Published in J Exp Child Psychol on March 05, 2013
Infants Prefer Female Body Phenotypes; Infant Girls Prefer They Have an Hourglass Shape. Front Psychol (2016) 0.77
The development of sex category representation in infancy: matching of faces and bodies. Dev Psychol (2015) 0.77
The whole picture: Holistic body posture recognition in infancy. Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 0.77
Sample size, statistical power, and false conclusions in infant looking-time research. Infancy (2014) 0.75
The evolutionary psychology of facial beauty. Annu Rev Psychol (2006) 4.72
Is face processing species-specific during the first year of life? Science (2002) 4.61
Cross-national comparison of childhood obesity: the epidemic and the relationship between obesity and socioeconomic status. Int J Epidemiol (2001) 4.27
Menstrual cycle alters face preference. Nature (1999) 4.18
Representation of the gender of human faces by infants: a preference for female. Perception (2002) 4.13
Newborns' preferential tracking of face-like stimuli and its subsequent decline. Cognition (1991) 4.06
The other-race effect develops during infancy: evidence of perceptual narrowing. Psychol Sci (2007) 3.21
The effect of experimental presentation of thin media images on body satisfaction: a meta-analytic review. Int J Eat Disord (2002) 2.53
Cross-Race Preferences for Same-Race Faces Extend Beyond the African Versus Caucasian Contrast in 3-Month-Old Infants. Infancy (2007) 1.70
Infant preferences for attractive faces: a cognitive explanation. Dev Psychol (1999) 1.64
Children's body image concerns and eating disturbance: a review of the literature. Clin Psychol Rev (2001) 1.64
Big and mighty: preverbal infants mentally represent social dominance. Science (2011) 1.53
Human facial beauty : Averageness, symmetry, and parasite resistance. Hum Nat (1993) 1.36
Facial experience during the first year. Infant Behav Dev (2008) 1.30
Infants' perception of similarity between live people and their photographs. Child Dev (1977) 1.21
Characteristics of male attractiveness for women. Lancet (1999) 1.18
Male physical attractiveness in Britain and Malaysia: A cross-cultural study. Body Image (2005) 1.07
Developmental changes in perceptions of attractiveness: a role of experience? Dev Sci (2006) 0.98
Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual attractiveness to women. Arch Sex Behav (2003) 0.91
What is beautiful is good because what is beautiful is desired: physical attractiveness stereotyping as projection of interpersonal goals. Pers Soc Psychol Bull (2010) 0.90
Human physique and sexual attractiveness in men and women: a New Zealand-U.S. comparative study. Arch Sex Behav (2009) 0.89
Is the asymmetry in young infants' categorization of humans versus nonhuman animals based on head, body, or global gestalt information? Psychon Bull Rev (2004) 0.89
The development of preferences for specific body shapes. J Sex Res (2004) 0.80
Male physical attractiveness in Britain and Greece: a cross-cultural study. J Soc Psychol (2007) 0.79
Representation of the gender of human faces by infants: a preference for female. Perception (2002) 4.13
The other-race effect develops during infancy: evidence of perceptual narrowing. Psychol Sci (2007) 3.21
Three-month-olds, but not newborns, prefer own-race faces. Dev Sci (2005) 3.15
Specialization of neural mechanisms underlying face recognition in human infants. J Cogn Neurosci (2002) 2.42
Children's lie-telling to conceal a parent's transgression: legal implications. Law Hum Behav (2004) 2.10
Children's conceptual knowledge of lying and its relation to their actual behaviors: implications for court competence examinations. Law Hum Behav (2002) 2.09
The development of executive functioning and theory of mind. A comparison of Chinese and U.S. preschoolers. Psychol Sci (2006) 1.90
Development of the other-race effect during infancy: evidence toward universality? J Exp Child Psychol (2009) 1.87
Cross-Race Preferences for Same-Race Faces Extend Beyond the African Versus Caucasian Contrast in 3-Month-Old Infants. Infancy (2007) 1.70
Social and cognitive correlates of children's lying behavior. Child Dev (2008) 1.69
Lying in the elementary school years: verbal deception and its relation to second-order belief understanding. Dev Psychol (2007) 1.68
A Domain-General Theory of the Development of Perceptual Discrimination. Curr Dir Psychol Sci (2007) 1.63
Cross-cultural differences in children's choices, categorizations, and evaluations of truths and lies. Dev Psychol (2007) 1.59
Categorization, categorical perception, and asymmetry in infants' representation of face race. Dev Sci (2010) 1.58
White lie-telling in children for politeness purposes. Int J Behav Dev (2007) 1.56
Similarity and difference in the processing of same- and other-race faces as revealed by eye tracking in 4- to 9-month-olds. J Exp Child Psychol (2010) 1.52
