion. J Oral Rehabil (1985) 0.85
Distended gallbladder appearing as abdominal mass in full-term neonates. Am J Dis Child (1983) 0.85
Characteristics of the male genitalia in the newborn: penis. J Urol (1985) 0.85
Lipid infusion with different triglyceride cores (long-chain vs medium-chain/long-chain triglycerides): effect on plasma lipids and bilirubin binding in premature infants. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr (1992) 0.84
Differential leukocyte count in infants of diabetic mothers. Increased band count associated with macrosomia. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1986) 0.84
Autosomal dominant cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome: ultrasonographic and clinical findings. Am J Med Genet (1987) 0.84
Long-term results of cryotherapy for active stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmology (1986) 0.84
Occurrence of supernumerary nipples in newborns. Am J Dis Child (1983) 0.84
Ring chromosome 13 syndrome. Clin Genet (1975) 0.84
Sternum length, torso length, and internipple distance in newborn infants. Pediatrics (1983) 0.83
Diagonal earlobe crease in newborn infants and in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1981) 0.83
Familial opposable triphalangeal thumbs associated with duplication of the big toes. J Med Genet (1985) 0.83
G6PD-deficient donor blood as a cause of hemolysis in two preterm infants. Isr J Med Sci (1986) 0.83
Size of liver edge in full-term, healthy infants. Am J Dis Child (1984) 0.82
Prevalence of mandibular dysfunction in 10-18 year old Israeli schoolchildren. J Oral Rehabil (1984) 0.82
The effect of intravenous glucagon on plasma amino acids in the newborn. Pediatr Res (1973) 0.82
Hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by anti-Jkb. Pediatr Hematol Oncol (1987) 0.82
Neonatal intestinal perforation caused by congenital defects of the intestinal musculature. Am J Clin Pathol (1984) 0.82
Down's syndrome in twins of unlike sex. J Med Genet (1983) 0.82
Neonatal pemphigus vulgaris. Pediatrics (1986) 0.81
Neonatal polycythemia: I. Early diagnosis and incidence relating to time of sampling. Pediatrics (1984) 0.81
Incidence of congenital malformations in the newborn, particularly minor abnormalities. Prog Clin Biol Res (1985) 0.81
Thrombocytopenia in small-for-gestational-age infants. Acta Paediatr Scand (1983) 0.80
A study of chronic hemodialysis teams--differences in opinions and expectations. J Chronic Dis (1972) 0.79
Replacement of gentamicin by amikacin as a means of decreasing gentamicin resistance of gram-negative rods in a neonatal intensive care unit. Isr J Med Sci (1983) 0.79
Real-time echo-Doppler Duplex Scanner in the evaluation of patients with Poland sequence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (1989) 0.79
Serum leptin in obese patients with Laron syndrome before and during IGF-I treatment. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab (1999) 0.78
A newborn infant with craniofacial dysmorphism and polysyndactyly (Greig's syndrome). Acta Paediatr Scand (1981) 0.78
Propranolol and hydrallazine in the management of essential hypertension in pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol (1980) 0.78
The globe and orbit in Laron syndrome. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2011) 0.77
Growth during and 2 years after stopping GH treatment in prepubertal children with idiopathic short stature. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab (1997) 0.77
[Greig's syndrome. Neonatal radiologic manifestations]. J Radiol (1984) 0.77
Rotational deformities of the tibia and foot in preterm infants. J Pediatr Orthop (1990) 0.77
A possible role for aspartic acid in neonatal seizures. Arch Neurol (1981) 0.77
A comparison of IGF-I levels measured by two commercially available radioimmunoassays. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) (1988) 0.76
Head measurements in newborn infants. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol (1984) 0.76
Ratio of crown-rump distance to total length in preterm and term infants. J Med Genet (1986) 0.76
Philtrum length, intercommissural distance, and ear measurements in newborn infants. J Med Genet (1985) 0.75
Effects on blood glucose, plasma insulin, growth hormone and alanine of different doses of glucagon on the first and third days of life. Isr J Med Sci (1972) 0.75
Erythrocyte galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase activity in infants of low birth weight. Isr J Med Sci (1969) 0.75
[Breast feeding--should it be encouraged?]. Harefuah (1970) 0.75
[Teratogenic effects of anticonvulsants]. Harefuah (1976) 0.75
Growth hormone response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in newborn infants. Pediatrics (1971) 0.75
Simple test for the diagnosis of choanal atresia in the newborn. Pediatrics (1968) 0.75
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita--myopathic type. Isr J Med Sci (1973) 0.75
Hyperbilirubinemia and influencing factors in term infants. Isr J Med Sci (1989) 0.75