Published in Paediatr Child Health on April 01, 2012
Disclosure of incidental findings from next-generation sequencing in pediatric genomic research. Pediatrics (2013) 1.44
Return of whole-genome sequencing results in paediatric research: a statement of the P3G international paediatrics platform. Eur J Hum Genet (2013) 1.25
Emerging issues in paediatric health research consent forms in Canada: working towards best practices. BMC Med Ethics (2013) 0.83
Management of Incidental Findings in the Era of Next-generation Sequencing. Curr Genomics (2015) 0.81
To disclose, or not to disclose? Context matters. Eur J Hum Genet (2014) 0.76
Deploying whole genome sequencing in clinical practice and public health: meeting the challenge one bin at a time. Genet Med (2011) 8.48
The emergence of an ethical duty to disclose genetic research results: international perspectives. Eur J Hum Genet (2006) 5.34
Resolution No. 43/112. Question of a convention on the rights of the child, 8 December 1988. Annu Rev Popul Law (1988) 2.03
Feedback of individual genetic results to research participants: in favor of a qualified disclosure policy. Hum Mutat (2011) 1.80
Building a foundation for biobanking: the 2009 OECD guidelines on human biobanks and genetic research databases (HBGRDs). Eur J Health Law (2010) 1.74
Not so simple: a quasi-experimental study of how researchers adjudicate genetic research results. Eur J Hum Genet (2011) 1.00