Japanese and American Children's Reasoning about Accepting Credit for Prosocial Behavior. Soc Dev (2010) 1.51
Effects of experience on fetal voice recognition. Psychol Sci (2003) 1.45
Caucasian infants scan own- and other-race faces differently. PLoS One (2011) 1.45
Infant preference for female faces occurs for same- but not other-race faces. J Neuropsychol (2008) 1.41
Do young children always say yes to yes-no questions? A metadevelopmental study of the affirmation bias. Child Dev (2003) 1.37
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) fail to show understanding of means-end connections in a string-pulling task. Anim Cogn (2004) 1.28
Spontaneous voice-face identity matching by rhesus monkeys for familiar conspecifics and humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.27
Face processing limitation to own species in primates: a comparative study in brown capuchins, Tonkean macaques and humans. Behav Processes (2006) 1.23
Two faces of the other-race effect: recognition and categorisation of Caucasian and Chinese faces. Perception (2009) 1.21
The role of bottom-up processing in perceptual categorization by 3- to 4-month-old infants: simulations and data. J Exp Psychol Gen (2004) 1.18
"Intuitive" lie detection of children's deception by law enforcement officials and university students. Law Hum Behav (2004) 1.17
Evaluating claims people make about themselves: the development of skepticism. Child Dev (2007) 1.15
Perceptual training prevents the emergence of the other race effect during infancy. PLoS One (2011) 1.12
Independent component analysis reveals atypical electroencephalographic activity during visual perception in individuals with autism. Biol Psychiatry (2008) 1.10
Action video game players and deaf observers have larger Goldmann visual fields. Vision Res (2009) 1.09
Lying and truth-telling in children: from concept to action. Child Dev (2010) 1.09
Characteristics and outcomes of culture-negative versus culture-positive severe sepsis. Crit Care (2013) 1.08
Children's Reasoning about Lie-telling and Truth-telling in Politeness Contexts. Soc Dev (2009) 1.08
Detecting faces in pure noise images: a functional MRI study on top-down perception. Neuroreport (2008) 1.07
Adults scan own- and other-race faces differently. PLoS One (2012) 1.05
Developmental Origins of the Other-Race Effect. Curr Dir Psychol Sci (2013) 1.05
What are you looking at? Acuity for triadic eye gaze. J Gen Psychol (2004) 1.03
Are eyes windows to a deceiver's soul? Children's use of another's eye gaze cues in a deceptive situation. Dev Psychol (2004) 1.03
Are children's faces really more appealing than those of adults? Testing the baby schema hypothesis beyond infancy. J Exp Child Psychol (2011) 1.02
Development of flexible visual recognition memory in human infants. Dev Sci (2004) 1.01
Neural correlates of spontaneous deception: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)study. Neuropsychologia (2013) 1.00
Activation of face expertise and the inversion effect. Psychol Sci (2006) 0.99
Looking Across Domains to Understand Infant Representation of Emotion. Emot Rev (2011) 0.99
Culture shapes efficiency of facial age judgments. PLoS One (2010) 0.99
Is the face-perception system human-specific at birth? Dev Psychol (2011) 0.98
Infants' knowledge of their own species. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2011) 0.98
Reasoning about the disclosure of success and failure to friends among children in the United States and China. Dev Psychol (2008) 0.98
An inner face advantage in children's recognition of familiar peers. J Exp Child Psychol (2008) 0.97
Binocular correlation model of face preference: how good, how simple? Dev Sci (2014) 0.97
Chinese Children's Moral Evaluation of Lies and Truths-Roles of Context and Parental Individualism-Collectivism Tendencies. Infant Child Dev (2010) 0.96
Social grooming in the kindergarten: the emergence of flattery behavior. Dev Sci (2007) 0.96
Visual advantage in deaf adults linked to retinal changes. PLoS One (2011) 0.96
A distributed neural system for top-down face processing. Neurosci Lett (2008) 0.96
Lying in the name of the collective good: a developmental study. Dev Sci (2008) 0.95
Children's use of frequency information for trait categorization and behavioral prediction. Dev Psychol (2006) 0.94
Complex questions asked by defense lawyers but not prosecutors predicts convictions in child abuse trials. Law Hum Behav (2008) 0.94
Deaf and hearing children: a comparison of peripheral vision development. Dev Sci (2010) 0.94
When all signs point to you: lies told in the face of evidence. Dev Psychol (2011) 0.93
Brief daily exposures to Asian females reverses perceptual narrowing for Asian faces in Caucasian infants. J Exp Child Psychol (2012) 0.93
Preschoolers can recognize violations of the Gricean maxims. Br J Dev Psychol (2008) 0.92
The Shaping of the Face Space in Early Infancy: Becoming a Native Face Processor. Child Dev Perspect (2010) 0.92