Published in Glob J Health Sci on November 28, 2012
Prevalence and drivers of HIV stigma among health providers in urban India: implications for interventions. J Int AIDS Soc (2013) 1.24
A better communcation with the patients improves the management of HIV disease: a nonsystematic review. Clujul Med (2013) 0.75
Development of a Novel Tablet-based Approach to Reduce HIV Stigma among Healthcare Staff in India. Perspect Health Inf Manag (2017) 0.75
Prevalence, barriers and factors associated with parental disclosure of their HIV positive status to children: a cross-sectional study in an urban clinic in Kampala, Uganda. BMC Public Health (2016) 0.75
Stigma, disclosure, and psychological functioning among HIV-infected and non-infected African-American women. Women Health (2003) 2.25
Maternal disclosure of mothers' HIV serostatus to their young children. J Fam Psychol (2001) 1.88
Prevalence and pattern of disclosure of HIV status in HIV-infected children in Ghana. AIDS Behav (2011) 1.80
Factors associated with parents' decision to disclose their HIV diagnosis to their children. Child Welfare (1998) 1.66
Parents' disclosure of HIV to their children. AIDS (2002) 1.63
Disclosing HIV status: are mothers telling their children? J Pediatr Psychol (2001) 1.58
'What if they ask how I got it?' Dilemmas of disclosing parental HIV status and testing children for HIV in Uganda. Health Policy Plan (2008) 1.50
The influence of disclosure of HIV diagnosis on time to disease progression in a cohort of Romanian children and teens. AIDS Care (2007) 1.49
HIV-positive mothers' disclosure of their serostatus to their young children: a review. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry (2008) 1.44
Mental health of early adolescents from high-risk neighborhoods: the role of maternal HIV and other contextual, self-regulation, and family factors. J Pediatr Psychol (2008) 1.43
'My biggest fear was that people would reject me once they knew my status...': stigma as experienced by patients in an HIV/AIDS clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. Health Soc Care Community (2009) 1.41
The impact of taking or not taking ARVs on HIV stigma as reported by persons living with HIV infection in five African countries. AIDS Care (2009) 1.30
Disclosure of parental HIV infection to children: a systematic review of global literature. AIDS Behav (2013) 1.27
Do children know their parent's HIV status? Parental reports of child awareness in a nationally representative sample. Ambul Pediatr (2006) 1.27
Parents' disclosure of their HIV infection to their children in the context of the family. AIDS Behav (2010) 1.22
Disclosure of maternal HIV-infection in South Africa: description and relationship to child functioning. AIDS Behav (2008) 1.22
Impact of HIV/AIDS on mothers in southern India: a qualitative study. AIDS Behav (2008) 1.20
HIV and AIDS, stigma and AIDS support groups: perspectives from women living with HIV and AIDS in central Thailand. Soc Sci Med (2009) 1.19
The role of stigma in reasons for HIV disclosure and non-disclosure to children. AIDS Care (2006) 1.18
The process of disclosing HIV serostatus between HIV-positive mothers and their HIV-negative children. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2005) 1.13
Families affected by HIV: parents' and children's characteristics and disclosure to the children. AIDS Care (2004) 1.06
Reasons for and against maternal HIV disclosure to children and perceived child reaction. AIDS Care (2008) 0.96
Fleeing the fire: transformation and gendered belonging in Thai HIV/AIDS support groups. Med Anthropol (2004) 0.93
Brief report: a qualitative analysis of discussions about HIV in families of parents with HIV. J Pediatr Psychol (2008) 0.91
Reasons given for disclosure of maternal HIV status to children. J Urban Health (2000) 0.88
Discussing matters of sexual health with children: what issues relating to disclosure of parental HIV status reveal. AIDS Care (2009) 0.87
Burden: the phenomenon of mothering with HIV. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2006) 0.87
Ways of coping with AIDS: opinion of mothers with HIV children. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem (2008) 0.78